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 No.201060[Last 50 Posts]

I just don't get it, if I'm 'wasting' my life and it's fine for me, why some people care so much?
I work the bare minimum just to get by and have a good pc and internet connection, why some people get super bothered for me being frugal, I know this may sound crazy, but are they jelly?


If you're so happy, then shut the fuck up about it. No one cares about your lifestyle, whether you slave or neet. I couldn't give less of a fuck about what you do with your time.


>I work the bare minimum just to get by

Then you're not a NEET.


japs have a term for this i dont really see ppl use. freeter


normsplaining. I mean it really depends there are quite a few different kinds of shutins. if they are reddit-tier then yeah. 4chan-tier then just leave them alone as well as wizarchan-tier.
>how to get ahead in life etc
messiah complex. no one asked. no one needs your help. or your fake smile or your handshake or for you to forcibly try to change them. everyone is who they have chosen to be, even you. normie. and this is perhaps a spiritual revelation on my part but everyone wants them and their bullshit to be accepted but they can't find someone who will. basically all normalfaggot relationships are people trying to dominate eachother to make them into their own faggot version of the other person.

As a true wizard from birth. in childhood relationships this was more apparent than it is now. When people see that you are not trying to take anything from them (yes, even trying to make them your friend is aggressive) they act like "Hey! I finally found someone who will accept my annoying and pathetic ways! Anon is my friend! He is so quiet he never tells me to shut the fuck up or that i'm stupid or that i need to stop being annoying!, He's like my BFF!" But just like everyone else they are simply trying to take me and make me theirs. so i always wanted to stay away from them but didn't have the heart to tell them to fuck off.

point is. no one wants a fucking know it all asshole. People know how to be richer or more sociable they are just so miserable they don't even bother they don't see the point because they know that misery probably won't even leave. Besides you say the same shit that people have been saying for generations. the same platitudes and phrases. you still haven't gotten that idea that you have to be the most capable, dominant, rich and successful person out there. all of which are the opposite of how you really are.


Nice analysis.


You can't tell anyone to change their ways anymore than you can tell a religious person like a muslim to stop eating pork or stop doing whatever. disturbing their lives will just get you disdain. people are especially touchy if they are insecure about it or have people in their lives constantly critisizing/telling them they are doing something wrong.
your intentions don't matter. its like when you take a game too seriously online like that guy whos always bitching at his team who are just there to play casually with their own niche playstyle. you gotta find like minded people who want to be materially successful then you can tell them what to do but with some random loner. absolutely not. you are no different than a jehova's witness. thing is much like religion everyone has had a heavy dose of this "you gotta improove" shit much like how they have been trained to fear god and hell so it almost strikes a nerve with anyone when you criticize them. in an ideal world no one would be worried about it and they would just say "thanks, no." but your ass is gonna go on and on and at that point it may as well be harassment/interrogation.


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>mentally ill person wants to help mentally ill person

you don't even get it dude. im' pretty much doing the same thing to you and all you do is fight and resist and do the same thing they do to defend their worldview. yet you expect them to do it for you while being 100x more forcible, arrogant and self righteous. i wouldn't even say this to you in real life. wizardchan is the only place i can say this because people are so damn touchy.


set up your strawmen all day, I know I ain't one of them


>but are they jelly?

sounds like rich people to me. rich people have a lot of money and they want their money to retain the ability to pay for other people doing stuff for them.

when you barely participate in the economic system and manage to be happy without, that's one person for the rich people they can not count on to continue the evil scheme.

slavemasters want everyone to be slaves. they will invent all kinds of narratives to make you feel bad for doing what you think is right and not what they think is right.

they are fools overplaying their hand though, not realizing what they are summoning. in 1789 france with the help of humanity's old friend the guillotine, this dynamic suddenly changed and there was a sudden drop in overall interestrate.


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>you don't even get it dude. im' pretty much doing the same thing to you and all you do is fight and resist and do the same thing they do to defend their worldview. yet you expect them to do it for you while being 100x more forcible, arrogant and self righteous.

This is a stand out post, rarely do I see someone get bodied this hard during silly internet arguments.

