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Hi guys
So wizards tend to gravitate towards other lowlifes not only on the internet but also in real life.
But as much as wizards love to shit on normies being boring, wizards are boring buddies too. I mean would you like to meet irl for another sausage party with video games talks? Cringe


You can be a wizard and more interesting than the majority of normies. You don’t have to be talking about video games all day since there’s more to life than that, and even then, it’s better to talk to someone who you can relate to, even if they’re “boring”.


autistic people are extremely boring and dull, but not all wizards are schizoids or autists, some hermit type lonely people are very fluent and knowledgeable on different topics and good conversationalists once you get to know them. It can be great to know someone with a rich internal life that is reflective and used to contemplation, they will not talk with many people but when they do is usually very interesting.

Some hikkineets are very interesting to talk to but that is given that they have interests, they read and have their own perspective on issues they stay informed about and are not just fat dudes that masturbate , eat and go to sleep. Those are even worse than normgroids that only wagecuck most of their time away. I feel the more autistic you get the more npc, really, they are monothematic and hyper obssesive about trivialities and overly mundane shit only them can care about for arbitrary personal reasons so is nothing constructive that youd care about even if you are mentally ill yourself. Two autist each conversing about their autism is the most pointless thing.


I have the gift of Gab but after being secluded away for so long I just don't wanna talk anymore. I just end up ghosting anybody that gets too close and then feel lonely later on and the cycle continues…


>Hi guys
>So wizards tend to gravitate towards other lowlifes not only on the internet but also in real life.
People with same retardness get along together very well that's why we have special schools for special kids. We have shrinks for people who cry about lil things that everybody else gets through in their life too but they don't whine about it like a bitch

>But as much as wizards love to shit on normies being boring, wizards are boring buddies too. I mean would you like to meet irl for another sausage party with video games talks? Cringe

Any dude who doesn't have sex in their mind half the time of the day are supposed to be boring because they aren't the majority. And the majority hates crabs.


<sausage party
Implying that having succubus and their BS drama at your social gathering would make it any better.. oh no no no.

I personally do not see how a wiz would be boring considering they have a unique perspective on the world and would be great to talk with but we can do all that online so why would you want to be physcially near another human?

>And the majority hates crabs.
All non crabs hate crabs


>would you like to meet irl for another sausage party with video games talks?


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the problem with wizardly friends is either they are above or beyond your own powerlevel, making them either not engaging enough for you to bother keeping the friendship alive or they ghost you because youre pissing them off with your lowly IQ


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I think the most serious problem is that wizards tend not to grow much as a persons. All this time alone is too easily spend on meaningles entertainment or being depressed, and you end up with conversations being either shallow (games, movies, best scenario books) or repetitive and bitter, if you try to talk about deeper stuff


normie infiltrator


>anyone who isn't a normie must automatically be a depressed loser, retard or generally an insufferable, low quality person


cancer thread


As opposed to the enlightening conversations about the sportsball game and work you have with coworkers/bros while getting shitfaced drunk.
Fuck off back to /pol/


Are you retarded, he didn't say anything about politics, sports, work or getting drunk.


No, but he did show contempt for the the wizard and reclusive lifestyle which is a rule breaker


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No he didn't, its just that for some wizards the idea of being a wizard coincides with the idea of being pathetic and lame, when its not necessarily so and it is themselves who are indirectly showing contempt towards wizardry by judging other wizards by comparing them to themselves and acknowledging only their own, involuntary path towards wizardry. Same wizards tend to be incapable to stomach any kind of critique for some reason.



Having the false need of company is a symptom of mental disease in these times.

Despise those desires that bring you nothing but anguish. I relinquished people a long time ago, and no worries at all about "muh contacts" , "dating", "social life" etc…

Before highschool I just played with my toys and videogames, didn't gave a damn about the outsiders.


Deeper stuff from normies.
The things I have to read, man…


Sure, but do not expect anything deep or soulbounding.


