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The NPC meme is real, its not just a meme.

So a few years ago the NPC meme made its rounds on the internet. It even went mainstream. The idea of the 'NPC', which is a video game term. A technical acronym that stands for Non Playable Character or Non Player Character which is used to refer to the totally scripted characters in video games. They are not controlled by people and they in tern are not real or have no souls.

The man pictured. G.I Gurdjieff was a mystic who's main lesson taught that there was a fine distinction between what he referred to as personality and essence. Personality as he defines it is the characteristics that you have accumulated and are not actually you. Essence on the other hand is whats actually you or soul. The scary thing, and the thing relating to the NPC meme is that for some it is not a matter of whether you are one or the other. But how much you are of each, but more importantly to the topic. He states that a good chunk of people in society have totally lost their essence, that is they have died long ago and are living scripted machines, literal NPCs. And thats not to say that the non NPCs are all that better off. According to him most people who have an essence are totally underdeveloped. So in society. everyone you come into contact with is either an NPC or a blind, mind controlled Human Augmented by society. Pretty scary stuff. He says that for most people essence stops developing at around age 4 or 5. when society starts to hammer people with indoctrination to be frank. indoctrination including religion, culture, social teaching and so on. When gurdjieff conducted experiments to separate a his test subject's personality from their essence. Most were almost totally empty shells of what people around them knew them as. They were stuck on the same level as that of a small child. They were simple. impulsive and aloof. And keep in mind this was in early 1900s europe. Its much worse now i bet.
Gurdjieff was a real mystic. He had perception beyond what we are capable of seeing. So before you start identifying who is and isn't an NPC. Keep in mind that all of us lack the extra sensory perception he had. CONT.

And even more so keep in mind that we do not even have the sensory ability to properly detect it in ourselves. Gurdjieff says that it is an immense struggle once you do start identifying these things. So whats my point in particular. My point is that i think what you would call hermits, recluses, nerds (not geeks, geeks are the normalfag version of nerds), 'autists' and so on are god's chosen people in our society. I strongly suspect that people who brows chans like this retain a much stronger level of essence. Maybe 33% and so on level of essence as opposed to the normalfaggot 0-5%. It would explain the weird behavior. I suspect that hikkis, NEETs and the like are people holding on to themselves while society tries to brutally assimilate them.


"empty inside, already dead" probably describes more of your chosen people than happy normies


I just wish there was an easy way to tell if someone's an NPC or not.
I'd like to be able to tell just by looking at a person.

Is there a way?


I'm tempted to say that people that don't suffer from any kind of neuroticism are NPCs. Not mental illness per se, but a certain amount of mental friction is what is conducive towards developing self-awareness and self-reflection.


I have In search of the Miraculous and did read several hundred pages before ultimately dropping it. Gurdjieff believed the planets literally influence people's consciousness and described consciousness raising as a pattern like musical notes. To my knowledge he never claimed extraordinary powers or demonstrated them, so it is a mystery to me that he attracted a following at all. If you look at the social behavior Gurdjieff takes towards people like the author it's pretty obvious he's trying to groom and impress them, If I'm not mistaken Gurdjieff sought out the author specifically to have him write a book about his teachings for instance. I wouldn't place any weight in what this guy says


I’ve grown suspicious of gurdjieff the more I read about him but this personality vs essence thing is a thing in eastern mysticism. I don’t know the name of the religions for lack of a better word but there are entire spiritual practices based off the whole personality vs essence thing but they don’t call it by those names. Gurdjieff has me under the impression that most people are utter drones. When he said that people only go to the theatre or restaurant because of their sex drive because their will be men or succubi there it raised an eyebrow. He ultimately poses an unfalsifiable arguement that everyone is an NPC and only he can really tell who’s who. It may also be the case that the drugs he gave people to suppress their personality were suppress supprise. Just sedatives doing what sedatives do. If he’s a conman I’d have to say he’s a really convincing one.


you are thinking of it in metaphorical terms. when normalfaggots say "dead inside" its almost always ironic and referring to human misery. I do think gurdjieff overstates this 'deadness' where people are not even conscious of their actions but some people really make me question whether they even have things like self reflection, moral honesty or even consciousness. i definitely believe in higher and lower humans. people have intellects but intelligence does not equal spirituality. spirituality is extra sensory in nature.


