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I don't know if any other wizards have ever had to fight. I've been in several, 2 because my rage meter boiled over and once because I got baited into it. I have never won a fight and at this point I'm willing to use any dirty tactic possible.

I looked a Krav Maga and saw that throat chops, knee kicks and groin kicks are the best way to end the fight quickly. Problem is, I usually have my attacks blocked and I can't even get a hit in. The last fight I was in, a chad pinned me down on the concrete and choked me out. I even tried to chew his arm to get him to release me but it didn't work.

What's the best way for wizards to combat chads? Also, is there a way to get out of being pinned because that shit is humiliating and I don't want to go through that again


Pepper spray, tasers, a gun if you’re American.


as a wizard we already have them beat long-term since we will never have kids or annoying succubi or relationships. the money we earn isn't being spent by a succubus or kids. we are free to do as we please


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Expect to get back what you put in. Even violent groids who fight for a living tend to follow a set of rules and apply limits to the damage they do, stopping short of permanent damage or outright murder. The chad you tasted could have killed you but didn't, because you did not give him a reason to. If you go in chopping throats, scratching eyes, breaking fingers, biting testicles, twisting ears, biting dicks, pulling teeth, or biting man ass, then be prepared to endure such pains in the case that your opponent turns the tables on you.

>What's the best way for wizards to combat chads?

With a keyboard, over the internet, behind 7 proxies. If you want to reduce men to boys, there are a lot of mental games you can play to bring them down. Groids are hypersocial and very sensitive to how people see them and this can be exploited for lulz, and it scares them away from our sacred web too. Get all of your trolling done before it becomes illegal.

>is there a way to get out of being pinned because that shit is humiliating and I don't want to go through that again

Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble'll come to you. If your personality and outbursts make normalfags strike out at you, then you'd be better off learning how to control yourself and keep your mouth shut as to not spark their rage in the first place.

If you really can't resist and you live in a Double Dragon universe, then training is key above all. You "looked at" Krav Maga, but did you "do" Krav Maga before trying to use it in a fight? Muscles physically can't perform quick, hard attacks unless you train them to do so. No amount of fighting spirit will avail you if your body is untrained. Practice fast hits, hard hits, and accurate hits, then combine them all until you're able to quickly hit your target hard with consistency. Work out, feed your body the proteins and vitamins it needs to mend your sore muscles with high-performance mass. And yes, the exercises can be free with no to minimal equipment, and the heartiest stuff you can consume tends to be what grows on the ground or gets tossed in the bin. Dodge imaginary attacks, and run through a forest dodging real branches. Drop yourself to the ground and get up again. Bruise yourself, stun yourself, get dizzy, and push yourself. If you've already accepted being beat up by others is common in this reality, then certainly beating yourself up to get stronger should be no big ordeal, right?


>Expect to get back what you put in. Even violent groids who fight for a living tend to follow a set of rules and apply limits to the damage they do, stopping short of permanent damage or outright murder. The chad you tasted could have killed you but didn't, because you did not give him a reason to. If you go in chopping throats, scratching eyes, breaking fingers, biting testicles, twisting ears, biting dicks, pulling teeth, or biting man ass, then be prepared to endure such pains in the case that your opponent turns the tables on you.
This is correct. If your opponent is bigger than you, then any advantage you try to get he can get too. If you bring a weapon, he will bring one the next time. If you surprise attack him, he will surprise attack you. Avoid situations that will get you into fights, and don't let yourself get agitated into starting a fight.


>Even violent groids who fight for a living tend to follow a set of rules and apply limits to the damage they do
Most of them would enjoy killing people like us and in many lawless regions those without protection are routinely murdered in brutal ways. Those rules are followed for their own benefit.

And OP look into what the Krav Maga calls 'physical agression' as it's a fundamentally different concept of your so called rage meter. The only decent advice you're likely to get out of Krav Maga is also what everybody here is likely to repeat; avoid confrontation.


Nerds already rule the world. What more do you want?


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There are largely two kinds of fights.

Optional duels and non-optional self defense fights.

Since mass and size do matter you really shouldn't get into a optional fight with someone twice your size unless you are sure you are at least 3 times as good as them at fighting, which you most certainly aren't especially while angry.

>What's the best way for wizards to combat chads?

Vid related

Jokes aside, don't get into pointless optional ego based fights with people bigger then you. Especially if you don't train in anything to grind your fighting skills up. There is no easy way to beat someone twice your size in a duel type fight even if you are willing to fight dirty, since they will just use the same tactics as you if you esculate and still have the advantage.
Only way you could gain a significant adantage in a situation like that is shit that counts as aggravated assult rather then a fight. Sucker punching or sneak attacking them hard before they even know what is going on or before even the thought of a fight was on their mind. hidden weapons like knives.
Hood nigger shit that will send you to prison with a felony type shit.
So my advice is to not do any of that shit and just learn to tone down the ego and walk away.

