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 No.211001[Last 50 Posts]

Is anyone else going through this? I feel like Elliot Rodger. I look on Instagram and all of my friends on their freshman years have gone to parties, had sex, walked around with friends and have been to clubs. etc…

I'm on my third and of college and have not done any of this.


Elliot Rodger was the biggest crab known to man and if you relate to his feelings of being left out you are a crab too. We don't like those who covet the normie life. get out.


I feel more like James Eagan Holmes or Jared Lee Loughner.


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>I'm on my third and of college and have not done any of this.
Do you enjoy your time alone? If so, then good. Do you think you might enjoy spending time with friends? If so, then try. If you do enjoy it, balance doing that and spending time alone. But don't cave in to any destructive peer pressure, or force yourself to socialize if it's not immediately to your liking.

Instagram is vapidity central. Find some online communities about specific interests of yours and you'll learn that the lifestyle of posting all social engagements on to a public repository is actually quite a niche and unpopular behavior. Given this, it suffices that the hypersocial club-hopping, sex-dancing, weed-eating lifestyle itself isn't the norm. You're young and in college; you can find friends who share interests and personality traits that won't force you in to a degenerate social setting when you go to spend time with them.

Finally, lurk moar.


I used to go to parties in high school, quite a bit but I didn't like bigger parties and felt like I was properly connecting with people.

Later when I dropped out of university I stopped most social contacts anyway.


Edit: I mean I felt I wasn't properly connecting with ppl


they are both based


Why are you guys even romanticizing mass shooters?


but they never wrote long manifestos explaining their worldview, political takes, and philosophy of existence



I'm just waiting for the 1st GPT written manifesto


Killing is the only proven solution to the subhuman question


but the guys doing the shooting, in their own words, are the ones living the sub beneath-human lives


That's why they kill themselves


wizchan 2023


Yep! Guys who DON'T go partying, sexing, or chatting make up Wizardchan's userbase!


why don't you post in the carbcels site ?


i needed to read this. thank you anon.


Lurk more on our board. If you don't understand why Elliot Rodger was a hero to us, then you don't belong here.


So many young pathetic wizards in training admire Nietzsche.


Even our Leader calls himself Elliot Roachmin


I thought Adam Lanza was one of the few shooters without ideological motivations. But with the reveal of his secret radio show, he had a lot of opinions on anti-natalism, ancap, anti-feminism, and age of consent laws.


>radio show
It was a YouTube channel.


all audio though


I'm a year older than you and a neet with no degree, I've never had a friend in my life, I've never been out either, I was a reject social leper since the beginning and was treated like a nigger in a sundown town after dusk all throughout high school. It's just what happens when you're not genetically cut out for life, if you haven't achieved anything or been able to integrate by this age then it is definitively over for you. It's insane just how vital your teenage developmental years are, if you're abused all throughout that then you're just a dead man walking all because of your immutable genetics. Your early twenties are supposed to be your absolute peak of life fulfillment yet I am a subhuman who looks middle aged, has already basically been forced to retire from life as if I was a pensioner and am looking forward to my deathbed. A year ago I was making preparations to go down to some railway lines to kill myself but didn't because of a mental breakdown, I'll inevitably return to it and actually go through with exiting.


Because they took revenge against their normalfag abusers?


2 elliot in college posts, back to back


Because they've lost the plot and forgot that the romanticizing of these folks in the first place was meant to be an ironic way to vent one's own frustration and alienation.


i miss pre zoomer internet so fucking much


When was the cut-off year for pre-zoomer internet?


This seems like something I was probably upset about when I was 21. It seems so long ago it's hard to remember. I vaguely remember turning 21 and being sad that I had no one to go drinking with. The pain of no friends is real and palpable.


What are you trying to imply there? That there used to be a time period at which wizchan was full of enlightened hermits above the desires of normies? Because that has never been the case. Even at the very beginning whining about shit like what OP posted was common.


You are right, it was literally the reason why /wiz/ split into /v9k/. Thinking now it does seem like it should be more of a /dep/ thread, but the limits are quite unclear nowadays.