> Essence on the other hand is whats actually you or soul.

I would think of it more as Essence vs Contingency. Or what we are born as vs what we can become. Or how defined by our genes we are.

It would be nice if Existence precedes Essence. If we were just thrown in to this world empty, and got to choose who we are going to be.

But from life experience I have found that we are entirely defined by our essence. That the entire history of the tree is written in the seed. That my biography was complete when I was 5 years old.

So I do see myself as entirely defined by my essence, my DNA, what I was born with. And everything else is just an emanation from the seed. The unfolding of an already written script.

I use the term Essence in a way similar to how you did. And yet I regard Essence as something entirely negative. I don't take any pride in being defined by my essence. I wish it was easier to change.


You've defined it pretty well.
>So I do see myself as entirely defined by my essence, my DNA, what I was born with. And everything else is just an emanation from the seed. The unfolding of an already written script.
couldn't have said it better myself. and looking at it i'd have to agree that its kind of bullshit that we are largely predestined. Your idea reminds me of what slavoj zizek said about 'the mask' that sappy western psychology tends to talk about. And that behind our mask is our 'true selves' with all our inadequacies, true patheticness and whatnot. But zizek says that our mask is our real self, the one we chose in spite of the circumstances outside of our control. I'd have to agree. I think choosing a mask is the ultimate existencial statement. When you have to grow your essence or other parts of yourself like your emotional behavior you have to grind and work with whats essentially a limited, fragile mechanism, a machine. and no matter how hard you thrash against it you don't really control yourself. Gurdjieff said that many people are timid little children on the inside but they don't know why this is the case because they spend their lives acting like something else. something more strong, domineering, competent and so on. and while most do this totally subconsciously (normalfaggots) those who are a bit more deliberate in making themselves look cool are truly against this pathetic mechanism.


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I've come to realize that bee yourself, be true to your self, is the best advice. Not because your self is so great. But because being anything other than yourself is so impossible. Just as it is impossible to change human nature on a collective scale, it is just as utopian to change one's own personality. We are stuck with our essence whether we like it or not.

If a NPC is one defined by society's culture and ideology, and not his own innate essence. That would be nice.


What about G.'s system did you like?


well i have to add that this essence is what keeps us in check. if you were given unlimited agency over your personality without advancing your essence there would be hellish consequences. Because the whole damn point of this personality is to run away from what you really are. and the further you can run. the further you can ignore. this produces endless unconcious suffering. there would be no need for hell to exist. one would be created within you. I think this is why normies are almost always without exception nasty people somewhere in their life if not outwardly, perhaps behind closed doors. they have more ignorance so more agency to act a certain way. they can go endlessly ignoring truth while becoming monstrous people. i'm telling you spirituality burns the wicked and liberates the wise.


I've been considering a concept similar to this for quite a while now, I suppose a lot of people on this site probably do, and the popularity of the whole 'NPC' meme strikes me that there may be some truth to the whole idea. Hard one to prove conclusively though

I've always lacked intuitive social skills and such, to talk to people I had to concentrate on my words and actively listen and pay attention or everything, because of that I'd notice a lot of the weird shit people would say. Like when you ask them something or whatever, and their reply seems kind of related but actually isn't at all. Or sometimes I'll bring up a concept to people and they give all the signals that they understand it but when you think about their words it's clear that there's actually nothing happening in their head, like it's all some social dance and there's nothing happening beneath the surface layer to actually get to any deeper level

Then when you start bringing ego into things it gets even weirder, where people will act proud of how much they understand something, or how much they are in control, or whatever, and any amount of questioning reveals that they don't have the slightest idea of what's actually happening in reality. Many aspects of their personality seem to be centered around playing a game with other people, where they contest things based on how they will be perceived and their attitude, rather than engaging with actual ideas. These kinds of people almost always default to some kind of dishonesty

There's quite a few people in my life where I've had countless conversations with them but they almost never went anywhere I found actually interesting, they always seem to hover around extremely simple intuitive statements, and those people also tend to mostly be content making snarky or snide remarks on something they don't understand in order to write it off quickly and move on.

