let's discuss the elephant-familiar in the room. what does wizardry personally mean to you in your own words? of course i'm sure everyone here knows of the baseline definition from the front page: >someone who has maintained his virginity past the age of 30
but surely there must be more to it than that. there are some additional clues on the front page: >thoughts … interests and lifestyle as a virgin >people who have no sexual experience
as well as the rules: >must be a male virgin and at least 18 years old to use this website. >Do not state or suggest that you had, will have or want to have sexual or romantic experiences. >Do not post about voluntary real life social activities (e.g. going to a bar or party). >Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles.
from this we can piece together so far that wizardry must: >be male, at least 30 years old or older >not state, suggest, will have, or intend to ever have sexual or romantic experiences >does not engage in any real life social activities >does not go against celibate/NEET/reclusive lifestyles
but this still leaves so much room for interpretation. is wizardry to you also mean: >a community? >a lifestyle? >a state of being? >a philosophy? >a coincidence? >a fate? >a choice?
or all of the above? none of them? some of them? pray tell brothers, let us reach a greater understanding together as respectfully as possible
We are what remains in modernity of the hermit archetype (of course corrupted by tons of pronography and sedentary life) in another era our duty would have been religion, currently the bubble was broken with the fall of tradition, none of that It makes sense now, the only thing left is to try to find a worthy long-term goal
In my own words a wizard is a 30+ virgin who isn't actively seeking sex or romantic relationships. What is wizardly is seeking things that help one maintain their state of not actively seeking sex or relationships. What is not wizardly is doing things with the goal of seeking sex or relationships.
Not really complicated. Doesn't need to be though.
At a certain point, wizardy becomes a choice. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, escorts exist. Virginity is not difficult to lose; it only costs a few hundred dollars (or pounds, or euros, or whatever). But the wizard doesn't take the path of the harlot – why? Because virginity is considered something all too important to just "give away" to a faceless, nameless succubi.
At the heart of all this, the wiz values his virginity much more than he lets on. It's not just a coincidence or a twist of fate. His virginity is all-important to him. It's how he defines himself against the world. Those who accept this are in a good place. Those who rail against masturbation, turn to the crabs, they're in a bad place. A sad place. They haven't accepted who they are.
you can easily define what a wizard is by saying what he isn't A wizard isn't -a normalfag -a socializer who goes to bars and pubs -a fag -an attentionseeking retard -a tranny -a crossdresser -a degenerate -someone who had gfs in the past -someone who eroleplays -a "virgin" who tolerates sexhavers and degenerates alike and have them as friends -normalfag sympathizer -a virgin in e relationships or who had gfs in the past aren't wizards even if they are still virgins -simps and anyone who agrees with ideologies that promote male hatred
>>213402 >you can easily define what a wizard is by saying what he isn't A wizard isn't >-a normalfag
OK, so generally anyone who you don't personally like for any reason is not a wizards. Because we all know "normalfag" these days can mean someone who wears laced shoes instead of velcro, or someone rides the bus to the grocery store in stad of summoning grandma to do it for him.
I would say a wizard is a virgin over age of 30 due to choosing a shut-in/loner lifestyle. I wouldn't count someone with an active social life who chooses to remain a virgin for religious or personal reasons. I would also not count someone who is actively seeking to have romantic or sexual relationships, that's just a crab/failed normie.
Basically what this means is a wizard is someone who has at some point chosen to turn away from a normal social life, and has accepted this new life. The reason for becoming a wizard is not important, and even the attitude towards this situation is different for each wizard. What matters is the acceptance of a life away from others.
a wizard is a male heterosexual who remained virgin at the age of 30+. he also chose this lifestyle since young and will remain a virgin till he dies. he also chose a life that distant him from his pears and succubi.