If you are really interested in learning how to fight then you have to practice and train. Go to a gym, sign up for classes, and spar regularly to get your experience up.
If you aren't interested in that, then don't get into duel type fights. Feed your ego some way else.


Be highly violent and aggressive. Most violent and aggressive one usually wins in a fight. You need dominant position. Be the one on top and moving forwards. If you don't know how to throw a punch with power without breaking your hand, learn. Keep your wrist and knuckle lined up and fully tensed at the point of impact.


if you manage bite their nose, cheek or whatever and try to rip it out, the more you boil with rage the better. Make beastly sounds.
Change their face.
Destroy their identity.
Ruin their life.


OP tried that and still got his shit pushed in, because that is dumb given the circumstances.

If you attempt to do that and fail (which is most likely) then you have turned what was going to be a beat down into them now trying to kill you.
If you manage to actually do it then you will almost certainly be locked up for years if not decades after the fight.
There simply isn't any winning with that nonsense.


this. a simple knife can make up for 10 years of mma training. only pull it out if u don't have any other choice tho


Strength is all about the nervous system, not about muscles. Read the book "Convict Conditioning" and follow the traing program for a couple years. These so-called Chads are all using steroids which is only for appearance and doesn't actually increase your fighting ability very much at all.


It also can easily get you 10 years to life, so best keep that in mind too if you decide to pull a knife in a fist fight that you could have walked away from.


that's y i said only if u have to, I'd take jail over death or permanent injury


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I have experience in MA. but I'm mentally unestable so with time I learned that I'd have to fight in other way. With time you realize that unironically the strongest thing you have against any enemy is your brain. I always bought stupid shit like honor and all. That only works for movies, not even normalfags.

First about ALWAYS avoid fights. It's preferably to swallow up your pride and remain silent against an aggression (if for example happens in the street) and simply ignore it and run. I live in a dangerous shithole and getting a bullet in your head over a street argument is not worth it

If you CAN'T avoid the fight at all, as other anons said use pepper spray and carry whatever weapon is legal where you live. And run away if it is in the street

If you can't avoid it and it's normalfags in your daily life then as the anons said, dox them, send them prostitutes to their houses, accuse them of pedophilia, whatever. Always with care ofc, there's tons of guides out there on how to do such stuff. If possible for you let time pass so they don't think it's you. It is ALWAYS better to remain an unknown shadow who hits from the back and destroys the enemy than le hero who fights le bad guy. Believe me normalfags when attacked will do ANYTHING to fuck you up in revenge. They only don't mess with people when they're scared and being us wizards is less than likely.

Your weapons are anything. Voice recorders, lawsuits, reporting them to their superiors, laxatives on food, etc. From my experience anything that can ruin a normalfag career or render them unemployed has 99% effectiveness. I've broken people who were rude as fuck by reporting them or filling a lawsuit. One of them came almost crying asking me why did I do that. Ofc you need money for some of those things so you must always check what your real possibilities (both material and mental) are when planning against your enemy. Me for example I'm mentally fucked up by cucktianity to the point of feeling forgiveness if somebody puts a sad face. It's hard but with time I developed a fuck them mentality. Groids start shit, then get hit. Idc if they end on the street and their kids have to eat soil. Fuck them

If you're anyways interested on fighting systems and training let me know and I'll write a detailed post about my experience with that. Sadly nowadays it's full of bullshido and mcdojos everywhere


>And run away if it is in the street
By this I mean spray them and run away. Also if your zone is full of security cameras see what zones are free of them. Make a strategic return path with the streets that lack cameras in case you live in a shithole where the law always favours the criminal. At least in your neighbourhood, as a way like if you have to come back to at least disappear in your area. Check what zones are cam free and trace a route


>Someone was rude to me
>Go on a focused campaign to totally destroy their lives

You are part of whats wrong with the world.

While parts of your post are good advice, conflict avoidance and the like, but you went totally off the rails after that.


>From my experience anything that can ruin a normalfag career or render them unemployed has 99% effectiveness.
this is true. in a way you have more options to fight when it comes to adults. normalcattle are scared as fuck of lawsuits at least if they're not rich or in a position that makes them immune

what's with normgroid lovers lately? they're everywhere. go away


I've been in fights before and tend to use kicks more than punches. Kicks are good because at a distance you can deliver crippling blows without even having to be fit. I once landed a back kick to someones stomach which caused them to hunch over in so much pain it ended the fight. They didn't even want to retaliate after that, and it's not like it required any special skill to get their stomach. A simple back kick without trying to kick high and show off already lines up with the stomach.