Kind of hard to connect what I'm saying here but basically I think there's a lot to the idea of essence, and I do think a lot of people seem to really lack a certain kind of essence, but it isn't something you can measure or really prove. It's almost like a feeling you have when talking to certain people (most people I believe), where you can set your watch to the robotic and predictable nature of how they will reply and how they will act in conversation, especially towards stuff which is new to them. Closed mindedness I think is a huge giveaway that someone may lack whatever this 'essence' concept is


also i gotta get something off my chest here. you don't have to believe me. But i'm going to die soon. the kundalini awakened in me and what its basically waiting for me to do is be at ease enough for it to take me. I've seen the light 5 times now but pulled away. its scary for me. losing your faculties, mind and body is a scary feeling. I am going to be purged of my humanity it feels like. i don't expect you to believe me but i figured i may as well tell wizchan.

it happened like this. My grandma called me and said my aunt's psychic friend told her my mom was trying to contact me. my moms dead by the way. then over the next week i just got really horny. like in a weird way. it was like mind controll because anytime i fapped even if i wanted to normally it would turn into some like 8 hour fap session to increasingly degenerate shit. i thought i was losing it or becoming gay or a tranny. Then i began to recognize this divine feminine universal force and i expressed my subordinance to it. then i felt like i was drowning on land over the next few days, i could hardly breathe and it root locked me. i am not a new age person. i am a skeptic. i recognized it as the 'divine feminine' before i even looked up kundalini. and the root lock is whats known as mula bandha. i did these advanced things naturally and unconciously. basically it controls my sex drive. its like its trying to ara ara me to death but not in a pleasant way. When i go through with this i'm going to be transformed but in a scary way. I don't even know if i want to post this but what am i gonna do.


Enjoy your journey, wiz.
May I ask what drug, specifically?


i'm not on drugs, drugfag

its super weird and i just don't understand it. I feel embarrassed typing this. its like it tried to fuck me in the ass one night. Like i felt the pressure in my perineum and it just started rising up. i pulled away but i was just too scared and didn't know what was going on. i don't want to lose my wizpoints with all this sex talk but kundalini is quite literally tied to sex energy. at least thats its rawest form. i'm not weird this thing is. and when its at its most active im afraid to lay down because i start seeing the light again.


I wasn't aware kundalini awakening had anything to do with seeing lights and dying. What the hell? Can you describe this phenomena?


said. i can almost guarantee you that anyone who is successful in this world I.E not a total weirdo is an NPC. Because the more involved you are in a society the more you have to assume rolls, manipulate, both others and yourself. the more you have to be normie.

I mean i personally have to assume rolls. for example i have to put on a face when i talk on the phone with businesses, same when i go to the grocery store if i talk to the clerk. even i can pretend to be normal to an extent but keyword is pretend. normalfaggots are entirely identified with their rolls in relation to one another. I don't think i am the person i pretend to be on the phone, an adult sounding, competent, chill individual

I have a cousin with aspergers, literal autism and he's more normie than me. He is a shutin but he talks more. is a little more outgoing. expresses emotions more. thats not to say he is normie. in fact he's fucking based as a NEET and general autist. he avoids work as much as possible, he keeps to himself. He hasen't changed a bit since 2003 when he was a teen. He was buying yu gi oh cards then and he's still at it. But none the less he somehow comes across as more extroverted than me.

i think we know non-NPCs when we see them. Its just that theres so many we don't know how a non NPC looks. but they do have a look to them. they do have atypical behavior, attitudes, certain aloofness to things NPCs care about. its not a question. i think most people here are not really NPCs for the most part. because since all NPCs want to do is


you can't read jack shit on it, anon. everything is garbled and there isn't a lick of truth on the net. just basic facts. If you read about people's experiances with the kundalini they are incredibly varied. it seems that no two are the same. of course this could be because most are just pretending, they think they are experiencing it when they aren't. or it presents itself in different ways.

It has actual, irrefutable physical changes on my body. when it was at its most active before i adjusted it one eye was almost glowing white and the other was red. as though it was holding all my suffering for lack of a better word. in fact its still like that. theres a lot but basically this seems to be divine providence and points to my death.


i'm just going to leave this here.
lets just say if im still alive when im dead i will post here. save my post anon. i mean not even i believe it. maybe i'll contact you specifically just to document this. because if i was to share this with anyone it would be my based wizbros. or maybe i won't care.
i think i've said too much but i don't think it really cares because who would believe me.