Listen man, here is the way i got friends as an adult a couple years out of high school. A little backstory, in highschool i never hang out with anyone outside of school, never been to parties, etc. But here is how i got friends who i go out and do shit with. I got a job, now sometimes it won't work with getting friends at the job so just quit and get a new one, who cares about the money honestly. One thing you have to forget about as an adult is the persons age if your like 20 and they are 25 or something. The thing with friends is you should instantly know if it will work out and be a good friendship. Usually common intrests will make a good bond too. Don't stop trying.


Stop funneling your energy into self loating and maybe funnel it into wrath, anger. Use that hatred to do great things, like i dunno whatever you desired as a child.


do a mass-shooting and livestream it


I'm friendless khhv at 29 yo.
I've never had friends to be honest.

During my young years, I was angry and depressed over that fact. Much time was lost self loathing.

Tried later to make some but to no avail.
I was and am still too desynchronized with those who surround me for it to be possible.

I can tell you one thing, you get used to it.
Don't sweat over it, some people are wired differently.

Friendship is often superficial.
Normal people don't look for friendship but for reproduction.
Friendship is only seen as a stepping stone to get to reproduction.

Humans think in term of contrast.
A tall lad would not invite to a party other tall good looking lads who might snatch the succubus he wants.
He would invite his beta "friends", to increase his likelyhood of reproduction.

Analyze the world like you're an alien whose ship landed on the wrong planet.

Later, when you become older and less edgy, you'll learn the importance of religion and living for a higher aim.


Let's go out anon :)))


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I literally have no idea what it even means to go out with friends. Like what do you even do? Sit around and talk? But about what? I feel like normies spend all their free time socializing, so how and when do they even do/experience things worth talking about while socializing? You can't very well talk about socializing itself, right?


I have one normie friend irl and we play vidja gaems together, or I invite him to play airsoft or he invites me to go fishing and such.
Other than that we usually don't meet or talk for 3-12 months.



I have some friends between 10 and 13 years old. From the time I was 14 until now I only spent my time on image boards, at first I only read, but since the content in those places is of such poor quality I only dedicated myself to publishing the shit that I liked.

>I look on Instagram

>I feel like Elliot Rodger
OP you don't need to compare yourself to others, everyone has their problems, their fears, and insecurities, but in the same way we all have something good to show the world. In the same way it is not good for you to compare yourself with a dragged and miserable being.


Normalfags don't have to deal with the problems of an adult virgin.
We are alone, abandoned, rejected, hated, misunderstood, and ignored. For no reason but because we aren't extroverted and happy go lucky, we are hated. I was always eating all by myself at school, people never wanted to talk with me, I saw the rest of kids having friends but I never got there, same happened in college. I never got to have a small group of friends or anything similar. Being a wizcel is a unique experience. I now have embraced this solitude.


well yeah that’s a joint activity, a completely different thing. What confuses me is the kind of socializing that consists of nothing but "hanging out".



that's the new normal. More wizards are born and made in modern society.


What they have is fake. As soon as their masks slip they become failed normies which is an experience full of suffering.
I had a normie friend like that too a few years ago. He helped me become more social and I recommend it.
Not all normies do that kind of thing.


Fax 100




stop off at the wrong site retard?


you are a true wizard and not a larper, harry. I mean, OP.


Same. It's my autism.


that doesn't make it a radio show


why wasn't it /thread after this?
why do you entertain this failed normie?


>I'll end my life because I can't upgrade my masturbation to pp in vagoo!
True, he's peak crab.

He killed normies but should've killed more. Understandable.


Pure psychotic rage.
I don't romanticize them, but I feel that I have a lot more in common with psychotic men who have no real motives for their actions than I do with a guy who just really, really, really wanted to have sex.


I just noticed that people under 30 years of are allowed to post here which is a bit weird because I thought that wizards could only be 30 and above.

It might explain why a lot of the posters here seem so immature but I guess this place would move a lot more slowly if it weren't for the under thirties.


cause no one lies on the internet


Blew my mind a bit when it was revealed that m00t was born in 1988 and everyone just bought it.