Enjoy a nice picture of One-Punch Man friendo.


as a neet myself, there's some neets who are so proud and outspoken like they chose this life when they were basically forced into it for being disgenic creatures. It's like a downie being proud of being less intelligent so he can't ever participate in normal life like the rest.


They are irrational, just assume it. They will blame you while showering their own money and efforts into the pockets of bankers, tax robbers, artists and many other types nobody really needs but for them to die away forgotten.

It is just normalcattlery spreading, just keep a low profile if you can so they may bite each other while you pass through this chaotic world built by their mindless intent


you are a fake neet if you "choose" to be a neet



Some wizards don't want a job. Get over it.


all new low for wuzchan


i might get banned for this but whatever. for me its less so that they are neets but i really cant stand to see people do nothing at all. do or dont work a job. thats whatever to me. but do something with your lazy ass.


in this manner you can end up fucking, so your advise is mildly saying disadvantageous


why? Personally I cant stand people having strong opinions when theyre so mentally improverished that they can't even attempt to provide any justification


i guess i just dont like laziness. ive come to understand that many people simply just dont feel the same way about this as i do and they just wanna sit on their ass. but for me id hate that because your brain just atrophies and you become a retard. again i would like to stress im not saying to work. your brain atrophies as well from that. you should just be skilled or good at something for own sake.
im not saying to interact with succubi anon. come on.


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>basically all normalfaggot relationships are people trying to dominate eachother to make them into their own faggot version of the other person.
spot on anon


>let's reinforce in group out group bullshit by using a thinly veil prompt to talk shit about those in the outgroup

If you actually wanted to know what was on the mind of "people", then you would ask them and not us.

Personally given my interactions with "people", "people" don't give a shit unless you are being a direct hindrance to them. "People" are just trying to get on with their lives and usually too worried about themselves and those they actually give a shit about to spare more then a passing through on you.

"People" don't care that you are frugal and honestly it's a retarded thing to humble brag about. "People" also don't care if you're a neet. It doesn't effect them even indirectly.

Threads like this are just a excuse for a really warped form of virtue signaling. It's fake and gay. Though not nearly as fake and gay as OP.


Not really true and you're implying that most normies are not shallow faggots. You're just the naive type of guy who doesn't realize that normies think you're a retard because you can't pick up on the social clues.

Most people do care if you're a neet because they have to work and the economy is shit, they have to jump through hoops and very often they project this directly at neets.

Also a whole lot of normies have quite enough time to be bothered by what others do and there's a lot of gossipy people out there who can't wait to put gum in people's hair, this is also the same reason why wageslaving sucks because frustrated coworkers will project shit at you for no reason.

Don't be ignorant by trying to be the wise man here you faggot because you don't know shit and come off like an arrogant retard.


>you're implying that most normies are not shallow faggots.
If that is what you got out of what I wrote then you are retarded.
I said they are self involved and generally uncaring of random nobodies.
Don't really need to read the rest of whatever garbage and likely insults you wrote as you have proven that your comprehension is special needs level and your rhetoric smells of shit with the first sentence.


Your rheotric smells of bratty arrogance with an essence of faggotry


>>201713 is right, unnecessarily mean but right. Like yeah nobody is going to spontaneously say they despise neets but bring it up and see what the responses are.


because if you entertain them, they want you alive, if they find you boring, they want you dead. They see you as a stealer of natural ressources "for no reason". Because for them, your life doesn't benefit them.


good post. people dont give a fuck about you they would just say "yea i work with some awkward weirdo" and thats about it. no one really cares what you do with your life


>Because for them, your life doesn't benefit them.
Spot on.
There is also jealously in the sense that they 'worked so hard for x', and that guy doesn't even care about x, as a matter of fact he seems 'happier' without x, that fellow anon, mortifies some people, deeply, I've seen that, it's so curious to see that irl, the individual looks dumbfounded, 'how could that be so …?'.


I haven't worked for two years before my current job, and an older coworker was shocked. They were like "Oh my god! What were you doing during that time!" It annoyed me.


wageslave mindset. Probably also from a puritan mindset. If you're not doing something "productive", aka working, you're lazy. I would love to be able to work just enough to survive, though.