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Here's a video I found on theoretical ways it might be possible to test whether someone is a conscious being or an NPC/P-zombie.


One way to tell if someone is an NPC/P-zombie is to ask them what they think of Benj Hellie's vertiginous question. If they give an answer that's something like "It's a meaningless question. If you were someone else, you wouldn't be you" they are an NPC. They just can't grasp the concept of you being a locus of awareness and not just a compilation of your memories and personality.



I am interested, but It'd be rather easy to fake a wizchan post.


well how would i prove it.



Yes, if he has a standard hair cut and standard cloths he is an NPC. I swear to god that they look like they are choosing from a pre-set class in Word of Warcraft. Same looks, same cloths.

I remember a time where some succubi personality on TV cut her hair to have bangs and immediately a percentage of the succubi around me did the same. Never was so obvious to me that these people where NPCs.


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This NPC meme is like a sick joke to me.

Way before it existed I noticed that some people act like video game characters. You know how in role playing games if you say the wrong thing the character gets mad and stops speaking to you forever so you need to choose your words carefully? Some people when you say a certain thing that you find offensive they just stop talking to you even if you try to explain yourself.

I also noticed people not trying to understand what your words imply. When someone is talking to me I am trying to create a mental image of who they are. If someone says they stay at home reading books all day I can infer that they would not enjoy going to a party. Yet people will invite this person because they didn't directly state they hate parties.

Another thing that frustrates me on the internet is people making selfish posts that create no dialogue and everyone ignoring each other. I noticed that on the big message boards like 99% of the replies to threads get no replies. That's because a lot of posts provide not enough information for a reply. But also decent posts where someone wants to start a conversation get completely ignored. And then when I reply to some of them I get no reply back even though I try to offer new perspectives or ask questions. Which makes me wonder are people not reading and understanding what the words in the posts say? Do they not understand that there is a person behind these words? When someone sounds distraught I feel compelled to reply but I see so many posts where it's just screaming into nothingness.

Now what makes this meme a sick joke to me is that people using this meme have these qualities I talked about and even I got called an NPC by them when trying to have an open minded conversation. It's like they don't even understand the word they are using because they lack self-awareness which makes it so ironic.


stay calm and chill bro. You've got a journey ahead of you. I don't think you're going to die, but I obviously don't know much about your situation. Just try not to fear, and allow the kundalini to do its/your thing:)


i fucking hate when people say journey and all these dumb preconceived new age tropes is this bait? because if it is hats off to you.


i think the NPC meme is a misnomer.
what we refer to as 'NPC's are in actuality, just really dumb, insensitive assholes who lack any good sense. The bullies, the screaming drunkard and so on. People who are just human trash to the point where you wonder if they have thoughts at all because how could someone be so dumb. we're basically looking for a way to not see them as people when in actuality they are people. just really really stupid and/or evil people. Another word for normie may as well be not-me. because i havent met a single person who fits my specifications for not a normie. theres just people past a threshold where they are too atypical to be grouped in with the whole. like autistic people and such.

in a way the NPC meme doesn't matter. it does not matter whether or not the person before you has a consciousness or a soul. you still have to deal with them. if some don't have souls they will just rework their social programming to serve whatevers popular and if they do have souls they will light up if you treat them like people. part of my animosity towards normals is that i really despise and loath them for being impotent moral cowards whith no principles. but i can't psychologically lay the groundwork for truly hating them I.E legit wanting to hurt them or ignore their human status because i know that they really are just fucking dumb or mistaken. either because they think they are right to be a normalfag or they are so pathetic somewhere they are on some fruedian constructed ego shit.


i think most people who are truly inclined to higher things. that is truth seeking. ones who delve into philosophy, poetry and ultimately spirituality only do so because they are disturbed in a way. say you are a person whos had a happy life. you are comfortable in your own skin, every day isn't some deadening torment. your childhood was perfect with no truama. Everything has went well and nothing you couldn't handle has came your way. you wouldn't have much of an urge to try to explore objective truth outside of your emotions and however it may serve you.


