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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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The revelation of modernity is that nature has no inherent values. All the sacred precepts and eternal truths that the masses cling to, all of their lies, are revealed to be nothing more than delusions. And while the majority find this too much to bear, there are a few who are able to find liberation from the realization that "everything is permitted".

Nothing that the people say has any value. Their morality, their ambitions, their parades, their life and death, all are meaningless. We are all just actors, playing our part that has been derived from the desires that have been implanted in us from nature. And I intend to play my part well!


More nihilistic crying about life having "no meaning"? This is awful!


No, you fool! This is meant to be a celebration! We will all honor our part in this demented symphony and we won't let the normals hold us back!


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Materialism is a religion. There is zero evidence to suggest that matter has primacy over awareness.


Just because they’re popular don’t mean they’re lies. Materialism and nihilism are truth.


Then why can people be knocked out with a kick to the head?


>There is zero evidence to suggest that matter has primacy over awareness.
Good luck having awareness when your brain made from matter is spread all over the walls caused by a bullet.


Didn't you see the old TV spot for Bleach on Toonami? It said "Death is only the beginning." It was very deep stuff.


Sssh, not so lour or the kids will get triggered. You can't disagree with scientific materialism, because um, uh…for some reason. Oh I know, because it has been the trend and inspiration for most works of literature, media and entertainment in the last century. So must be true…

Just because they're popular doesn't mean they're true. Materialism is for ignorant, simple-minded people who can't get into proper philosophy.

Nihilism is true though in the meaning that there is no universal goal or meaning for anything that happens.

Your consciousness exists regardless of whether your body can receive it clearly or not. The material body is just a receiver of signals. Your essence exists outside your body and is unrelated to your material existence.


>Your consciousness exists regardless of whether your body can receive it clearly or not.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?


The body constantly renews itself and changes old particles for new ones. In every 10 years or so your body is made up of completely new matter. But consciousness remains the same. Matter and consciousness aren't related to each other.

Now, do you have a single fact to prove that consciousness is 100% material?


And? You aren't getting what is meant by material here. An atom or molecule doesn't hold consciousness by itself, the movement of them doesn't matter until that movement interrupts your biology.


So what you say holds consciousness? The brain? Oh wait it is made up of matter too…. You can't explain the contradiction here. If consciousness was really rooted in material things then you wouldn't remember anything except for the last 10 years.

Materialism is really the religion of our age. You have to believe in it unconditionally.


A single fish doesn't know where the school is swimming, yet they all coordinate and move together.


How do you know you won't have consciousness after death?
Have you been dead before?


Have you?


He doesn't know, he just parrots mainstream materialist narrative. Everyone is brainwashed into believing this stuff these days. Science is bad faith, indeed.


>passive agressive tone
>crying about crying
>crying about nihilism
Go back to reddit and never come back, normalfag.


Your beliefs stem from appeals to authority and majority.
You are fanatic not so different from churchists of old.


Dont listen to them. I bet they dont even have a soul to know the Truth


>life having "no meaning
The meaning of life is literally dopamine


>Your beliefs stem from appeals to authority and majority.
>You are fanatic not so different from churchists of old.
The irony.


That's an oversimplification of existence. If that would be true then people wouldn't fight wars or compete with each other or make choices that bring them more suffering willingly.

Nobody is a true hedonist, really. People don't make calculations and decide to act on that, it is retarded. I'm pretty sure even you transcend your petty hedonism day after day without giving it much thought.


What about the trillions and billions of organisms on this planet that don't even use the chemical dopamine in their biology.


They dont hace a soul


So you are telling me dopamine is the soul?


Nobody makes choices that brings them suffering willingly you retard



The soul is like a clock, wich consists of various parts in order to work. But every single part is important
Dopamine is not the clock, is a part of it


The soul is not mind or brain.


ya because the former does not exist and the latter do


Unfortunely it does, no matter amount of appeals to majority and authority you commit.


This tells to me that you are an ignorant man. Still believing in shit like people just want to be happy. In reality people don't want to be happy. If they wanted to be happy then they would live in peace and love with each other. No, man is driven by other motives. The need to evolve and to become something different than before.