Elliot rodger would have been 31 this year. He died a wizard.


just relax, you have your whole life ahead of you and you dont know what that'll mean unless you take a drastic and unnecessary action that gets you and/or other people killed. then you'll definitely never get to go out with friends for sure because you'll be rotting in the ground or in prison…


> you have your whole life ahead of you
how do you even know this?


I know because I'm not a grain brain like you, fella.


I will always dislike the phrase "you have your whole life ahead of you," because it's necessarily false. It does not matter if it is said to a newborn baby or a 69 year old retiree. Every living thing has only a part of its life ahead of it, because there is another part that is behind it and a moment-sized part which it is occupying. There are platitudes that are meant to be truisms (it's always in the last place you look), and platitudes that are meant to be comforting (everything happens for a reason), but this one is more like a platitude that is meant to cause aggravation by thoughless dismissal of anyone raising specific problems in a specific scope (money can't buy happiness).


I don't even know what kind of normalfag you have to be to talk using such platitudes.


same exact age and NEET status, wiz. No degree, no job, no friends. I understand exactly the feeling of decaying by the wayside. I didn't have any words or consolation to say aside from that. Misery loves company after all, you're not the only one in the world like this


>same exact age and NEET status, wiz. No degree, no job, no friends.
you're a true wiz.


>I will always dislike the phrase "you have your whole life ahead of you," because it's necessarily false.
it's a dumb platitude that literally means nothing and people who use it are low iq extroverted normalfaggots. It's assuming the other person knows anything about the one who is facing problems but that is always false. It's just another way to they don't care.


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So much this. There is no "life" ahead for ugly aspies.

Becoming a white knight just makes your inevitable crash even harder when you realize at age 37 all that pandering and jestering got you absolutely nothing and you are still repulsive to succubi.

Start living for yourself only.


even if you try to play by their rules you're still unwanted and ostracized at the end of the day or used as a laughing stock and even called a weirdo for simply being yourself.


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Have to learn how to be callous or have enough life experience and hatred for normals that you start disregarding their thoughts and most importantly "advice" as genuinely retarded and even detrimental.
I've had much more success with everything in my life when I learned to ignore the "conventional" normaloid "wisdom", quite literally doing the exact opposite of what I'm being told. Always contemplated heavily on their words, surely they succeeded where I have failed, their "advice" must have some truth to it? It doesn't. They don't actually know how they got where they are. Too stupid to realize it or never had to put in the actual effort.

You can't learn language from a textbook with 2 hours a day in 4 years. You have to consume content in that language for 8 hours a day daily for years.
You can't learn programming from manuals. Manuals are outdated, convoluted or plain wrong. Only way to learn is cranking out spaghetti projects.
You can't land a job by just being really good at what you do, you mostly need social skills to lie to your recruiter that you are somehow the best option even if you aren't.
You can't just "be yourself" and expect good outcomes. Manipulating people is a skill. Skills can be developed through deliberate, consistent practice aka REPS.


For true wizards the advice of normalfags should always be ignored because in most cases it seriously doesn't apply and does more harm than good.

The way I see it is this:

A kid who never learnt how to swim is suddenly encouraged to throw himself into the ocean because it's "easy" to swim, cheered on by ignorant people who've been swimming forever, and they will even get angry if the kid is afraid and chickens out and runs away in fear
Normalfag advice for a wizard is like that. If you follow it you drown and normalfags won't even care. You have to do the things you know work for yourself, that you learnt by trial and error.


tbh if by 21 you've never been out with friends and had a normal social life like the rest and I am sorry to say this, wiz, but you won't have the same level and social aptitudes as the rest of your peers who did socialize so you will always stick out like a sore thumb and it might even feel weird to try and be around others. Sorry, wiz.
The same thing happened to me. Now I'm in my 30s and of course I can't go back to my highs school or college years, so I missed out on those experiences. It's too late now I will never know what being a normal teenager is like.


it's over we can only cope now.


Apparently Elliot Rodger had multiple therapists in between the ages of 8 and 18.

