I realized that I am making my life revolve around loneliness, having to interact as little as possible, being isolated from the rest of the world literally speaking. If I am going to finish school it has to be just studying at home, if I go to work it has to be away and without employees / bosses. I am shaping all my plans for the future in relation to loneliness. Does that happen to you too? It is normal?
I know it is not very relevant to the thread but hey. The "life plan" revolves around going to live in the country, alone, work and live off the land, forming a safe space in which to be. Soon I will acquire 2000m2, and I am really afraid that everything is going too fast.
>>177575 OP I get the impression you are young and this does not invalidate you for having the desire to be a wizard however it does make me concerned as to why you intend to embark on this solo journey to nowhere.
You claim you are making your life revolve around loneliness and this alone makes me worry how you will be able to cope with the wizard life which is one of solitude and alienation. The fact that you feel lonely means you will continue to do so and it will cause you great distress in life. Optimally a wizard rejects society and does not enjoy the company of others at least physically but a wizard who was forged from rejection will always feel the pain of being alone until they give in and kill themselves.
People on wizchan and similar imageboards will glamorize the wizard life but very few are actually happy and most have mental health issues there is a reason why we have a /dep/ board and the suicide general.
If you are young you are still developing as a person are you sure you want to do this to yourself it may not be for you and it is never too late to change your life later but it an be too late to undo the damage that has been done leaving you psychologically moulded by the misery and isolation. Take this as a warning.
>>177578 My loneliness started at an early age, like when I was 11 or 12 years old, when I wanted to stop going to school due to a high level of stress due to homework. Now I am 18 years old, I have two years to go to finish school, but I still make sure that I have an income through my business (very few hours per week and barely interacting with people). I don't like it, but I don't like being alone, the problem is that I am creating a business, a solitary form of study, and a lifestyle in general, albeit lonely. >You claim you are making your life revolve around loneliness and this alone makes me worry how you will be able to cope with the wizard life which is one of solitude and alienation If the magician's life consists of being alone, sleeping untimely, and spending a great deal of time in front of a screen, then I have bad news …
>>177582 You are not alone because you prefer to be alone and are instead alone due to not being able to yet find a way to be with others you will never get over being lonely it will manifest itself into other problems like depression and so on.
You do not like being alone so do something about that either through meeting people virtually or in the real world although covid will make it harder to do the latter for now.
You can join some group that shares an interest but be aware if you are redpilled you may feel alienated even by other weebs and nerds but that is not to say you cannot find a friend at all.
The anthesis of a wizard is not someone who feels lonely and is all by themselves but a man that has rejected society and romantic relationships. A wizard gets the same painful feelings you do from being alone by being near others if that makes any sense at all.
OP why not give being a normalfag a shot because you can always turn back if it does not work for you but you will find it hard to be normal after becoming a wizard.
>>177588 >why not give being a normalfa I'm going to try, I don't like the idea very much, but I know it's necessary to avoid more serious problems later. Maybe having a normal salaried job isn't so bad after all. Something that I realized is that the majority of direct relatives were and are very lonely, including my mother, my two aunts, and my uncle who unfortunately committed suicide. Do you think they could be problems that can be inherited?
>>177590 The way the internet is heading you wont have anywhere to find wizardly company in a few years or even discuss anything that goes against the norm.
You are not suited to the wizard life if you suffer from being lonely or at the least it will be horrible for you.
>>177594 Why not? The first social networks I used were image boards, 4 years ago, without these I would be isolated from all communication other than my parents.
>>177575 I have such difficulty interacting with others, that I want to make and sell apps and games for a living. That was, I can work in complete isolation. Theoretically, I will never have to interact with a client. The only reason I would have to accept communication from anyone would be for legal reasons.
Autism really is limiting and I can see why the majority are unemployed.
>>177619 When you don't feel comfy being alone than why would you plan being alone? I don't get the idea behind that. And when you feel more comfy not being alone than why don't people go out more? The truth is that many here prefer being alone most of the time. I sure know I do.
>>177597 4chan is overrun by spammers who seem bent on making using the site as miserable of an experience as possible. It's like there are sweatshops of paid shills who mass produce unfunny variants of forced and dead memes and then post them every hour of every day. For years.