>>213411 of course it's not so easy at it seems and believe it or not, lile it or not we all have a normalfag side, because we still nead the bare minimum to live and interact with other people to live your life and of course most of us live IN the society and participate in it. it's rare knowing someone living off the society and to do so (to let you alone) you must be rich, yeah being rich help being a good wizard
wizard is an adult male virgin. the older you are, the more wizardly you are. society's understanding is that wizards are losers, but no one wants their identity to be negatively defined. so we have necessarily constructed our own ideology that views wizardry positively and normal society life negatively
this separation from the wizardly and the normal is also where normalfag and other norm- insults originate. it allows us to easily view others as an enemy or bad, to dismiss the value of the normal lifestyle altogether. by doing this, the foundation for wizard ideology is a positive exclusive one, about embracing who we are and rejecting those who aren't. it is somewhat tribal as a whole
anything that might benefit the wizard, while not muddling the separation between wizard and normal, can be understood as wizardly. sex is one of the most unwizardly things, because engaging in sex altogether strips us of our virginity. other things are less clear, for example social relationships and friends, but in principle most seem to agree they are somewhat unwizardly. for such things, it is best to keep them to yourself and not talk about them
further separation can be made between virgins that want to have sex, try to have sex, want a girlfriend, want to be in relationships, etc, as this can be understood as unwizardly. so their current status is not all that matters, but their intent and desire to continue living as a wizard, to be wizardly
like i said before, things that benefit the wizard as be understood a wizardly. in practical terms, porn can be understood as one such thing, as it allows wizards to satisfy themselves without needing to have sex or be in a relationship. but ideologically, you can also view porn as being completely against the wizard lifestyle. there is no way to resolve this, as other hobbies in general would be under fire. what one wizard appreciates another detests and thinks is for normalfags. this category of our personal interests, for considering how wizardly someone is, should be the lowest consideration, with your current status, intent to remain a wizard, and solitary lifestyle in general ranking higher in importance
tldr if you are a wizard and intend on remaining a wizard, and you behave in a way that doesnt compromise your status, sexually or socially, then your own personal interests are your prerogative and you are free to live your life how you choose…
normalfags on social media such as discord, fb, instagram, etc., homosexuals, trannies, people who've always had friends and are in social groups, socialize daily, etc. can't and will never be wizards. Why? because they are not outcasts, they always have a circlejerk or hugbox, always socialize, they are the antithesis of wizardry. Do they know loneliness? NO Do they know real isolation? NO have they ever been bullied? NO have they been ostracized? NO They have normalfag friends and interests and live normalfag lives.
>>213405 > Is a wizard due to choosing a shut-in/loner lifestyle >Not a wizard because personal reasons These statements don't compute to me Someone who chooses in particular not to have sex isn't really a wizard to you, but someone who happens to not have sex due to being a recluse is?
>>213424 Hard disagree. If you are an 30 year old male virgin, but you have an active social life or otherwise take an active role in society(besides unavoidable things like work), you aren't really a wizard. For example, if you have had a girlfriend, you cannot be a wizard even if she never had sex with you. Virginity is simply one of the best tests for determining your connection to society. If you have had sex, it is guaranteed that you are a social success and are fully immersed in the normalfag world.Of course, you can be a virgin and still be more or less immersed in it.
>>213473 The important part there you aren't quoting is "active social life". I was thinking of cases of people who believe things like "no sex before marriage", asexuals, or people who just "haven't met the right one yet". These sorts of people might become virgins into their 20s or even 30s, but they can't really be called wizards of the type wizchan was made for.
>>213472 I think the ideal Wizard, is the volcel of virtue, who is normal in everything but sex, but chooses to be virgin out of morality.
I'm far from the ideal myself, although in the past I honestly thought I was him. But instead of resenting the ideal Wiz, we should be striving to be more like him.
>>213483 So someone who loves Jesus and regularly goes to church as their main/only "social life" and makes the choice to never have sex or get married to stay pure is not a wizard to you?
What about someone who has to interact with people regularly due to their job because they can't NEET since their parents can't/won't take care of them? They would technically have a social life of work. Even if they are just doing it for a paycheck to not die/be homeless. People who work can't be wizards?
I am just trying to square this circle you built here.
>>213487 > So someone who loves Jesus and regularly goes to church as their main/only "social life" and makes the choice to never have sex or get married to stay pure is not a wizard to you? correct > What about someone who has to interact with people regularly due to their job because they can't NEET since their parents can't/won't take care of them? That’s not a problem and nobody is claiming it is.
>>213472 to call wizards losers, you have no wizard ideology of your own. you are filled with the spirit of normalfag society and looking with normalfag eyes at how we live. that is the only way you can view adult male virgins as losers tbh
>>213500 Most people are so institutionalized they cannot break from normalfag standards, myself included. It’s why /dep/ is one of the fastest boards, nothing breeds self loathing like being a wizard and viewing yourself with impossible standards.
