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How do wizards feel about animals?
Seems the general sentiment is closer towards hating them and think it's "normie" or "reddit-tier" to like them.


Animals by nature must affirm to the will to life, so to the extent that wizardly types are characterized as ascetic, world negating, etc, I can imagine it would be neutral-negative.

Similar to succubi in a way.


Humans are animals


That's just one dog-hating autist, most people here like animals.


It's "reddit-tier" to overly humanize pets or act like they're equivalent to ones children. As long as a pet is well-behaved I never mind them.


most people don't think this, even wizzies, so that's irrelevant


If most people don't think that, then they're factually incorrect.


Cats are cute but I don't think I would want to have one, too long of a commitment to keep.
Dogs are sorta annoying.


>Seems the general sentiment is closer towards hating them
I would think the sentiment would be the opposite, given that pets are unjudging companions, and can help spruce up the tedium of life a little bit. Especially something like cats, which are generally respectful of your space and don't pester you, or even something more tame like fish.

That being said, I can see why wizards might not like dogs, given that dog owners tend to be an especially insufferable brand of normalfag, and dogs themselves are loud and needy.


I don't understand how wizards of all people don't like animals. Animals didn't put us into this position in life; humans did. I love animals. All of them. (Except for mosquitoes, they are assholes)


I don't dislike animals but I dislike having pets because I like to be independent from obligations like feeding a living creature


I only despise most dogs. Specifically loud and/or aggressive dogs and their equally bestial owners


Especially if they're not on a leash and the owner thinks its cute when it runs at you barking.


if a dog ran after you, and you intentionally ran away to make it chase/bite you… people probably do this to sue dumb dog owners i bet


>if you run from a predator, it's your fault it hurts you

dog people actually believe this


Buddy i've literally just been out walking and had them get aggressive. Keep your domesticated wolf under control before it tries to bite the wrong person and gets capped.


Cats are free spirits. Love cats. Dogs are just subserviant bastards.


Not sure about that. My 2 cats are clingy as fuck especially when they run free, at least the dogs can easily be contained somewhere else in the house


>My 2 cats are clingy
And as free spirits they act out on this desire
>as fuck
U21 alert
>at least the dogs can easily be contained somewhere else in the house
Why buy a dog though if you're just going to lock it up inside?


pets are fucking fantastic. having clinical depression makes socializing with humans a huge energy drain for me, however some level of socialization is necessary for me to maintain my emotional health. my cat helps keep me balanced. if my situation allowed, I would buy a lazy couch potato breed of dog too.

i couldn't recommend pet ownership more, it really enriches life.


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>some level of socialization is necessary for me to maintain my emotional health. my cat helps keep me balanced
>i couldn't recommend pet ownership more, it really enriches life
You've got a cat, that's one type of pet and very different from let's say a dog.
Dogs are antiwizard pets unless you love going outside EVERYDAY and enjoy the idea of picking up after them and seeing them pee everywhere.


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There's more than cats and dogs. I am both scared and fascinated by spiders.


Spiders are really cool, I'm not good enough to keep a pet but I'd like a pet spider one day.


animals are cool in general. I don't like owning pets and i have no pets. Owning pets is pointless and for normies. theres literally no point.


Spiders are unfortunately pretty delicate and you can't handle them very often. They're more for looking at, like fish.


They're a burden. Why would people want to have a smelly, flea infested animal shitting the house?

Dogs at least could be useful if you live alone, they can guard the house an alert you if some nigger is trying to break in. But cats? cats are the most useless animal there is, most of them won't even hunt mice anymore.


Never saw any cockroaches and rats anymore ever since I got a cat


I got a cat when I was 14, after begging my parents for ages to let me have one. I've had her for 15 years now, and although I love her and would never give her away, I've come to the conclusion that I do not have the personality to look after pets.

I crave solitude to such an extent I don't even want an animal companion anymore. Makes me feel kind of guilty because I don't want her to die, but I also want to be liberated from the responsibility of ownership and to be entirely alone.


I don’t think I’m capable of taking care of a dog or a cat, I barely get out of bed, but I’m quite fond of my hamster. They’re really low maintenance animals and I like holding her and feeding her treats out of my hand. I recommend if anyone wants a pet but isn’t responsible enough for a dog or cat


We got a new puppy because our dog died not too long ago. I'm a neet so I'm the one who has to babysit her all day and feed her and make sure she doesn't chew anything. The result is that the puppy loves me more than my mom, and if I leave my room for one second she comes bounding up the stairs ignoring everyone else. It is getting me down because I feel bad for my mom for "stealing" her baby and don't even want to leave my room to get a snack.


