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 No.198043[Last 50 Posts]

Sometimes I feel like there's no adult virgins out there. No matter where I go, be it discord, various chans, forums and social media, I have yet to find someone around my age(28) that's a virgin.
I could go to a small discord server of some obscure weeb game only a degenerate would like and everyone in there would have had friends and a girlfriend or three growing up.
Not to sound like an insufferable snowflake faggot but it sometimes makes me think that there's no people out there that grew up with no friends or a girlfriend like me. At least not online.
What do you think wizards? Would you say virgins are that rare?


I think it’s pretty rare. There is old data says 3% of 30 year old men have not had sexual with the opposite sex, down to 1% at 40. The question phrasing means gays could be part of those percentages. ( source page 18/19 of https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr036.pdf )

My experience makes me think some of us here really are super rare.


I don't think they are as rare, many of the guys I grew up with from my neighborhood weren't having any sexual encounters and I saw them frequently until our early 20s. A lot of them resorted to lying about things at some point in order to climb up the status ladder but it was always quite obvious that they weren't honest since they always lacked any "game" when it came to succubi and there were hardly any succubi around to begin with, most guys are not honest about these things because it makes them look bad.

A whole lot of new studies by doctors etc. show that there is a significant increase in men who have sex way later as in their mid 20s and up and if they do its usually just girlfriends and it has also been proven numerous times that most men don't have any chances in things such as casual dating.

I think however that the friendless virgin type guys are still a rarity and I agree with that but not having sex is not that unusual for men nowadays and I'm convinced that this will become more usual over time.


Is 3% really THAT small? Like for example linux users are like 1% of world population or less(let alone some particular distro) and I don't feel like it's a small number of people - like half of my friends use it and most of the people I connected through the internet


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virgin, 24 sounding off.


They seem rare cause they all fucking kill themselves, also the % of adult males who are virgins is on the rise. I dunno it's rare but not that rare, be mindful that a ton of dudes fuck a prostitute or just lie.


many men simply lie about it


>Like for example linux users are like 1% of world population or less(let alone some particular distro) and I don't feel like it's a small number of people

That's because are usually very noisy about it, similar to vegans. 3% is def a minority.


they are*


>many men simply lie about it

Lying about these things will instantly give them an imaginary advantage over anyone who is honest about it. Normies are not naive and they know when to lie in order to avoid compromising their social status.


are they really? besides memes like >I use arch btw
I've never met anyone underlining obnoxiously that they use it, but the same also goes for vegetarians as it was more like I've noticed they never ate meat at work and just asked them about it


Yes. Even on wizchan many aren't virgins


It really depends on the country. In places where prostitution is legal and normalized (like the shithole I live in) finding a 25+ old virgin is practically impossible since people like us just go to a brothel to have their "first experience". In places like USA where they have these puritan laws against prostitution, finding older virgins is a bit more common, but they're still pretty rare.


You underestimate how much effort most people put into being around others, especially when they are young. It is easy to get laid if you are social and desire to lose your virginity.

I would say it is more common for people to go through a dry spell long enough for them to consider themselves a virgin. Or maybe they had sex, but they claim it didn't count for some asinine reason. I would estimate that at least half of the users fit into that category.


I suppose If you compare it to other things - twice as likely to be a virgin at 40 than type 1 diabetic. Yet 10x (Roughly) less likely to be a virgin, than be 40 year old type 2 diabetic. How many diabetics do you know? Statistical biases all over.


Theres a huge amount of failed normie types who maybe had sex in the one shitty relationship they forced themselves into years ago but other than that they don't have any other sexual encounters.

Im not saying that they can be compared to actual virgins but those are the guys who usually disconnect from society as well at some point because they can't really benefit from it either.

It seems like the more hedonistic and confusing society becomes the more the line between normie guys and others fades away, especially once they reach their mid 20s. Even a lot of chad types are looking for alternatives to this oversexualized society and most guys who are in the normie center of society are faggy dudes as well who do all kinds of humiliating things just to get a bit of sex from some dumb slut, even most relationships have no purpose anymore because everything is so shallow and superficial.


I haven't posted on anything that isn't a derivative of wizchan culture in almost a decade, so 90% of the people I interact with online are in fact 25+ virgin males, there's just no other place for me, I can't stand being around normalfags


I also avoid normie online spaces as they are always filled with succubi attention whores who do anything to get cheap validation and idiots who have a hard time not talking about anything pornographic for one second. Normies really are npcs with no actual personality always repeating and doing whatever is popular at the moment.


>most relationships have no purpose anymore
Considering how most millenials and zoomers have this "no kids" mentality and are only in it for the easy access to sex and to brag about being in a relationship, I'd say you're absolutely right.


>be mindful that a ton of dudes fuck a prostitute
The greatest mistake.


What ends up being more fun though being an NPC a man of the land
Or someone brought up through the land only to reject it.. If i weren't a christfag I could say nothing wrong with warlocks.


I don't think so.

Of course I don't have proof but I bet half of my colleagues are virgins who have never had a girlfriend.

I work IT and we're all autistic.


virgin, 26
people who hate normalfag usally are not seen, as they do not want to be around normalfags, irl. with that being said OP has a point, that there are not a lot of wizards on discord and other parts of the internet. probebly because internet after 2008 smarphone became saturated with normalfags


I take it other half are demented troons?


It’s the same half


No, I don't live in the US were troons are everywhere.

In my country gender dysphoria is still being treated as a mental illness luckily.

The other half is just normies.


according to this stat >>196178 it's around 3% at age 30 and then 1% at age 40


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There are guys that are pretty good with the ladies in middle school/high school, but I think most normalfags get laid when they get into college. I never went to college, but my cousin did, and he never went to any college parties, nor did he lose his virginity. Cut to the current year, he dropped out, and now he's working two jobs full time. He said he's saving himself for marriage, and believes in a bunch of traditionalist crap, but I think that's just his coping mechanism for loneliness. He should honestly just commit to being a wizard, and use his intelligence to make enough money to buy his own property and live lavish.


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>>198056 spoke the truth. I fully agree.

Honestly, many pol, r9k users or other failed normals try to delude themselves with lies like 'actually more and more men end up as virgins'. They try to pin the "blame" on society and the era or culture we live in. Hilarious when you consider how every normal including men and succubi, and I mean 99% of people, are looking for easy sex constantly. We have Tinder, social media, sex workers, events for single people, blind dates, etc etc. in this age. If anything, it is much more easier to get sex than ever before.

So yes, being a male who is a friendless virgin above 25 is extremely rare, don't kid yourself. The amount of wizards or in-cels isn't increasing, it's just that in the past nobody was interested in researching stuff like this. Truth is most people lose their virginity during their high school years and the small amount that remains virgins during that time loses it during college/uni. Around 25 those who are still virgins finally lower their standards, meaning men will settle for ugly/fat/crazy/old females and wymen will settle for anyone who earns money and has his own place to live (or is perceived capable in any way). Alternatively, some men just choose to visit whores. Point in case is, 25+ adult men who are virgins? Not a common thing at all, never been common.

Then let's not forget these tests also include people who remain virgins for religious reasons like priests, monks, nuns or religious normals who are still waitin for that "special someone". People who are otherwise completely normal aside from being virgins. Then there are people who are crippled to unimaginable levels, people who need to wear diapers and can barely move, they are probably also included in these tests or researches.

So what's left? People like us? An extreme minority, probably around 0,3% or so of overall population.
Don't fall into the mistake of thinking that you aren't special or unique, whether you perceive your condition as something good or bad. The whole "ohh how many isolated, lonely men we have nowadays" thing is just used as propaganda by tradition fanatics and conservatives who always idealize the past. Guess what? You'd still end up the way you are, no matter where and when you lived.


Theres a shitload of research on tinder and other dating platforms and it always shows that most men don't succeed with these casual sex apps because succubi only choose from a very specific and small pool of men while the others only get used by to gain attention and personal validation. It's not easier to get sex for most men unless they want to force themselves into a unbearable relationship with a dumb whore. succubi also have way more sexual partners than men on average as well and they only become more cynical with age.

Losing your virginity also doesn't mean that you're gonna be sexually successful later in life, there's a whole lot of men who didn't have sex in years and if they do they are always limited to bitch BPD type girlfriends who come with all kinds of strings attached.

Friendless virgins are still rare though but that doesn't mean that men don't struggle with these things, its not exactly easier for most men.


Prostitutes are really stupid, they don't even like the guys they meet and just pretend to be horny like they did with the whole stream of other dudes who fucked them on that same day, it's like these guys masturbate into a life-size fleshlight that can't really be a substitute for a succubi who's actually into you or whatever.


We are talking about having sex and relationships. Not about being "successful" in relationships or competing with succubi when it comes to sex (impossible even for the most attractive men too) or even finding perfect partners.

The vast majority of men after 25 do or did have relationships with the opposite sex in some form. It's easier for men when you compare it to the past. You don't even have to leave your room and you can chat with succubi. Previously what options people had? Go to the local town dance?

If someone really wants to find a gf or lose his virginity then he will do it by 25 at the latest.

Whores are still much better overall than involving yourself in proper relationships from what I've read, seen and heard. It's the cheaper, less time consuming and less stressful alternative.



Being able to talk to more succubi doesn't mean your chances of getting with one increase. If anything I would argue that succubi are way more fickle today because they have so many more options now. In the past, a succubus's potential suitors were limited to her neighborhood. Now it is basically the entire fucking planet. Good luck standing out.


That the best you can come up with? More than half of the world is made up of females. Literally billions of pussy out there. It's impossible for every single female who is capable of sex to reject you. If you honestly believe this then I'm sorry but you are deluded and please disconnect from the net because you lurked r9k too much.

By the way, in the past you'd have had harder times because these stuff were handled in a business like manner. Who would want to give his daughter as a wife to a NEET with no income and capital? No matter how I look at it, men who want to have sex do have it easier nowadays. Less expectations on them, succubi jump into casual sex relationships way more eagerly, the age taboo is gone too meaning young men can target older wymen, etc.


You sound like one of those normies who can't comprehend how someone couldn't be a virgin because you live in a completely different world


I think you missed my point or didn't read it right, by "successful" I didn't mean to compete with whomever, there's shitload of guys who had sex with one succubus and then never again or maybe 2 with years of no sex in between, the notion that everyone has easy access to sex just doesn't seem true at all.

I'd say it's the exact opposite, there's way more expectations and it's been proven numerous times, casual dating only benefits a very small portion of men.


>it's like these guys masturbate into a life-size fleshlight that can't really be a substitute for a succubi who's actually into you or whatever.
The now ex-wife of the "greatest quarterback of all time" (according to Wikipedia, I don't know much about niggerball) who's 6'4", full head of hair, hundred-millionaire and 9/10 in looks (I'm guessing here what succubi find physically attractive but I doubt I'm far off) divorced him because she says she felt they "grew apart" and that she wants to now "find herself." Tom Brady says he tried his best to stop her from divorcing, begged for counseling etc., it's not like he was a total asshole to her (although apparently that's what succubi are attracted to, you can look up countless blogs, articles and surrveys how they're deeply attracted to "emotionally unavailable men." Shows you how truly evil succubi really are and how they must be controlled Taliban-style to make the human condition for the rest of us at least marginally better.).


Picture of Tom Brady to judge if you agree he's 9/10 by succubi's standards:

So no, all succubi are fleshlights, their minds are fundamentally rotten and evil (and thus they must be controlled), and any one of them "into you" is always temporary and will discard you like a piece of trash when she's slightly bored of you, because A) that's what they're biologically programmed to do, since they didn't have physical strength to fight off men in the past being natural prey they instead evolved to have their brains be geared entirely for manipulation (how do you think they managed to convince men to throw away thousands of years of laws and social mores to allow liberal democratic gynocracy and put up with all its consequences), and B) there's no stigma let alone law against them doing that, unlike in Afghanistan.


Based dailystormer reader, Andrew's writing style always puts a smile on my face.

I agree that succubi are usually manipulative by nature and all the feminism faggotry just enables them to act like that even more, they can do the most messed up things and never have to face any backlash from it, they even encourage each other to behave in this manner as well. They are also always looking for "something better" subconsciously and as soon as some other guy gets them more excited they stab their current partners in the back immediately. Most succubi are cucking their partners on social media as well, they hardly acknowledge their relationships online to get attention from other guys because they know the attention and compliments from their boyfriends don't have any meaning to them after some time.


There are more of us than anyone would like to admit. A lot learn that it is better not to raise your head or let it be known, but it's not too hard to tell who has been left out of the game, and who doesn't appear interested. As you get older, you do realize it really isn't all it is cracked up to be. After 30 it basically won't happen. You're just going through the motions if you are doing anything. I suppose you should all know by now the idea of marriage and monogamy is a sham, even moreso now that it has become an obligation to participate in the great game of backstabbing. You'd be lucky to find a partner where there is a minimum of bullshit, and it's not just succubi making us miserable but the other way around. We really have been given toxic examples of how to relate to each other. I've found the best way to relate is to just not do THAT or suggest that it is a thing for me. I don't bother hiding that I'm "celibate" as far as they have to know, and it's not like what I get up to is particularly exciting.

I really think "male virginity" is a joke, unless you managed to avoid masturbation. If you made it to 30 without sinning, congratulations - you stopped yourself from doing something really stupid and destructive, and you should keep doing what you're doing. It's not something society allows us to believe can happen, but there are more men and succubi than you know who don't indulge in any of that. Their bodies will expel naturally the urges. I did that until I was 16, and it didn't occur to me that I was "supposed" to masturbate. I found it odd that people acted concerned, like I was suspect of some crime for just not being interested. I was far happier before I started that nonsense, but it was not meant to be for me. I was going down a dark path since I was 12 and didn't have any guidance that it could have been different. We're not allowed examples of men who are above sexualism, or even men who can be contented with their lot. Contentment in this society requires you to pay a premium, otherwise you're under constant attack. The only way to defend yourself is to know you're not alone and to fight against their bullshit that you shouldn't have to put up with.


the modal age people lose their virginity is like 17 so I wonder what will happen to the zoomers who were 17 when covid struck during the worst of the lockdowns. Zoomers were already having less sex supposedly. Each generation has less sex than the next. Wizards among the old is almost nonexistent but I think as time goes on it there will be more and more adult virgins.


Those people who only have sex with one succubus in their whole life (which is like male virginity, a rare thing to happen and one doesn't hear too much about it, considering even the biggest losers have several gfs) and then don't have any sex do so because they don't want to have sex again. They probably realize it is all bullshit they never should have bothered with but the damage is done nonetheless.

It's easy to get sex nowadays, like really. Most inc-els don't even want to have sex or have a gf, they are just bitter people because reality is different from their expectations. Most inc-els aren't involuntary celibates at all. They could have sex if they lowered their standards or went to a whore but by their inzel logic that doesn't count as proper sex or relationship for some reason.

>I'd say it's the exact opposite, there's way more expectations and it's been proven numerous times, casual dating only benefits a very small portion of men.