>>213486 agreed >>213479 I think the same, socialfags aren't wizards because they surround themselves with normalfags who actively detest virgin and low status males. People with gfs or e relationships will never be wizards either. If you fit in with the rest of normalfags then 99.9 percent of the time it's because you are definitely one. >>213472 Yes. Normalfags can't really understand this, in the end, the normalfags "virgins" end up losing their virginity, they go to college, get a job, socialize, the don't have a wiz life but just come here for the memes and to have a laugh or post when they feel their normie blues or fake depression as wizards call it.
>>213487 religiousnfags praise society and want to have sex to create more religious offspring, it's a mandate they have. they are antiwizards. I've yet to meet a single religious person online who wasn't a fucking normalfag or hypocrite faggot. >>213500 >>213501 Wizards have always been outcasts, I don't know why you are surprised, in the eyes of society, outcasts are always considered losers. Is that news to you? Normalfag scum consider virgin males to be losers and shame virgin people when they can get away with it, on media and anywhere else.
>>213502 let me just clearly document what we are both saying
>>213424 (me) >society's understanding is that wizards are losers
>>213472 (you in response) >If you're a virgin you should also be a loser
it seems there is no misunderstanding at first glance, but i specified from the society/normalfag point of view we are losers. you did not, and i assumed you meant you actually think wizards are losers yourself. so i responded in return >>213500 >to call wizards losers, you have no wizard ideology of your own. you are filled with the spirit of normalfag society and looking with normalfag eyes at how we live. that is the only way you can view adult male virgins as losers tbh
but you have just responded >>213502 >in the eyes of society, outcasts are always considered losers
in summary i have no idea why you are trying to argue with me, as we are literally saying the same shit. i said a lot more other things you could be focusing on instead in the original post though, but you aren't
>>213402 >a fag >a degenerate >a "virgin" who tolerates sexhavers and degenerates alike and have them as friends
Those first two don't apply at all and are just /pol/raider cockmonglerism. Also if you want any kind of friends, they are likely going to be people who have had sex before.
>>213509 >if you want any kind of friends >they are likely going to be people who have had sex before!!! >if you want friends then you will befriend sexhavers normalfags!!! >homos and trannies are wizards!! lol at this kid who thinks me in my late 30s give a fuck about friends.
>>213495 Well to be fair, if you fall for the mainline Christian grift, you are normie as fuck anyway. Wizards should optimally be syncretists or occultists, or some sort of agnostic. It's no coincidence hermits are associated with mysticism or that we are called Wizards.
>>213512 But I agreed with the tranny thing, hence why I didn't meme-arrow it. I suppose homos cannot be Wizards in the strictest sense but by the same token heterosexuals cannot be either! Anyone who identifies with their sexuality is categorically not a wizard. You can be a druggy porn addict and be a wizard; the site was made for social rejects, not boddhisatvas. And it's fine you don't want friends, even ideal but you should have just said that. There are no Wizard communities irl to link up with other Wizards.
>>213479 I agree the virgin thing is a litmus test. I would rather be in the company of a philosophical pessimist who had sex once or twice than a committed virgin ChristLARPer improvebrah.
>>213517 Also it's more than a standard, like I said, perpetual virginity that begins involuntarily is a litmus test. Have you seen the antinatalist subreddit? It's full of normalfags whining about first world problems, the usual political faggotry (which you are pushing btw) and mostly consists of "child-free" types who just want an excuse to kill off fetii and avoid any kind of personal responsibility. When someone is an outcast who has never formed human relationships, he is formally acquainted with the hypocrisy of humanity and the contingent fragile inessential nature of life itself.
>>213516 No. You misunderstood me completely. To give a better picture of what I mean:
All wizards are 30 year old male virgins, but not all 30 year male virgins are wizards. This is true. It should be a rule that someone is a30 year old virgin because that is a necessary condition for wizardry/being a social outcast.
That is not to say that a failed normalfag who has had sex belongs here, because they stull don’t really understand wizardry and are not outcasted from society.
succubi cannot ever be outcasted by society since they can never be undesired by society.
Someone who has had sex has clearly been desired by society.
At its core, wizardry is about existing on the fringes of society at best and not really belonging., and being a male virgin is simply a necessary condition for this.
>>213524 Why do you need this site? If you post about your purity on /pol/ they will call you a based Chad. You tradLARPers are a blight on the board culture!
>>213525 I didn’t watch that dumb video. Is he a complete and total outcast? If not then NO i already said this. Virginity is a NECESSARY condition but not a sufficient one. You can be a male virgin and a normalfag, but you must be a male virgin to be a wizard. You need to be a complete social outcast, which implies virginity. Do you understand now?