I insist, it is warp what makes them such, as they cannot get their brains repaired after a life with hidden misbalances grown inside their heads.

Tesla was a wizard, reached level 80 (wraith) and he was a master for us all.
He only failed at the furthest level, not knowing how to handle successful wraithness, this is: the illuminati took his wealth and inventions. He got caught.

Apart from that… pure mastery of wizardom.


back to normiechan with you


Boring is so painful that it even makes people desire the company of other humans. God save us.


>you are not loser enough to post here



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It sucks having no (even online) friends. I have all this energy to talk to people, but have to post to anonymous imageboards and form no real intimate connection.

When I start to talk to people, I get super excited and talk to them a lot, and they probably get scared that I'm talking too much and overcommitting to the conversation and think I'm creepy. But I am creepy and I am fully committed because I have no one else to talk to, and because I'm the one that wants the relationship more I'm in the position of weakness.


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People with friends are sociopaths.


Yeah im the exact same way. I just let imageboards scratch the itch and go about my day to day now. Being too talkative scares people off but only if your not a nomralfag


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I'm the op here. Many people ranting about me being a normie, just because I wrote from my own experience about irl wizard gatherings. Yes, I happen to have wizard/basement dwellers buddies.
You are making false dichotomy - what, just because normies tend to be boring/shallow, wizards are sophisticated/deep? No, it doesn't work that way.
Also, about normies,you act as if anyone who have success in the dating market etc is the same type of person. This obsession to fit everything into your worldview is really funny


>wizchan 2021


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I'd rather talk to people I'll never have to speak to again rather than talk to someone IRL that'll leave and then randomly show up again five years down the line. Also talking to anyone with "morals" is a waste of time, so again, IRL is off the table. Having to watch what you say is the most aggravating bullshit ever, especially when you can get heated in the moment and say something that could potentially get you arrested. Most people on imageboards are irony poisoned normalfags that don't mean what they say during discussions, but there are still a few exceptions on more niche boards that aren't indexed on google. There's only one guy I know IRL that has the same mindset as me, but hides it unless he gets really drunk, and that's my brother. He's always been like a best friend to me and always had my back after his mom/my step mom died, but I never see him these days outside of holidays since he's busy.


for real, thread shouldve warranted a ban soon after it was posted but here it is still up half a month later.


Why is a thread about voluntarily socializing and comparing social standards even on wizchan?

please tell me more about how your friends aren't as cool and deep as your other friends. This is a reddit tier thread.


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Bub, reddit has a functional meta community and a worthwhile layout if you're not in scanner mode all day every day. Some people actually have a sense of internal being. Would you like
>>some pointers on the subject?
I used to take the robot remark as a compliment, memetic beast. As in, less than a person without supporting me.

#Zoanoid Helghast Rarepair


>This bait
Nice try normie


Then why are you here?
Honing in on a throwaway comment without addressing the point of the post isn't really letting your internal sense of being shine through.

>Why is a thread about voluntarily socializing and comparing social standards even on wizchan?


Judging from myself, absolutely not.


I think it will be fun. To shit talking with him about the depraved succubus, and the simps. Unfortunately I am alone at the bottom. I can not find someone who is that low as my level.


>I mean would you like to meet irl for another sausage party with video games talks?
this all ended at puberty and it was the best


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Best case scenario is that you find an honest-to-god wizard who understands social ques and knows how to keep up a conversation while also having extensive knowledge in academia and a good sense of humor. Who is only a wiz due to no not finding any enjoyment being around normagroids or is so depressed he has a hard time being around normos.
However what's usually the case is you get hyper-autistic speds who are neurotic, retarded, and will ghost you within a week of contact. They have no sense of humor or enjoyment outside of self-masturbatory consumption spending their hours pouring over disgustingly serious books detailing individuals in similar circumstance to them. Most of your conversations will be vain, retarded, and awkward and if they are intelligent your discussions will be dry and boring eventually leading you to leave them to consume anime/vidya since those are much MUCH more enjoyable.
Coming here to ramble about troubling thoughts and personal beliefs is fun, but all the other time I'm not here I don't think I would want a single wiz to be my friend.