Working when you were circumcised as a baby is cucked. FGM is illegal but not MGM


The only people who bray about work ethic are managers who don't actually do useful work. It's easy to crow about work ethic when your "work" is making others suffer to push them around.

If we did actually worthwhile things in society, it wouldn't be a rigamarole to force people to work. There are people who would very gladly till the fields and produce useful industrial products, and most importantly distribute them to those who need or want them. It is at the distribution stage where the fuckery really happens, because a few rich assholes told us we needed money tokens rigged by them, while they can create money out of nothing and laugh at us for being dumb enough to continue playing the shell game. Seriously, learn about the real history of money and economics and it's an even bigger joke. Anyone who fetishizes money is a fucking idiot.


I'm not a manager and I find it tiresome when coworkers are lazy and/or incompetent sacks. I'm usually more interested in getting shit done than complaining, although I certainly blow off steam about it from time to time.

You're right about the federal reserve system, though. Every economy is going to wind up with some form(s) of common currency, ideally at least the most fundamental of which is money. No rich people need to force that into existence. But the federal reserve system is an obscenity.


I'm not this poster, but I'd like to share this documentary for anyone who might be interested in learning about how money and the central banks work


Not working for something I don't have and can't get.


The I see it is purely of jealousy they want you to suffer like them you are the closest thing to a rich person who has no constraints with obligations to money in exchange for time. If the average wagie works 50 hours a week including travel you save 200 hours a month in hours let’s say around 2200 hours a year on average.

You literally have found a glitch in the system to them it’s rage inducing


2 years? thats nothing lol try 10 years of not working


yea when im at work im there to get shit done. when im home i'll do whatever but at work i dont like to waste my time or anyones time.


What is it you do with all those extra hours? Hoard them like smaug, or actually do something more interesting than complain that life does in fact suck either way?


Because they are parasitic and envious. They live cucked while feeding politicians, usurers and artists with more riches thsn they normies will never have… and they want us to live cucked to their toxic idols too.


I don’t complain life sucks not sure if you struggle to read post iD the pros and cons of entering society for most men is pointless. I assume you are a bitter wagie I don’t mind I find it funny how they just need a punching bag because they can’t punch the bus for giving someone else a raise over nepotism


Just imagine being an NPC who was told you need to work hard and grind to merely survive and that marketing useless and possibly harmful stuff is somehow contributing to society, and then you see someone who didn't fall for the meme and you're stuck in a dead end job living a miserable life with no time to enjoy yourself trying to get by because you never questioned the shit others told you, then you need to become a coercive force that makes other align to your miserable idea of how things have to be otherwise you risk realizing that being a stupid npc was a stupid strategy.


implying being a neet is a choice when
most neets are ridden with mental illness and disabilities and can't live a normal life even if they tried hence they become addicted to internet and imageboards and waste their lives mindlessly consuming junk food and entertainment till they get so bored of their lives they kill themselves or hurt others. So much for not being an NPC.


speak for yourself, i have worked in the past. in both cases though the jobs devolved into 10s and 12s (hours) which just sucks ass. i have family to enable my neeting tho. if i had to, i think i could become a janitor or get help from homeless support group in my area and find work. work just sucks though i dont wanna ever do that, so theres no reason to do that if my family is okay with me neeting.


>i think i could become a janitor or get help from homeless support group in my area and find work
Yes because that will be a great life, you seriously sound like a mentally ill crab in a bucket, you found a job where they exploited you with long working hours and now you set your options to become a more miserable wagie or homeless guy in the future.
>so theres no reason to work if my family is okay with me neeting.
They don't say it to you, but parents will never be okay with their children being neets. You're deluded, probably young or just have some mental problems that need fixing.