Kicks are good but from what I've seen, face to face, boxers still have the upper hand in fights. I've had the chance to see fights between a junior champion boxer and a black belt in taekwondo, and the taekwondo guy just could never really get a good strike in. Though the taekwondo guy did end up breaking his nose eventually, I'd say taekwondo doesn't seem that practical to me.

Lastly, and this is the unfortunate part about street fights, is it often just ends up with the two sides grappling each other. Why even bother letting your opponent get in any strikes if you can just literally pick them up and smash them into the ground? If you're a big guy that requires no skill and amateur fights tend to be so messy it ends up like that. If you practiced boxing and wresting it would probably be hard to beat.


He is a normie and behaves like a Karen.
What exactly makes you think someone who behaves like that isn't a normie?
Thinking in social terms, bullying people over minor shit that doesn't matter, wanting to be in the spotlight through something as theatrical as abusing the court system to hurt people. All that reeks of normie, and here you are defending it.
That Karen isn't going to suck your dick if you come to her defense.
That Karen wouldn't hesitate to destroy you too then laugh about it to their friends and feel totally justified about it the whole time.
That is the kind of person you are defending right now. Literally a normie and you don't even seem to notice.


Not that poster but I'd say the world is a hard place. People will honestly try walk all over you if you let them. IRL I appear like a meek autist and because I make a lot of money normie wagie slaves constantly try scam me for money. Some of them have managed to succeed where I've been in situations of having to depend on their services.

It might not be such a bad idea for wizards to learn how to put pressure on people.


It's a normie norm world out there


>Brags about money
>Says wizards should behave like normies because some business deals didn't go his way
Do I need to make a circle of salt or something to banish you "people" or will you see your way out if I show you the door.


ah yes we wizards should put the other cheek and get fucked and what's left of our lives ruined so we are not like the normgroids since we are superior. wizardry =/= jesusness
people like you are the problem you sissy fag


One doesn't fight the normies by becoming a normie.
They will just beat you with experience unless you were a normie all along.
It isn't about turning the other cheek or being passive. Its bad tactics for someone who isn't already a normie to behave and fight like a normie succubus.


there's no definite way to fight you cunt, everything is valid when the enemy is willing to destroy you in any waym that doesn't make you a groid. if you love normalcattle so much go and be a good goy with them

>They will just beat you with experience unless you were a normie all along.

again, being a wizard =/= being a sad loser. go project elsewhere

as stated before, this is not /r9k/. go back


sorry but what's a non normie way to fight in your opinion? all the options listed so far in this thread (doxxing, sending prostitutes, martial arts, etc) aren't very normal tier


>if you do x you are a normie
Guess we should stop breathing as well since they do i too. The only thing separating wizards from normalfags is being a 30+ virgin


>everything is valid when the enemy is willing to destroy
>People who are rude to me once
>People who are involved in business deals that don't go my way
>People who inflame my ego

You aren't talking about hitting someone back because they are a threat.
You are talking about destroying people's lives and going on a campaign of social manipulation and bullying over petty slights.

Huge difference.

Calling me a loser or saying I came from shitchan doesn't change that you are just a Karen who is totally unwizardly.


Prepare to get called a sad loser by some aggressive crypto-norm


Good to see we all can agree Jesus Christ was a loser


>karen karen karen
>sex sex sex
again, wrong place crab

you seem to be very obsessed with being a submissive goy. did somebody take revenge on you? if so that means you started shit and that's not wizardly according your definition


Fuck off troll


but wizzie, the concept of vengeance as wizards exist long ago. it's called being a warlock and there are threads every once. again, being a wizard has nothing INHERENTLY to do with being a man baby. what stance do you take as a wizard regards the world (hatred, compassion, indifference, etc) is a personal choice. besides, what did you expect in a thread where OP wants to know how to fight normgroids?

also you didn't answer my question >>187907


over hand right mike tyson style, followed with some muay thai low kicks.


I'm this poster >>187867. Didn't expect this shitstorm

Nowhere did I say that I reported that person because it was rude to me nor that it was the very first thing I did, it was a measure after trying to be civil. I meant that it's rudeness and aggressiveness simply stopped completely after I did that. The motives were other, otherwise it won't stop.

>You are part of whats wrong with the world.


>but you went totally off the rails after that.