I also think the same and it would also explain why turbo normies are never invested in anything that isn't popular or serving a social ritual. Every philosopher or man who went on a dedicated way spiritually was somehow not able to fully partake in all the distractions that normies usually pursue.


well that would presuppose that they were/wanted to be normie which would make them a failed normie. I personally was never into normie things. and all my suffering comes from living in a world of normies.


well being socially excluded does give 1 a lot of extra time on your hands for esoteric pursuits. Not that this must be the origin of most philosophers. generally they were upper class well off men. either was the common denominator is a lot of leisure time


I fear there may be less than 1 million actual human beings on earth. On the internet, possibly less than 1000.


He and many wizards here actually have it wrong. We are actually the NPC's G.I Gurdjieff mentions but don't have the self-awareness and social skills to realize. Normies have figured out they aren't NPC's yet way before us. We are simply experiencing Dunning-Kruger where we think we aren't the NPC's but let's face it none of us are "playing the game" so to speak.


That seems way too inaccurate.
I'll bet there's plenty of people who don't want to draw attention, that try to blend in.


You're equating social success with not being an NPC, even though it's much more likely to be the opposite. NPCs have no problem fitting in and getting on with the program and doing what is required to succeed because they never experience any kind of cognitive dissonance or question anything. Their minds are filled with cliches. You could cut of their leg and they'd be back to "normal" in a week. Some would praise that as mental stability or maturity, but it's just really creepy how they're so mindless and robotic.


its not very convincing. literally your post is just "No u" which was the collective normafag response.

I think i've finally got it in laymens terms. without all the overcomplicated gurdjieff nonsense. What this NPC thing really is is collectivism vs. individuality. Thats all. plain and simple. normalfaggots aren't really individuals. they move with the heard and they are insecure about this. this is why being quiet is somehow offensive to them and why they always pry and interrogate with questions like "what do you do in your room all day:)" while they passively aggressively mock you and make you out to be mentally ill. THe more they can control about you and the more you constantly bend over backwards and validate their existence the more they will like you. if you aren't constantly ass kissing they take it as an offense and will bully you because assholes.

Spiritualiy talks about us all being one but theres a difference between societal collectivism and universal collectivism. Ever wonder why normies are so concerned with relationships? why their entire mental health relies on them having an idealic family, spouse and stuff? they are afraid to be alone and don't believe in such a thing.

So if you are wondering who is and who isn't a normie its pretty obvious. you can tell just by looking at them. their attitudes and whatnot. i don't know why we are questioning this when our instincts already tell us.


Every normie I've ever met since I was 3 years old has just said "go away", so it doesn't take a genius to program that. These are very low functioning NPCs that can only say simple phrases, and can't engage in any longer dialogue. It takes very little CPU to run them.


That is NPC tier thinking. There is no collective vs individual due to capitalism turning life into a competition who's more cunning and cruel. This is what the Nazis wanted, they would get rid of all NPCs like us and just compete endlessly amongst themselves.

It is also against NPC protocol to reveal you are also an NPC yourself. The only people truly who aren't NPCs are those who can see it as a joke and prove they are self+aware by saying "Of course I'm an NPC as well". A real NPC would try to blend in with the crowd by first admitting they aren't an NPC.


>That is NPC tier thinking. There is no collective vs individual due to capitalism turning life into a competition who's more cunning and cruel. This is what the Nazis wanted, they would get rid of all NPCs like us and just compete endlessly amongst themselves.
i don't care for this mindless politcal drivel. Yeah everyone's got their idea of who is an isnt an NPC but my point is its in actuality clear as day who is and isn't.

>It is also against NPC protocol to reveal you are also an NPC yourself. The only people truly who aren't NPCs are those who can see it as a joke and prove they are self+aware by saying "Of course I'm an NPC as well". A real NPC would try to blend in with the crowd by first admitting they aren't an NPC.

This would make sense if we were in a crowd of NPCs who were trying to kill the non NPC. look. the first thing fucking normalfaggots always do when they want to assimilate their target is to first convince them that they are also normies or that they are no different. Then next thing you know the board/community gets totally flipped upside down and you get GF posts. you shouldn't argue with normeis because they don't care about truth in the first place and if they actually do they invariably fold when they discover something that goes against them. thats where mental gymnastics comes into play for them to justify themselves.


every time i see this pseudointellectual slop get posted it looks more and more retarded. do you guys actually like this image or is this just a fucking meme?