What do you think they told him?



Yeah, it is harder to meet people in your 30s but it isn't impossible. Socialization is a skill that can be learned at any age. Yes, it'll be awkward at first, but so is everything that you are new at.

There are plenty of places for people in their 30s to meet each other. If anything it may be easier than when you were younger because they are way more emotionally mature than people in their 20s.


>they are way more emotionally mature than people in their 20s.

lol high school never ends, they weed out the weird and unsocialized the same.


>Socialization is a skill that can be learned at any age.
Many people on here are autistic and will never be able to do it.

Unless you were home-schooled, you went through 13+ years of education with 5 days a week of intense socialization throughout all your life phases - from childhood up to being a young adult,they tried to socialize you at every step. Why didn't that work? Why would you expect much less intensive "practice" to work now after all those years of schooling failed to work?


>Why would you expect much less intensive "practice" to work now after all those years of schooling failed to work?
Because normaloids are retards and do everything wrong.
They tried to teach me German in school. Haven't learned a single word in 4 years.
Now I speak Japanese.
They tried to teach me programming in school. Couldn't even wrap my head around declaring a library. Now I work as a webshart.


he is a normalfag who thinks you can just learn to socialize at your 30s and make friends. Normalfags are delusional as fuck and think you just have to try and things work because it worked for them.
>look man im succesful like a normie if i can anyone can just work hard trust me im fluent in 10 languages and make 100k a year


One weeb language that I only used to watch anime and I make barely above minimum wage in my country as a peasant webdev.
Point is: don't do as normalfags do, they don't know what they are doing and instead have support systems around them to pull them through. If Wizzie applied the unenlightened learning methods he would end up crippled and dumber.


wow, OP has friends? Man there was a time on wizchan when you'd get banned and this thread deleted for mentioning you had a friend.


everyone knows socialization. Nobody is actually autistic, autism is a legitimate disability that can make you too dumb to tie your own shoes. The reason why we are shy is BECAUSE we know socialization. we know whos offending us, making fun of us, looking down on us.

That being said i think extroversion, that is not being afraid of people is a fixed, subconscious faculty. I truly believe there is a deeper, completely irrational side of people that clashes with their awareness. And to learn to not be afraid of people is to somehow trick that mysterious faculty into believing that its safe or strong and your awareness is just on top of it but you are still completely at the mercy of it.

For real. I've seen people who were totally reclusive all throughout their childhood, teenage years and early 20s only to 360 in their mid 20s or 30s and come out of their shell. And visa versa i've seen people who were tough in their earlier years who just became totally soft and a shell of their former selves. I think its chaos and theres little rhyme or reason to it.


>What do you think they told him?
nothing actually helpful.


>I've seen people who were totally reclusive all throughout their childhood, teenage years and early 20s only to 360 in their mid 20s or 30s and come out of their shell
>only to 360
normalfags really think wizards are going to buy their bullshit when they don't know basic math


The engagement of any action with your friends, as with any other besides select few people on ostensibly bastardized internet forums, is an engagement whose indulgence, were it to actually happen, would be no different than if nothing whatsoever, not in your brain and not in physicality, would occur.

I do not say this to sound condescending nor am I associating any denigrating connotation with the statement: It is simply a representation of things as they are and things as they will be for two very simple reasons:

[1] The placidity of real life interactions is too poor given the permanently overarching situational awareness of your placing in an environment where truly consequential criticism is always within immediate reach; something true irrespective of where you are -so, anon or his partner(s), no matter what they're doing, can never do it to their utmost, leaving a 'lacking' feeling all too often, which sullies the premising of a naturally occurring consolidation to a memory being formed: in other words -and to repeat- if you partied with your friends, danced, jumped around, the containment of each action and its associated emotions are limited exclusively to that moment.
Even captured in an image, even written as beautifully as possible, their significance would be no more than your peeing the bed at 4 or 3 years of age because the crux of what makes it 'it' is no more.