No, nothing has been proven, it's just conservatives crying about the past and thinking everything was much better in the good ol days.
You can cry about succubi being whores but realize that this also means sex is easier to get. It is cause and effect. Don't seek out excuses to justify yourself. This narrative that things used to be much easier in the past is used to feel good about yourself. You think your dad, grandpa and your other male ancestors didn't have to do a single thing or compete with anyone? That they just got assigned a female just like that? As I said, don't kid yourself. Competition isn't a new thing and in the past you had to be more capable in order to get a wife or partner because money and status was all that mattered to fathers giving away their daughters.

The modern world in this regard too is much more forgiving than past societies were.

No, you see, I just really hate inzels. I don't deny it. They annoy me so much because they feel the need to poison every community that is even remotely wizardly. They come here and push their blackpill retarded shit, oh wow guys, so succubi are attracted to good-looking and wealthy guys more than to other man, jeez, what a discovery! They shit up a whole decent community with their garbage about how wymen are cruel for having preferences when it comes to dating (just like they would have preferences if they were in a position to choose from various females) and how the game is "rigged" and how everything is the fault of modern civilization, but wait no it's actually the fault of X and Y but never their fault for not even trying to get laid or get a gf, despite the fact supposedly they want these things so very much. Get a clue, idiots: you don't get sex or a gf by studying blackpill pseudo science graphs on r9k or playing the victim all day on the internet.

I say this as someone who is a schizoid NEET hermit wizard who is perfectly okay with masturbating in his room. Get over yourself and decide what you want already. You want to have sex at any cost? Then there are numerous ways to achieve it. Same for having a relationship. People much more uglier and much dumber and poorer than you manage to get wymen. You may not get a 10/10 but have to settle for a 2/10 or 1/10. Oh what? You don't want to lower your standards? Then stop referring to yourself as in-cels, retards. Because you could have sex but you'd rather have it some other way, so you are a voluntary celibate too.

Either you want sex/a gf with all the shit these things may come or you don't want these things. It's not a complicated issue. Jesus F. Christ.


Oh look it's the faggot again who writes crab wrong on purpose to avoid the word filter (but hes an oldfag, trust him), why not make more feminist statements as well you cunt.

Your posts reek of a certain type of arrogance and self importance that just makes me want to punch you in the face.


I know that people are going to shit on me for saying this, but prostitutes are unironically useful and important to society.
When you have a lot of sexually frustrated men in a society, bad things tend to happen (shooters, suicides, extremists etc). Not only that, but prostitutes regulate the sex market, giving more power to men, since succubi don't have as much power to leverage sex as they normally would in a place where prostitution is illegal.
That's why feminist cunts want to ban prostitution everywhere, but they don't complain about all the whores doing onlyfans.


Exactly. Between the internet and ugly people existing sex is the easiest thing in the world to get next to food. crabs don’t exist.
>oh but they won’t love me
succubi are literally attracted to money and power. If you get famous or wealthy they will literally fall in love with you for that no matter what level of ogre you are at. A male billionaire is like a female model.


I lurk on ovarit and they 100% hate onlyfans as well.


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What fresh hell is this shit


Republican succubi that calls themselves democrats because they want a carve-out to not keep XX females out of the workforce and really fucking hate trannies for some reason.


all succubi hate trannies
but why the fuck do you lurk that website


Anthropological curiosity. It’s like the funhouse mirror image of a lookism site, like how crystal cafe is a mirror of here.
Someone should write a book about the sociological geography of the internet. In college I did cluster analysis of the texts on a bunch of different social media sites and the results were really interesting.


>When you have a lot of sexually frustrated men in a society, bad things tend to happen (shooters, suicides, extremists etc).
Those are good things. Go back to cystal.cafe moid.
>That's why feminist cunts want to ban prostitution everywhere, but they don't complain about all the whores doing onlyfans.
We're going to ban both feminism and prostitution. You will be required to wear a hijab and stay at home.


>They could have sex if they lowered their standards or went to a whore but by their inzel logic that doesn't count as proper sex or relationship for some reason

Because it's not you dumb nigger, it's a succubus that gets paid to act and she gets fucked by tons of dudes and does the same with them, it's definitely not the same as a succubi who actually want to have sex with you because you turn her on. Also calling people crabs for their logic is a really normie thing to do.

Even if you have money and power you're gonna get fucked over by succubi, happens all the time. Succubi need constant excitement and so forth and if they don't get that anymore they're gonna stab you in the back. This even happened to men like Tom Brady, Jeff Bezos and a shitload of other wealthy and sometimes even good looking guys. Most succubi are not capable of love it's just a temporary impulse that will fade away sooner or later.


Yes, I'm an oldfag. I used wizchan/wizardchan even pre-word filter. I'm certainly part of this counter-culture for a longer time than you, insel.

>Your posts reek of a certain type of arrogance and self importance that just makes me want to punch you in the face.

Yeah people like you tend to react violently when confronted with the facts, huh?

>it's a succubus that gets paid to act and she gets fucked by tons of dudes and does the same with them, it's definitely not the same as a succubi who actually want to have sex with you because you turn her on.
You described the average non-hooker female too. There is literally zero difference between whores and other females and if you think there is then you are still a kid who thinks anime succubi who love you as you are are real.

I will shatter your world now but fems only want a strong man to protect them. Protection means usually money in our world but it can be having high status among certain people (like criminal alpha males) or having certain traits that are practical (like persuasion skills, charisma, anything that gets results in everyday life basically) or having some kind of talent or power generally.
Once they find a better partner then they will ditch you or cheat on you without a second thought.

So what is the difference between a hooker and an average succ? They both require money, a normal succ even more than a prostitute, think of dates, dinners, gifts, travelling to places plus the obvious fact that she will be leeching off you generally. Both only pretend that they are interested in you out of necessity. Both use you. The prostitute deserves more credit actually because at least she is straight about the whole deal. Both have sex with other men besides you.

"Turn her on", come on. Female sexuality is a myth invented by feminists. Most wymen don't even masturbate and they are fine if they have to go for long periods without orgasms. For them, sexuality is only a tool they use to survive or to get power. They never enjoyed it that much.

>Most succubi are not capable of love it's just a temporary impulse that will fade away sooner or later.

Yes so we are saying the same thing basically. And it's not just succubi, it's men too. Love is a meme. Men want sex toys and females want a cool pimp that will protect them. Nobody loves anyone, it's just that men are more desperate thanks to biological reasons to seek out the opposite sex and to try pleasing them. That's why men forgive their wives or gfs when they learn she cheated on them, not because they love her, but because they are thirsty horny dogs.
>Also calling people crabs for their logic is a really normie thing to do.
You are an inzel, don't deny it at least. Only inzels get butthurt and try to explain why they are the victims when someone points out that actually most men do have sex or relationships easily.

I know, right? Try explaining these things to these people. They won't listen. They believe if a succs has sex with you because of your money then it doesn't count. Wtf? They have this retarded inzel morality that makes a difference between acceptable sex or relationship that counts and unacceptable ones.


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>succubi are cold calculating vampires that only find money and power attractive
>but you guys are crabs not me


Amazing how there are so many succubi experts on a site that is supposedly filled with 30+-year-old virgins.


>You described the average non-hooker female too. There is literally zero difference between whores and other females and if you think there is then you are still a kid who thinks anime succubi who love you as you are are real.

No one said anything about love or what is "acceptable" you dumbfuck, the whole point is that a succubi who actually wants you sexually and is turned on by you (as in wanting to have sex with you because shes horny and you get her pewsy wet, OK retard?) is definitely not the same as a hooker who just acts like it and just performs sexual acts on any idiot for money. If you can't see the difference you are a complete retard which you already have proven to be numerous times.

Theres also a whole lot of contradictions in your posts that just show how low your intelligence must be, you call people crabs for their opinions and then you make the same kind of statements later and you also need to write really long paragraphs to make empty and dumb statements that you could have wrapped up in two sentences.

You are a prime example of the dunning kruger effect and you just write shit because you think it makes you look smart while it's obvious that you are hardly able to put any thought in the statements you're making. It's also quite funny how you can be recognized in any thread by your irritating retard posts and stupidity.


It's filled with 30+ year old virgin succubi who hate all men.


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i absolutely applaud your post, great stuff. your post also made me laugh pretty hard because i knew there would be a slew of salty responses to it.

you make a bunch of good points, but this is such a controversial and emotional topic i knew people would slam you for your opinions. but i was hoping there would at least be an attempt to offer counterarguments based on logic in the posts critical of you.

>Also calling people crabs for their logic is a really normie thing to do.
you know, i hear the term "crab" get thrown around constantly on this site, but i literally can't remember the last time i talked to a normie and heard someone say it, at least not in the context we do. we use it in a very narrow context, focusing on sexuality and love whereas the term it self is way more broad that this. i think you can safely say that "crab" is a part of the crab/wizard lexicon. on the other hand, something like "normie" has seem more widespread use.

i was behind you on your other post, but you lost me on this one. for example
>Female sexuality is a myth invented by feminists
generally, i think points like this are pretty easy to disprove. succubi have their failings when it comes to lust and love, which are more unique to their gender, but those failings aren't better or worse than the failings of men in this regard. there are some differences, but frankly most succubi's failings when it comes to love and sex are mirrored by my men, those failings just manifest differently. this logic tends to be true of criticism for any particular group. succubi suck because they are all… black people suck because they are… republicans suck because they are all… catholics all suck because… people who drink coffee instead of tea suck because they are all…

sure, succubi suck. but so do men. every group of human beings suck. they may suck in different ways, but they all suck more or less equally. you guys posting in this thread suck. i suck. the people we are discussing suck.

bingo. right here. bingo. everyone tries to evaluate groups they are not a part of even though they do not have the information necessary to make an evaluation at all. this is the source of all bigotry in the world, whether it is people here bitching about succubi or if it is people out there bitching about crabs and NEETs.


>a mass reply tourist from Reddit appears


He's also samefagging, pay attention



i don't care really. I can make friends with anyone but i choose to remain alone in the end anyway. Obviously, another virgin would be cool to talk to sometimes, but probably most of them are crabs who think and talk about succubi 24/7.

That said, i think virgin males are common, on the other hand, wizards who don't bother being virgins are extremely rare.


So saying the truth about females makes people crabs? Uh-oh, that's not how it works. I know succubi are worth shit and that is exactly why I never bothered with them.
Inzels either know the truth too but despite this chase succubi/daydream about them all the time or they fool themselves with lies like you people, with stuff like
>a succubi who actually wants you sexually and is turned on by you (as in wanting to have sex with you because shes horny and you get her pewsy wet, OK retard?)
If you seriously believe females choose men based on who make them wet most of the time then you are in for a surprise again. Most succs can barely even reach orgasm or they fake it whenever they have sex with their bf or husband. This is just shitty projection on the part of males, that succs choose their partners based on who they find sexy or physically attractive. That matters too sure but it's not among the most important factors.

>succubi have their failings when it comes to lust and love, which are more unique to their gender, but those failings aren't better or worse than the failings of men in this regard.
My point was that succubi have sex for other reasons than men do. For them pleasure isn't a big factor when it comes to sex. Most succubi don't genuinely enjoy sex, they just pretend they do because that is expected of them.

Females have sex for the sake of revenge, because they are bored and want attention, because they want to raise their self-esteem or because they know they will get something they want from the man they have sex with.

This myth about females desiring sex just as much as males do is just a feminist creation or males projecting their own desire onto succubi/getting their ideas about succubi from porn movies (which of course always show what men want to see, not reality).

That is completely besides the point. You can be an expert on human anatomy without ever getting dissected yourself, no? This is the same, you don't have to engage in activities related to succubi to know their nature. If anything, normals are biased about females always for obvious reasons, we are more likely to be objective (not talking about crabs but wizards obviously).


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OP here.
I wouldn't mind being around normalfaggots in discord servers and the like if not for the fact that whenever they find out I'm a virgin they start seeing me as a lesser being.
They start treating my opinions on things as worthless because I'm apparently a manchild who hasn't "experienced life" like them.
Some people like to say that virgins and crabs love shitting things by talking about succubi and sex nonstop, but for me it has been completely the opposite.
"Oh, you're a friendless virgin? Well, I don't care about what you say about movies or society because you are worthless"


Don't be honest about these things and just lie, normies do the same with anything that could make them look bad, its a social norm really.

You don't get anything out of owning up to your shortcomings in front of people. If you dont interact with normies a lot you most likely don't have the same social intelligence as them and that's why you might tend to be rather naive which doesn't mean you're dumb but you just keep making yourself vulnerable by being honest in an unnecessary way.


Maybe don't talk with normals and try to fit in with them when you don't belong to them? People should discuss things with those who are similar to them. If you aren't a normal then why bother pleasing normals? You can't fool them and you can't fool yourself either.

What's the point of creating a false persona that you present to other people? They will like who they think you are, not who you really are.


>What's the point of creating a false persona that you present to other people? They will like who they think you are, not who you really are.

That's the naive mindset you need to get rid off, no interaction is that deep and most things are superficial or even shallow just accept these things.

Of course it would be pointless if you started to just make things up entirely but being honest about your shortcomings in an autistic way is never a good idea and people don't care that much about who you are as a person to begin with, it's all about temporary interactions, no one is actually looking to find a deep connection with people.


I still don't see the point. If people would hate you if you were yourself then why befriend them by pretending you are someone else? What's the use of superficial and dishonest connections like that?

One is better off alone than playing a role only just to get the approval of others.


I try to avoid normies as much as possible but if someone is forced to communicate with them or just feels like it then he should never be autistic about it that's all I'm saying.

It's not about pretending to be someone else, you just bypass certain things to go on without making yourself look like a weirdo, you're not gonna act like you have 10 girlfriends you're just gonna lie about your virginity to avoid unnecessary bullshit and that's it.

If you are on retardbux then you shouldn't be honest as well and just say you have some kind of work otherwise it's just gonna reveal too much about you, it's the same thing.


Nearly 30% generation Z fags are autistic and sexless, I have noticed this specifically because I am doing IT and all of the guys there worship this ugly dyed hair succubi. Most guys who would be wizards fuck a prostitute, or find some whore that wants money.


It's quite funny and sad at the same time how internet autists went from being 90s & early 2000s trolls to the complete simp cuck retards of today who spend money on egirl whores.

Back in the days all these cunts wouldn't have made any money but instead they would have had to put a shoe on their head or put a sharpie in their ass to even get any bit of attention and validation from internet speeds, this truly shows that men are indeed getting feminized and pussified.


*speeds = spergs


> I try to avoid normies as much as possible but if someone is forced to communicate with them or just feels like it then he should never be autistic about it that's all I'm saying.

It's not about pretending to be someone else, you just bypass certain things to go on without making yourself look like a weirdo, you're not gonna act like you have 10 girlfriends you're just gonna lie about your virginity to avoid unnecessary bullshit and that's it.

If you are on retardbux then you shouldn't be honest as well and just say you have some kind of work otherwise it's just gonna reveal too much about you, it's the same thing.

Thats bullshit. When I was in military (its mandatory conscription T*rkey) I literally said the truth that I’m virgin at 26. I would never be married or have children and they laughed at me and 2 even said kill yourself to me. But I don’t give a shit I NEVER lie about myself and try to act like not myself.