Alright retard let's take a look at your post
>Yes because that will be a great life
Sarcasm is the language of the eternally butthurt.
>mentally ill crab in a bucket
No, "crab in a bucket" is to bring other guys down to his level of despair. He's not doing that, but rather simply finding a job and lifestyle that he enjoys without infringing on the wellbeing of anyone else.
>you found a job where they exploited you with long working hours
It's not "exploitation" if he was being paid for, and also legally signed up for, that work. Commie mindset you have.
>now you set your options to become a more miserable wagie or homeless guy in the future.
Janitor work is an excellent job for a socially independent male. Homelessness is can also be a fun experience and allows the working wizard to save up big bux.
>but parents will never be okay with their children being neets.
Maximum projection. Several hundred men here have testified that their parents allow them, and even prefer them, to stay at home. Maybe if you stepped out of the boards where only depressing opinions about a man's family are allowed, you'd see that not all guys are being put down by their loved ones.
>You're deluded, probably young or just have some mental problems that need fixing
>Ur young, stupid, and a nutcase

I think you are a boy from the blackpill forum who got kicked out for REEEEing too loud.


>Janitor work is an excellent job for a socially independent male. Homelessness is can also be a fun experience and allows the working wizard
>Several hundred men here have testified that their parents prefer them to be NEETS
never thought I'd see a mentally ill person being this deluded about the world and things in general. Keep telling lies to yourself, you already appear retarded to others.


>You're deluded, you don't know how the world works, you're LYING

Yeah, blackpill forum exile.
You are the one trying to instill fear and helplessness in to random guys online. Because what? YOU had a bad experience with work? YOUR parents don't let you NEET? You are the epitome of a crab in a bucket, crawling and scraping to drag others down to the bottom with you.


Just ignore the guy he literally thinks that being homeless is cool. You can't go more stupid than that. Reminds me of that time where there was an IQ test thread and most posters scored below 100.
You're a troll or a very retarded person to suggest homelessness to the posters here.


>Homelessness is can also be a fun experience and allows the working wizard to save up big bux
>Janitor work is an excellent job for a socially independent male.
Negative IQ succubi.


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>Just ignore the guy
You say, while writing responses to my posts.
>being homeless is cool
>suggest homelessness to the posters here
Crazy how I didn't say that.
When the topic of homelessness comes up on Wizchan, /r9k/, or any place where NEET men gather, there are typically two types of responses:

1. Guys who have been homeless, and, being NEETs who are already accustomed to sitting about all day, explain how it's not that bad and can be an interesting experience


2. Guys who were never homeless, but saw some news story or succubi's testimonial about how homelessness is literally hell and it's a fight for survival in an urban jungle where every normalfag wants to stab the wizard and steal his socks.

In the event that someone suggests he may be homeless in the future, one of those responses is good, and the other is a response only an anti-male troll would give. The second one, obviously, is the bad response. Going up to any wizard and trying to convince him he should be scared and weary… that he's going to have such an awful future, he will not be happy, and he may even be KILLED… That's actual bullying. You have no experience and you can't even explain your rationale for thinking a wizard should be in despair at the thought of homelessness. Fear mongering faggot wants random men on the interent to be as afraid as he is.

And can any one of you (JK you're just one guy samefagging) explain why janitor work is at all bad for a wizard? for anyone?


>Janitor work is an excellent job for a socially independent male. Homelessness is can also be a fun experience and allows the working wizard

Fantasies of people who never been wagies or done the actual job.
Take your pills, life isn't an anime, being a wagie sucks and homelessness is worse.
> Fear mongering faggot wants random men on the interent to be as afraid as he is.
If you have to pretend to be a tough guy on the internet you're a pussy in real life.
Pic related isn't you as much as you want it to be you're another low iq faggot butthurt that his fantasy world doesn't exist outside his head. Much easier to write posts than to prove actual things.


Careful don't piss off the internet chad wanna be who can't wait to become a beggar on the streets and get killed by junkies and niggers because it's a fun experience


You are having a total breakdown at someone calling you out for fearmongering and disparaging janitor work.

>Fantasies of people who never been wagies or done the actual job.

I have been. It was easy work for easy pay.
>being a wagie sucks
Yes, but the degrees at which it sucks vary. A janitor's work sucks significantly less than most other jobs for a male who generally wants to avoid people.
>homelessness is worse.
But you won't explain why, or bring up any personal experiences.

The rest of your post, and your samefag below, are just calling me a pussy like some wigger who thinks that claim carries any weight.


>explain to me why homelessness is worse than being a wagie
Now the retard wants to discuss why eating shit is awful and asks to bring anecdotal evidence to make any points valid.
Typical imageboard user. Keep wasting your life away like your doing now. I have better things to do than arguing with someone stupid on the internet.