The soul is consciousness. It isn't rooted in this world, it belongs to our essence. And over all rules God.


If it isn't rooted in this world then where can it be found?


In the realm of dreams, thoughts, concepts, waifus, hentai and platonic ideals. The soul is in our essence and the essence is in that abstract realm. Your brain is like a radio. It gets the signals and makes you feel conscious. When your body is destroyed your soul/consciousness remains in your essence. Your essence is made up of multiple souls you possessed in your previous lives and souls you will use in your future incarnations. The essence is all your souls together, it is the Real You. But our essence is just one pearl on the robes of God himself.


>Your brain is like a radio. It gets the signals and makes you feel conscious. When your body is destroyed your soul/consciousness remains in your essence. Your essence is made up of multiple souls you possessed in your previous lives and souls you will use in your future incarnations
I pity the poor bastards that fall for such bullshit


How do you know this? I cannot access the realm of dreams, thoughts, concepts, waifus, hentai and platonic ideals outside of my inner sense and so they lack power over external experience. There is no soul, essence or abstractness that can be perceived in this realm, yet it holds you in bondage. What is the medium by which the brain recieves conciousness, in the way that the radio recieves electromagnetic waves? Why can I not remember these previous lives?


> in the way that the radio recieves electromagnetic waves? Why can I not remember these previous lives?
Because that guy is pulling bullshit from his ass like Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ, these people were preaching scams and lies about the after-life while THEY WERE ALIVE and yet they talked out of their asses about "muh reincarnation bro just trust me i say it" and fools believed them blindly, i'm fucking mad that such scum is infesting this website alongside pro-life normalscum.


>pulling bullshit from his ass like Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ
>fools believed them blindly
yeah, if i saw a guy walk on water and come back from the dead i sure as hell wouldnt listen to anything he had to say


There are literally pro-natalist normalscum in wizchan who writes things like more babies should born not less. We’re invaded by /pol/ and mods are supporting them instead of banning them. Can you believe out of all places there are pro-natalists in wizchan and they’re not being banned?

/pol/ invasion got out of control they preach nofap, pro-life and pro-natalist normalnigger things. These are /pol/ values not of wizchan. Our mods also compromised and they support these /pol/ invades. Wizchan needs to be cleansed from polniggers.


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At this point the few genuine wizard anons should migrate to a more obscure board that isn't corrupted by 4chan scum, it's kinda funny that back then the internet was a place of wonders and no matter what, there was always a place for niche groups of like-minded people to congregate in, but now everything has become homogenized and monopolized to a mere few sites(Reddit, Twitter, Tiktok and ironically 4chan too), there's nothing left anymore, or maybe i'm just really bad at searching things.


Not bad thing if you fap everyday.
Excessive fapping unfortunely fucks with your hormonal system


Its kind of both, google is shit nowadays, so try using alternate search engines like yandex and duckduckgo.
Wish i had balls to off myself, the state of internet is unbearably depressing and it will get only worse and worse as time goes.
Genuinely wish normalfags, faggots and jews to burn in deepest pits of hell, just for what they done.


Thats not 4chan, they were never pro natalist or anything like that, its just usual normgroids


I remember seeing some sort of advertising for a imageboad that featured a puzzle that reveals a link when you solve it, that worked as some sort of filter to weed out zoomers


>How do you know this?
Years of mental training, philosophizing and observation and deductions led me to the truth.
>I cannot access the realm of dreams, thoughts, concepts, waifus, hentai and platonic ideals outside of my inner sense and so they lack power over external experience. There is no soul, essence or abstractness that can be perceived in this realm, yet it holds you in bondage.
It is the other way around, external experience lacks power over the abstract realms. Will or intent always precedes action and deeds. Material things don't act automatically. Everything that happens is because some force calls it into being. Materialism only explains the how and when, never the why. The why can only be explained through idealism. Logos became flesh and blood and not the other way around. People like you sit backwards on the horse completely.
Also, positing your sense-perception as the ultimate source of knowledge is just an arrogant behavior. Our senses aren't accurate at all, they often mislead us.
>Why can I not remember these previous lives?
It takes training.