I don’t value opinion of normals I despise their morals, traditions and their faith. I’m not a normal and will never act like normal or be normal.


>When I was in military (its mandatory conscription T*rkey) I literally said the truth that I’m virgin at 26
Is pre-marital sex that common in Turkey that even there, it's considered weird then? Considering it's supposed to be an Islamic country.


You wrote "thats bullshit" and then you went on to prove my point, they started to shit on you so its not bullshit.

I don't get the point of making things harder by taking on this Elliot Rodger stance in which your virginity is your badge of honor and identity, you could just take advantage of social norms and play normies with their own games to make your own life easier but instead you act like you're at war with people.

Implying muslims are not hypocritical retards


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Oh wow a real example of Shitskin prides itself on not being able to breed.


are you lost, normalfaggot?


I lie about many things if the circumstances require it but I never tried to hide my weirdness or the fact that I'm a schizoid virgin. I guess I just don't care about others and I like upsetting them or confusing them by saying awkward things about myself. It's like shitposting in real life.

But the question of virginity is never really discussed that much. I believe I had it happen to me around 3 times I can remember, all the time with succubi who were co-workers of mine in different places.
One asked casually when we were talking during a break, "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" I said. "Are you a virgin?" I was 24 at the time. "Yes" I replied. "Oh my sides, I'm shitting myself" she said while laughing. I didn't particularly care and so didn't say anything. She felt bad I guess so she added after a few seconds "I'm sorry I laughed at you. We are all different, the world would be boring if we were all alike." She asked me a couple more questions along the line of "but how, why? You don't feel the desire for succubi or sex at all?" I just answered that I'm a loner and was never particularly impressed with wymen in general as far as their personalities are concerned. I saw that she took offense at that, thought I looked down on her because she was a wo-man. After that she avoided me probably because she thought I was some closet-homo succubus-hater serial killer or something.

At another job with another succ co-worker this topic also came up. I told her the truth and she thought I was joking "Are you serious, wiz? I don't believe you." But after that she used to talk with me all the same and treated me the same way as before, unlike the former succ I mentioned.

At yet another job I told yet another succ that I was a virgin. She said "well, that's sad" but she didn't avoid me either after that. If anything she was kind of interested in me, she was 17 years older than me (41) and married. She came onto me with stuff like "I never got the chance to be a sex teacher, hehe, I always wanted to try that out" and one time she said to me "I'd kill you in bed, believe me" But since I am a schizoid lone wolf I always gently refused her or switched the topic quickly.

Just to be clear, my point with these stories was that telling the truth about yourself isn't always a bad thing. Different people react in various ways. I imagine with men they are more likely to treat you in condescending manners and they are more likely to bully you for being a virgin since among normal men being a virgin is a taboo and something that's looked down upon thanks to the macho alpha male culture people are raised in. Men think you are weak if they learn you are a virgin but maybe there are exceptions, I don't know. Succubi in my experience mostly accept the way you are either because they think you are a closet-homo or just shy or think you are interesting because they secretly think you are some genius or monk/priest in training.

Revealing your power level can be fun. Of course for this you need to reach a certain point of enlightenment where you don't care about others and their opinions.

I like your style. Sometimes confrontation is exciting and makes life more fun certainly.


A dude making up his own reality because succubi don't directly bully him even though they think he's a beta faggot


That's really just you projecting your own little complexes. As I said, it's mostly men who care about this shit, not females. Unlike you I actually tested other people to see how they reacted to it.

>even though they think he's a beta faggot

That only annoys crabs anyway. If you don't want to get laid then there is nothing to be ashamed about.


welcome to wizchan 2022


>just fuck a gook/currynigger bro
Hang yourself, that's like saying you can't be an in.cel because you can always just fuck downies or the severely disfigured.



just ask every single succubus on the planet out theory (you'll be dead before you're even halfway)


>The amount of wizards isn't increasing.



As societies reach later stages of the demographic transition model it often follows that they will develop top-heavy, ageing population pyramids. Look at Japan and Italy, for instance. When life is faster-paced, more expensive, and more stressful, people see less of a reason to perform activities which would result in sex. Inb4 muh contraception because this still doesn't account for large percentages of the population being single/having no desire or capacity for romantic activity. So in a way yes, you are right, being 25+ and an adult virgin isn't common and has never been. But it is simply the reality for many within Stage 5 populations. Inb4 inkwell, I don't give a shit about crabs or what they say, you're using this as an opportunity to deny the reality of societal development and blame us wizards for what are really the social failures of neoliberalism in true failed normie fashion.

Although your cope about us being part of a long lineage of ancestral special snowflake wizards whose circumstances would be the same no matter when or where we were born is cute, its also completely fucking deranged. We don't have immutable souls which set our destinies or character in stone from birth like some magic force. Such thinking is retarded and unscientific. Rather, it is the environment that an individual develops in that has a profound impact on shaping their future. You can't possibly be such a mentally retarded genetic dead end as to claim that you would have turned out the same had you been born the son of a billionaire or born in a Mumbai slum.

Hilarious that despite espousing run of the mill neoliberal opinions you don't even have the sociological knowledge to make a proper argument with any substantive evidence beyond "trust me bro". Why the mods even let shrill failed normie reddit-brained mongs like yourself post here is baffling in the first place. Begone to the soy lands from whence you came, the only thing you have in common with the good people here is your virginity, nothing else.


I have a feeling that this trend has peaked. Recent worldwide events have created the perfect storm that encourages young people to grow a disdain for the internet and social isolation. They know nothing about the free internet, it is all corporate garbage to them, or cringe boomer and millennial social media. The government forced them to stay inside and take classes online, making it a rebellious act to go outside and just talk to someone.

I bet most young people will prefer living a mostly offline life, aside from websites and services that allow them to communicate with people that they met irl.


Oh, look at all these "INVOLUNTARY" celibates who just refuse to get involved with certain type of succubi. Truly, they are fated to be a virgin all their life.

>When life is faster-paced, more expensive, and more stressful, people see less of a reason to perform activities which would result in sex
Do you even think before typing out stupid sentences like that? So you think life is more stressful in Japan and Italy than in Africa or South America? Poor 1st worlders are so stressed out by this crazy neoliberal world that they can't even have sex properly. KEK.

>Inb4 muh contraception because this still doesn't account for large percentages of the population being single/having no desire or capacity for romantic activity

Writing "inb4" before something doesn't make that argument invalid all of a sudden. People in first world countries and developed countries have sex, they just don't feel the need to have families or get into long-term relationships based on monogamy.

I'm not blaming anyone, except for crabs because they are delusional whiners. Are you a crab? If no then why do you get offended by the implication that getting sex is easier nowadays than it was in any time before this era?

>us being part of a long lineage of ancestral special snowflake wizards

That's not what I said but okay.
>environment matters more than anything
Uhh, no. Been disproven many times already. You are late a couple of centuries when it comes to "science" it seems, despite being eager to refer to it to justify your false little theories. People aren't blank sheets. Genes determine us mostly, environment is only a small factor compared to that.

From your butthurt of a post it is obvious you are just another oversensitive /pol/ tourist who takes offense whenever people prove him wrong or disagree with him. Keep coping that jews and liberals ruined your life, inzel shit.


This thread is showing me that OP was right.


>OPs pic
opinion discarded


People in the real world a way less obsessed with sex than internet faggots. Literally just leave your house.


Lots of people have either super ultra low standards and fuck anything with a pulse or simply they lie, I had some fat ass faggot that was ugly as shit telling me how he slayed pussy every week (and he was not even rich)


Same goes for relationships, most guys I know who are in relationships have unbearable mentally ill girlfriends who will or already have cheated on them at some point, most relationships are just a way to cope with loneliness and not because these people actually like each other.

Sex also comes with a lot of strings attached that none of these people tell you about usually, it's really not this Sims type world where everyone fucks each other and everyone's happy and as you said people who engage in it need to have low standards and it also comes with a lot of mental illnesses as well, sluts are really just manipulative, mentally ill succubi who can't control their impulses one bit and the dudes who fuck them are always at risk of getting into drama.


>are always at risk of getting into drama.
Or rather, they all sooner or later get into drama. I too do not understand the course of their thoughts, but they seem to be alright wasting years of their lives in shitty relationships for no purpose. Track biology down to when we all were primitive cells and it becomes more or less obvious that reproducing is the only purpose of living, so maybe that makes sense. I myself almost fell for the trick once, but I'm just way too unequipped in relationships with succubi, so I fucked up and later realized that it was a God's blessing and salvation, because the succubi I fell for was basically a piece of utter thrash.


Hello, guys, when you fucking fix that substituting? Succubus is single, succubi is plural. You always substitute to plural. Is it that hard?


IDK, I worked with a lot of divorced men who told me to never fucking bother with that shit and that I really was better off alone. Given that I don't see many happy people, that was enough to confirm what I was already inclined to do.

I just don't exist to females, or they treat me like an animal. I have little desire to speak to them but because I'm not much of a man, other men are even more hostile to me than they are to most people. It's not about shaming or bullying, since it's obvious I'm in the underclass of extreme losers, and a lot of the men I would even be in contact with aren't that much better off. Once you get low enough on the totem pole, being the king of retard mountain is not a great reward or terribly interesting.

succubi are not accepting at all. I grew up around succubi and they say what they really think - that they just do not like men, it's all about them or what they can get, and they really are fed the ideology that succubi are precious and must protect their supposed honor (lol, what honor can anyone have in a world likethis?). Exceptions to the rule are uncommon and usually are disinterested in speaking to men for any reason or engaging in that sort of behavior. succubi are trained in fake-niceness so long as they think you're a mark to give them something, even just attention. All they really care about is status. Whatever male they're with at the moment is interchangeable with the next thing that comes along, and in the present environment, they only regard men who have status and have won the struggle for life, which is to say, not most of us. The current way of things only accelerated something that had always been present in human society, made it a general rule and asserted that this was the natural order and the only way it will ever be. It's all very distorted and no one is particularly happy, unless they love sadism and cruelty. I have to wonder what they all think they're getting out of it, and I'm not the first to have this thought. I've talked to fairly normal people who know it's shit, and they do it mostly because it's an obligation to society. Do I really want to think about THEM during the act? Of course not. But they put everyone on notice that no one and no thing is safe from their claim on the world, and they further adhere to an ethos where the object of existence is to torture people. Put another way, "life is suffering" - which is one of those things that sound profound but are really just a way to justify a ruling dogma, which is why it was conjured by a prince and sold as a new philosophy/religion.


>they really are fed the ideology that succubi are precious and must protect their supposed honor (lol, what honor can anyone have in a world likethis?)
doesn't sound accurate, they engage in the most degrading sex acts and have done so with miles of dick


cognitive dissonance and unconscious sublimation make a whore of us all.


I agree with your observations on succubi, they are really not capable of just being nice to a man out of empathy and they only act like it in order to get attention or to gain something else from him. For the same reasons they don't care about morals and ethics as well, they would get together with any man of high status no matter how much of a terrible person he might be.


I know someone IRL who is a sex addict and he's pretty ugly, I'm talking in the bottom 2% of men. The truth is there's foids out there that will basically fuck anything. They're fat, they're addicted to meth, they're old, they're ugly, they're mentally ill, but they are out there. Considering he always gets diseases and is constantly treating himself with antibiotics, I say his lifestyle is harmful and it's a problem.

I think people respect literal virgins more than the people lowering themselves to fuck meth addicts and sluts. The truth of the matter is, it's not hard to achieve sex, it's just hard to achieve sex with attractive and healthy people.

It's the exact same situation here. The orbiting I witness IRL is so pathetically sad. It pains me to see 4+ guys all standing around a mediocre attention seeking succubus who already has a boyfriend. The thing is there's actual cute and just as good looking succubi all around the class they don't notice, but the hysterical attention seeking ways of succubi does ensnare hearts and work.


I worked as a qualified tradesman for years and then later on worked as a janitor for a while. In those two jobs, I went to some of the same places as a contractor. The treatment I got from men was pretty much the same between the jobs, but the treatment I got from succubi, specifically middle aged and older succubi, was nice and fine as a tradesman but abhorrently vile as a janitor. I am willing to bet if I came in as something more professional the treatment would transform again. And now I'm a student, again, a nice treatment I like.

The great contradiction I've always seen with succubi is the absolute classism and covetous materialism, combined with their borderline socialist/egalitarian worldview. They'll almost universally vote social democrat across the ticket and believe in an equal society. But they will be the most brutally classist, and sadistic with their classism, in their personal life and with sexual selection. They'll advocate for treating each other fairly and equally, but succubi will bully other succubi at school over not having a new tamagochi or over an ugly dress. Their friendships are so fickle they fall apart over a difference in toys and clothes. I remember when my parents got divorced, and the family fell into hard times, my sister lost all her friends because she couldn't afford good clothes/stuff anymore. That's just unthinkable from my perspective as a male. But if you sit down and take a look at the world, you'll be astonished to notice succubi only can have friends on the same socioeconomic level as them. No poor succubus sits at a table with a rich succubus.

I think Schopenhauer hit the mark and that if it wasn't for sexual desire and the need for a wife and kids, men would have an absolute disgust for succubi. The bad psychological traits common to the gender, such as envy and material covetousness, are just embarrassing. Part of the reason succubi turn on each other like alleycats and have a vicious hatred for other succubi, is because they know exactly what other succubi are like.


In my experience they have come across as basically pragmatism twisted to its ultimate end. I spent a while talking in depth with my sister and it was probably the deepest conversation I ever had with a succubus and it really opened my eyes. For succubi every reason and virtue gives way to the practical reality at hand. Like you said they often vote based on feelings. because in the moment of voting it matters more to be morally correct and appear virtuous than pick an inconvenient but prudent solution. It's why they talk about inclusion and fairness but don't actually care about enforcing them, the social appearance of an act in the immediate far outweighs the overall well being of a state. And there's a hierarchy to this, the ultimate one being obviously self preservation. Men tend to be moralists and have perceived notions of virtue, so we act based on what we think is rational or what is morally correct to do. This helps perpetuate men as self sacrificing and protective of succubi. For succubi they survive based essentially on wit, or what some would call "emotional intelligence". They know how society perceives certain actions (mostly because succubi are ultimately who decides what acceptable in this day and age), and so they are always beholden to it even if their own moral compass tells them otherwise. This is why they are always paying attention to things like race, class, wealth, power, etc. They know that society will always judge them based on these things and so they adhere however they must to ensure they are socially accepted. Men are far more willing to risk ostracism if some notion of virtue or correctness tells them it is more important. This isn't to say men are more virtuous than succubi, but they are far more rigid. succubi are willing to throw away anything and everything if it means their existence is ensured and comfortable.


32 here, never so much as hugged a succubus. I've seen pictures of myself and I look like a literal monster. People stare and whisper under their breath at me in public, people have filmed and I've been told on numerous occasions I'm the ugliest person someone has ever seen. No amount of lifting, or "just get out there" will fix you when people look at you as if you were a demon before even saying "hello".


