>>208088 >>208105 >>208106 I wonder who the fuck would care enough to collect data on a schizo? Do you think that you are that important? Just take your schizo meds, narcissist schizo.
>>208127 It's often not hard to get neetbux in Europe. The requirements are usually that you put effort into getting a job by a means of sending appliances to workplaces and showing up to appointments at the neetbux place, sometimes they also try to directly work as a broker between you and employers. Some countries make it quite easy to play that system and that's why so many Muslim third worlders go to Germany for example. Some people manage to go for years of neetbux without ever having to work. Often you have to live in bad areas though because many countries like Sweden, Germany etc. offer 'social housing to people which can be compared to project housings in the USA so you might have to live with a lot of loud foreigners who are criminals or otherwise unpleasant. Theres also euro countries that require you to pay back neetbux if you don't need it anymore so you're in debt afterwards, I think Austria is one of those places.
>>208117 theres plenty of people who work all their lives and still end up homeless. anyone who lives paycheck to paycheck cannot make fun of NEETs because their stability is no different. Really if you have no savings or plans and you think you are ok just because you work you are dead wrong. you are a bumfuck and you don't even know it. break your leg? company goes under? rent raised? you're screwed. Your no better off than a NEET only difference is they don't have to work.
Neeted on and off for the most part of the last decade. Been waging for the past 3 years but I'm 36 already. Neeting was too hard for me, too much pressure, psychologically. I live in a Third World country, no neetbux and too much tension from parents and relatives. Finally got a job at my field (got a college degree in 2012) just out of luck, the job itself is completely pointless but I have no choice. And of course neeting for so long took a huge toll on me. At any job I had, I have always been the extremely quiet guy, constantly subject to passive aggressive bullies. My job requires speaking in public some times, which is extremely difficult for me.
>>208086 not everyone is lucky enough to have bitch parents that just give them everything they need to live. i would reckon most people here work but probably more of us work part time than full time since it doesnt take a whole lot of money to live the way we do
I have had to work all my life and I would trade my experiences in a heartbeat for a privileged wizard who got thousands upon thousands of dollars from their parents just for being their child.
I despise work and wish I wasn't born in a poor family.
I'm a NEET because I am too inept and autistic to work. If I worked at a fast food restauraunt I would get fired because I would refuse to serve food that fell on the floor and would wash my hands and change gloves at every step and I would take 10x the time to do tasks because I triple check everything. At the same time I would get the orders wrong because I would get stressed and I would get screamed at which would make me mentally shut down.
I'm not a proud comfyneet because if I had the ability to use my NEET time productively guess what I would not have dropped out of college and would have had a comfortable well paying desk job instead.
>>208675 those are parents that actually love their kids. the boomers mentality of kicking kids out at 18 shows they aren't actually family and don't care about you. think about that every time you see a homeless person. they must have some boomer family that refused to help them. you don't see southern orcs do this to their families. that's why they are taking over
truthfully i was just never prepared for adult life and working. in teenage years i dragged my feet and did not learn and experience the early stuff other kids did, i didnt apply to university or know how applying to jobs worked. so i ended up doing the military. and somehow this only further fucked me up, since the military treats you like a gigantic manbaby retard. my entire life for ~4 years of air force was wake up to go cafeteria eat food, bicycle 5 minutes to work, work, bicycle back to cafeteria to eat, shower and play games in the dorm. i never had to leave the base, drive a car, go shopping, insurance, bills, all that stuff. so when i left the military i was just as fucking retarded at being an adult as before. i tried a few years ago to get back into working but man it fucking sucks. there is only shit jobs for neets and this only makes me swear off work more
>>208731 of course. did it sound as if i implied i give a shit about my job? i dont, i try to put in as little effort as possible really. its not like i get paid according to my profuctivity anyway
>>208740 as a southerner its even worse, at least in my case. my family's "love" only applied if i was a useful idiot to them and ive always hated it. would have prefered to be kicked out of the house instesd of them finding any way they can to entrap me in the same house as them. their "love" is everything ive ever hated. loud, obnoxious, meaningless, selfish, and tiresome. like a bird trapped in a cage
I'm a wageslave but not by desire. I live in a country where welfare is non-existent, and I don't have the means to simply retire. I sorta like being able to afford food, so wageslaving is the only realistic option.