This is mostly true, tho wonder why you specify:
>must have extensive knowledge in academia

Also another oddly specific detail, I wonder what exactly you are referring to here?
>spending their hours pouring over disgustingly serious books detailing individuals in similar circumstance to them


I have only two people I'd consider friends, one is a pal I've seen this year after 5 years, and the other is my best friend from childhood who is a wiz like me. In a sense, it's a miracle that our friendship still exists to this day. I wonder what are the odds of two people meeting in real life as kids and growing up to be wizards who like being wizards and dislike the normalfag life and anything related to work, relationships, etc., because this is who we really are, two lazy virgins who never gave a fuck about normalshit stuff, did bad at school, slept during class, and instead of sleeping or study played videogames or watched anime till late at night, and had our moms shutting off the power to our rooms. The only thing in which we disagree is our taste in anime and some foods, but we share our love for the same type of life and entertainment, and that's what matters in the end. That's why we always have fun together playing videogames, watching movies, or talking about anime or videogames or anything that we both like.
This week after a year of not seeing each other, we met and I greeted him with a hug. I was genuinely happy to see him that we spent the whole afternoon playing videogames at his house till midnight. Having a wiz friend who shares your same values is a blessing, so in that sense I am blessed. So to answer your question, yes, it's fun, you laugh till your stomach aches and have the best of times. Seriously, my best memories are of me and him laughing like two retards about the stupidest shit. But it's not "perfect" since we are introverts and stereotypical "losers", not saying we are failed normalfags since we never even tried, but even in a life like this there still can be a lot of pain too… but we keep it in silence most of the time because of our pride.



I have this in the form of an online friendship. When I was 13 I met some other kid on Halo 3 and we've played games together ever since. We even played a few games this afternoon. If not for the fact we live on separate continents, we'd probably hang out IRL. Probably just doing the same shit we always do, just in the same room.


lol sounds fake as fuck so im not even going to report you


>So wizards tend to gravitate towards other lowlifes not only on the internet but also in real life.
This is so true. The only people who acknowledge me are failures by normalfag standards. I know a guy who is a wizard self proclaimed asexual. He lives in his parent's basement is a NEET with only a highschool diploma never worked a day. He has no future once his parents die he's fucked.


I consider him a wizard but he has no idea what that or crabs are. But he's one for sure. Pretty sure he's neurodivergent. He's an agoraphobic who plays vidya all day literally not figuratively speaking.


How old is he?


25. I should also add his only human contact besides me are with people from Xbox Live. Me and him live in the same city but I haven't seen him physically in years.


Not seeing each other in person though is in large part due to COVID though.




This but wisdom not IQ


I always think I want social interaction, but soon after I make an effort to pursue it, I often regret it.
I don't mind the short jaunts and drive-by communications of places like imageboards, but anything more extensive and I realize I typically would've rather spent my time alone.


My one and only true friend on this earth is a guy I happened to meet when we were both teen /b/tards in 06-07. We lived in the same city. He isn't a wizard for reasons you might imagine, but otherwise there are no discrepancies in either thought or feeling. Been separated by half a world, and been roommates also. We've seen some shit, him and I.
Now he lives 1000km away but is still the only real person I talk to and am able to have a genuine conversation with (imageboards notwithstanding, I mean in real life). Somehow we've still kept in touch throughout the many years, despite everything. I think we will until one of us dies.
But yeah, I'd bite a bullet for the guy and it's a wonderful thing to have someone you can be on the same wavelength with and just chill on a bench in the park and talk about life.


The only person I'd consider a friend is also a wizard's apprentice, the last time I saw him was all the way back in HS, since neither of us leaves the house otherwise. Sometimes we hang out online and just ramble about retarded shit, mostly just incoherent racist jokes and dark humor.