Somewhat off topic but I've always felt sad seeing how easily they fall into being abused at work. It must be a hellish experience in life being perpetually vulnerable to stockholm syndrome. If they fall into a religious cult they're often ensnared for life. They often will take the most abusive treatment if it comes from an authority figure, and they will only not put up with it if the person's authority/legitimacy starts cracking. I've just constantly seen family and other succubi I know put up with hellish experiences at work because the hierarchy overwhelms them. Being unable to quit literal jobs stacking bread because the management knows how to apply the exact sort of guilt and pressure to keep them in line. They never seem to be free from this psychological vulnerability, if they're liberated from it at one point they'll move onto where power lies and start sniffing out opportunity there. In a ghetto with trashy people, that means she'll start dating an abusive criminal because in that environment he has power. Somewhere else, it means constantly trying to date someone above their social class or with more money. But with that money and power they have social leverage, so you have Harvey Weinstein type shenanigans happening. Certain lesbians and cerebral succubi can see the psychological vulnerabilities and bemoan it, but there's little they can do about it, even with themselves.

With men, the more immoral and sociopathic they are, the more the darwinistic nihilism comes to the forefront. They will steal and give the excuse "well he shouldn't have left it out for me to steal", and when pressed they'll shrug and say "that's life". With succubi, it's opposite, the more they slide down the sociopathic scale, the more immoral they are, the greater the need to be seen as good people.


I knew a guy that multiple people called ugly. He had a wife and a super healthy sex life. His wife even let him fuck other succubi, and of course he did.

It is crazy how much your teenage experiences affect your sexual success. It truly is confidence, but it is hard to fake it, and there is probably some sort of biological thing going on that succubi can sense when you aren't faking it.


>The great contradiction I've always seen with succubi is the absolute classism and covetous materialism, combined with their borderline socialist/egalitarian worldview. They'll almost universally vote social democrat across the ticket and believe in an equal society. But they will be the most brutally classist, and sadistic with their classism, in their personal life and with sexual selection.

I've also seen plenty examples of this, even the most leftist shaved head dykes act in this hypocritical way. Also if a guy actually subscribes to their leftists feminist views they don't even respect it and these guys always have to accept all kinds of shortcomings such as getting cucked or getting pushed into open relationships while chad types can be the biggest "trump supporter nazis" and still get plenty of sexual attention from these succubi.

I also don't think that they subscribe to leftist policies because they want equality or whatever but because they want to get away with their bullshit as much as possible without having to take any responsibility in life or being loyal to something.

>This isn't to say men are more virtuous than succubi, but they are far more rigid

Men are on average far more virtuous and passionate about things than succubi, we see the difference in any artfrom and anything else as well. Most succubi just do half assed things in a superficial way and copy ideas since they only need the temporary attention and validation to be satisfied while most men do things because they actually like the thing in itself. Theres literally not any meaningful writing, music, philosophy, art or whatever else that a succubus would come up with, it's all low effort and superficial stuff.


Developing a sex life in your 30's somehow seems more depressing than never doing it at all.


The whole art stuff can also be spotted if you look at statistics of streaming services or when small musicians publish analytics, succubi only listen to music that is already popular but men also discover new artists since they are interested in the actual art.

For anything to reach succubi it needs to be popular otherwise they won't pay attention to it despite there being more succubi than men in general, it's always men who discover things first because they are passionate about it.


I can list some succubus artists that have moved me if you'd like. The human sex binary is so much more than you seem to see.


I don't think 30 is really even all that old in term of how society is, in early modernity it seemed like you were pushing out kids and dieing in a factory by 13. now a days it can be 22-26 before you even finish the mandatory-but-not-mandatory post-secondary education


You're right but from what i see theres still a lot of stigma around it. I suppose if you're still horny at that age i can see the motivation but if you're doing it to attempt becoming more 'normal' i think you've missed your window and people will let you know that one way or another.


Fuck stigma, doesn't matter


You're right that there are succubi which we (wizards) could declare to be acceptable humans, but the talk (as I perceive it) is about *majority*. And what these sages enunciate is true for *majority*.


The terms "on average" & "most" are key here, of course there are always exceptions but exceptions don't change how things are.

The few succubi who actually display some form of originality and passion have gone through different shit than most succubi but these cases are rare as succubi usually don't go through the type of shit that would make them find a meaning in art other than low effort things or unoriginal stuff such as drawing manga, singing or making loop beats.


> I knew a guy that multiple people called ugly. He had a wife and a super healthy sex life. His wife even let him fuck other succubi, and of course he did.

>It is crazy how much your teenage experiences affect your sexual success. It truly is confidence, but it is hard to fake it, and there is probably some sort of biological thing going on that succubi can sense when you aren't faking it.

What a fucking lies, do you really believe in those moron? Really ugly men never have lives like that.

> I know someone IRL who is a sex addict and he's pretty ugly, I'm talking in the bottom 2% of men. The truth is there's foids out there that will basically fuck anything

You lying piece of shit. Fuck off with your lies.


I wouldn't call him a liar but the guys who told him that were most likely lying to him or at least bending the truth to some degree


No, those are not lies, I can confirm. But I have strong doubts that the relationships are really healthy. Sex relationships ok, but human relationships – no. Usually a succubus who falls for ugly useless thrash is mentally ill and she can only do as much as spread legs.


They aren't lies. I always considered myself ugly, and even I thought he was uglier than me. He was in better shape, though.


succubi allowing their husbands to have sex with other succubi is less crazy than the reverse due to paternal uncertainty (succubi cannot be cucked, always know how many children they have)

as long as he keeps supporting her lifestyle financially there's no loss for her


>as long as he keeps supporting her lifestyle financially there's no loss for her
Sure, until he finds a better pussy with same life attitude and abandons her. If he's got enough money he can even endure aliments if they had children.


As long as he has access to other succubi, there’s zero reason for him to abandon his established marriage. Like the other wiz said, succubi can’t be cucked (UNLESS he has kids with the other succubus AND he has some inheritance to deliver, in which case a succubus’s off spring can be denied support and they will fight this tooth and nail) and the man doesn’t rely on succubi for support, so he can fuck around as he pleases.

This is a really common thing too. In monarchies kings almost always had concubines, but because only the off springs of the queen were legitimate heirs there it didn’t matter. But you can see in court societies where concubines could vie for succession rights that it became real ugly real fast, for example in China and many Arabic shahdoms succubi would scheme and plot to try and ensure their children would be heirs and this resulted in murder and assassination becoming an every day threat in those high societies.

Even in the modern time among non royal people, so long as the primary duty of child rearing is essentially over, many married couples experiment with infidelity for both men and succubi because there’s no longer a threat of resource usurpation. succubi at that age are too old for healthy pregnancies and men can avoid/abandon/pay off pregnancies.


>there’s zero reason for him to abandon his established marriage
You say like fucking in general has a reason. Why do you think we call *them* succubi? Because they wreck any reason from your head, devour your soul and destroy your body. So please don't say "there's zero reason", it just doesn't make any sense.


All this females are like that, males are like this bullshit makes me want to vomit and to facepalm ad infinitum. I learned to always judge people individually and not based on any group they happen to belong to. Because I know what it's like to be categorized. I had it happen to me in numerous ways.
>you are a male, you are supposed to be tough physically, wiz, come on, don't be a pussy, carry that washing machine/refrigerator/piece of furniture faster (even though I was never used to physical exercise)
>you are a man now, how come you don't work, wiz? you are supposed to be independent and you should support your parents and not the other way around
>all males are such jerks and assholes who only care about sexuality, football and cars
No-no-no. Just stop. I know I'm not like other males, that's why I'm on this place now. So same goes for succubi too if I want to be fair, I don't talk in collectives like all succubi are dumb/evil/etc. I hate this elementary school tier boys vs succubi mentality. People are simply more likely to pin the blame on the opposite sex for anything. It's natural human behavior but still, if you have any self-awareness you try to avoid this cattle mentality.

The people here collectively talking shit about succubi aren't different from feminists on tumblr or other places who rage on about male privilege. You don't have to feel sorry for females to understand where they come from. Now I will make some collective assumptions myself about the sexes, self-contradiction I know but whatever. Females grew up being spoiled all the time and getting attention and help from every males they came across. Once I called a female a fucking dumb bitch and good for nothing whore, I told this right into her face. She cried and broke down completely, despite being older than me. She said no one talked to her like that in her entire life. For me, it was surprising. As a male I got used to things like people calling me a faggot, a loser, or generally any other insults. I got used to people being mean to me. But if you are born as an average or good-looking succ then people will celebrate you for no other reason than being pretty. Of course, no one should be treated that way. As the example I mentioned illustrates it, this treatment only creates childish, selfish and extremely fragile persons who fall to pieces at the first stressful situation where they can't depend on some strong male figure to protect them. Their talent lies in getting the protection of males, in seducing powerful males and leeching off them.

As someone who follows the philosophy of determinism, I don't hate succubi. They didn't choose to be born as females, no one asks you how you want to be born, what you want to have between your legs or what skin color you'd like. I avoid them and they avoid me, that's just fine. My point was that most males are literal untermensch type too. They don't have anything in common with people like us besides belonging to the same sex. Don't delude yourself that the average male is so intellectual or a moral saint. Males are just dumber in some ways and therefore prefer open confrontations and direct bullying most of the time instead of talking shit about you behind your back. (Not to say that they don't do the latter at all, I have some stories about that too).


It's not us vs them, it's acknowledging how having different facts of life can affect people. Like discussing how it is to have autism or missing a leg, or living in a different country or being a different race. No one is saying everyone conforms to this. It's called a generalization because it's not about specific people.


There were quite a few posters here who implied things like males are inherently more virtuous or moral and stuff like that I disagree with. We can talk about males being more talented at certain things generally like art or independent thinking and I will agree with you. To imply that males have more empathy or are more likely to practice mercy and forgiveness than the opposite sex is just a retarded narrow-minded view though.

This guy too >>198410
>Why do you think we call *them* succubi? Because they wreck any reason from your head, devour your soul and destroy your body.
demonizes females to a ridiculous extent. It's middle ages tier thinking. It was Augustine and previously the stoics who created the meme that males are more rational and females are more likely to be driven by emotions. I mean, seriously? The male sex that is made up of 99% retards who are willing to do any stupid or shameful thing as long as it gets them pussy is the rational sex? To me it sure seems like males are emotional and passionate generally while females are the more calculating and rational, practical sex. To take this line of thought further I believe the whole thing about succubi "tempting" or "corrupting" men is bullshit, it's usually the other way around. Men seek out females and not the other way 9/10 times.

Plus as I said, females are fucked up in the head because of all the attention and spoiling they get from males during their life. Males create these monsters with their irresponsible, animal-like behavior and then complain about why succs are all entitled little whores. By males I obv mean normals, not us.


Guys like >>198410 are in fact retarded but I kinda preclude them from the conversation anyway. Though I can tell from what you're saying that we won't agree on the nature of things.


I don't see why there is so much resentment directed at females instead of humanity in a broader sense here. Just seems to be sour grapes about not getting laid a lot of the time. I don't see why else anyone should feel solidarity with other men when most of them allow themselves to be domesticated by something weaker, to become a slave and fund that creature's lifestyle, just for access to a wet hole and the "privilege" to fulfil their biological programming.


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Its hard to say for obvious reasons, past a certain point you just assume every guy who isn't a retarded drooling man child has had sex. I'm 30 now and the only other virgin I knew has apparently gotten married.

I saw what other guys have been saying in this thread about people settling for toxic relationships out of desperation, that desperation is what I think separates me from the rest of the pack, because I don't have it. I'm like the male praying mantis, but I can see death on the other side of that fuck session, and its not because all succubi are gonna eat their men, but rather I'm the type of man that would be nothing but food because of my low value in the world of mating. I have enough discernment to know that dating would not be worth it for me outside of extremely rare and unlikely circumstances, but I think most men don't really think about it and just struggle endlessly to find a way with succubi.


>I don't see why there is so much resentment directed at females instead of humanity in a broader sense here.

Because succubi often act even more retarded than normie men and there's nothing wrong with pointing that out as long as it doesn't turn into an overly emotional hating crab thing in which the retardation of succubi is the only topic. You can be egalitarian if you want but most people on here are able to see the difference between genders.

Kinda dramatic way of saying it but I agree with you, basically you practice good catastrophe avoidance since you are able to figure out that the negative overweighs the positive which is an ability that the guys who force themselves into these toxic relationships don't have. Handling loneliness in a stoic way is better than being an idiot who keeps getting fucked over in toxic relationships and friendships, people who can't handle being lonely always fuck themselves up and turn themselves into complete goblins at some point and they also waste their time and energy on dumb whores and faggot friends who wont even be there in the future.

I think it also boils down to how productive you use your time, if you actually got something to think about and something productive to do then you won't mind being lonely as much, that's why so many great philosophers, writers and such were loners as well, all the guys I know who are successfully self-employed don't really have friends or hang out with succubi and they don't feel sad about it either, same thing if you look at tech companies, there's a whole lot of guys there who never had a girlfriend and they don't even care because they have things in their lives that otherwise fulfill them, not every lonely guy or virgin man is miserable.


>all the guys I know who are successfully self-employed don't really have friends or hang out with succubi and they don't feel sad about it either, same thing if you look at tech companies, there's a whole lot of guys there who never had a girlfriend and they don't even care because they have things in their lives that otherwise fulfill them, not every lonely guy or virgin man is miserable.
Anyone who is self-employed or works in tech is a fakecel Chad who fucks hookers mate, they have enough money to not be lonely and don't need relationships


What difference does it make?


Goes for friends too. These people are not the same as wizards.


Because they aren't wizardly stoics like they say, they are just bitter mgtow failed chads who usually hate succubi enough to not bother with them and would rather die alone hoarding wealth and fucking hookers like failed norms


rich wizs are fakecels? youre a faggot doomed to poverty


So according to your logic any wizard who accumulates enough wealth or works in IT is automatically a "failed mgtow chad", makes total sense and totally doesn't seem like a personal thing of yours


Kill yourself no one buys your larp. Anyone with enough money has no reason to stay a virgin.


You are the definition of projection


Looking down on poor people goes with looking down on virgins as well doesn't it?
Called out fakecel butthurt


>H-how dare he call me out! What a stupid faggot virgin amirite?


i dont look down on poor people, just helpless loser faggots who intend to die that way.


stop samefagging and stop being a envious retard. Just try to do something productive with your time and you won't have to project your insecurities at other people.


Hope you lose all your money then faggot and your parents die and your house burns down
Failed normalfags are nothing to be envious about. They will never be wizards no matter how hard they larp as they are so easy to spot.


All of those things have already happened to me, and 10x worse. I rose stronger than before. You sound weak.


All that's left is to end your life then, get to it. Or are you too weak to do it?


Holy shit this dude got butthurt hard, if the thought of someone else having more money than you pisses you off so much then why not take it as a motivation instead of being a hateful faggot for no reason


Not everyone is born into money like your faggot ass so kys braggart


I'm broke but I'm not a faggot about it like you


I don't know if I'd call my view egalitarian. I recognize that there are fundamental differences between males and females. I just think females can act so dumb because men enable them. A female can get away with much more than a man can solely because droves of men want to blow their loads in her holes. Female stupidity is seen as cute.