>>213526 >If you post about your purity on /pol/ they will call you a based Chad. Or I could post about my virginity here and get a bunch of affirmation from men who I consider my fellows. Some of them are depressed, some are happy, some are suicidal, and some are training to be Olympic lifters. Either way, they share a common outlook on reproductive lifestyle and typically have similar experiences to myself when it comes to online interactions and observations related to society in general. A few of the hundred thousand patrons of your classic /pol/ boogeyman may celebrate or make jokes about my celibacy, but at the end of the day, they're all fags like you so why cae what they think?
>>213530 >would rather the site got flooded with Emil Ciorans than C.S. Lewis' And that is why you're being laughed at. Contain yourself to one of the many threads perpetuating hopelessness naruto character angst.
>>213537 Not depressed. I could give a fuck how depressed someone is. It's just a question of whether they discount sex. For the philosophical pessimist, it's a mechanism which promotes the cycle of suffering. For the cuckies it's all part of God's perfect design and marriage is a fundamental good to be pursued. Actually, I wouldn't even call myself personally depressed, since I stopped having to work at least.
>>213541 theoretically tho, wouldn't it be even more impressive if a succubus managed to stay pure until 30? she could probably shoot lasers out of her tits and snatch at that point.
>>213548 It's easier than you think. Sure the opprotunity for sex is overflowing.
But who really wants to have sex with an adult male? Do you want to go masturbate to porn of an adult man right now? Even the so-called best adult men, the chads with big muscles. Big monstrosities. Might as well fap to a gorilla.
I can't believe succubi or gay men are actually sexually attracted to men. They just do it in exchange for something. Or out of fear like in prison.
So by my theory rich, high status succubi who have nothing to gain from sex, would be the most virgin. IDK if its true or not.
>>213603 My kind is someone who is celibate and prefers defined words that mean something in particular, rather than constantly uprooting the goalpost so that some retard can justify playing no true wizard and insulting other wizards for not being a carbon copy of themselves.
>>213635 stick the thread and delete all posts except this one. wizardry is solved once and for all, the truewiz debate has been absolutely settled wew
>>213635 I disagree. I think if someone chooses to remain celibate that makes them more of a wizard then someone who wants to have sex but can't.
I think that someone who is happy in their wizard life is more fitting then someone who feels hopeless and in despair.
I don't think being religious disqualifies someone from being a wizard. That is flat out retarded.
You are basically trying to say that only involuntarily celibates who hate their lives and are miserable are the only ones who are "true wizards" That's bullshit.
Not having sex doesn't mean someone can't live a happy and fulfilling life. One can be a wizard and not wallow in misery and misfortune. To think that even a mod of this place doesn't get that is pretty disheartening.
>>213635 wow. when is the official crabchan rebranding and change of the rules? Mods even imposing outsider meme crab terminology. >Volcels are wizards only if they choose the reclusive lifestyle, otherwise they become celibe for religious or other reasons and thus can't be a wizard This is my favourite, amazing
The wizardly way of life learns disgust for the sexual act, usually long before the age of 30. It is my belief that the world we live in will produce more full wizards out of necessity, and there will be among young boys an immediate awareness that all such activity is no longer compatible with our lives. Wizards will become the majority, and perhaps some will force themselves to violate the wizardly way of life or will be compelled to, but the desire of men for such relations will fade. Eventually children will no longer be conceived - this is already the state of affairs for elites, who have their fertility clinics and eugenics shit and violently imposed social rot to kill us off faster. Wizardry will be a necessary defense mechanism to resist the rot imposed on us. It has always been something a considerable part of the male population has lived, but it was incompatible with the eugenicist vision for the world. A wizard would not want to impose such a violent world order on others because a wizard is reasonable. In the past, there was a certain regard of normies for wizardry as a positive trait, so long as it did not degenerate into political autism or maladaptive behavior. Part of the rise of eugenics has been to strip away any life we would have had, because eugenics relies on reducing most of humanity to a slave race and taking everything good from them. In another life, we would be able to associate with each other and find happiness without these Nazi gangsters policing us and barking at us like the animals they are.