However, to you, an observer, unrelated to all of this, it appears otherwise. The ephemeral reaper only affects attendants of the action, never the onlooker or anyone else for that matter thus, you think, 'Fuck!, I want to have fun like them too!' without realizing that nothing is really happening, never even mind 'fun'.
You have to remember: sex, parties, clubs, dancing, succubi, texting, movies, driving and ego, all exist in a realm whose maxim is a fulfillment of 'now' and nothing beyond which, then, means it's a fulfillment of nothing, and nothing beyond because, what does bear fulfillment of something, is a thing whose dependencies are not limited to our aggregate perception. Anything but, does not exist.
In a very real sense, you are feeling what others, independent of yourself, are feeling, and all this within your very mind, making it hard to ignore; ignore what should itself lead to natural disregardment. A very comical situation.
-Given this, your envy of your partying friends, being an envy nothing, is substitutable with an envy for sucking the shit out of a pigs ass or wanting to kiss the entrails of a dying horse.

[2] Every single one of your friends and every single person they're partying with, on account of the fact that they're partying, are definitely not of an apperceptive mentality and consequently not at all worth hanging out with. This is a point I raise in regard to the times we live in: immediate accessibility to everything that can satisfy our cravings.

Courting is a null activity for man today - there is porn to fulfill your soul given the inability of the brain to distinguish it and real life -as evidenced by secretion of semen ensuing with exhaustion- to satisfy both your cravings and lust and eventually your desire for an authentic relationship thanks to how cognitive equipoise functions.

Play need never be enriched with others -Games have become immersive enough to sustain a 200-500 hour journey with everything a man could possibly want, whether that's in competition, challenges, an objective or friends.

That your friends, despite these obvious advantages, still maintain a wholly unnecessary exertion of effort to conceive what a basement dweller does, are quite the retarded inefficient bunch and precisely because of this retardation, you must ask, what use is their in your being friends any longer?

So, to answer the question -Is anyone else going through this?
My answer is very much no. I cannot feel envy or hatred at seeing things that categorically don't exist.


> there is porn to fulfill your soul
> there is porn to fulfill your soul
> there is porn to fulfill your soul
> inability of the brain to distinguish it and real life
>Games have become immersive enough to sustain a 200-500 hour journey with everything a man could possibly want

Sometimes I wonder if the people posting retarded shit like this were born with a working brain or they just post whatever shit comes to them or maybe they are just unaware and completely lost or trolling. Your entire post is a contradiction in itself but for your own good you should seek help and do something good with your life.


My profession is that of a statistician. I both lecture at university and work as a programmer. I am doing much more good in life than a bastard like yourself, clear in his attempt to thwart someone from internal reprieve.
Fuck you.


>my profession is…
>i lecture at a university
>i work as
>i am doing much more good in life than a bastard like yourself!
>fuck you

Nobody asked. Also, it feels good to be a wizard and being able to detect who I should listen to and who I should not. Someone like you who writes "there is porn to fulfill your soul" is clearly someone I should ignore. I am not going to insult you, I know you aren't happy with yourself.


>you went through 13+ years of education with 5 days a week of intense socialization

You're full of shit
Sitting in the same room, at separate desks, listening to a teacher for 8 hours a day is not "intense socialising"


you are replying to a normalfag outsider who socializes on a daily basis and has a job


In what country is it like that? You korean or something?


I'm other Wizzie, but it's like that in Europe.
School is horrible for developing social skills from scratch and parents are at fault.


Well, in Australia students commonly talk throughout class, have shared desks, regular group work, group sports, multiple lunch breaks where it was impossible to be alone.


sounds like hell for a wizard.


I've been there, now I'm here posting on wizchan. Can't give you advice, no one can. Some of us aren't just socially inclined.


I go here and immediately see this..
The supreme gentleman


The few times I was out with people have been pure mental agony for me. If you're posting here you're most likely better off not attending any social gatherings.


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Wizchan in 2024


why are you on instagram, normalfag?


maybe OP has aspergers like Elliot rodger


Whatever, he's young.


easy to misinterpret. Then there's also Stirner, Evola, Houellebecq, Ted K, etc.


>So many young pathetic wizards in training admire Nietzsche.