>I have better things to do than arguing with someone stupid on the internet.
Obviously not lmao

Homelessness is fun. It was an excellent experience. You will experience it some day to, and when that day comes, you will be too afraid to embrace the lonely wild.


>Homelessness is fun. It was an excellent experience

Retardation confirmed.


Spotted the normalfag. You know, that who conforms and adopta as his own the views imposed by their peers, which come down from those who herd them and have them believe absurd shit and call others deluded.
Your views, sir, have not a shred of independent thoight and I might as well be reading a text generated by an AI trained on corporate values and grindset youtubers.


back to being a janitor and don't forget to clean the shit and piss from normalniggers awesome job for a wizard


I'm NEET and I'm proud to be NEEt.

But I suppose an objection to NEETdom on a societal level, is that it violates the golden rule and Kant's categorical imperative. "What if everyone did it".

If the entire society was NEET, then who would make the stuff for NEETs to enjoy? And if only some people are NEEt, who gets to be neet?

Now if all neets were virgins, then neeting would only last for 1 generation, and then neet DNA would disappear for the future.


>Yes because that will be a great life, you seriously sound like a mentally ill crab in a bucket, you found a job where they exploited you with long working hours and now you set your options to become a more miserable wagie or homeless guy in the future.
part time janitor jobs are the sweet spot in terms of hours worked and money earned. you are a greedy little gremlin if you disagree. all jobs suck, if you think working longer hours to earn more money is fine you are a souless machine with no personality or interests

>They don't say it to you, but parents will never be okay with their children being neets. You're deluded, probably young or just have some mental problems that need fixing.

i do NOT live my parents, but my sister, and she appreciates the shit out of me. direct quote from today "i dont know what i would do without you" regarding all the random stuff i do around the house (e.g. the gutters were taken down yesterday by people putting on new siding for the house, but it rained heavy this morning so i was woken up early in a panic and had to put the gutters back on the 2-story house otherwise the basement would flood from water pooling around the foundation, which it has done in the past. i get treated like superman for doing basic handyman shit such as this) you can try to shame me but my family doesn't care, so why should i care what you think

maybe i couldnt live a truly normal life, i dont want to anyways, but i could probably live a secluded life working something part time like a janitor. a simple job, no stress, lots of free time, nice. that might not be normal, but id at least be independent, and what else could you really ask to be considered a productive member of society than that


>it violates the golden rule and Kant's categorical imperative. "What if everyone did it".

Major Danby replied indulgently with a superior smile: "But, Yossarian, suppose everyone felt that way."

"Then," said Yossarian, "I'd certainly be a damned fool to feel any other way, wouldn't I?”

-Catch 22


People whose only ambition in life is to clean toilets used by normalfags are conformist niggers not real wizards. Your sister treats you like a pet because you're basically a maid for her which says a lot about you as a person since you come here to post about how happy you are that you are your sister's slave and she is happy about not having to do the nasty work around the house. She will ditch you eventually once she finds a man and gets kids then all your efforts will go to waste. How delusional some people are, it's sad.


Imagine cleaning a toilet for a toilet


By that logic if 1 must suffer all must suffer because that is definitely not a conformist zombie way of existing


she has many kids and has had many men lmao. continue being angry at me and defending your perfect imaginary requirements for a healthy life, i dont care because im happy. you talk by shoving your assumptions into other's mouths and arguing and getting mad at yourself basically, it is annoying


I mean just reducing it down to economic exchange, wiz is getting the better deal considering the market price of rent vs the labor he provides


>my sister is the town bike. checkmate!

seek help or a bullet


he should fight some duel over her honor, instead of just enjoying comfy living quarters at her expense?


>NEET, poor

>NEET, rich



slenderman speaks espanol?


well, when he adamantly states
>she will ditch you eventually once she finds a man and gets kids
i have to call out his bullshit, that he doesn't know what he's talking about


you're proud your sister is a whore because she lets you stay at her house
working as a maid


If instead of a whore she was some pure Disney maiden waiting for her Prince, this would probably happen when she met him-

> She will ditch you eventually once she finds a man and gets kids then all your efforts will go to waste. How delusional some people are, it's sad.