The world will be a terrible place for a long time to come. Whatever world ends this nightmare will be very different from this, involving people who think very differently from us. One thing I can see is that the family and the "rights of succubi" will be stripped down, as eugenics moves to its more overt stage of control and terror. The way eugenics works has consigned most of us to doom, genetically and morally. The only way it ends is if there is a faction within the elite that decide they no longer wish to do this and they are able to remove opposition, so the next thing begins, whatever that is. Whether that will be better or worse is entirely in their hands. But, for that to happen, humanity's existence would have to be different, and part of eugenics has been to arrest technological progress to ensure that nothing new is possible. That's the only reason why we haven't already seen much that we already know to be possible and desirable - because we live in a society designed to crush all hope, for no other reason than the defense of eugenics and torture. Because of how history happened, this is locked in for at least 50 more years, and there is nothing in humanity or the world that stops it, not even the will of those at the top. It went on for too long.
I don't see myself as a "wizard" primarily, or make that an identity. It's just a fact about what I had to do to live in this world, and I'm not the only one. No succubus has ever seriously expected me to be anything else and I never wanted that once in my life. What I really wanted was security and something to do with my life. I couldn't bear the thought of bringing a child into this world, let alone protect it and me against this beast I saw when I was growing up. As eugenics intensifies, more of the females are giving up, because it's starting to cannibalize them. We tried to warn them. Usually the more honest of them were humiliated and beaten, and the worst bitches were promoted and encouraged to make this as terrible as possible. Eugenics does that, and it makes everyone into monsters.
For the world that is very, very different - one that is worth living in - so much would have to change that it would be like talking about unicorns. Humanity is nowhere near that and doesn't seem particularly inclined to allow that world. There is no "post-human" or "transhuman" world where this is different by some technology or initiative of people. The only thing that will really change it is if the world does not allow humanity to go on like this, and the world can win against the human race. There is nothing in humanity that can change its fate significantly. What humans can do is build what life they can, while we can, and continue preaching a message like this. There is no reason for us to ever go along with what the monsters want this world to be, and the majority of humanity, normies included, know this is shit. Only certain types of people enable it, and they do so without really thinking about it. It never occurs to the evil that what they're doing is really "wrong". Intellectually they know exactly what they're doing, but if they ever consider the thought that it could be different, they are trained to terminate such thoughts from an early age, and once they taste blood, they never go back. Never. The only way their theory of society can work is to make everyone vampiric monsters like them.
But for me, I don't consider "wizardry" itself to an agenda item. I wouldn't tell others to become wizards or take pride in their wizardry. It's not a virtue. It's just the situation and a necessary adaptation given what humanity is, and it has always existed. It has often been suppressed by those in society who insist everyone has to be as depraved as them, who love making others suffer. So far as I care about wizardry, I just see it as something we would have to acknowledge, instead of acting like it doesn't exist or the great charade can go on. I'm seeing more normies stop pretending altogether, more men openly denouncing the entire institution or all of the institutions, more people dropping out of society, and more people saying from experience what goes on in the "hidden world", or at least parts of it. It has been their policy up there to "leak" things, as if they were revelations that suggested an inevitable historical progress towards their victory. So, I suspect there will not be many illusions moving forward. 2020 made it clear that the regime no longer cares to pretend with any seriousness that this is real. The lies are so openly contemptuous because they're ready to exterminate most of humanity, or lock us out and wait until we all starve and die. If they can't kill us rapidly, they expect the siege to be unbreakable. The defender always has marked advantages in real war, and the only real war is the war of eugenics against the people.
>>213387 I keep it simple, a wizard is a virgin male above thirty. But it is a bonus that the person is also happy, or at least, at peace with himself and his life.
>>213669 1. learn how to speak english, it will help with brevity, which you are in desperate need of 2. none of the unintelligible bullshit you've said in this thread can possibly serve as a justification for your abusive usage of the mod tag, you're obviously an attention-whore BPD moron, an illiterate one at that
>>213666 Means different things to different people. For me it's being content with my life, no pain or wants. I'm okay being a virgin, I've a full belly and a warm bed, I've entertainment at my fingertips and time to enjoy it, what more can I ask for?
>>213669 Nobody reads your faggot rules. Posting with the mod tag is the same as saying "hai guys i'm gril btw ^_^*" >Means different things to different people. Cop out.
I strongly suspect a mod who abuses there tag also abuses their power in other ways.
The state of moderation on this site is disappointing.
Also who ask someone who has such questionable English skills to moderate a English only imageboard? The guy littearlly said he didn't know what volintarally celibate meant, when he claimed volintary celibates aren't wizards.
I can't respect the opinion of some crab in the bucket who doesn't even know the basics of what they are talking about. Appealing to the authority of their tag doesn't make them sound any better.