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picked up a chihuahua from the humane society a few years ago and she's a very sweet dog but annoyingly yappy, although it's nice as a sort of living alarm sometimes for when mailmen or trespassers come. last year i caught a stray kitten that i am pretty sure is a somewhat expensive breed that escaped a farm or something. he minds himself most of the time but he can be pretty naughty. he is very insistent when he wants something to eat and routinely wakes me up for food. he was really nice when he was only 12 or so weeks old and used to purr and fall asleep lying on my stomach. i wish he would still do that, but he doesn't even let me hold him for long anymore. if i find him comfortably napping somewhere, he doesn't mind if i pet him for a moment. i know forcing his affection won't work anyway and i prefer him having his own personality.
i am not saying being against pet ownership isn't wizardly, but i don't see how taking care of animals (or just liking them) isn't either. it is a lot more interesting to watch how they live, especially considering they don't have some naked ape welfare state to keep them safe. they are more relatable than most people i have met because normalfags often treat me like i am a completely different species. i know a lot of animals have been warped by and rely on humans, but i think most of them would be better off if humans just died and i feel sorry that tons of these creatures with unique forms and lifestyles disappear every year. you could say that's always been how it works, but to me there is a difference between natural disasters and conscious human environmental destruction. the fact humans are what is directly threatening their lives now makes it easy for me to sympathize with them over humans.


Get a shock collar and zap him when he barks at nothing, he'll quit doing it quickly.


i don't want the dog to never bark though.


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>Owning pets is pointless and for normies. theres literally no point.

For those of us who need companionship but dislike regular, direct contact with other people, pet ownership has great utility. Having a pet helps me meet my social needs, and in doing so, enables me to spend less time with people. It would seem to me that whether or not pet ownership is wizardly depends on what kind of utility it has to you. Using it as an excuse to run into and meet new people/generate social contact may be seen as not being wizardly, but using it to meet your social need so you can further avoid being with actual people seems to be the height of wizardhood to me.

If you were to buy a cat, you could get a low energy/lazy breed. It would be more work than a hamster, but not a lot more. I have to feed and water my cat, as well as clean her litter-box, however that's about it. She hangs out on the couch with me while I game, watch tv, and browse the internet. That said, a cat does require some effort whereas a hamster requires very little.

>I am both scared and fascinated by spiders.

Haha me too.

>Dogs are antiwizard pets unless you love going outside EVERYDAY

There is some truth to this, however being forced to go outside everyday would be good for my health. Going to dog park to socialize with pet owners would undercut my wiz-lifestyle, but merely having a dog to motivate me to walk by myself in the evening seems acceptable. I like the idea of expanding my small tribe from two (me and my cat) to three. Plus there are times I am forced to go outside, and it would be nice having support when I have to venture outside into a world I generally dislike.


Chihuahuas and poodles are normgroid abominations. They are the living embodiment of vanity. I get ill just seeing them.


Maybe you can do it when it's pointless barking.
I had a Chihuahua that I scolded when he barked so when he grew up he never barked unless he heard something weird outside.


I felt bad for her when I saw her at the humane society since she was so small and looked so scared. Every time I saw spics with them, they acted like vicious little rats. I guess you have to be their owner for them to be affectionate toward you.
Do you know if using a spray bottle on them a good deterrent like it is for cats?


i own a cat, he lives in my room and leaves/enters through my window. Hes sweet and i can tell he loves me so taking care of him feels worth it.


That's not what he meant because he said intentionally. His post was just about that maybe it's possible to get a dog to chase and bite you for insurance fraud.


I like animals. that's why I decided to not eat them


I don't like animals. that's why I decided to eat them


Pets are alright, but they're a responsibility and it's sad to see them go.


Do you have some problem with my post?


I like animals but I don’t enjoy them as pets, they are smelly dirty and a hassle to take care of, I’d prefer to watch them for a little bit and then go back to my animal-free home


Cats are great. I don't mind dogs but I don't want to take care of them. People who abuse animals are fucking niggers though.