Is OP talking about aphantasia, or something more than aphantasia?


I think this is mostly just a phenomena that occurs with outsiders/isolated people.
They are on average more introspective, reflective, and can observe the world and people from the outside, as if on a different wavelength, not neccessarily always a superior one.

The "definition" of NPC is also too vague and generic.
All from not having a soul, to being someone who just gets on well in society.

What would be some essential traits for someone to be categorized as a "soulless NPC/true NPC"?
Or is it simply too vague of a thing to "measure"?


the idea is still too new to accurately define anything. give it five years for people to come up with some agreement about this


There's no basis to assume people have souls and there's no basis to assume people have an essence that coordinate behavior separate from a combination of genes, cultural background and environmental circumstances. Before anything you need to prove the existence of souls. Your proposition rests on its assumption. IMO this NPC nonsense is just one more dehumanization tactic. So much for your soul, pulling the same ape shit as school-aged bullies. What a joke.

>Gurdjieff was a real mystic.

More hogwash. Not surprised you believe that. What's your opinion on unicorns and astrological signs?


You can think of it as robots or automatons. They have a certain programming that mimics a real human being. They might react to pain, speak coherently, carry out complex cognitively demanding tasks, yet they're not real people who make choices but just an automaton that reacts to his environment. You could say they lack a soul or they're not really conscious. In philosophy, this concept is called a "philosophical zombie".

There's no real way to measure it. You can only observe their behavior and try to break their programming. Have you ever had a conversation with someone and asked too many questions until the person started acting weird? It's sort of like that old cliche of telling the robot 1+1=3 and they go "can't compute" and their head explodes. If you break down an NPCs belief system, in a worst case scenario, they might actually have a mental breakdown or go on a rampage. But mostly their programming lets them seamlessly interact with the world and fit in, sometimes a little too well and they recover from personal tragedies and accidents very quickly, a little too inhuman like.

In my opinion, the tell tale signs of an NPC
>lack of mental friction - almost like there is no delay between thought and action
>able to re-adjust to their circumstances extremely quickly
>cliche behavior, beliefs and thinking, they feel like a cardboard cutout
>high tolerance for repetitive or boring tasks
>high-level of conformity to whatever group they belong
>lack of ability to ponder questions deeply - even those NPCs that can talk about philosophy, do so in a route, mechanical way, like a math problem


It is more cause by gaming addiction and coming to see the world as a video game


>of all the subjects of experience out there, why is this one the one whose experiences are live?
is there a typo? because if its saying what i think it says "live" should be "alive", which brings me to wonder how the fuck an experience can be alive. do people think of other people/things as having experiences that are dead? like does a rock experience being kicked down a hill in a dead manner? i presumed that "subjects of experience" referred to conscious beings but im not so sure anymore. if i do understand this question correctly and it is presupposing that i think other people/things have experiences that are dead, i would say that its presupposition is wrong, and i dont think my experiences are special compared to those of others.


Let's just go with G.I Gurdjieff "essence %" then.

Would it simply be the level of ability you are able to act according to your "inner true self" as opposed to the "mask/personality" you automatically craft to deal with society?
Or the level of "how much you know your true self/essence"?

If that's the case, then I can see why it would be hard to measure, because how do someone know if one's really acting according to their "true self/essence" or "personality/mask" without claiming some guru psychic stuff.
And if it's knowing one's true self, that's pretty hard too. How do you really know what you think isn't just programming you have gotten by being affected by the outside.

So it would be that they never think about what their essence/true thoughts are, and accept the mask/personality as if it is their true self without thinking?
Because surely there is a minority who's essence matches the tell-tale signs of an NPC you mentioned. Even someone who is aware of their true essence can see the benefit of a "good" personality that will allow them to "succeed".

And would essence then partly be the level of knowledge you have of your "true self", and then developing this essence would mean getting to know your "true self" more?