At least this wiz know's he's secure in his living arrangement for life, rather than us neets living off our parents.


>Why some people get anoyed with NEETs?

Cultural thing. In my country/culture poor NEETs are usually petty delinquents or people whose family have to take care of (like a permanent child). Wealthy NEETs are criticized with less harshness.

Personally I have nothing against NEETs, I'm forced to wagecuck. I do think it's ridiculous when NEETs complain about life being harsh when they rely on parents for food or other essential shit that's not guaranteed for all people.


I don't think the term neet applies to rich neets, even though it is used colloquially on wizchan.

usually implied in the very term neet, is the assumption that someone's economic status means they should be in EET. Like no one refers to retirees or pensioners as NEETs.

Although I guess the dividing line can be tricky, where do you draw the line between a neet from an upper middle class familiy to an actual trust fund kid.


I haven’t had a job in just about 2 years.

I’m running out of money and I want more please bless me with money asap


i don't give a shit what she does-you seem to care more than me about all this
my siblings also don't seem to give a shit about me not working, being a neet


>I don't care about my sister being the town whore, having men fuck her when I'm around, as long as she lets me stay at her house to clean and do all the house chores for her because she is okay with me being a neet
Your sister is a whore and you're on the same level as a cuck.


stop quoting if you are just going to make it all up yourself, and get mad at your own creation


Don't bother, he's too far gone


Those are normie standards of sexuality. The same fools who think a succubi purpose is to have few sexual partners, think a male's purpose is to have many sexual partners. Insulting male virgins is just the flip side of the coin to them.


Ignore these retards
I mean what is this insane shit i'm reading in this thread holy shit.


>she has many kids and has had many men lmao. i dont care because im happy
Being your sister's cuck servant babysitter doesn't sound like happiness more like delusion.


You are obsessed. I bet you masturbate to blacked.


yeah that's not what being a cuck means and it's also not my job to white knight my sister's vagina. you're so upset and fixated on this that i can't help but laugh. the way you are posting, all bitter people are like that, they see someone happy and they must do everything in their power to make them feel as miserable as themselves. you make assumptions about my life, attack me for these assumptions, and then pat yourself on the back. at some point you or someone else >>204531 called me a crab in a bucket, but that just sounds like you

if you have anything back on topic to say or discuss regarding NEETing, okay, but otherwise i'll just hide your replies from now on. you don't seem capable or interested in the miniscule amount of civility required for anonymous online discussion


He wants you in the pussy patrol
>None may enter unless they can SOLVE MY RIDDLES 3!


This. They'd probably rather neck themselves than endure NEET life so to see someone else be /comfy/ is rage-inducing.


The succubus version of you, would be a succubus nagging the sister about tolerating her brother being a virgin.

If a succubi role is to not have sex, a boys role is to have sex. Flip side of the coin.


I'm on your side. Problem is, imageboards are hostile places, talking about your personal life at all is stupid, what did you expect? People poke fun at your life, while most wizards here probably have stuff they wouldn't admit here, on just about the same level.
Weirdest thing is how they were bullied by chads at school and now they adopt the same normalfag-tier conformist attitude siding with the truwiz chad archetype makijg fun at you the way they were made fun at, but of course, they're different, huh?
I just have this to say, everybody's dealt their hand and plays it the best they can, but come to some stupid cesspool of mind vomit to see how others belittle whoever does whatever for no reason other than to do it because they're humans and that's what humans like to do, apparently.


i've spoken so much about my neeting here over the past 8 years, it's not stupid but original, these little stories inject life into the site, otherwise we just have boring shit from elsewhere on the internet just accumulating. people usually find it amusing, but god forbid you live with a normalfag (sister) who does normalfag things like sex and relationships

the sentiment in general towards neets has somehow become worse now it seems. i dont think the word has become mainstream yet, but people are becoming more familiar with the concept of lazy guys who don't do anything much all day, and it seems the reaction is negative


>If a succubi role is to not have sex, a boys role is to have sex
Nobody is asking people not to have sex, but being proud that your sister is a whore is cuck mentality and not wizardly in the least. Nice strawman tho.
Keep cleaning your sister house while she fucks random men.