>>177623 Do you post on lainchan it may appeal to you it is heavily tech oriented.
>>177625 I really hope OP listens to our warnings because the truth is many of us do prefer being alone and at most like to have someone to bounce ideas off online but OP is lonely and it will only get worse.
It seems more like he is accepting that in his mind at least he wil forever be alone so is choosing to live that way when the truth is he is still a kid barely old enough to post here and should go out and try to be a normalfag. If you are 18 and already feel the pains of being lonely you will not last as a wizard you will rope quickly because you are touch starved or whatever the term lonely men use is.
>>177630 18yold are basically children, the only place where they fit in is r9k (or /b/). I can almost guarantee that he came here because some maggot on 4chad told him about this place.
>>177627 I have posted on lainchan before. I don't currently work on programming-related projects often enough to warrant using it, but perhaps that will change.
>>177635 Then why even mention your young age? Clearly you want to play your puppy's license card young people are given by society to get some compassion and a more gentle treatment. Clearly you want us to remember that you are not one of us and probably will be a late bloomer laughing at us in a few years. Nobody wants that here.
>>177635 People like you are the reason imageboard are shit in general. You are cancer. When I was 15 I knew for sure that I'm not mature enough to be on imageboards.
>>177623 I only sell tangible products that do not require paying any kind of tax. Before I used to sell alcoholic beverages, but I only had 3 clients and that was enough. Business doesn't really require a lot of socializing.
>>177627 I am going to work in something that does not require being with other people, I do not go to school, nor do I do any sport or any similar activity. The solution may be to play a sport or learn a musical instrument.
>>177629 I only use image boards in Spanish, and international like KC.
>>177636 >>177637 That user and I have nothing to do with me (I'm the one who said his age, the OP).
>>177637 >Then why even mention your young age? Because it may just be a problem of age and that with time it will go away. Or maybe it's the beginning of a serious problem.
>>177638 I spend a lot of time on the internet and even more on picture boards. I felt really bad when I turned 18 and I was still here. They are years of my life wasted in front of a screen.
>>177630 Why do you assume that? I'm 33 and not planning a suicide, and the main reason I'm depressed is because I don't have a comfy job and still living with parents which is humiliating, if I had a job and my own place like a lot of other wizards, I think I would be rather happy.
>>177652 I'm going to work very hard so that doesn't happen to me. My mom works all day, she earns "well", but at the cost of losing her life, and her well-being there.
I kind of hope my parents end up buying a whole shit load of land when my dad retires. I could just farm the land full-time. I think that's what many of us were meant to do but modernity ruined everything.
>>177663 You don't need to cultivate that much. I only plan to grow things out of season, in a greenhouse. They are really very cheap to build, they generate a good profitability, and without the need to buy things like insects or agrochemicals.
>>177660 Equally. I wish you the best, magician bernd.
>>177576 All the buyers of the property signed, only the lawyer's signature was missing, but just a day before he caught coronavirus. He is diabetic, and fat, possibly he dies, his wife can go to sign, but who knows … It has been a long time since I felt so bad, and that there is still some other land to buy. On the one hand I wanted to go to work there, and on the other I was very afraid of doing it, but the truth was a defeat, a very big failure for me, because of things that come out of my hands.
>>177688 >They are really very cheap to build >they generate a good profitability
I am assuming you are talking about hobby level shit because that couldn't be father from the truth in actual commercial operations. And no, unlike what the retarded hippies say you do still need to use chemicals/poison, just less of them.
>>177852 As you can see it is very good, and hard to believe. Study the subject enough, and ask some specialist agronomists, and it is so. You do not need insecticides since bugs do not enter, but an investment of mosquito nets is necessary. It also does not carry agrochemicals to kill the bad herbs, or to make the product last longer, since the product would be harvested in winter, and there is a black plastic that covers the entire greenhouse floor. The structure is also very cheap, it is made of reeds or wood from the area. And the heating would do the burning of used vegetable oil.
>>177588 Yesterday I went to see another land, and I felt like shit, land can be a good business opportunity, it can make me earn a lot of money, and make me prosper economically in general, but when I was going I felt like shit . I realized that in practice it is useless to have more money, since it does not change my lifestyle, it does not represent anything special or important to me …