I have one long time internet friend who's a weirdo and a virgin (though not a hermit or a loner so he's not a wizard), and one irl friend who's a normalfag. I still like him because we were best friends in school, but we only communicate through text chat now. I'd rather spend time alone and most of the time I don't want to talk to anyone about anything, even subjects I care about, so it'd be impossible for me to keep an irl friendship going on a weekly or even monthly basis, whether the other person is a normalfag or not. And the last thing I want is having to meet a new person and going through all of the getting to know each other conversations and having to put effort into being entertaining or interesting. I enjoy spending time and joking around or having an occasional longer conversation with someone I already know very well, but those kinds of friends are in short supply even for most normos


Imagine having any friends at all


Autism can show in many ways and it can differ from person to person. One might live a completely normal and successful life and one could be CWC. I’m an autist but I’m not super shy I just don’t enjoy engaging with normgroids but the topics I am interested in I can easily talk about for hours if the other person is as interested in it as I am.


i would never befriend someone that goes on imageboards. there is a reason why most sane people dont go to the meetups


I got along with a co-worker that I suspect was a few years away from wizardry. He was much easier to discuss technical subjects with (generally software engineering and applied math/stats) than other people and we never wasted time on social topics. If we went off topic, it was to talk about video games or the like. We respected each others' spaces, so there was no "grabbing a beer" or other such nonsense; I could go home in peace at the end of the day. I don't know if you could exactly call it a friendship, but it was a comfortable distance between (apprentice) wizards. He killed himself a couple years back, so I'll have to ascend alone.


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Man, maybe we really are just fated to suicide.


>He killed himself a couple years back


>grabbing a beer" or other such nonsense;

What? Do you think you have to gossip like a sewing circle when you hang out with fellow autistic men? You just sip and nod.


I was referring to that as a stereotypical example of something normalfags might do. The point is that neither of use tried to force extraneous social engagement.


So many normalfags in this thread, it's staggering.


no normalfags, only wizards.


I always consider having online friends then we talk and i'm boring as fuck and they bore me and I ghost them first like within the day. Boards are enough. Real life friendship is a pipe dream


I can't remember the last time I saw someone I would assume is a fellow wizard not counting the physically or mentally disabled.
I'm not very good at talking anyway so it wouldn't be worth the trouble.


I’m a nornalfag




What’s up?


You are what you do.


After reading this thread I came to the conclusion that a wizard friend would be the absolute last I would want. When it comes to relations you're all obnoxious faggots way too self aware to feel relaxed around. Fuck this.


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Like clockwork a couple times a year I seriously consider trying to find an online friend. I think about it for a few days and then decide sit on it for month or two and if by then I'm still thinking about it I'll take action. Turns out I almost always end up forgetting about it. But that's not the only problem.

It's hard to come up activities I could engage with an online friend. Video games is the first thing it comes up, but then I would need to find an online game I actually want to play. There was a wizchan minecraft server for a long time and every time someone bumped it up I would seriously consider it but never actually joined. Then there's the RPG thread I also considered it but again never joined. Games would be ideal but I just don't feel like playing anything that much I guess. Besides converting an online buddy into an online friend takes some extra steps.

So first I would need to find an activity that needs more than a single person. Watching anime, reading manga, watching garbage on youtube? Those are solitary activities, how would you include another person into this? I suppose you could share your thoughts about those things with other people? I actually tried to be active on discord for a while back but then there's another problem. For a friendship to work you must have a need for friend. Not just a short lived fantasy about friendship which is my case, but an actual need to share your thoughts with other people and be willing to partake on their thoughts as well in a consistent manner. I says it again; Consistent manner. Consistency is key. You can't be nice and friendly for a week and then disappear for 3 months because you don't care anymore. That doesn't work.

And yet another issue is small talk. I have very low tolerance for it. It's not that it annoys me but I just don't care for it AT ALL. And I don't care about sharing random thoughts about random things. So what happens a lot is, you have a group of people partaking on small talk and I have nothing to say and don't have anything significant to add (actually this is false and not the point of small talk but more of that later). Little by little you become an outsider. Not because of any ill will or anything. It's really simple, if you don't join the conversation, people can't feel friendly toward you. And just like a group of people become online buddies right in front of you and you missed the chance.