It really does sound bad and like some kind of weird cuckold fantasy.


He lives in his sisters house doing domestic chores in exchange to be a neet, and appreciates his sister thanking him for it. He said he’s happy with that situation, disagreed with someone saying he’d be thrown out if she had a kid, and then said he doesn’t care about her sex life.
You guys are showing you view the world through crab ideology, that a succubus would mutually benefit from the situation is so unfair - and she has sex, and you don’t have sex - and this dude couldn’t possibly be happy living as a neet knowing she is a female and she can get sex so easy! A man couldn’t do that! He must be angry about it like you! He’s deluded how could anyone be happy around that reality.
It’s a neet thread, having to do chores in exchange for not working is worth it to some. Doing chores others want or need help with not to work a regular job.
Your anger is just your anger, and this cuck stuff is just your hopelessly tangled thoughts where you can’t separate this crab worldview when discussing a different situation.
>She benefits from him doing things, like a cucked husband he doesn’t get the sex, and she has sex with other men, he doesn’t care she sleeps around, he’s doing things so she can benefit and have sex, he gives her resources for her to have sex with men…. Oh wait what about him not expecting sex from her or anyone else, a family relationship since everything isn’t about sex, and getting to be a neet


I mean its the sexual habits of the majority of succubi these days, and if you're going to live with a sibling, they don't even have any parental obligations, a little housework is the least to be expected.

It is a better arrangement than most wizards living with their parents


yeah this whole tangent only started over his comfy neetdom ending when she had kids. when he informs them she already has kids, they find a new line of attack.


Yeah. Those guys a redditors or numales who will tolerate promiscuity from their own family members. No wonder society is the way it is, males tolerate disgusting behaviour because it comes from a succubus. This is why I'm a warlock because men simp for succubi even from their very family because in their minds succubi can do no wrong lol All male scum like that should die.


But by averages, the sister will most likely live decades longer than her parents, and hence guarantee neet security decades longer. her kids might even help care for Uncle Wiz in the future


>I rely on a succubus who is a single mother whore with multiple kids for my existence
you reason like a retarded person with no idea of the real world.


How does that harm anyone? Maybe apes have an innate distaste of it from caveman times. But in a high tech abundance society, maybe its the most efficient way to reproduce kids.


being a nigger whore isn't a way to live.


File: 1680218592620.jpg (146.08 KB, 1161x2048, 1161:2048, FmbdgALaAAMuk8A.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>whore sister
See, this is why our board gets trolled. Crabs who cum to Elliot Rodger's video diaries think "Oh, this site is for virgins, so it must be for ANGRY INVOLUNTARY CELIBATES WHO SLAUGHTER THOTS AND POST BLACKPILLS". And you scream and poop whenever someone makes a post acknowledging a female's existence without calling her a slut.

No, retard, just because his sister is a female, doesn't mean she's some passed-around whore whom the wizard is being cucked by paying for her mixed-race mudbabies' Wendy's addiction. Keep your weird fetish outside of every random thread your orange crabbot ass scurries in to.

Pic related, it's the one I decided to attach to my post so I can find it quickly after it accumulated all those sweet (you)s from a certain angry crab who can only say CUCK and BASED and CRINGE and LMAO as if this were 8chan's /b/ board!!!!!


well the same evopsych crap that obsesses over how slut is the worst thing for a succubus, says the exact same thing about how virgin is worst for a boy


defending whores on wizchan.


So why don't you have the same hatred for male chads with many sex partners?


Now all of a sudden she/he is talking about chad >>204755
Aylmao someone hurt this female feelings


i appreciate the defense but it's not basic domestic chores, housework, babysitting, maid shit, etc. that's just the one guy's assumption that everyone latched onto for some reason. the most i do in terms of babysitting is letting the dog in/out every few hours when no one else is home

i said i do "handyman stuff". like right now i'm renovating the basement-adding two rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom in the space where the double garage and another storage room were once located. i basically come up to eat food and take a shit and then i'm back to the basement. i've been working casually at my own pace for a few months now and it's great


that is actually more work than being a maid. but maybe these cavewiz will think its better because it fulfills masculine gender roles


failednormie hides from his promiscuous sister in the basement, trying to avoid her and forget he is trapped in hell living with her because he doesn't want to get a job.