I might be going way off track. I just skimmed some more through the pdf and should probably get some sleep soon.


according to various mystics, hindu teachings and yogis you don't really have a soul. what we call 'soul' is just an amalgamation of memories, impressions, tastes and stuff but there is no ethereal component. you are a construct. this immediately discredits gurdjieff since we are all just NPCs of varying degrees. So soul is not the answer. The next thing up would be consciousness and while you cannot measure it. it does have signs. i don't think any really concious, sensitive person is going to be a normie. Ponder this thought experiment for a moment. none of the people in your dreams are real, but to you they appear indistinguishable from people in waking life. In fact you can say that you are just as much of a dream character as them because you cannot tell they aren't real when you are dreaming. But you still have an experience of that dream. where's they don't. you may wake up in a cold sweat from a dream. your heart may still be racing and its all because you are real. I think what G.I is getting at is people who don't realize this disconnection between fantasy and reality, that is they are living in their heads and are not really present are the NPCs. and some have permanently gone to sleep. That is they cannot get over their attachments, emotions, and identities as well as societal programming. like nothing will ever make them think outside of their mental presets.

Like for example take political or religious extremists. they are totally identified with their cause and it makes them act in a bad manner. but that can also extend to the personality where you think 'i am john doe i am this and not this i hate X and like Y'. The person is living in a delusion where they think they are real and not just a persona. they think they have an immortal soul and an afterlife where they extend their bullshit lives awaits. they are too identified with their ego. maybe thats just weakness on their part and closed mindedness (which would make them as good as an NPC) or maybe that conscious light was just totally snuffed out, perhaps they even aided it being snuffed out because it threatened their persona. i think thats it.


so what i'm basically saying is that the NPCs in our world are like people playing vidya and actually believing they are their avatar and the non-NPCs are people who are aware they are just role playing.


The NPC meme is a failed normalnigger favorite delusion.
No, retard, you're not a main protagonist not even a side character.
If you don't have any power in this life, forget about being anything but an NPC. It doesn't matter if you think you're aware, you don't have any influence in this world or your life.


What do you mean? That's what it means.
An NPC can have power and influence in their world, but what separates it from a PC is the lack of awareness.
It's not just about self-importance, or about being some hero at the center of anything.

Calm down buddy


I think there are humans who are close to being NPCs like people who are very rabid consumers of pop culture. That being said calling someone NPC also often serves as a way to discredit others and their achievements or life experience.


delusional schizo thread. NPC meme is along with people who believe the matrix is real.


Do you have a point, or are you just making grumbling noises at the screen? It's wise not to hate too much wizbro:)



No. I’m not talking about the study the NPC meme was based off of im talking about people being literal soulless NPCs. They are probably not. It’s probably just the case that they are just dumb and evil to be frank but that does not mean you shouldn’t distinguish them from wizards.


What counterarguments are there to Lanier's argument?


>NEETs and the like are people holding on to themselves while society tries to brutally assimilate them.

it's so true my nibba, i believe the number one thing they are trying to brutally beat out of people is the ability to just enjoy being alive. being content for no reason. there is just a built-in mechanism that makes people happy and healthy and beautiful and because psychopath bullies rule the world with violence, people are trained to disregard the good feeling.


I'm not sure if the NPC thing is something I really identify with or anything, seems like it's just a way for people that consider themselves special in some way to join together and laugh at others who they think aren't quite as special. I don't get the entire thinking behind it, what even keeps someone that is completely normal from adopting this point of view and then laughing at those he considers to be normal? What is even normal, anyway? There are plenty of people that could be considered to be normal on the outside and have some type of inclination towards something that could be considered abnormal, but they don't express it. Point I'm trying to make is that it's not always visible from the outside whether someone is really an NPC as people refer to them as, or not, so the meme itself isn't really worth that much consideration unless you just think you're better than people.


> what even keeps someone that is completely normal from adopting this point of view and then laughing at those he considers to be normal?

as is often the case with truth personality tends to masquerade as truth to bolster itself. I consider self righteousness to be the only crime that is thinking that you are right. Just like with morality those who are the most moral tend to be the biggest assholes. Likewise anyone who considers themselves to not be NPCs and makes that their identity would- in an ironic twist start NPC-ifying themselves over not being an NPC.

what i'm getting at here is you have many people who can claim to be right while oppressing those who are actually pure, noble and righteous. like i said in a previous post its already obvious who is and isn't an NPC. don't look with your mind look with your heart. And even that is a slippery slope. you will listen to your heart and preconceived notions will spring out that you will take as true. But in reality. its clear as day who is and who isn't not only pure but an NPC. if you just pay attention.