What is truth to a wooman! From the very first nothing has been more alien, repugnant, inimical to wooman than truth – her great art is the LIE, her supreme concern is APPEARANCE and beauty.” – Nietzsche, 'Beyond Good and Evil.

Sounds WIZARD AS FUCK to me


Wizards don't write book after book about succubi. These philosophers who do are not the paragons of masculine solitude you think they are. For so much of his time and mind to be occupied with the critique of succubi, to stir with rage when the concept of a female enters his train of thought, is to be dominated by them no differently than someone who adores a succubus to the point of inoculating himself when she doesn't accept his proposal. His entire conscious is filled with the critique of supposed faults of succubi nature to the point where he begins to worship these faults, paying tribute to them with his books of cleverly arranged words. He preaches of the grail of succubi, describing in detail its repulsive contents to everybody who doesn't care. He does this for hsi entire adult life and by the time he's lying on his death bed, he's cursing the grail not for its ill nature, but for not allowing him to drink from it in his lifetime. His body is tossed in the ocean and is eaten by crabs!!!

Think this is a strawman? look at fuccboi in the OP pic. look what he wrote and spoke of hating, before killing his D&D buddies because he couldn't have sex with what he claimed to hate.


>wizard don't do this, trust me!
>supposed faults of succubi nature
>w-w-oman good!
Lol Nietzsche hurt. Every intelligent man and wiz knows that females are animals, beasts, niggers, that need to be tamed and subjugated.
They ruin everything and would be better replaced with bots.
>look at fuccboi
why do you write like a normalnigger? what is even a "fuccboi"? I'm not well versed in nigger vernacular so you will have to put some effort into writing like an educated white person.


fuccboi means "manipulative guy who wants pussy" so it can either mean Chud or Chad depending on the case


so every man is a fuccboi?


Are you saying wizards too are manipulated by females?


>ask "is every man a fuccboi?"
>retard replies "are you saying wizards too are manipulated by females"?
ESL or your brain is that of a mentally impaired faggot?


Yeah, that's part of the problem; he's too young to use the site.


how old does someone have to be? the rule says 18.


Spirit v. Letter. Sub 30 year olds should have matured worldviews, not YOLO faggotry.


FOMO faggotry albeit*


Elliot Rodger had aspergers and was a hapa in a town where most people where white.


Nowhere in California is mostly White.


that's now, it wasn't like that 15-20 years ago. Elliot even writes in his diary that he wanted to be white because most people were white, he was even happy when his parents dyed his hair blonde.


>he wanted to be white because most people were white
He wanted to be White because as a Hapa, he had no racial identity of his own. It wasn't about fitting in with what he believed was the majority, so much as it was being able to fit in anywhere at all. Californians are very attuned to the differences in racial heritage and their own incompatibilities with each other, evidenced by the prevalence of race-based gangs and the amount of expeditionary Whites who have been fleeing California faster than they're being born there. Elliot wasn't radicalized about his race until he was in his late teens which would be around 2009, which by then most of urban California was visibly nonwhite. Elliot, in being two somethings, was a nothing. Not just in terms of race, but in his own internal divide on whether to adopt a lavish lifestyle of male whordom, or to concede to a more laid-back life of playing DND with his college bros.

Sage for Elliotrogerposting


he said in his own words he cared about it for 1 reason, because it made him less attractive to succubi.


That sounds more like Elliot tbh. But then which popular Hapa am I thinking of? I know "not belonging to either race" is something a lot of them complain about online but I know there's one who lives kind of uppity-class who whines about not feeling kinship with either Whites or Koreans.


I mean tons of mixed race people of all types complain about that. But the only identity Elliot cared about was sexhaver.


Since we're on the topic of Elliot, you can get more insight into his mindset from his diary. In some ways his diary was a rough draft of his manifesto. You can see some passages were entirely lifted from it.

My favorite part was when he did openly leer at a blonde succubus in history class, and she gave him a look of disgust. As a common criticism of Elliot is he never made a move. But here we as openly drooling at her.



When my mom started rambling on to me about "The Secret" and the Law of Attraction, and using positive thoughts to attract outcomes.