Few years back I decided that maybe a project would be a good way to make online friends. So I joined this small scanlation group that were looking for translators. This lasted for about 6 months or so until the guy providing the raws gave up for some reason. That was a funny experience because it instead of friends, I found myself work colleagues instead. I was working 3 hours a day on this thing and had the chat with the group open most of the day but never managed to talk much about anything. This past holiday I sent a happy holiday message to the guy who would edit my text into the balloons and he wished me a happy holidays back but that was it.

This is fairly obvious but if you're not willing to share your life with other people, no matter how small your life is, you won't be able to make friends, even online. Like those silly guys who would take pictures of their lunch and comment on how cold and stale the fries were. Those are the people actually making online buddies, or at least they have the ball rolling at all times. I on the other hand don't feel like sharing anything, always think things are too trivial to be shared and keep silent. Bonds will never be made with such behavior.

And people are able to tell you're emotionally unavailable. It happened several times within this scanlation group that some people would wait to share a picture or comment about something when some other person came in even though I was online. It was just small talk but they wouldn't feel like sharing it with me. Studying the chat history I realized they did try to talk to me on several occasions but I was always monosyllabic on my responses so people slowly shuts down towards you as well. Then you're out of the loop and the distance only grows from there. The proper way would be like this: A person talks about how the meal he just had was awful. You then should also remember times on your life that you had awful food, and share that moment, adding a comedic tone if possible, or tell it in a charming way if you're able. This is a sure way to get people comfortable around you. If they feel they know you, if they connect you with funny things you told them, then you start to be seen as friendly and people warm up towards you.

Of course this is easier said then done. I realized that sharing is important but when the time comes I just can't bring myself to say anything. And there are more problems in this whole thing, this is particularly true to wizards.

You have to be fairly selective with your tone and what you share at first because there are always awful people online. They'll make fun of you and try to use you as their laughing stock. So there's that factor as well and I see a lot of wizzies here don't realize this and I've read about people trying to open up just to end up bullied. That's another thing to consider.

So that's what you need first; an actual need for a friend that would allow you to care for someone else in a consistent, CONSISTENT manner. Then you need to be able to tell which people are nice and which ones are assholes. Once you have that figured it out, you need to engage on sharing your life with other people so you can create bonds with them. Finally, you need a few points in common to keep things nice and engaging. It won't work if any of the parts are missing. And it's possible it won't work even when everything is in place because nothing is clear and certain like that.
I like the idea of having a friend but if I stop to really think about it. If I'm brutally honest with myself I realize that there's an awful big chance I'm not made for it. I don't know how to feel about that. Most of the time I just don't feel anything, so I'm writing this down for future reference on my thoughts of today.

tldr: finding friends even online ones is really hard I might just continue to watch 2D people being friends instead and forget about this whole topic.


Quality post enjoyed reading it thank you for sharing and I wish you luck in making a friend Mr Wizard.


The worst thing about it is that there are faggots with cliques who will gangstalk you while pretending to be your friend for months, even on this website. I wouldn't recommend trying to make friends online to any actual wizards who post here – you're always under threat of falling prey to some subhuman insectoid who will betray human trust for a bit of sadistic pleasure.

I might have offered to add you on some chatting platform to talk if I didn't feel such dread at the thought of having to get to know a new person and having to put effort into conversations; I feel the same as you about not really having a need to consistently converse with someone.


It is worth the risk just be careful and never cut yourself after being asked to or give the discord troon money who is asking you to harm yourself but emotional exploitation for sadistic gain is possible.

If you refrain from making any friend online out of that fear you are missing out.