Yeah kinda sucks knowing that your in late 20s and you can’t find your own age group.


>sour grapes
It's that in most cases. As I said, these crabs raging about the evil succubi are the male counterparts of feminists who whine about male privilege and how all males are pigs. They allow themselves to be biased and swayed by their emotions, it was proven in some study that people tend to find the opposite sex morally worse or dumber than their own sex. It's just bitterness talking from them. crabs get insulted and bullied much more by other males but they ignore it as they aren't homosexuals. However, when some female insults them or talks shit about them they react in more emotional ways because deep down or even openly they care a great deal about succubi and what they think about them.

Never underestimate how much of an effect sexual attraction and sexuality has on the judgement of a person.

I think everyone who is honest can understand that there are differences between the sexes but I wouldn't say that automatically means males are better than females.
>Because succubi often act even more retarded than normie men
And what does that tell about normie men then? That they are obsessed about these "retarded" succubi so much? You are what you like. The fact that most males are willing to do anything to get some sex or attention from females makes men lower quality than succubi if anything.

Men do have a choice and they make the decision day after day that they sacrifice everything for relationships and succubi. They could choose the celibate wiz life but no, actually they feel the need to shame themselves and do cringe stuff in order to impress some females that don't care about them either way.

Normals who use prostitutes may be smarter than your average normal who gets into toxic relationships but still, they are normal. They spend money on females and can't live without a wet hole. They don't have anything to do with us.

>Female stupidity is seen as cute.
It's not just that, it's even encouraged by males. Think about it, if succubi weren't so stupid in some sense then they wouldn't need the protection and help of males. Society is based on creating dependent, helpless, useless, childish succubi. Because normals want succubi like that.

Short version is that normal males are responsible for the cultural norms and traditions that say succubi are helpless princesses that should be forgiven everything and anything.


Nice try nigger but you're still easily spotted


A lot of the posts here do seem to break into crabby territory, and I feel like I'm somewhat to blame for bringing the topic up.

I feel most wizards on here, who are socially loners and NEETs, shouldn't feel much resentment towards females. Females did enable the welfare state that allows for our comfy NEET parasitism. We live worlds apart and most of the time we can afford a sort of comfy indifference to them, it's proximity that breeds resentment after all. Unfortunate wizards are never truly victimized by succubi either, the hellish experience many go through are at the hands of other men proving themselves to succubi, not the succubi themselves.

My musings on succubi more came more from the perspective of having little to do with them and being my celibate little self. The talk here of who is better and who is worse misses the point because gender is an asymmetrical game and we live in different worlds.

There is an unbelievable amount of techcels, and these techcels are good looking and attractive too. Beyond the obvious neurodivergence that induces it, a lot rotate between work screen and bibleogame screen all through their twenties and get the same psychological problems as NEETs. And that's a habit that's extremely hard to break even as a normalfag if you do it for a decade straight. You hear them talk and they have hundreds of thousands in the bank, some are too lazy to even put it in stocks or bitcoin. They have a brief moment at the gym and they're like "why even bother". They refuse to buy a house because "they don't want to be bothered with maintenance". That sort of mentality is abhorrently disgusting and revolting to succubi.


>Guys like >>198410 are in fact retarded
I'm the >>198410 guy and I can confirm. But beyond that my judgements are true. You can preach how "it's a fault of men that they lose their mind around succubi, so they are just whinning faggots resenting at opposite sex for not getting laid" and so on, but it's succubi who have that features that make you lose your mind and therefore from men's perspective they are what I described.


We should be allowed the freedom to make fun of succubi and retarded normie men as we please.


Without that, this place would sure lose a piece of its magic, wouldn't it?


Who knows. Dick preservation also must have a reason. They say fucking is pleasant, yet we find to be quite opposite, and this has a good reason. I wonder what is might be.


Sorry I'm autistic today.


You can hate succubi all you want, but it won't make them a monolith that hates you back.
>it's succubi who have that features that make you lose your mind and therefore from men's perspective they are what I described.
Dude that is some classic projection. Just because succubi make you feel funny doesn't make them hypnotic demons. You have self control.


Nobody's going to ban female hate, but others are free to comment on what the motivation behind it appears to be.


>Nobody's going to ban female hate
We can't even say the word crab here, and it's banned everywhere else on the internet. Don't underestimate the weasely shits that run this place.


I don't hate, I just acknowledge that they are dangerous.
> Just because succubi make you feel funny doesn't make them hypnotic demons.
What prevents me from saying they are demons? The reason? It's an ambiguous term. Someone's reason is to fuck whenever possible. So if it's convenient to call them demons, I see nothing to stop me.
>You have self control.
That only says you never got laid. Me either, but at least I have eyes to see what happened to those who got. Majority of succubi have some built-in algorithm to use the pussy in such a way that a man literally loses hold of reality and obeys. When you're 40+ you don't get so excited about pussies anymore, so you can have 'self control', but when you're 25 it's game over, you have no chances. Of course I generalize here, so please don't go around rattling about some specific cases.


>I just acknowledge that they are dangerous.
to whom?
>That only says you never got laid
You know what website this is right?
>but when you're 25 it's game over, you have no chances
I'm 24. I know what being horny feels like. I do dumb shit sometimes because I am horny. It does not make you a blind raging animal.


Nobody is forced to lose his mind, the majority of males are simply subhumans who think sexual pleasure is the highest good in life. If you ask me, succubi are just using the opportunities men give them and I applaud their behavior and how they manipulate normal men. Most norm males are literally pigs and they deserve to be tricked, cheated out of their money or used as meatshields by females.

Nobody puts a gun to your head and says "go and fuck some succubus or else…" People decide they want to chase succubi all their life and at all cost, well then they should just suck it up and deal with all the shit without whining.

Don't bother that much with him, he is just another failed normal who can't deal with the fact that he is sexually attracted to people he hates.
>succubi look good, they are the devil
Yeah, like I said, classic middle ages rhetoric. People during the middle ages thought females were literal witches because these men couldn't control themselves and had "sinful" affairs with them. When it was discovered then of course it was always these Liliths and she-devils that tempted them, they dindu nothin when they cheated on their wife or broke their vow of chastity.


>to whom?
To myself.
>You know what website this is right?
>It does not make you a blind raging animal.
Until you actually get laid. Or such is my experience as an observer.
>who think sexual pleasure is the highest good in life.
Or they are arbitrarily made to believe so. I've seen the change. But the actual algorithm doesn't matter. I don't understand what are you arguing with me about, to be honest. I just said that a huge percent of succubi are quite capable to whirl your head if you make the mistake of letting her too close. When you fuck around with other succubi and you are young, you are very probable to make the mistake. Oh, yes, initially the talk was whether it is right for succubi to allow their husbands to fuck other succubi. And I never intended to talk about anything else.
>he is just another failed normal who can't deal with the fact that he is sexually attracted to people he hates.
I love your habit to interpret my posts in a way more convenient to you, then name 'yet another faggot' and pronounce yourself a winner. If you're not a loser, why then you act by this pattern?


>succubi are a danger to me because they make me horny
>after you've had sex you'll want it so bad that you can't control your impulses
You are saying some very suspicious things here wizfriend. I'm beginning to doubt the validity of your V-card.


You're retard, I can't speak with you, honestly. Last try.
>>succubi are a danger to me because they make me horny
They are danger to me because I have seen how men change their priorities under the influence of succubi and I am not sure whether I'm able to oppose whatever the succubi did to the men. That's one of reasons I avoid indulging in (sexual or just close) relationships with succubi.
>>after you've had sex you'll want it so bad that you can't control your impulses
God how am I to answer this? I say that succubi are fucking CAPABLE OF WHIRLING YOUR HEAD if you let them too close and, I have no fucking idea why you tie everything to sex, are you butthurted? But for the great justice, sex plays a considerable role in influencing males.


You're gonna need to explain in detail how men being manipulated by succubi are a danger to you cause I seriously don't get it.
>I say that succubi are fucking CAPABLE OF WHIRLING YOUR HEAD if you let them too close
What the fuck does this mean? You keep using euphemisms. Tell me how a succubus "whirls your head"
> I have no fucking idea why you tie everything to sex,
CAUSE YOU KEEP SAYING THAT IT'S EASY TO BRUSH OFF succubi UNLESS YOU'VE HAD SEX. Either that or you don't understand what "getting laid" means.


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One of these two is a closet normalfag or witch. I just can't be assed to follow the discussion enough to track the particulars


Sorry but you're either trolling or retard, can't keep talking to you.


I'm arguing about females. You say they are demons who corrupt innocent males basically while I say males are just dumb shits who follow their animal desires and get what they deserve for it. Succubi only have power over you if you allow them to have control. Normals have no excuses, really. They see how females and relationships aren't worth anything day after day but they choose to pursue these things nonetheless. And when they get burned they come on the internet and cry tears about how them evil succubi are just so heartless.

Literally just avoid succubi and you won't have any problems. They can only seduce men that are open to them.


Literally just avoid succubi and you won't have any problems. They can only seduce men that are open to them.

Hikkimori and NEETs vastly underestimate the difficulty of this if you live has succubi around you. They are very crafty


>When you have a lot of sexually frustrated men in a society, bad things tend to happen
This is a threat narrative pedalled by feminist types (and tradcons) to further demonise and subjugate low status loner men, there's been loads of periods in history with unmarried men and they don't do shit.


generally speaking surplus male populations live worse off than their married counterparts and are more likely to engage in antisocial behavior. Institutions like the celibate monks, war and palace eunuch evolved specifically to make productive use of what are essentially worthless people


War is much older than societies having surplus men. Palace eunuchs were made for the sole reason they could hang around the king's concubines with no worries. Sure maybe celibate monks are cause of it.



>Unfortunate wizards are never truly victimized by succubi either, the hellish experience many go through are at the hands of other men proving themselves to succubi, not the succubi themselves.
Well this is just untrue, how many wizards on here talk about their abusive or narcissistic mothers? Quite a lot. succubi can be pretty nasty bullies and use violence by proxy, stop extending the female sex an olive branch when they can and are just as nasty as guys, they just tend to be less overt.


the strongest theory going for the Viking raiders is that their male population didn't have enough succubi for everyone to wed.

euunuchs were quite prolific in the middle east and often performed satrapy functions

numerous papers have been written trying to tie the rise of monastic living and particularly nunneries with unbalanced gender ratios


Ok so poor people are more likely to engage in criminal activity, that's not the same thing. As far as I know most men in the past who existed did not reproduce, yet they didn't revolt and started stabbing everyone, so I don't care.

"Ah yes I do want to demonise my own demographic, why do you ask?" - average /pol/tard wizkid


why did most men not reproduce in prehistory? They died in the epidemic tribal warfare that is now very well documented


by the way, almost everyone in the alt right is a crab or a volcel. It's so obviously the demographic that I'm not sure that political movement will even exist in coming generations


and thats because all the warring chieftains got together around a campfire and said we need to purge all our angry sexually frustrated insol populations because theyre raping livestock and shooting up huts with assault clubs? yeah ok bro


It’s way popular with married men and normalfags with gfs. They all love shit like joe rogan. You are talking out your ass succubus.


read who we are and how we got here by t.jew. It directly speculates that the reproduction gap is due to warfare, which we know now was endemic in the earliest days of humanity.

You know when a rival tribe would conquer a village, all the men would be put to death or enslaved and the succubi would be raped right? You know this went on for at least 1000 years?

Joe Rogan is alt lite. Never in a million years would he call out Zionism or push for white identity. The guys on pol are much more hardline than that and their life chances are accordingly hampered, I would guess maybe 25% of them are going to reproduce tops


You're basically talking about cavemen, this doesn't apply to modern man with his newfangled culture and society that inhibits law breaking, murder and rape, so it doesn't correlate and doesn't matter. This is the same shit that normalfags started crying about when the joker film was released and they thought angry young men en masse would shoot up cinemas, well guess what fucking nothing happened, just pointless threat narratives about basement dwelling angry virgins ready to rise up and massacre people, sorry I'm not interested in pushing that trite.


you were making historical claims that just aren't true. The CIA has made direct studies correlating civil unrest and insurgency to the proportion of unemployed single men. The hecking crab uprising shit really happened and a bunch of people in this cohort went on shooting sprees because of internet memes. The rise in nationalistic political content is probably a direct reflection of this as well, certainly during the Bolshevik revolution the majority of "professional revolutionaries" who fought were transiently single.

I'm not making a value judgement. But this is a real phenomena and not some heckin reddit perception management tool to be realigned


>if youre unmarried youre worthless
wizchan 2022 everybody


emphasis on unemployed, i bet there were tons of single men in the past focused solely on their occupation or trade, who never reproduced and didnt join muh revolution or get violent.
no the beta uprising didnt really happen, there were a few thinly linked shootings because they happened to be young men who were on the heckin dark web, but a shooting happens in america like every other week so thats neither here nor there. unless im uninformed, i dont see the sizable hikki population in japan rising up and enociding all the celerymen (though that would be funny) - theres lots of aged divorced men too, who are pretty much forever alone at that point (too late to start dating again, too low status to be attractive to womyn, whatever the fuck) that dont start killing people or wearing swastikas, most virgins sit inside and play vidya, so its not really some grand phenomena like the northern lights more some loose correlation that society REALLY wants to state as fact because Everybody Hates Wizards™.


you get permabanned, it is the oldest rule this site has. Even yearning for sex will get you banned.
>you must be a male virgin to post on wizardchan



The theory about the beta uprising may have some truth in it. In the animal world too the males who don't have families band together and try to purge the elder males in power together.
But still, I would say most of the time this is just a projection on the part of failed normals, that the source of every conflict and rebellion is because certain males couldn't get sex. The russian revolution happened because men were literally starving and lived in genuinely shitty conditions while the tzar and the aristocrats lived the high luxury life. Having sex probably wasn't the highest goal of those rebels.

So I wouldn't say all or even most male outsiders are ready to grab weapons and massacre people but that revolutionary or fringe movements like nazism tend to attract these people a lot because they promise a new world order. And who benefits the most from a hard reset? Those who didn't have anything to begin with.
Just give them the cold treatment. How hard can it be to make a succubus dislike you and avoid you as a wizard?


>make a succubus dislike you
That's a terrible idea, if a succubus dislikes you then she will harass you to the ends of the world, mostly by proxy by using the retards who fell to her """charms""". I don't know about others, but I am strictly antisocial when outside(basically only for work), I only approach others when there's a clear need to do so, and in all other situations ignore others, 90% of the time I'm not the one who starts a conversation. I guess they don't smell profit on me because of it or whatever the fuck, succubi only approach me when they have a clear reason to, and never try to make small talk or anything like it. I would suggest wizzies to simply bee themselves without trying to piss anybody off and they should naturally end up in a state where succubi don't even register your existence.


can confirm making a female dislike you will enter you a world of hell
world no on fury like a womens scorn


That's why backlashing is so important. They will cuck you anyways if you comply


whats this?


The truth is men are kept pretty docile with porn, NEETbux and video games. And western governments can import functional family units from the third world in order to prop up the ratio of normies to failed normies/crabs in a given society.