Fundamentally the mod is under the false assumption that Wizard= misery That the life of a wizard must be and is bad. I will never accept such a opinion. Such a opinion is garbage. Anyone who holds it isn't worthy of calling themself a wizard. It is the opinon of someone who hasn't disregarded succubi, or normie bullshit. it's the oppintion of someone who still clings to the things they can't have. Who resents normie bullshit because they can't have it and they think in not having it that is the souce of their internal suffering. They resent females because they think the lack of validation of females is the source of their pain. They didn't disregard normalcy. They were disregarded, and they are resetful of it. So they resent any real wizard that doesn't feel the same resentment. Who is content in their life because they willingly chose the path of the wizard. They actually disregarded succubi. They don't care about the lack of female validation. They found their own way in the world and it's magical and beautiful. Full of hope, wonder, and happiness. And people like the mod abusing their tag resent that.
But whatever. The mod will probably abuse their mod powers some more and delete this, ban me for trumped up bullshit, and lock or delete this thread when their ego gets bruised. They have done it before and there is no reason to think they won't continue to abuse their mod powers over petty disagreements.
Just be sure to screen cap this rant before it gets deleted.
It seems somewhat of a contradiction to admit that you are involuntarily reclusive and yet to disallow talk of disparaging the reclusive life or of people attempting to end their seclusion and engage in social activities. To me it seems there are two main camps in wizchan, the schizoids/megaautists and everyone else such as avoidants, borderlines, uglies, minorautists. The first camp is in the minority and they are voluntarily reclusive, for them the reclusive lifestyle is one they actively seek out. For everyone else, they are involuntarily reclusive and this involves endless suffering and depression. It seems dangerous for people who are suffering in such a state to assume an identity that revolves around their identity as a recluse. You are basically signing up for a life of suffering and despair. It's a state of defeat, and not something one should aspire to. If you are a schizoid or the type of autist that doesn't enjoy socialization, you are a more uniquely odd person than the average poster here. Why a person like that would even want to post here is questionable seeing as this is a site for socializing. Why are we catering to the minority here? Why are we encouraging people to never grow as people? The reclusive lifestyle has objective downsides that are obvious to anyone who has ever lived like this. For some people it's not something you get to choose to avoid, I understand that all too well, but I don't understand the obsession with trying to glamorize it and avoid all talk of the downsides.
I understand I might be banned for such talk but that is fine. I try not to associate myself with any sort of identity, it is always more harmful than helpful and I think perhaps I have gotten too close to associating with this website as an identity. If I can't post here anymore I will just go back to a higher level of seclusion. The reason most people come here I think is to try and find people they can identify with, but lately coming here all I see is violently aggressive and hate-filled normies spewing hatred of anyone who is not sufficiently normal and then acting like this is what defines a true wizard. They run around this site like they own the place and it's just a default for people here to agree with their small minded bigotry. I rarely see posts that have anything of value but I see posts that disgust me every day.
WizHikkis true loners and asocials alike won WizNeets antisociety and against sex and degeneracy won Real wizard Autists invested in their hobbies won
socializers and people who had girlfriends in the past or have been in e relationships can't be wizards Groids who simp for females can't be wizards Normalfags with female friends can't be wizards Virgins who socialize online daily are normalfags so they LOST Virgins who are faggots lust after other wizards so they LOST Virgins who lead normalfag lives resent the downtrodden so they lost LOST Virgins who voicechat are neurotypicals and need social validation so they LOST Virgins who need approval of a clique or online group are tribalistic normies so they LOST
it seems the crux of it so far is this: is wizardry to be endured or enjoyed?
or are these things two separate but equal branches of the same wizardry tree – two distinct valid kinds of wizard identity? or is the contradiction a more esoteric mystery, like a yin and yang, but one Tao, one unified Wizardry essence?
actually come to think of it, would suggesting that wizardry is innanely a miserable thing be in fact breaking this rule: >Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles.
because it is ascribing a negative value to wizardry, for who would want to be a miserable outcast?
the only way for this position to make sense and not break any rules would be to either adopt a neutral position (that is to say wizardry is neither good or bad, but simpy is) or a positive one (that it is something to aspire to, a noble ideal/state of being, which evidently has been controversial). ultimately it seems to me that a distinction must also be made between the happywiz archetype (thesis), sadwiz archetype (antithesis), and the potential ascendedwiz (synthesis) paths of this dialectic: >authenticwiz (wizardry as one human male virgin path composed of happywiz and sadwiz elements, and that's all OK. inner peace is found from within these things) >asceticwiz (wizardry as one human male virgin path composed of happywiz and sadwiz elements, and these things are both to be abandoned. inner peace is found independent of these things)
and yet this still leaves us with two kinds of wizards. truly, advanced wizardry is a thing to contemplate about, if such things can even be
>>213663 >You can't be successful and be a wizard. To rephrase your statement, you're saying all wizards must be failures. A hair's breadth away from saying that not having sex makes you a failure, and an all-too-convenient way to justify catering to that crowd (crabs).