Now you're being silly. So silly, you're ridiculous.

He's given home and wifi and food and toilet in exchange for:

play with dog
compliment sis's cookins
get exercise with fix the house
build a master neetcave to his total desire

the last one, especially. every man (not gay retard ladyboys like you 3 jackasses) MAN has a desire to create, build, to move his hands and legs in such a way that when he steps back and looks forward he sees something new, something good, something like a new wall in the neet cavern. this is why men get hobbies, do things, and make stuff.

you crystal cafe users from cc…just…wouldn't understand


what country are you from? as an american, your obsession with my sister is completely bizarre to me

do people in your country (boyfriends/girlfriends, people that are dating and in a relationship) not have sex or something? you use the term whore for this, probably because that's just what the other posters have described her behavior as, but that is normal here in the us for an adult to do this stuff

if you aren't from the middle east or india or something where succubi are kept on a leash, please tell me where you're from because i can't relate with this stuff you are talking about


i came here voluntarily to help out a few years ago, i could have just remained at my parents

tell me what country you're from now


Not what he said though is it, it's more "she leaves me alone and I help around the house" the same way any NEET does some chores for their parents, or does that also make them a cuck because their dad fucks their mom lol. This is your brain on tradcon tier insecure mate guarding fetish projection (over a sister no less, not even a daughter), from someone calling himself a wizard, oof.


it's not stupid but original, these little stories inject life into the site, otherwise we just have boring shit from elsewhere on the internet just accumulating
I wish I could see things the way you do. To me, posting on an imageboard brings nothing but hostility. Imageboards, I realize more and more have little to no value (and yet I keep coming!) I do see your point, however. Your whole post about a sort of symbiotic relationship with a family member aand your neetdom, it does inspire. I myself don't post anything about my own life because I feel I'm inviting the mind poison of IB users into my affairs.
Stay comfy, wiz.


That guy is in complete delusion but what can you expect from a failed normalfag who lives with his sister that he proudly admits is a whore.


> Your whole post about a sort of symbiotic relationship with a family member aand your neetdom, it does inspire.
Let's read again

>she has many kids and has had many men lmao.

Wow it does really inspire me to live with a whore sister. aylmao being this deluded isn't good for you.


High estrogen males happy with a whore sister. Any man knows the danger of catching a whiff of your sisters pussy juice, just a sniff gives you a raging boner. Sister pussy juice sends an actual man crazy, and you will end up licking her dirty sheets if she is sleeping around every night. Anyone who can do it is a low testosterone cuck, enjoying the smell and taste without wanting to fuck her himself.


Who has been advertising this site in 4chan?


i'm loving this shit. who knew so many tourists and lurkers could get triggered into posting over such a dumb point of contestion


>a dumb point of contestion
that isn't a word. Looks like you didn't have a proper education.


This trolling doesn't match the levels of 4chan good old days. It tries, tho


it's MY word, don't ever use it


ESL comes up with words that don't exist thinks he is smart. Lol delusional.


some men don't have any respect for themselves or their family this is why society is failing.


>comes up with words that don't exist
that's how words are crated yes


Nice for letting us know you're illiterate and don't know what you're talking about :)


this is what happens when 2 neets with infinite time use the internet

i will admit defeat, you are so powerful and superior, holy shit i am so pathetic. now we can move on


No, it turns out you were actually right


He clearly doesn't even proof read his posts as he is another failed normalfag who never thinks about the things he writes.


does it really need said


Just a group bias thing from our caveman/tribe days
Basically it looks like you're not contributing to the group so it's seen as bad.
As for wasting your life rhetoric, it's probably just a shaming tactic to make you work


Because they're cattle that have been indoctrinated with the idea that hard work has intrinsic value.


I'm gone to say to my little brother, that
he should also visit this weblog on regular basis to get updated from hottest news.


Hi there to all, how is the whole thing, I think every
one is getting more from this site, and your views are good in favor
of new visitors.

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