If there's something I've learned is that groids don't stop the aggression unless you do something. Try to stop them politely once, maybe twice. If not you must do the correct thing according to the context (ie: in a job), or go even beyond.
Talk shit, get hit. If you value your job, family or whatever you must think it twice before doing dumb shit. It's a basic civilization concept. Otherwise why do we have rules and laws? Why do we have procedures in case of problems? If you choose to be silent it's ok but abuse can't be tolerated. Normgroids make it worse and worse and the lower you are, the harder they hit. Yes, an alternative to that is to apply the avoiding strategy and leave (for example if it's a job). That's true and right. But sometimes shit won't stop or you can't abandon the place for some reason and in those cases you must hit

>Kicks are good but from what I've seen, face to face, boxers still have the upper hand in fights.
Absolutely. Boxing is a basic skill to practice that is warranted effective unlike most traditional martial arts. At least as somethig to pick quickly. Head kicks and such are fantasy and very unlikely to happen in a street fight. Basically from the waist to the head, punches. Below the waist, kicks

>Though the taekwondo guy did end up breaking his nose eventually, I'd say taekwondo doesn't seem that practical to me.

I practiced taekwondo and it overall sucks. ITF style has more realistic sparring if there's no other option but I'd say avoid taekwondo if you have other choices

>Lastly, and this is the unfortunate part about street fights, is it often just ends up with the two sides grappling each other

Absolutely. Grappling is another decisive thing to learn if you gonna fight. If you don't know how to fight in the floor you're likely fucked

My suggerence is to practice a full contact striking discipline and a grappling one

MMA, boxing, kickboxing, BJJ, muay thai and even judo are the best for this regard. Don't bother with "mystical chi channeling" martial arts or stuff like aikido. They're simply unrealistic

Also filipino martial arts are good for the weapon part. Maybe going with those directly as well


If any means to any offensive is justified to you then why bother with martial arts when someone like you would feel justified in just shooting people who piss you off?
I mean you goal is to destroy people and get them to kill themselves n shit.
Why go through all the bullshit. Just kill them.


>If you were ever bullied by a psychopathic normie that wanted to destroy your life you must have been a normie who deserves it

Jumped the shark with that one.
Fuck all the way off back to kiwifarms.


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Fuck all that martial arts shit, use the power of the force Luke, use this


Go-go-gadget Gun


A person our level is based mostly around his strategy, never his skills.


This. Pure strategy.


that's you about you. don't crample the rest of us toghether


>I looked a Krav Maga and saw that throat chops, knee kicks and groin kicks are the best way to end the fight quickly.
that's bullshit, a barrage of punches is how you do it
in addition to strength training, I practice shadow boxing while watching TV


he did it again
Thanks for proving my point, friend


So you equate being a wizard with being a loser. Therefore you equate being a winner with being a groid. Therefore you actually despise the wizard life. When are you failed normalfags leaving?


i am a loser and a wizard, i don't like fighting.


Situational awareness is your friend.
By being aware of potential trouble before it kicks off you can avoid 95% of all this shit while being well prepared for the remaining 5% with more active escape and evasion tactics.


A "loser" in the eyes of normalnigger society so yes. Once upon a time, probably long before you'd ever posted on imageboard, we used to take pride in that sort of thing, being an outsider to norps. You tards who think being a wizard is just about being a normalfag who happens to be a virgin just dont get it. You werent there.

Then dont. 99% of self defense has nothing to do with prolonged fights or even overpowering your opponent, but knocking them off balance or getting them off you long enough to book it.


>probably long before you'd ever posted on imageboard,
I post here since 2017 lurked first in 2013. Nice projection, robot.

>we used to take pride in that sort of thing,

Rule 4. No disdain for the wizard lifestyle. If you equate wizardry with being a loser you're doing it. Can you take pride in being a loser? Of course! According to this site definition of what a wizard is it's not an inherent characteristic.

I quote the site faq:
>If you pass the age of thirty as a virgin, you become a wizard.

>Wizardchan caters exclusively to male virgins who may be a NEET or hikikomori, and who may be afflicted by physical or mental illnesses such as depression and social anxiety.
MAY be. Not MUST. MAY.

Nowhere is stated that you must be a loser. The rules express:
>Above all, please remember that you must be a male virgin to post on Wizardchan.
>Do not post about voluntary real life social activities (e.g. going to a bar or party).
Again, nowhere says you must be a sad hippie who enjoys being abused by others and does absolutely nothing to stop it.

>You tards who think being a wizard is just about being a normalfag who happens to be a virgin just dont get it.