What's happening is men are increasingly working part time or living on welfare if they become failed normies. There's enough economic capital in society to keep them docile and calm, it's not like the 19th century where they had to work grueling jobs in factories and then come home to an empty house, and without there being entertainment, the sharp feeling of lonliness gets them.


True. That's the ultimate model the west created to keep sheep docile. No way out.
Post-truth era
Complex mind control
Don't trust your eyes
Unlearn what you think you know


Go away and have a family. What's holding you back.


havok is a shitty band but those lyrics are true


What made you butthurt? No one was talking about having family.
Explain. I heard maybe one or two their albums and I thought they were OK.


>have this "no kids"
Thats good thing.
Fuck children and fuck this gay earth.


I agree with you it is best to remain in the shadows but there is a difference between someone disliking you and hating you. There is nothing wrong with taking up confrontation with normals or succubi every once in a while. Most succubi aren't so tough in reality as they try to portray themselves in feminist media. If you raise your voice even a little they run away like scared cats, even older females.

Backing down or staying silent isn't always beneficial as it just encourages your opponents to bully you or treat you in worse ways.

From your post it's hard to determine whether you think of this as something positive, neutral or negative. For my part, I think it's positive.
Porn = easy, free way of getting sexual satisfaction without leaving your house
NEETbux = you don't have to work to be able to survive
video games = endless source of entertainment together with other kind of media

Truly outsider males never had it this good before our era.

It wasn't in anyone's intention to create people like us, you are mistaken if you believe this. There is no grand conspiracy, we are the result of a rare set of circumstances.
No society ever wants to create "weak", asocial outsider males for obvious reasons. Everyone wants males to be strong and dependable for their own agenda. That's why normals regardless of political views hate us all the same.


I never understood the "Not having children is selfish" thing. At least people who don't have kids will have their selfishness end with them.


From a biological point of view, it's pretty simple.
Makes me think it's some kind of collective hive-mind within our species. You're purposefully breaking the intrinsically unbroken chain of evolution, and I suppose it's a call to re-submerge yourself into the natural hell cycle of generational struggle and lineage. Old succubi love having children around because instinctually it's proof that they're biologically successful.

That or old fuckers just got their feelings hurt when their kids said "I'm not subjecting a human being to what you did to me".


I love how the modern period is both so rich, and sexually provided for, that I can even hear this idea that sexual reproduction is a choice.
> You're purposefully breaking the intrinsically unbroken chain of evolution
What could be purposeful about being unfit for reproduction? It's not some nobleman casting off his sword to become a ascetic monk, its evolution working as intended: filtering the weak. It's not choosing to not reproduce, it's being unfit to the requirements.

Humans get a lot of satisfaction around sex, child rearing, beyond the irrational compulsion to do it. Literature, at least, seems to indicate this.

>Old succubi love having children around because instinctually it's proof that they're biologically successful.

I think its simpler still, that they get to avoid the meaningless tedium of a selfish life. Of course, we know that you can choose to embue anything with meaning, but the default for most people is to cherish the inherited values they first noticed from the generation that raised them. Games are better than idle boredom, and it's possible to see sex and child rearing as one, big, implicitly-joined game, most things requiring human interaction are game like. Plus, it can be a decade or more, if they ever, come to see the parent as human and not god like, so you can imagine the ego-euphoria that comes with being seen as godlike for a decade or more if not their whole remaining life.


>What could be purposeful about being unfit for reproduction? It's not some nobleman casting off his sword to become a ascetic monk, its evolution working as intended: filtering the weak.
I could literally go and donate sperm to a sperm bank right now and essentially guarantee my lineage goes on. Procreating has not been a hard feat for more than a century I'd say. I could even adopt if I really cared about raising a child.


Becoming a sperm donor is actually very difficult and most normies cant even fulfill the requirements


Agreed, I meant that succubi are promiscuious and there is a welfare state, so even people who should be wizardly can get laid enough to repoduce. In the past so few men could expect to reproduce that it wouldnt even be a point worth addressing, like death.


> Agreed, I meant that succubi are promiscuious and there is a welfare state, so even people who should be wizardly can get laid enough to repoduce

This is not entirely true yes succubi are promiscuious but they’re hypergamous. succubi wouldn’t want some loser neets sperm or want to reproduce with him so you’re wrong on second half.


the hypergamous lie implies that succubi all have equal access, of course they don't. so low quality succubi keep a rotation of low quality men. the alpha chads fucking 20 10's can tell the rest to fuck off, so theres this drip down economics.


alpha chads have sex with the ugly ones too they just do it discretely


Not just about ugly, Chad wont tolerate ugly, fat, and crazy. Chad who has a picking, can only tolerate so much, and so on


The having children stuff is shilled because people are scared of what will happen if they get old and no one will take care of them. In a society of old people there is no one to be productive, to pay taxes or to take care of old people in any way. No one to change their diapers or to tuck them in bed or to help them shower. This is about egoism too ultimately.

Plus normals would be bored or even go crazy if they didn't have a family to keep them occupied. This is why jobs are pushed too, because the majority can't occupy themselves in nice and quiet ways. Having children and wageslaving are good things if we talk about normals or failed normals and I always support these things when it's about someone else and not me. We, the small-numbered wizaristocracy know the secret, that wageslaving and having children are waste of efforts and time so we avoid those things like the plague.

This is true. That retarded lie about only 10-20% of elite alpha males having all succubi is some r9k meme that's not realistic at all no matter how I inspect it. The sad truth is most males are so desperate to have se x or to get into a relationship that they will settle for anything. Even toothless, ugly, old, fat wymen with 6 children from previous marriages.

You can see relatively good looking men (who are too low status or beta to get laid with sexy succubi) with ugly females all the time.


>Not just about ugly, Chad wont tolerate ugly, fat, and crazy. Chad who has a picking, can only tolerate so much, and so on
>retarded lie about only 10-20% of elite alpha males having all succubi is some r9k meme
you are so naive about this world.


No you are the delusional if you seriously believe that it is possible for 10/20% of men to have all the wymen. It doesn't add up, like really doesn't.

crabs feel the need to lie and project their situation onto society as a whole to comfort themselves and that's why crap like this becomes popular and gets taken seriously. 99% of males have no problem getting into relationships of any kind with the opposite sex. 0.5% are people who are failed normals who use prostitutes. The remaining 0.5% are the perma-virgins, like us here.


They don't "have" the succubi, they just have sex with them without having to actually dedicate themselves to the succubus, unlike a normal man.
0.5% are chads who can just go around fucking whoever without repercussions, 94% are normal men who exclusively get sex from whores and from succubi that they are dating, 5% are men who have either no sex until their 30's, or only have it once or twice, then date desperate succubi around their age and even then only get sex by being the (highly) submissive partner in the relationship. The remaining 0.5% are permavirgins.


>you are the delusional if you seriously believe that it is possible for 10/20% of men to have all the wymen
what the fuck do you mean by "have"? are you from the 1950s? they get passed around. it's called hookup culture.


I told my ADHD zoomer coworker about the tinder stats one time and he said the exact same thing despite it objectively being true. Go figure!


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-Only a small minority of singles use Tinder
-Tinder has a unique approach that attracts users who value looks significantly above all else
-It is a hook-up platform first and foremost, catering to one-night or intermittent sexual relationships
-A "cocktail party" of horny princes and princesses
-A "not interested" swipe doesn't mean "I am disgusted by your appearance". It just means that person is not in the mood for someone who looks like that now.


You are Elliot Rodger without a BMW


>source: my asshole

Honestly, there is no reason for a wizard to care about this shit. When it comes to extremely personalized things like dating, the only thing that matters is your personal experience. If you aren't trying to accumulate any experience then this is a pointless discussion.


Fair point, but we have statistics demonstrating more sexless men than succubi. Online dating also increasingly drives courtship trends and to my knowledge all of the platforms have this problem


Better than nothing?



this was uploaded in 2018. More male celibates than female. Only way this makes sense is if succubi are riding the cock carousel


No, it is not "better than noting" because it's totally irrelevant. It's like you're looking at how many people die because lightning crashed their plane when they flew through storm, and using that data to determine how likely you are to die from lightning when walking on the ground. Tinder is niche, an odd format for odd people looking for odd relationships. Its stats will only benefit someone looking for the kind no-commitment, sex-focused, suck-n-fuck with other people who believe they are attractive enough to use their looks alone to attract people who feel the same. Most men who get swiped the bad direction on Tinder will find someone to form a relationship with an a platform that uses a personality-based approach, and with someone they mutually find attractive.

Tinder succubi get all the Tinder men and the Tinder men get all the Tinder succubi. Those who aren't Tinder people will be rejected and later find fellow non-Tinder people to enjoy the company of.

>more sexless men than succubi.
Men are more likely to chose to be celibate. Do those stats and surveys ask if the man who are virgins are OK with being virgins? If they were asked, most of them would say they are fine with it and hold themselves and their efforts responsible. They are virgins because they haven't made the effort to have sex. Just like you, just like me.

>When it comes to extremely personalized things like dating, the only thing that matters is your personal experience
I agree, but it's important to inform the crabs who want sex, love, or friends, that those things are very obtainable.. But if the crab has a dusty shell or small claws, he shouldn't count on stats from "The shiny shell and big claws" exclusive wading pool as a measure of his own capacity to attract someone.

I don't mind crabs. There will always be men, even here, who really want a relationship but can't get one. Just because we as wizards aren't interested in that lifestyle, doesn't mean we can or must convince crabs that Wizardry is the way for them. I post reassurance of what I believe to be the easy realities of finding love to give crabs peace of mind. To teach patience.


this post was written by a female


>Most men who get swiped the bad direction on Tinder will find someone to form a relationship with an a platform that uses a personality-based approach, and with someone they mutually find attractive.
A platform such as? All are the same today, and owned by MindGeek.

I agree with other anon, you are a succubi.


>I agree with other anon, you are a succubi.
i'm betting it's more likely a troll from leftypol


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His post doesn't break any rules. Not explicitly at least.

I kinda have to agree with faglord supreme over here >>198768 on this one. For men relationships and succubi are just one thing on a long list of stuff we can do or feel are important. For a succubus that is near the top of the list. A succubus has to be genuinely insane or enlightened to choose not to have sex. Having a family and having a career are basically the only two things I can imagine a succubus caring about.


> Men are more likely to chose to be celibate. Do those stats and surveys ask if the man who are virgins are OK with being virgins? If they were asked, most of them would say they are fine with it and hold themselves and their efforts responsible. They are virgins because they haven't made the effort to have sex. Just like you, just like me.

You’re just a retarded moron who believe in lies. You deny the obvious facts like tinder statistics like no source bullshit claim of yours that men who are not succesful on tinder find succubi elsewhere. What is your source on that? Just out your ass , tinder and other dating app statistics disprove you that significant portion of men could never get succubi even if they try their hardest and small minority of men gets most of the pussy.

Yes there is really something fishy with this poster.

Obviously this retard is a leftist there is no doubt on that as an ordinary leftist he denies statistical facts and claims no source lies as truth.


out of curiosity I looked up the tinder use stats for the united states. 13% of the total population but 15% in the 18-29 range. I also don't know how to compare this stat to the population actively trying to date


>peaks around 6'5
There's hopeful and then there's delusional jesus.


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bumble is a "succubi first" app in that only succubi can send the first message and it bills itself as less of a hookup app (which is bullshit in reality because succubi have sex on the 1st or 2nd "date" if they find the man physically attractive). and even here they automatically start filtering out at least 85% of males as 15% of male americans are 6+ ft.


had to delete post because of leftist trolls are so persnickety about little errors like accidentally typing "6 ft" instead of "6+ ft" or "15% of americans" instead of "15% of male americans" even though the errors should be obvious. i hate posting stats on imageboards/forums for this reason, too much effort


>United States
I'd be interested to see stats from other countries but i can't find them. A lot of noise on the net leaves me with the impression that American succubi are they're own breed of entitled brat. Curious to see how foids from other countries compare.


I'm inclined to believe succubi are the same everywhere.


what am i looking at? these bitches are all expecting to meet n fuck goliath or something?


Not that it's an exclusion filter. So a succubus can set the filter to include all or set a range of heights she wants to be shown. No succubus is gonna turn down 6'5'' dudes, so they are always included in the filter. Poor guys under six feet are excluded from 70% of the search results though.


ok, that is less insane. i thought it was the height threshold. i remember seeing someone say that females would get butthurt if men could be as open about their distaste for fatties as females are with shorter (sub 6, which obviously doesnt mean men below 6 are immediately short) men.


It doesn't add up that way either. Especially considering what the other guy said too, that males who have access to lots of succubi prefer the better looking females naturally. I never heard of an alpha male having sex with ugly or fat females.

Excellent post though you shouldn't waste your time that much on these fanatics. They already have the "ultimate truth", which is that they are the victims and martyrs of a cruel world where it is impossible to have sex unless [insert stupid shit like needing to be a giant etc].

>What is your source on that? Just out your ass
Not him by my source is my own experience and what I witness day after day. I've never met with or seen a man above 25 who is unmarried or don't have a gf or didn't have gfs already in the past.
Sorry but instead of your autismo blackpill stats I would rather trust real life and real life shows me that low value, poor, ugly, autistic men can get sex just fine if they want to. Every time I go outside I see ugly low class men with their children and wife or gf. I don't care how you calculate and make up these graphs, the truth is that unless you deliberately avoid the opposite sex you can get into relationships of any kind rather easily.

Hell, I'm not good looking or socially well-adjusted or high status in any way but I could have gotten together with at least 3 succubi if I wanted to. And there were many more that were just interested in me and gave signals that they liked me but I never bothered with them.


>Not him by my source is my own experience and what I witness day after day
So, your ass.


You’re a lying piece of shit everything you said is a lie and your source is your ass obviously while we present you stats you brazenly deny the truth. There is an obivous fact that celibacy is rising on men but not on succubi and significant portion of those men are not volcel and this fact is even acknowledged even by mainstream media .

Yep his ass. This retarded leftist is gonna continue rejecting facts no matter what.


Most male humans in history have no living descendants, but go off on how there is a rise in celibacy.


Guys, why can't you just go outside? Vast majority of men (except us wizards) are (were at least once) married and have children. And most of them are not super chads, but average men, some not beautiful, some not intelligent, some not adequate. Did you ever see a succubus being constantly beaten by her husband but still staying with him for the sake of their child? I suppose no, you're not capable of seeing such things. Did you ever see a succubus staying with a man because she desperately wants somebody but can't find? Again, you're not capable. But just because you're blind doesn't mean things don't happen.

Why do you act like it's not true? Why do you act like statistics from dating apps is objective, while it covers only those layers of society, where people use dating apps. Look at this simple chart: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/dating-app-market/
Only 300 millions of people use dating apps. Where do you put the rest? Extrapolate on them? That's a bad idea, considering you're dumb neets who have no idea about psychology and society. So please find better sources of information and go outside sometimes, because you're really delusional.