>anime and manga are solitary hobbies
Naturally yes but one might want to discuss them but that I only do here. Anonymage is my only friend, he’s you, every post you see and all the people reading this. This is why I hate name and avatarfags. I wish there was a neural link or something so I could completely upload myself onto the internet, the real world has nothing for me and I already find the mere concept of me being able to communicate with other human beings fascinating. To think that someone real and sentient on the other side of the globe might read the words I write


>It's hard to come up activities I could engage with an online friend.
Watching anime together over Syncplay is nice, as is playing MMOs or RPGs with co-op like Divinity II


I'd say it's not worth the risk if you're a comfy schizoidwiz who doesn't mind being alone. Accepting invitations from faggots on imageboards is especially dubious, it's going to be discord clique trannies at least half the time.


I found few online buddies through wawtching yt futanari subliminals. It's wacky stuff, but people who are into it are very real, and some are quite interested in many esoteric/political topics. those "friendships" were just talking in discord, mostly, but it felt special. the main thing is, they may say everything stays on the inernet, but relationships are short-lived


If you are a true schizoid than just posting anonymously on IB's is enough and you are right about the troon discord cliques but really you are safe if you keep your wits about yourself.

>I found few online buddies through wawtching yt futanari subliminals.
You are the type of people that make me avoid trying to make friends online.
What is it with you people and liking dicks and mentioning it everywhere.


yeah… it's weird all right. But common interest is first stip for "friendship" I guess
Also, it seem like you can easly find far right people in the futa yt subliminal "community", or at least sympathetic to Trump, suprisingly



Personally I avoid people who are political in nature there is nothing wrong with actually debating political ideas and systems but it is a big red flag to me that someone is an idiot if they think that it is worth actually being politically active to make things "better".

A lot of the far right people that are open about it online IME do not really know much other than what they read from meme infographs posted on 4chan.


being politically active on a LOCAL LEVEL probably is a way better idea then believing in meme magic
though people on /pol are probably basement dwellers who are not able to achieve anything on local level in real life, so they stey in their little safespace, just like wizzards here


Local level I understand but that just menas you are a normalfag and care about society same as people who are politically active at all.

Wizards keep to themselves and are just people who are outside of society but polfags are losers that try to make their own synthetic society virtually so they feel they belong.
Failed normalfags


Not at all


You're smart enough to appreciate the value of inner life, but why this cowardly urge to shit on autistic people for being "boring"? Because you can't extract value for yourself from the things that preoccupy their thoughts? People don't exist for you.


Not who you replied to but I want to defend that wizzie for "shitting on autistic people".
He likely means mid functioning autists the type that you cannot communicate with abot anything beyond their obsession.

There is no point even bothering with these people they are not even human in many ways just biological blobs of retardation which would be best away from me virtual or otherwise.
People do just exist so we can gain something from them when you get philsoophical about it and sadly for very autistic people their value is low when it comes to ability of being good for socializing.


>sadly for very autistic people their value is low when it comes to ability of being good for socializing
wizchan 2021


Well it is true is it not I do not even have any friends so do not try to go true wiz on me.


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like 99% of wiz have autistic traits so the comparison makes no sense, unless you're severely autistic yourself and projecting?


I am told I am autistic I have been tested when younger and told a lot through adult hood by doctors but I refuse to see myself as autistic I am talking about actual autists.
I am not projecting I am talking from experience.


if you are not suprised, do you know why is it so?


Only horsecock-sucking faggots care about politics and politicians. Anyone with half a brain can realize that the people with money are in charge and politics are a puppet show for the masses.


I have tried to make friends online for years and it's never worked out. I am extremely autistic, I only care about very specific topics which I could talk about for hours mainly; hydroelectric dams, guns, fishing, off grid living/survivalism and thats about it. I am incredibly dull as a person, I'm not very smart or interesting. Literally the only interesting thing about me to most people is my time in the army so thats all I am to them and my entire identity. I found out a couple of minutes ago one of the only people I'd call a close friend managed to score a succubus. (not that I think thats some magical cure all, I am not a crab). It was just sort of a chock to my nervous system

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