I interact with nobody other than occasionally saying "thanks" to delivery man bringing groceries. I consider myself successful and satisfied because I have everything I need and financially doing well. Never had a traditional "job" in my life. All wizards have had ample opportunity to buy crypto, or perhaps they get neetbux, or an inheritance. But you want to cast all those people out.
You reject and cast me out because i am "better outcast than you"? The exact definition of crab mentality.
Wizards should want the best for each other and try to lift each other up to become satisfied, successful, insulated from society (unlike a wageslave). Your mentality is this place is a doomed pit of suffering, and it harms the people here.
>>213691 >you're saying all wizards must be failure Retarded and actually a black person's reading comprehension. Rich people and traditionally successful faggots can't be wizards because no matter what they are always normalfags, there's a point where success the way society sees it is completely and inextricably aligned with a normalfag life and values. nobody wants college graduates fags with phd degrees that make 100k a year coming here. Rich kids who don't have to work because of their parents moneys but are virgins and do nothing but socialize, party, etc. aren't wizards either, they live completely different lives from virgins who are social outcasts and loners.
>>213689 by having a /dep/ board the site implicitly acknowledges that wizardry is associated with depression and suffering. There is a contradiction in that acknowledgement and that rule I think. I understand the need to stop the sort of vitriolic posts that will just berate someone for being isolated but it seems poorly worded if that is the only intent. Ultimately isolation for many of us is simply the lesser of two evils. You are damned if you do, and damned if you don't if you are fundamentally unable to handle a normal social life, attempts to socialize will only lead to anguish, not attempting to will also lead to anguish, but somehow the latter anguish is more comfortable, at least for as long as you can sustain the isolation. If you can't sustain it and life forces you to enter the world again, all you will be left with is a massive void in experience and a sense of what you have lost all these years. You will end up as a kid in an adult body with no idea how to act, having to ask all the sorts of questions a teenager would ask, being ripe for exploitation. You will have to suffer through the anguish of wage slavery at the lowest rung without the ability to enjoy your life outside of wage slavery because you don't have any friends. I know because I am going to be faced with this prospect one day and I've thought about what will happen then.
Ultimately indefinite isolation is a luxury almost no one will be afforded in life, it will end at some point, and when it does, the longer and more complete your isolation has been the worse off you will be, this is a hard truth many on this site are unprepared for I think. I mean 30, that is the approximate age range, and many don't even reach that. What will it be like when the age range is 60? Will you still be able to neet it up in your parents house when they are dead? For all you know they did years of cancer treatment or years in a nursing home that ate up any savings you expected to inherit, maybe they even did some moronic reverse equity thing. Only the richest of the rich wizards will genuinely never have to worry about it. You think you live in some nice socialist country that supplies bux? That could end at any moment. People could just decide to be fascist at any point. Don't believe me, read a history book, it happens, countries swing between the extremes of leftist policy and right policy within the lifespan of a single person. Global warming and resource scarcity are set to make everyone more authoritarian and bux will be on the chopping block. Normies gather social connections, wealth, and status like their lives depend on it because they literally do, we live in an era of insane wealth fueled by exploitation of fossil fuels and it's easy to forget what real scarcity and resource competition looks like, but we are destined to see it again.
>>213695 that sounds like a nonargument. Sorry but if you like to party, do drugs with friends at bars and clubs, have succubi come over to your room, go on dates, pay for camwhores, simp openly for the opposite sex, and have female friends, etc. then you should leave wizchan, at that point it doesn't matter if you are a virgin, everyone knows you are a normalfag.
Your kind isn't welcomed here no matter what you say.