>Likewise anyone who considers themselves to not be NPCs and makes that their identity would- in an ironic twist start NPC-ifying themselves over not being an NPC.
That's probably the polar opposite of what they intended by grouping together with people that also don't consider themslelves to be NPCs and different from others in some way, it's like there's a need for them to not just be different from other people but be in a group of similar minded ones and revel over their uniqueness. It's not like it's something new, there's probably always been some type of groups of people that have done similar in the past, it's not like the concept of separating yourself from people you don't identify with for whatever reasons has only come with the invention of the internet, these things have always happened, but it turned popular now. The idea that you might be different for any reason be it because you're better than others or other reasons is something tempting but the question is if it's really true or if you just need others that consider themselves elitists like you. Whatever the reasons, it's not like being different is really worth anything beyond some ability to consider normal people like they're worse, it doesn't really lead to anything positive.


If you're really that much different and possibly better than normal people then find a way to prove it. Not to yourself, which is what happens the most, but to others. If you can do that, then you have a reason to think of others as different than you. But by that point, if it really is that evident, then there is no point of doing it anymore as everyone already knows. It's not just about being better sometimes, you have to be consistently better than others if it were to make sense to think of them as lowly in some way, which is just not what happens.


the whole idea of the NPC meme is that the person before may not be sentient, sapiant or even have a conciousness. But you cannot tell whether they do or don't. There may be signs, but you can't actually see it. One thing is for sure. It would take supernatural perception to tell if someone is an NPC or not.


how this curdureff know I’m a dead npc
get this nigga out my head
didnt consent to dis nigga checkin my aura
life is a urinal
keep your eyes straight forward
no looking at another dudes aura
if i am an npc that’s my business curd boy


>Like i felt the pressure in my perineum and it just started rising up.

That's textbook expression of the lordosis reflex. You kudalini new age bullshit is just allegory for female mating impulses. Or, in short: You gay. It's a thing for fags. You mating instinct is female patterned. Sure, you should have had this experience at age 13 at the latest and not now but otherwise it's really common.
It's not ghost sex either - the lights may be your own schizo flavor - it's really just that. You "awakened" at over 30 because of some kind of developmental delay that's all. Why do you think ghost sex is a succubi's erotica meme?


>If you're really that much different and possibly better than normal people then find a way to prove it. Not to yourself, which is what happens the most, but to others. If you can do that, then you have a reason to think of others as different than you. But by that point, if it really is that evident, then there is no point of doing it anymore as everyone already knows. It's not just about being better sometimes, you have to be consistently better than others if it were to make sense to think of them as lowly in some way, which is just not what happens.
This is the most important point in all of this. If you are allegedly better than the supposed NPCs then you should be better than them, it's that simple. There's also a Dunning Kruger type thing that correlates with this. The same delusion also happens with isolated schizos who don't comprehend social stuff as they often start to make up their own reality in which they are often smarter than everyone else, this even happens to methhead bums. There are of course people who are very rabid consumer types and shallow which many people would describe as NPCs but I'm sure people who tend to be very detached from everything start to look at everyone else as NPCs because of their isolated black/white thinking while they hardly do anything that separates them from others except browsing the internet and watching stuff within their own consumer niche.


>if you're stuck in a prison with hardcore criminals and murderers and you think you're somehow better than them then prove it by being the most successful killer in there and playing by all their rules. you're just dunning-kruger and need to work on your shiv stabbing skills and convince some low level thugs to be in your crew.


That's not even what I said or suggested and I highly suggest to read the post again and take a minute to process it. I never suggested to do anything bad or malicious or to emulate bad behavior. Your reply overall doesn't make much sense in this case since you missed the point.


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Sorry negro, but this ain't reddit. Nobody cares that you hate wizards. Leave before it is too late for you.


this book is what would happen IRL if the 40 Year Old Virgin tried to pick up that bookstore succubus

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