Depends on the animal. Cats are OK but only the very friendly ones. Dogs are too much work and annoying never understood the obsession. Lizards are kind of gross. Small animals are my favorite like hamsters/guinea pigs/mice/rats they are chill.


i wish normalfaggots would stop using dogs as the golden standard by which all animals are compared.


I hate dogs so fucking much. I wouldn't mind having a cat or a rodent tbh.


i like cats but god id have to train it to shit in the toilet and flush. cleaning litter boxes i often almost vomit and gag


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>only one
They are psychologically an extrovert pet and people use them as alarms too so that is awful when you night walk.


You can just let them be free and shit outside


Rodents rock. I have 3 hamsters and theyre dope. its a relaxing hobby and nice to look at their little cage setup that i made. they play on the toys i set up and are generally friendly little creatures as long as you give them treats and let them get used to you.


I really wish I could get a ferret but I don’t have the time to care for it and they’re illegal where I live anyway. They’re so darn cute though.


I don't mind animals that much, I'll pet a dog or cat when the occasion calls for it
Most of my family is allergic to a number of animals which is why I never owned pets, as a kid I coveted having a pet, likely because I was influenced by cartoons I watched.
Nowadays I don't really feel like taking care of another living being aside from myself.


Animal owners that patrionize their pets with baby talk and "HOOOO'S A FUSSY WITTLE BOY, YOOOOSEE ARRRRR YUUUU A GOOOOD DOOOGOOOOOO" are twats, and so are people that get exotic animals just for the satisfaction of their friends complimenting them on how "different" they are for buying a colorful bird instead of a cat. That said, I think animals are alright, but I'd never buy a pet. You clean their shit, piss and puke every day for 10 years and then they croak. It's more futile than raising a kid.


I think that people who claim to 'hate dogs' have either never owned one or were too lazy to train it correct. There is no way to hate a friendly well-trained dog unless you're some sort of sociopath who hates innocence.


people hate them because theyre loud and dirty. the dog owners themselves don't care that their dogs are annoying other people so thats why some people are so vigilant about hating dogs.


I dislike them and I grew up with them my entire life. They're dirty, annoying to take care of, and often unruly because most people just buy a dog and don't train it at all. Then there is the problem when you need to do something, go somewhere, be gone for an extended period of time, you have to think about what to do with the dog, it's just annoying.


Dog worship is a normgroid trait.


How do I feel about animals?
I feel more for animals than people amd would never seek to harm one. I would if forced prefer to harm a person because in some way even if innocent a person can be deserving of pain moreso than an animal.

Basing your thoughts on what the group thinks is very normalfag OP.


You must have some sort of sociopathy since you didn't experience a strong emotional bond with the dogs that you grew up with your "entire life".


so you hate untrained dogs. It sounds like you've never interacted with a well-trained dog in your life.
If you lived with dogs it was your responsibility to train them. Don't blame them on your failure.


I do not love animals nor do I hate them. I do not go out of my way to bring then harm when I don't need to but I also don't have this love for dogs some people do. It seems some people use pets to substitute obedient humans in need of them. Like succubi getting cats or small dogs instead of a child


>it was your responsibility to train them
Fuck off.

not 183552


>If you lived with dogs it was your responsibility to train them
lol no, I didnt want them in the first place, not my problem


yea normies worship dogs its pretty disgusting especially when they make them wear sweaters. they bark or yip all day and they brag that their dog gives them unconditional love and is their best friend, the truth is it just follows them around because they feed them and if they died the dog will just eat your corpse


yea normies worship dogs its pretty disgusting especially when they make them wear sweaters. they bark or yip all day and they brag that their dog gives them unconditional love and is their best friend, the truth is it just follows them around because they feed them and if they died the dog will just eat your corpse


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Plenty of cases where dogs have waited by the body and then the grave of their owner. People here would benefit immensely from having a smart large breed service dog.


pets are nie yeah but then you have to take care of them. who the fuck wants to do that? no one does. if you do… maybe get a hobby or some interests. i would rather do anything else with my time than care for another creature


There's really too many fucking dogs around these days. Sometimes they go berserk and start chasing me. I wish I had a gun to shoot them and their owners (in self defense)


I love animals. I have to cats and ride horses, I don't have human friends but I'm friends with these animals.


Dogs and cats are a joke. Tons ofwork to care for them and theyre annoying too. On the other hand a small rodent like a hamster/mouse/gerbil and even rats are better pets. they are low maintanence and fun pets to have.

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