>>213688 I don't see it as anything that significant. There's nothing for fucking at this period of human history, and there never was much for it. We're not going to procreate and our children were never ours, and children now have been raised to believe there is no future but endless sacrifice and toil. There is a small elite group which is pulled aside and told with a smile they're selected to live, but they must internalize all of the sadistic values of those who built this nightmare. If you ask the questions about where this beast came from, why humanity came to this, that is the great question and you will find the answer is very, very unpleasant. We are not allowed to ask too many questions now, because if we did, none of us would go along with any of it.
I like saving my energy and money and spending on things I actually like, which would be nearly anything else. It is always the reasons why we were forced to be this. In another world, I don't think humans place this sort of moral value on reproduction and controlling who gets to do what in society. Either we would or we wouldn't. The only people who ever gave me shit over being "wizardly" in any way are the venal and disgusting jerks. Normal people, male and female, know what this is and don't insist I have to be like them or play their stupid game. It's these disgusting eugenist assholes who always violently insist on telling others what they're allowed to be and who is allowed to have friends. Normal people have lives and too much self-interest and see where such behavior leads if it goes on. It's only because the assholes engineered a society which makes it illegal for anyone to tell them no, which goes out of its way to prop up a demonic aristocracy and prints unlimited money to declare they win, that any of this can perpetuate itself. Before now, humanity had to endure conditions which made it against their interest to punish us after enough ritual humiliation. It was easier to provide something to them to get them to go away. But, that was always a stalling tactic. The rulers only ever wanted maximal slavery, and now they have it. The world we live in is the transition from the old world to the new, where abject slavery and absolute torture is the default. Where before freedom was taken for granted, the future is the world where freedom is scarce and always held in private, without any expectation that we can speak to each other about what this is. The eugenists will do everything to make sure the majority of humanity is as Satanic as them. It was allowed to go on for too long, so this is what humanity is consigned to for the forseeable future. There is only a small existence, whatever we hold onto, until a new situation arises that would allow us to have any sort of life again, if that happens. There is no plan or initiative that can go against what has been set in motion that would change the world. We could change what we do, and suggest others do likewise, but they don't even allow us to live life as we would want to or have a single conversation or idea of our own. Eugenics knows no other way.
>>213698 That said, the only reason for the insane obsession with sex is because of eugenics, rather than anything about us. You'd be surprised how many normals learn to appreciate "wizardly" qualities, especially as they grow older and no longer face the same obligations they did to "make it" in society.
>>213699 >>213698 > You'd be surprised how many normals learn to appreciate "wizardly" qualities, especially as they grow older no, you dumbfuck normalfaggot praiser with obvious normalfag friends. just because they don't have the same energy as 40 year olds to bully virgins and shame them for being shy and introverted it doesn't mean they "appreciate" wizard qualities, your beloved normgroids don't wanna be virgins, they want a social life, they want girlfriends, sex, kids, and climb the social ladder. Stop coming here to praise normalfags just because you are one and have normalfag friends. You're really a disingenuous coward.
I'd like to extend a thanks to OP for culling the inner brim of the hat instead of just placing the entire .png over top of George Lincoln Rockwell's head.
male celibacy is the greatest morality in the world, for while female chastity has its earthly rewards under the laws of Darwin EP, male virginity is shunned by this world and is the law of Jesus of our Father who art in Heaven I venerate the volcel Bishops, Priests and Monks
>>213861 >male celibacy is the greatest morality in the world, Celibacy is just one aspect of morality so celibacy alone doesn't make you a moral person. > male virginity is shunned by this world and is the law of Jesus of our Father who art in Heaven Wrong. Why post about things you have no clue about, it only shows how ignorant you are. It's always the christians who are deluded and low iq. Christ never asked for men to be virgins, there isn't a single law about it either. You talk like a nonchristian or someone who's never even read the bible. >I venerate the volcel Bishops, Priests and Monks venerating men is actually against christian morality, and even outside of religiosity worshipping men you don't even know personally and that in most cases are nonvirgins is foolish. You know some saints weren't even virgins, right? Priests, bishops, monks, etc. don't even need to be virgins to be ordained.
>>213387 It's something invented to move out of r9k and have a different, better online space; it only has an historical meaning. Everything else is bs.
NEETs are a thing. Hikikomori are a thing. crabs are a thing. [insert mental illness name] is a thing. Virginity is a thing.
Wizardry is just a meme, and the userbase itself doesn't agree on what this site is about even, because you have different people who come from all the above situations.
This is probably the community on the internet with the least consistent scope and identity, which is not necessarily a bad thing, if it weren't for the fact that each thread is all personal attacks and trolling.