I got "slightly strange" with a score of 85 >You have several qualities of a robot but participate largely in the normalfag world. You probably even hang out with normals, although they can sense you are not one of them so you struggle socially.
>>214069 >Your total: 51 >Your class: Robot >Your flesh has turned to metal from feels. A little magic flows through your enlightened veins, and you are a likely suspect for a mass shooting in the beta uprising—however, this would require going outside.
>>214069 the thing i don't like about the test is that it considers being in shape to make you more of a normalfag. you can be in shape and still not fit in.
>>214069 This is a fun test. I'm confused by > Recreational screen-time up to 4h a day does it mean you don't do more than 4 hours? because it gives you 1 normalfag point, so I guess that's what it means. So if I live in front of the PC, i should not check that box, right?
>>214110 got rejected for selecting >Do you have any real life friends? to be yes, because i've had a real friend back then in school. i also had one in university. i am not sure on what terms we are now as i have not spoken to either in a while. appears i officially don't belong to this place. funny that i'm not even surprised, anyway, time to leave finally. i guess it's gods blessing after all!
I got 23. Mental and accomplishment fucked me over the most, particularly the six points from college.
Why is not looking at hentai a normalfag thing? I mean, I do when I feel like finding something grotesque to post on a message board, but never for sexual thrill. Plenty of people I'd consider normalfags do masturbate to it from what I can tell. Maybe it would have been true 20 years ago, but manga has been pretty mainstream at least since early 00s. A library near me started stocking a lot of manga and Toonami seemed pretty popular at that time. There are many more points to disagree on, but meh. It's just a stupid personality quiz like any other.
>>214069 this would have been better if you posted your score alongside your age. terrible thread. i know some young wizzes are going to score low/high
if you're above lower class you are not a wiz in my opinion
59 Cyborg, 32 years old. I score cyborg on that glowie datamining test too. Not fitting in anywhere as a schizoid is a given. Here's the other test and a chart for it.
Indeed i really and already knew that i'm bound to be alone somehow belonging to no side that's why i always felt that feeling of being alone from the beginning and will die alone but not lonely like Guts
23 points, oh shit i'm a wizard with a neckbeard pic attached >Have material items to be proud of I'm proud of my manga & anime collection but most people would be disappointed, so uh idk
>>214091 >>214098 cope fatty some people like to take walks and have vices other than drowning their sorrows with slop. if anything you're the normgroid for having such a pathetic vice that affects your mind and body in literally every way possible
Wizard Apprentice 28 points while 22 of them are from psyhical. Who knew being born and having no money for drugs while performing basic hygiene exercise included is all it takes to be demoted from Grand Wizard class.
Low wizard when solving test pessimistically, robot when optimistically. Getting a job, moving out and renting a place would promote me to robot / cyborg (that's my plan for the next two months). Worst category is social, got 4 points since I'm handholdless, kissless, friendless virgin (at 30+)
>>215484 I did the math, the only way you could have possible gotten a score that high is by checking the box that says you have kids and also that you have regular sex with them
>>215482 This is bait because the only way you'd get such a high score is by lying or being an actual highly successful giga chad with constant sex and a family. >>215486 >you have kids and also that you have regular sex with them I think you made a mistake here…