Rule 4. Again. By your logic Jesus, buddhist monks, etc aren't wizards because they're not losers. All the volcels in this website? According to you none is a wizard, right?

Also "normalfag". You think that fighting groids in any way is a normalfag trait? What's next? Normgroids also breath. We must stop breathing so we can be wizards according to your criteria so you don't feel sad?

You changed goalposts a lot. At first you got offended at the idea of retaliating against somebody because it was a "karen" thing and now you're triggered that not everybody thinks that a wizard must be inherently a sad loser.

Lastly, for somebody who plays the newfag card so easily you don't seem to even know the rules of the site you're posting in.

This is my last reply to you, annoying cunt. If you enjoy getting abused by groids go and enjoy. The thread topic is how to fight chads twice your size, FIGHT, not crying, FIGHT. Funny also that following your logic of wizards being sad losers martial arts are the last thing a wizard should do and this thread shouldn't even exist, in fact for a weak person all the "weapons" listed (pepper spray, lawsuits and anything listed in this thread) are more realistic.

Next time check the topic of the thread before getting triggered so bad and starting a rant.


95% of your off topic rant is nothing but srawmaning.

>Next time check the topic of the thread before getting triggered so bad and starting a rant.

The irony is painful.


This is Why I fucking hate those broscience imbeciles that say that you should fight your bullies, like you have an opportunity against two or even one black guy that is two heads taller than you, is just having a dead wish, you know why cops kill blacks all the time? they don't want to be trampled by bull-orc men.


This is now a race thread


blacks don't know how to fight they flail like succubi and suckerpunch people because they know they suck. If you are beating a nigger up his homies will rush you and beat you up. They are effeminate little pansy boys


>muh rule 5


Uhh I think you have me confused for someone else, I dont think fighting groids is a normalfag trait nor is being a "loser" synonymous with letting people walk all over you but is more a reference to outsider status and lack of social "success" in norp terms.

>I post here since 2017 lurked first in 2013

Then you would be aware of what I'm talking about and the nuance involved.


no it's good advice, at the very least it's undoubtedly better than 'talk to an adult' (LOL)


op should just call the police



OP chooses to get into fights due to ego reasons instead of walking away which would have been sensible.
The police would just arrest both for disturbing the public or fighting. Since it's two people choosing to fight. Not a assault.


chad never loses, that's why he is chad. You can probably beat chad in a fight
but chad wins at life because chad isn't making threads about how to beat virgins half his size on chadchan.org


How the fuck do you know what’s going on over at chadchan? Sounds like you might even BE a chad yourself. Very suspicious


An aggressive N-word refused to move out of the way as I was walking down the street yesterday and then tried to intimidate me by attempting to make me flinch as he passed. I walked on and ignored him but have been seething every since. I wish I could jump up and down on some of these N-words heads. They really are the most dumb and senselessly aggressive imbeciles.

I wanted to learn Muay Thai for years but like most things, was simply too nervous and unmotivated. Just the ability to land a single good punch to the jaw would be enough to see off most of these N-word bastards


Why dont you just say nigger?


Lemme guess. You're also against piracing stuff on internet, avoiding taxes and lying on your resume aim't you?


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carry one of this


just spit on their shoes, then if they try flinching just hit them. What? You thought there could be a misunderstanding and you acted to protect yourself. The key is to make that first move a TACKLE not a punch. Just duck down and run forward like Naruto like you're going to bite their dick, wrap your arms around them and take them down. They wont be able to do shit but slam down on your back which won't hurt as much as anywhere else


If American gun maxx
If non American Run maxx


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Well, as someone who has grew up in a place full of niggers, southamerican niggers, my consuel is to learn how to avoid fights rather than how to win fights. My ass is still unbeaten and i was the white dude in a public school full of them, so i think it works well enough. Said that, if you still want to kick some ass, my consuel is to look at some fights, people who loose ALWAYS do the same, and generally people who wins follows some patterns (not talking about people who really knows how to fight like boxers or martial artists, just normal dudes who know how to defend themselves). Faggots who attack without thinking, with the strong arm forward and moving like monkeys always get their asses beaten. You just stand the best you can, keep moving but just the necessary, and keep the distance with your oponent, if he isn't a Tyson you will be ok, or at least not humilliated. But my counsuel is still to avoid it, you never know if the dude is a beast.
Don't fight someone bigger than you, do not be rætard.
Or just buy a knife and learn how to use it, better than that, learn dumb tricks with it, if you look imponent you may avoid stabbing someone.


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has anyone ever "minecrafted" your attacker in self defense?

tell us your story


kill yourself

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