>>208086 I am a 34-year-old, unemployed, high school dropout, friendless virgin who has not been employed since 2011 (one month of employment–unemployed before that point as well) diagnosed with major depressive disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, delusional disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and psychotic disorder not otherwise specified. No NEETbux, no autismbux. Only taxfraudbux.
I get retardbux because they decided that im a full retard and before that i was just neeting on parents expenses. all working efforts have failed because i cant handle social situations and im really unstable. i hardly leave the house and only talk to my parents once in a blue moon. true hikki.
My wagie cagie suits me fine, I need something to fill the days. NEETing is boring to me. And I like all the extra money. I also work for a not-for-profit organization so it's not like I'm lining anyone's pockets. More like giving kids free books to take home that they then do not read.
I'm a hikikomori on NEETbux. It didn't fall from the sky though, I had to fight a bit for it. Even before getting it I didn't work anyway. I despise work.
All my life I've been an outcast who locked himself away from the world… been a NEET for over a decade now, went on autismbux a few years back. However it's a pittance and not enough to support myself so I live with family. It's a meager existence, only slightly preferable to being homeless.
>>208086 I'm not a NEET, but I do work from home and have no irl interactions with my coworkers and even through text do I barely engage with them. During meetings I only talk if I have a question to ask.
>>208086 I got dealt a shit hand. Short, ugly, dumb, autism, absolutely socially retarded, severe social anxiety. After finishing highschool I was a NEET for about a year before I was forced to find a job. I only have one parent, who doesn't make much, and who also (naturally) expected me to work since we have financial issues and NEETbux is absolutely shit in my country. So I became a supermarket/warehouse stocker. I make minimum wage which I don't really mind, the most important part for me is how little social interaction and how simple a job is, which stocker fits decently enough I guess. Don't talk a lot to people and stocking is pretty simple for a retard like me and also I can just zone out and daydream about winning the lottery. God I just want to be NEET again
Wizzie, wizzie, wizzie, can't you see Sometimes your tricks just hypnotize me And I just love your magic ways This is why they straight and you're so gay
Been a neet since 2010, never had a full time job. Habent worked alot. Multiple mental issues and SSI/neetbux is giving me a hard time and im rotting in misery
what are neets even doing all day? i tried to put the effort into getting a constructive hobby but all the effort feels worthless when your entire life is this empty. i cant be bothered to play games or watch movies anymore, nothing is enjoyable.
>>215853 you have to cultivate a neet mindset where you just imagine that you have thousands of years at your disposal and that there is nothing urgent happening and that you don't have any responsibilities besides breathing. once you're in that enlightened state, you can sit down and tinker with anything for hours everyday, completely relaxed and engaged with your hobbies and mind.
if you're still in the normalfag mindset, you can't enjoy anything because it's all filtered through this societal value system and it just ruins the experience. oh i can't possibly invest 100 hours into this game, i don't have a job, my parents hate me, i'm a total loser etc. etc. you have to remove all that crap, all that toxic shit that you were told. not everyone can do it, but it's very rewarding once you finally give up on all that shit.
>>215853 "play games" and "watch movies" is not the best example of decent hobbies. You should try reading, playing an instrument, programming, etc. Easier said than done, of course, if you have any form of depression.
>>215854 >if you're still in the normalfag mindset, you can't enjoy anything because it's all filtered through this societal value system and it just ruins the experience. oh i can't possibly invest 100 hours into this game, i don't have a job, my parents hate me, i'm a total loser etc. etc. you have to remove all that crap, all that toxic shit that you were told. not everyone can do it, but it's very rewarding once you finally give up on all that shit. Yeah you very well know though that it doesn't just work all the time, you have your low moments, because giving up normalfag-mental-structures leads you to nihilism and depression. So it still sucks. Way (way, way, way) better than wageslaving, but it still sucks.