Buddha and Jesus were wrong but modern atheists and materialists are right when they say death is the end, uh, because…? Because "they are pulling bullshit from their asses"? Give us some solid proof that your sense-perception is absolutely correct. Of course you can't, because even science acknowledges that it isn't correct many times.

I don't care how many times you jerk off a day.
>pro-life and pro-natalist
So why must a wizard be necessarily anti-life and anti-natalist? I don't have a problem with people having babies, normals should reproduce and wizards should enjoy the wiz life. Everyone should do whatever is his calling. I also never browse /pol/, try harder, cry some more about some imaginary conspiracy.

>Wish i had balls to off myself, the state of internet is unbearably depressing and it will get only worse and worse as time goes.
Yes, because killing yourself is the logical solution for disliking the opinions of some people on the internet. This is the average pessimist wizard. I feel like the IQ of the people here drop every day a little.


>Give us some solid proof that your sense-perception is absolutely correct
Why don't you try giving us some solid proof that your rational intuition is absolutely correct?


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hegels theory is that history is linear and that at the end we all become bourgeoise slave beasts who only want comfort because now we are all free and equal. so it seems the end goal of liberalism and those who want and end to history is that we become last men, or slaves without masters
Yes, this was the end goal, a homogenized global earth where we are all free and equal and we all listen to hippty hop and drink coca cola.

If wizies want to read a philosopher who predicted the modern times, read kojeve


Thanks for the rec anon. I've wanted to read more about Hegelianism without having to actually read the ramblings of Hegel himself.


>No, you
Excellent argument.

That is just baseless optimism. People never will be equal and free. If anything, history will end in ultra exploitation and tyranny if you ask me. A strong caste system like in ancient India, only the few select families will live a decent or great life while the masses will be left to rot away in wageslavery.


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You ask me whether I can prove that sense perception is absolutely correct and I cannot. I ask you whether you can prove that rational intuition is absolutely correct and you cannot. It seems we are at an impasse here, my friend.


Memes are not valid arguements.


Rational intuition cannot be proved because it deals with abstract realms and things. However, what I ask of you should be possible, if it is indeed true. But it isn't and you know it too. Checkmate.

I agree, that is why I'm still waiting. But if you question rationality itself then I have bad news for you since your every worldview is founded on rationality and logic to some extent. So if you question rationality you are also speaking against yourself.


You are asking him to prove sensory perception of abstract things though, so it’s just as impossible.


No, I merely asked him to prove that sensory perception is always accurate. He can't do that because even science says that you can't trust your senses many times.


No, he asked you why can’t he access “dreams, waifus, and platonic ideals” as you can, and your response is that he hasn’t “trained” enough.


He can "access" them, if he couldn't then how could he know about these things in the first place? Everyone is linked to the higher realms, it's just a matter of how much you can gain access to them. There is a difference in degrees only.


The only thing I know is the stories that people tell about them. But if we're just going to go by what people say then we might as well say that unicorns and fairies exist to. Please try harder next time.


What you are denying now is basically that imagination and thoughts exist. Aren't you a thinking person yourself too? Ideals exist, I don't know how some people can deny them.


Does a thought exist?


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>Rational intuition cannot be proved because it deals with abstract realms and things.

>You ask me whether I can prove that sense perception is absolutely correct and I cannot. I ask you whether you can prove that rational intuition is absolutely correct and you cannot.

Looks like we're just going around in circles here. Are you getting it yet?


Do computer games exist?
The answer to this questions answers your question aswell


Yes, they do. That is why we can have this conversation to begin with, because we have different thoughts on things.

The senses can be deluded easily. But with rationality you can still deduce what is the truth. Just like how you know when you see something you shouldn't or can't see thanks to either hallucination, drugs or plain tricks. For example you see a "magician" cut his assistant in half and put her back together. You perceive it to be real but your logic and rationality tells you "wait, this can't be true".

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