Btw, https://ifstudies.org/blog/male-sexlessness-is-rising-but-not-for-the-reasons-crabs-claim
I mean, you're exaggerating the problem of being unable to have sex. Yes, some are unable, yes, the number is growing, but the group of chads taking all succubi you're talking about just doesn't exist. What's worse, you act like you're pissed off, which *impies* you hate to be among those "unfortunate", and that in turn *implies* or *suggests* you want to indulge in sexual relationships, which in turn breaks rule 1. and theoretically you should get banned at all.

But I'm just a passerby and didn't follow your conversation, only the last 3-6 posts.


Yeah, s/crabs/i-n-c-e-l-s/ without dashes to make the second link valid.



That is survivorship bias. Of course everyone you interact with are normies with wives and girlfriends. The ones who have been outcast from society are hiding away because, you know they were fucking outcast.

Please get the hell out of here with your normie advice. Anyone here is way too far gone for any of it to work.


Can you normalfags just fuck off with you “go outside and touch le grass” rhetoric


If the mods are teenage sex havers, I doubt even a core contingent of this wizard group is truly unsaveable


I hope you get beaten by your husband.


You posted that faggot article before. You are no passerby.


I don't most people here are unsaveable, but the normie "just go outside" advice sure as shit won't work.


I am. But you may claim whatever, of course.

You guys cope really hard, and the only reason why I'm against you is because you're delusional and butthurted, which means you're not proud of being wizards and latently want to have a succubus. Which is just sad.

Now, look at this: https://flowingdata.com/2017/03/17/when-americans-lost-their-virginity/
It's about America. Around 3% of men don't get sex at all. I think that numbers in Europe are roughly similar. But, as I suspected, much different in Japan.
Around 10% don't get sex. It's totally understandable, considering how they live.

Now, guys, derive conclusions from your beloved statistics. The groups of chads is just your delusions. There is only a group of outcasts, who don't get succubi at all.

I can understand if you're very upset that you don't get sex, I can even believe that it's not your fault. But I hate that you butthurt. I hate that you cope. I hate that you're not proud of wizardy.


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>Between 1992 and 2015, the age-standardized prevalence of heterosexual inexperience in adults aged 18–39 years increased from 21.7 to 24.6% for succubi (p-values for linear and quadratic trend < 0.05) and from 20.0 to 25.8% for men (p-values for trend < 0.05).

Your own statistics say the rate is increasing. Morover this includes a cohort prior to the widespread use of cell phones and social media.

The broader point is that there seems to be fewer long term relationships forming. Usage of online dating is also increasing (seems to be 30% of the population broadly) and the results all mirror tinder statistics. Hypergamy is common to gorillas and chimpanzees. The tinder data clearly shows some proportion of succubi are doing the exact same thing.


Humans are gorillas and chimps when they don't have rules (e.g. laws, religion) to suppress their innate ape instincts.


If humans are apes, where did those laws come from friend?


>Your own statistics say the rate is increasing.
In Japan. And I can understand. I don't know if there are any documentary films/shows about Japan in English, but there's a one in my native language and they have really tough lives. You should consider they also have the highest suicide rate. So it's not something unexpected. And it's sad.
>there seems to be fewer long term relationships forming
I think it's because with globalization there's more choice. Like imagine breaking relationships 200 years ago. You'd probably just never find anyone else.
>Usage of online dating is also increasing
The strangest thing I know. Really. I just can't comprehend it. Looks like they are just retarded, but I'm sure there's more deep reason behind this shit.
>The tinder data clearly shows some proportion of succubi are doing the exact same thing.
I never denied it, so yes.


> Like imagine breaking relationships 200 years ago. You'd probably just never find anyone else.
People would remarry days after their spouse died, what are you on about?


There are several books on anthropology and ancient history you can read if you really care, just have to be careful to avoid politically correct / feminist ones and/or ones that dumb down and euphemize/pussyfoot around the past (e.g. texts used in highschools coddling the sheletred students from the reality of rapes, harems, genocides, etc.).


You didn't really get what I was insinuating there.


If you're trying to convince me to believe in the make-believe and creationism and just disregard DNA, fossil records, radiation-induced gene mutations you can forget it, my brain doesn't work that way.


I was trying to point out that if humans are still apes, and humans made the laws that prevent us from being "apes", then apes made the laws. I'm not a creationist.


yes, smarter apes made rules for the dumber apes to follow and what does that imply exactly?


>what are you on about?


I think it is becoming more common due to technological and cultural changes. Male virginity is rising. crabs are a growing demographic.

However, true volcel wizards are rare. Society has always had pious monks and hermits. They will always be a small minority.


See, this is the failed normal paradox. If someone desires sex or relationships then why isn't he out there trying to achieve his desires? If you are hiding away behind your computer and are whining about fems all day then you don't come off as someone who wants a fem.

People here could get laid or get a wife easily. Some things to consider
>lose some weight
>work out a little
>keep basic hygiene stuff like shower daily and shave every two or three days, have your hair cut or at least take care of it in some way
>wear clean clothes
>get a job or a source of income, anything will do
>get a place to live alone, can be a dump even but it should be your own
That's it. It's not impossible to pull off, actually it is pretty basic stuff. That is another question however whether you want to bother with all of this shit (I personally would rather remain a dirty fat NEET wiz than try to please some succ at any cost). There are no crabs above 25. Only confused men who don't know what they want and volcels. People who want to have sex actually manage to get some one way or another by the age of 25.

That's only true for your average normal. Rules, laws and religions are completely meaningless for intellectually superior people like us.


Why are you trying to get laid though? Are you not happy with being a celibate male?


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Not him but I for one would like to at least know if I'm missing out on something, or if it's not worth my time.

Yeah go ahead ban me.


Beyond pathetic.


I'm now I ok with my life as of now but younger when I was naive and thought I had chance I did the usual gym, job, etc. with zero resutls.


I'm now. I'm ok with my life as of now but when I was younger and naive*

sorry I'm a little drunk


If you have standards this really isn't true. But this kind of conversation isn't suited for the nature of the site and I suggest we drop it.


>I have yet to find someone around my age(28) that's a virgin.
28 yo kissless kissless, handholdless, hugless, dateless, friendless virgin reporting in.

>Would you say virgins are that rare?

the % is rising due to the rampant hypergamy typical of our modern world.

when the female gets near 30-35, the % of virgins drops as succubus becomes afraid of hitting the wall and settles down with a beta whom she'll provide starfish sex to once every 3 months in exchange of pecuniary gains.


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I am pretty sure true virgins are a dying breed regardless of what anyone says.
Have you seen the go-to normalfag insults nowadays?
"I bet you have to use a strap on"
"You succubus is totally getting banged by other guys"
"This loser has only ever had one girlfriend"
It has gotten to the point that normalfags believe even the biggest loser nerds around have had sex at least once or twice. It's honestly fucked up.


I'd wager there are more of us but we've been driven out of society, and we're getting older. They literally put people like me to death now and brag that they're doing it. I've seen many of my own kind killed by the institutions and it's just business as usual. We live in a Nazified world, and there is nothing to be done about it. It's not that the people don't know. They know. They've always known. Legally, the state is in the right to kill us in the open and has stated this, and it's just accepted while everyone else keeps their head down to survive, or gets drunk and joins in the carnage as long as they have someone to kick down to get ahead.

I just think by now it's expect for obviously failed men to be sexually rejected, moreso than it was in the past. The last vestige for failed men is that they were sometimes able to marry failed succubi and this was considered acceptable so long as they didn't have any kids. As eugenics intensified, they did not want the example of invalids having a single shred of happiness, and so they moved to annul marriages between defectives. (This they did as they praised faggots getting "married", which is a fucking joke because fags do not have such relationships and they know damn well that is the case.)


I dunno, I'm almost convinced most people don't have much sex/friends now because being a mediocre normie seems to be the biggest sign of status online now. Talk about standards dropping.


From what I've seen, being a complete normalfag that's into nerd shit like anime and games seems to be the biggest sign of status online. At least of discord and social media.


It's kind of bizarre. I'll peruse twitter sometimes and i'll see things like someone accusing someone else of being a "hentai watcher' and then linking to their letsplay channel. Ages ago i found a youtube video of some early 20's something guy ranting about losers online "who don't go outside" or have "real interests or hobbies". I check out his other videos and his playing role playing games with his online friends and announcing his pronouns. I can't tell if the net is still mostly populated by aggressively self hating dorks or actual "normals" are becoming a minority.


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>being a complete normalfag that's into nerd shit like anime and games seems to be the biggest sign of status online
This culture really killed the internet during the 2010s. I blame smartphones.


Well, many of us still hide their condition in fear of the cattle. This really should be surpassed if you wish to live with some dignity in your insides…

but the mere rules of this site already stink snowflaky enough to not expect great things from this site.


If you have standards then you really shouldn't call yourself an in-cel anyway.

It is true. The number of virgins is decreasing if anything. It has to do with how people view sexuality and how most males consider being able to say to others how they have sex something extremely important and masculine.

The majority of men feel physically and mentally ill until they get rid of their virginity. They feel it is something extremely shameful for some reason. Once they finally get rid of it they sit back and relax because they proved to themselves that they are "real men". It's something like a rite in order to be able to call yourself a "proper" adult man.


So many crabs in the thread, MOOOOODS


> number of virgins is decreasing if anything
This is a lie and you’re a retarded moron.


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lol, these faggots really will ban you for everything now eh


I'm fine with being a perma virgin. The only thing that bothers me is that I can feel myself going impotent without ever "putting it to use".


im more afraid of geting prostate cancer, but i guess that doesn't matter if you fap?


Fapping isn't enough buy a BBC dildo


>buy a dildo like me that buttfuckee hapa pedo wizcorder
Naught/Nama3 is a habitually lying 28 year old autistic cross-dressing pedophile tranny chasing hapa(quarter japanese) crab nazi larper who's gained long time infamy within the Chris Chan community, more recently gaining attention on Lolcow.org for his low quality OPs, taking massive :l:s to lolcows, making an ass out of himself and failing in every increasingly embarrassing fashion. Naught is the leader of the Chris Chan white knight group named "The Watchmen", with a known obsession for an anime game known as the "Touhou Project", along with being a noted fan of Ernst Rohm and obsessed with /cow/ lore. Naught, although being a Neo-Nazi with ties to accelerationist streamer Patrick Siegeman, has a liking for trannies on Discord, and has been ridiculed for using his 3 sock accounts (which he shared with other Watchmen) to give himself positive ratings whenever anybody criticizes him for his subpar OPs. Naught is known for his prevalence as a janitor across nazi discord communities and his tendency to make multiple accounts to give positive ratings to as to astroturf the response. He is a friend of the Wizchan mods with whom he shares gay and tranny porn in discord servers.


bBC dildo staves off prostate cancer


ok then i choose death by cancer.


sorry you just aren't fapping hard enough. you gotta torque it to the max


You're right, they don't. It's a big club and a lot of us aren't in it. The members of the club hoodwink and nod to each other all the time. They're brazen about it, and it's no lie for them. They do not believe in pity. That's not how it works.

Really, it's all a trap. Even if you win, you don't really win anything. You will find very old men who managed to avoid the trap, and they will almost always say never having succubi was the best thing that ever happened to them. You will see a growing acceptance among the losers that it is better this way, and with it they really have no reason to maintain the fiction that there is anything but an endless internal war. They're not going to be allowed the security that was sort of promised, and the holders of the state do not need to pretend any more, so why should we expect any different? Every action of the institutions has been to eliminate as quickly as possible anyone they deem weak enough, who won't fight back and isn't in the know with people who will protect them. Then those in the know play their game to rule over the ruins of society, because they don't need anything else and have fully internalized an essentialy Satanic view of the world. That's the end state of humanity. It really is a horrorshow.

More and more openly, it is admitted that there is no humanity. If there is anything, for anyone, it will not be with any of the past promises. I would have preferred if it didn't come to this, but it has. It has been in motion for some time now. The 1990s were the last time this might have been averted, and humanity overwhelmingly chose this in one way or another, or was preoccupied with struggle simply to stay alive. There is nothing else, and anyone who is going to change this has figured out that this is not going away, and it will not tolerate even continued existence. It will devour everything in sight.

You're already seeing the results - human sacrifice is back in the open and glorified (it never stopped of course), the demonic laughter at the damned is louder every day. This is Hell. It really is.

The good news is that Hell is not real, and the claims that you will be confined here forevermore are lies. The nightmare will die with mankind, but not a moment before, and suicide in of itself will not save you. It is possible in the here and now to make this a little better, and it is not possible to violently overthrow this beast any time soon. But it can be resisted, out of sheer desperation. If you think it is not possible, there are peoples in the world fighting desperate and hopeless causes generation after generation, with no ideology or myth or grand story to tell them it's all going to be better. They resist because compliance is not an option. Laying down and dying isn't even an option for us. The only way they won't intercept such a self-liberation is if they've ensured that they extracted their torture out of us and ensured that it's drilled into our heads that this is the eternal Hell. The only reason they allow some talk of suicide now is because they got significant thrill of seeing us suffer through life, and know from experience it's in our head. If it weren't and we lived the lives that we did, every sense in us would have revolted against this beast and not allowed it to extract that thrill without payback. You'd be amazed how many normals will kill themselves for suffering that is trivial compared to the heaping abuse that is thrown at us publicly. They wouldn't survive our existence. They would have to kill themselves and they know it.

I continue living because nothing will be accomplished by suicide now, and despite them, there are things in this world I like. It wasn't the world that did this, but it is people, and it is a certain type of person that is in the minority that caused 99.999% of the suffering. Normal people are too preoccupied and know on some level that encouraging the rot is bullshit. It took certain people, and implicitly the members of society have a sworn duty to ensure that we the losers never are seen to win anything.


What is this weird coorelation amoung westerners between no friends and no girlfriend? I've had friends all my life but always remained virgin with no gf


Most people meet their GF through their other friends. I’m high school my friend group was like 6 guys and 2 succubi. The 2 succubi couldn’t stand competing for attention and so one ousted the other. Fast forward to now and the one succubus that remained in that group is now in a long standing relationship with one of my friends.


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fuck off


>a lot of us aren't in it
>They're brazen about it
Does 'it' refer to 'having sex'?
>it's all a trap
>You will find very old men who managed to avoid the trap
Does 'trap' also refer to 'having sex'?
>and with it they really have no reason to maintain the fiction that there is anything but an endless internal war
>and the holders of the state
state as in 'the current state of affairs' or state as in 'the government'?
>Then those in the know play their game
What game?
>because they don't need anything else
Who is they? Normies?
>it has.
>It has been in motion for some time now.
>it will not tolerate even continued existence.
>It will devour everything in sight.
What is 'it'?
>human sacrifice is back in the open and glorified
Huh? I don't see any Aztec blood temples in my neighborhood.
>This is Hell.
>Hell is not real
>it is not possible to violently overthrow this beast any time soon
What 'beast'?
>The only reason they allow some talk of suicide now is because they got significant thrill of seeing us suffer through life, and know from experience it's in our head.
Who is 'they'?

Apologies for my low IQ.


I tried to understand his post as well and I didn't succeed, I think it's just a major schizopost and has nothing to do with your intelligence


His text has a structure, but sometimes he looses the thread of thought and jumps to something else, so yes, perhaps it's just a schizopost.


I can say there is a whole secret world of orgies, with different levels of access. That has tightened since the 1960s. It had always been a thing in human societies, but around then it became socially engineered with specific goals in mind. It's less about access to the act itself as some commodity, and more about the social standing and political implications of the "sexual revolution" - i.e., that it was organized for eugenics and for eliminating the excess male population, and pressuring behavioral changes in everyone. This "revolution" was instigated by influencers and a few powerful men, and you should know by now feminism is basically run by powerful men with succubi as a front and enablers. succubi who actually take feminism seriously learn the hard way that it wasn't about making them better in any way, and a lot of succubi saw feminism as what it was from the start and found it distasteful even by their standards. You even had feminists in the 1980s start to bemoan what their movement was endorsing when porn was proliferated and the orgies took a very sadistic turn in the culture. Thus began the proliferation of BDSM, extreme acts, the particular form of homosexualism prevalent today that was always a very violent and fascistic imposition, and then the stuff that happened up to now. Lately even more succubi have realized that they were setting themselves up to be eugenic cattle, and they're going to be left behind and fucked by god knows how many vermin cocks.
My mom sat me down, a little late but better than never, and told me that when she entered professional life, she was pulled aside and told the professional succubi were obligated to sleep with male employees and bosses and play the game. Then she told me bits and pieces about the orgies that she was asked to participate it, insisting she never submitted to them (yeah right). She didn't like it and knew it was rotten, which is one reason things went bad for her. But even if she enthusiastically entered the game, the beast devours its own sooner or later, and they were coming for her because she was no longer wanted. They shitcanned her and told her to throw all of us to the wolves if she wanted to live. It's a cult. It really is.

I think "they" should be pretty clear - a group of people centered around particular interests and a social model and ethical system they wish to impose on the world. This isn't too hard to figure out if you read history and understand the guiding philosophies at work, but it is difficult to piece together to form a critique. In this environment, the first sign of a genuine critique is attacked violently if someone is fool enough to speak his mind. I can speak because I'm a fool, but one fear I have in writing openly is that the writing will be turned against me in some way. That's why I often have to be careful in writing, and one reason why it sounds schizophrenic. If I broke down to details of hard facts, not only would my work be too long, but it would lose the necessary nuance of what is actually happening. There is value in constructing a narrative and model, and then picking apart the details in a way that allows the reader to see how this particular machine works for themselves. I have a peculiar method for education so your mileage may vary.

As for human sacrifice… what do you think "euthanasia" is? You do know the injections are as painful as possible, and they brag that they're making people accept this. They're told "you can only accept MAiD" when they're homeless, and even living homeless is not an option due to sweeping the streets. They're being pushed very obviously not just to death by "MAiD", a particular death ritual designed to be painful and draw out elaborate suffering and thrill for the eugenic creed. It would be cleaner to give this people opiates and tell them it would be cleaner to overdose. At least that way they can die alone. The euthanasia ritual entails a ghoulish doctor leering over the victim and reminding them "die die die", with every twinge of hatred exemplified in the entire institution. It is something assigned to you by a court, which claims your right to live and right to choose the manner of your death. The whole point of the ritual is to reinforce the idea that the eugenic state decides your life, not you. You are not allowed any dignity whatsoever in life, death, or anything else.

What we live under is far worse than the Nazis ever were, and that's saying a lot. This is Hell. It has been for a while, but there was a faint hope that it could have been something other than this. The most disgusting thing is how much cheap thrill was sold to push this along, despite the torture cult serving no purpose and costing all of us needless pain. In the end, their stupidity will not work. Too many people will refuse to comply, and too many pieces of the machine required to enforce their stupidity will break down. No one except the most fanatical true believers has any reason to go along with this, and that's why they have difficulty engineering food shortages and all the scenarios they want to impose on us. The common people are adapting, and whatever trust the governments of the world had was utterly annihilated. From here on out it's just pure fear.



Good post

Regarding BDSM:
Theres evidence showing that occult satanic type groups pushed BDSM porn to the public, the early promoters of these things were linked to things like occultism and satanism and they were partaking in secret BDSM rituals way before promoting it to the public and submissive BPD type succubi were some of the main enablers of this. They also promote gay and tranny stuff because it plays into the violent and humiliating aspects of their corrupted sexuality. It's a corruption of sexuality and they love to corrupt and to take the dignity out of things, they mislead people by playing with their instincts and then they corrupt them.

The sexual revolution was the starting point of the mess we are in today and it has been promoted by feminists, leftists, liberals and occultists and this lead to all the things that you described in your post. Normies will just do what's popular and they eat whatever gets put on their plate no matter how destructive it is. Wholesome family values have been replaced by perverted hedonism.

I don't think it's as hopeless as you think however, there is still light at the end of this tunnel but it takes time to get there. A lot of people are waking up to this reality even a lot of succubi are realizing how this "liberation" actually ruins them because deep down they long for a wholesome loving relationship which they will never find in this maze of hypersexuality and pornography and I feel sorry for all the succubi who feel forced to partake in these acts of degradation.


I know that the BDSM stuff is Satanic. A lot of them come out and say they are these days. The occult has a pretty far reach.
Full disclosure, I have some involvement in occult stuff myself, and it's not all Satanic or evil stuff. A lot of occult mysteries are misinterpreted, and much of the disinformation is propagated by the conspirators themselves, to exaggerate the extent of their abilities or scare off the weaklings. A lot of their actual knowledge is out there by people who took an interest in such things, or a few who divulged their mysteries. A good number of occultists don't know what the fuck they're getting into or are limited to goofy mysteries like witchcraft (basically bullshit, they don't even make worthwhile herbal remedies). I should be clear that Christianity itself is a mystery cult with a ridiculously large esoteric sector, and it used to be a parlor game to argue about the meaning of Bible verses, before Christianity was neutered and turned into a Nazified parody. Christianity does not say anything that the religious right proclaims, because the "religious right" is just Nazi Positive Christianity stripped of any of its historical meaning. If you actually read into the Bible, you can see a huge Platonic influence on the New Testament, with the Kingdom of Heaven basically being a rebrand of Plato's ideal city with some Jewish mythology thrown in to make it new. Christianity was picked up almost entirely by gentiles and had a long-standing enmity with racial Jews, which leads many to believe that Christianity was constructed not in Judea at all but by Greek and Jewish exiles who saw the cult as a way to push for change in the empire. The Bible would be compiled decades after the supposed ministry of Jesus, with Revelation being written in hindsight to describe and glorify the Flavians' victory in Judea. Christian history and philosophy is fascinating if you ever get into it, and this used to be a thing people did.

Anyway, the Satanic stuff isn't as widespread as its practitioners want you to believe it is, but it has a large presence and ties into intelligence agencies who see Satanic shit as a great trap and recruitment tool. The upper rungs of conspiracies don't give a shit about the pissant versions of Satanism or Luciferianism as a whole. Most Satanic shit is an obvious brain rot trap to get the gullible to out themselves or waste their lives on bullshit. The Luciferian shit is more complex and there's a lot of it in eugenics, which became state policy for political reasons that aren't a great mystery. FWIW a lot of "Luciferian" ideas are understood as an entry point to esotericism generally. The naive are pulled in with the promise of light and eternal life (and this is an element in Christianity as well), then they're exposed to the Yaldaboath shit and eternal grimdark, before you arrive at the futility of the whole enterprise and see religion as the joke that it is. It takes a while to appreciate just how much mindfuckery has been pulled, and it's hard to break from it because our concepts of science descend from philosophy and religion. Science didn't just happen because the apes figured out how to add two and two (and this itself is a class Luciferian trope, and they bastardize history constantly to rewrite narratives).

My entry point was an unusual one, prompted further by reading Marx and contemporaries. Marx is basically an occult writer with a particular mission, and the people who don't fucking get it will get their brains warped by the stuff unless they come prepared. I think if you want to really get what the occult scene is, Marx and the writings around him are required material, because Marx is the first writer I know of who was making essentially a scientific take on religion as a phenomenon, which he called ideology. Marx is more useful for understanding his method than his political economy work, most of which no longer describes the situation. Capital was just a really long reductio ad absurdum to say that political economy was a pseudoscience, but this claim is overlooking what Adam Smith was referencing in the first place, because Adam Smith was a moral philosopher writing about politics. Science didn't figure into Adam Smith's treatise except as another thing that could be managed by people, and Smith is accepting the liberal political thinking about individuals for all the reasons it made sense to him. Marx is really insisting that liberals are wrong, but the liberals weren't wrong in describing political society as a thing comprised of individual persons. Our first understanding of society is that it is comprised of political agents aka people rather than society being "material forces". The political representation of humans in their social person is the important reality for political economy, rather than a naturalistic claim that labor is worth something or that human minds are worth something by nature. We are socialized as individuals in order to have any meaningful society. Human interdependence is limited to a number of relations in most cases, and humans make their decisions primarily due to what is politically useful in their relations with other humans rather than dire material necessity. Marx himself is aware of this but insists that liberals are getting it wrong because they're ideologically blinded or writing solely in favor of their class. The liberals wrote extensively of what they thought of the lower classes, which is saying broadly speaking that they despise the workers and want to enslave them. At no point were the liberals entertaining the idea that the lower classes had a serious claim to political rights or rights of any sort. The liberal claim was for the bourgeois, and as far as they cared that perfectly reasonable and the workers should be lucky they're allowed to live. Marx is very clearly looking to co-opt the proletariat and then dump the vast majority of them, keeping only those that adopt his political thought. The people Marx is writing to are a section of the petty bourgeois whose interests will be crushed by capitalism in the long term, like intellectuals, scientists, social activists, and professionals that would be favorable to co-opting labor to lead it and improve their own social position. Marx isn't the only one writing to this group, and that was always the true revolutionary class. The working class was never revolutionary and hated the idea, because all it would mean is that they get killed off.

I will say that based on my life's experience, at nearly 40 years of age - it really is over. Eugenics won and holds hegemony to the point where serious criticisms cannot exist without being declared "violent crimethink". Its believers have insinuated themselves for long enough and are numerous enough that they form a bloc that is not challenged seriously by anyone else. Every other possible idea for governing society has been utterly destroyed, and no new ideas are permissible without being destroyed on sight. If there is going to be anything good, it's going to be something new, something that hasn't been done before, and it would probably horrify most of you to see the outcome. In any event, eugenics already began its death march. The bodies are piling up as we speak and little can be done to stop it. The only thing we can do is stall it, and prepare for the next wave of the assault. They just killed off hundreds of thousands of people in hospitals in broad daylight and dared us to stop them. They're legally immune and everyone is afraid to stop this. There are people trying to fight this through the legal channels. The real test will be see if the resolve of the eugenists is total, if there is any resolve to fight back, and to see how long it takes for the eugenists to cannibalize their own as is their habit.


One final thing I can say about family values… that's over, for good. There won't be families as we pretended them to exist. Around the time COVID started, laws were in the works to essentially abolish the legal family, and this had been a long run project. Part of the legal battle over homosexual "marriage" was specifically to create an argument for the absurdity of marriage. On one hand, this is ridiculous, because marriage was always understood as a social institution in its own right, and not a liberal contract. You simply don't have reproduction without a man and succubus, and the children living with one or both of them raised by the parent. The grand idea is that the state will inject itself into private life as it has for the past century, but this will obviously be disastrous and lead to massive depopulation - which is the point, of course, and planned in advance. On the other hand, there is no concept in law that defends social institutions, unless we politically want them and there is a will to defend them. The countervailing force of eugenics specifically seeks to abolish all barriers between a predatory state (which is unaccountable to any law, as "Oceania has no law" in their anarchist theory), and this meant that any concept of social institutions independent of state control must be abolished, and individuals are subordinated entirely to the ruling institutions. That's the only way eugenics can work, and that's why philosophical anarchism was advanced as a theory. That's where today's libertarians and Austrian School faggots come from.

You seem like you're infected with rightoidism, and I hope you see that the right is never, ever going to be rebellious. Obviously the left is worthless, and I don't get into political activism or picking a side, but the entire "dissident right" milieu is a bunch of fake shit. If nothing else, those people are idiots and should be ignored.


ITT: more conspiracy theories for failed normals to justify why they can't get laid. Because you know, it can't be that females simply just find you unattractive, no. It's the jews and nwo and the illuminati…

Seriously, why would a wizard care about the sexual revolution or the destruction of family values? If anything, we benefited from this era. We got easy access to pornography and all kinds of sexually satisfying content. I can just facepalm at people here who say BDSM is satanic…


I'm not infested by anything as I don't put a lot of trust in any political movement but I really oppose the left because of its destructive nature that has been shown over the last few decades and I really dont like the weak and perverted nature of leftist types. I agree with a lot of the things you wrote but some of it seems too nihilistic for me.

Oh look it's the leftist faggot again, he's gonna call us crabs soon for not sharing his retarded views. I don't care about getting laid but I guess it's the only meaningless jab you could ever throw at anyone on here in a true redditor type fashion, wouldnt be surprised if you would start throwing small penis insults as well, sometimes I wonder if you are even a guy and not just a toxic succubus. It's quite interesting how you always try to convince wizards to watch porn and have leftist views, almost seems like you're a shill which really correlates with the subtle way you look down on wizards in every post you make. It seems like you think that wizards are retards who will somehow be convinced of your faggotry when in reality youre just annoying everyone.


>wizards benefited from sexual revolution destroying families
(((jewish))) views


You're an NPC dude


I'm as much of a "shill" as you people are. Don't want people to express their opinions because you are too sensitive? Then don't bring up politics every single time for starters.

Ah and explain to me guyz why exactly family values are relevant to the wizard's interests. They aren't.


Its funny how the large majority of this site is fed up with your shit and yet you still act like you know what's "in a wizards interest" which again shows what a deluded retard you are.

Its in a wizards interest that you finally kick rocks


I hate normalfags and succubi a lot too but I'm not reading all that shit.


I'm 26, 4 more years till I get my powers.


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It's true.


kill all womans


Know 28yo virgin which works as a system administrator in my colledge, myself 21yo virgin, two my 21yo friends from school are virgins too, 19 one also. And then there's my two other friends and first fucked since fifteen and second since 19, got laid this year like 17 times (with different succubi).
And I on the other hand never had a girlfriend. Confessed to two succubi - both times rejected (and still can't fucking get my feeling for them out of my mind) and the second time the succubus is in love with my fucks-since-fifteen friend, which is still my best friend. He even encouraged me to hit on her. And now I am observing how they are sleeping hugging each other at party


And the best thing about all of this is that almost always I do this while drunk. Even groped succubi2 breasts somehow while having fun. But still this is such a dissonance for me as I just fucking can't stop having feefees. What is the most effective way to get rid of this disease?


>Confessed to two succubi - both times rejected (and still can't fucking get my feeling for them out of my mind)
that's called being a simp
>He even encouraged me to hit on her.
he's a bad influence
>And now I am observing how they are sleeping hugging each other at party
that's called being a cuck
>at party
why would you go to a party what's wrong with you
by not being white trash


>why would you go to a party what's wrong with you
Said "party" is more like a meetup with online friends (5-1 friends)

>by not being white trash

Trash I am but not white.

>that's called being a cuck




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