I told her the story of the guy who read The Secret and bought 1000 lottery tickets. And she actually asked me "did he win?"


Elliot's rodger diagnosis was of an aspie he was wizardly as fuck and he hated females more than anything because according to him they rewarded brutish and unintelligent men with sex and created dysgenic offspring which destroyed society, all of this is true ofc.

it's not about muh identity, you want to be part of a group and not a mutt minority, Elliot deeply knew that he will never belong as a hapa, so being white would change everything for him.

you're full of bullshit. he never stated that.


OK I guess he did say both

This revelation about the world, and about myself, really decreased my self-esteem. On top of this
was the feeling that I was different because I am of mixed race. I am half White, half Asian, and this
made me different from the normal fully-white kids that I was trying to fit in with.


As my frustration grew, so did my anger. I
came across this Asian guy who was talking to a white succubus. The sight of that filled me with rage. I always
felt as if white succubi thought less of me because I was half-Asian, but then I see this white succubus at the party
talking to a full-blooded Asian. I never had that kind of attention from a white succubus! And white succubi are
the only succubi I’m attracted to, especially the blondes. How could an ugly Asian attract the attention of a
white succubus, while a beautiful Eurasian like myself never had any attention from them? I thought with rage.


>i guess he did say that
>posts exactly that
No, he did say that. That's why he had an inferiority complex and his aspergers only made that worse. He never approached a succubus and died a wiz after attempting to kill succubi and "chads".


Yeah you were right, on rereading it I was reminded that he dyed his hair blond to fit in with the white kids, even when he was just a young boy, before puberty, before he even noticed succubi. Before he wanted to fuck the blondes he wanted to BE the blond.

He did also say that it made succubi less attracted to him. But it wasn't the only reason it mattered.


>died a wiz
No, Elliot was never a wiz. Especially by the time he died, he had penetrated the bodies of several females for his own sexual gratification. Entering what he described as "sexy females he wants to f**ck" is still sex if he enters them with a bullet.


One can be a crab at one point in ones life and then later renounce it. By the conclusion of his manifesto, the political philosophy Elliot Rodger advocated was the extermination of all succubi and the banning of sex.


>Elliot Rodger advocated for the extermination of all succubi and the banning of sex.
yeah, out of sour grapes. He literally killed himself because he couldn't score, he is king crab!



Elliot Rodger died a virgin, a wiz, and had a wizard belief system. He detested female nature, he hated his step mom, mom, and sister who was a whore, even went to say that females should just be used as breeding machines in camps and have no rights because they behave like animals.
>He literally killed himself because he couldn't score
You have a normalnigger simplistic perspective of what went on. It was a retribution because as a wiz he knew females destroy society and ruin wizard spaces, he wanted to punish simps, high status and good looking males, and every female.

He was pretty wizardly by all means, he refused to have sex with prostitutes in las vegas when his own dad offered him that, so he never had sex or attempted to have sex. He never approached a single female. And he was on the autistic spectrum. You can't be more wiz than that.


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You stupid motherfucker. "Wiz belief system"? He worshipped succubi to the point where it drove him to kill himself because he couldn't get any pussy. He wrote novels about how beautiful succubi are. He went to parties and to socials to hit on succubi. He jerked off to his system having sex for frick's sake. it doesn't matter that in the last seconds of his virgin life he went and killed a couple. He persued succubi and the contents of their pants as if it were a career, always dressing the newest spotscars and driving the newest name brand clothes in the vain hope of getting a hand job.

He was a normalfag in every step. You can chisel it down and call him a "failed normalfag" because he failed to connect with other normal people, but at the end of it all he really was just a coochie-craving simp.

"Disregard succubi" is a trait of being a contentedly celibate male. Whether it's worshiping them or disheveling them, obsessing over succubi in either direction is not something a wizard does.


t. retard who never read Elliot's manifesto or his diary
Elliot Rodger died a virgin, a wiz. He resented this society for being antivirgin and pro normalfags which is supporting immorality, promiscuity, degeneracy, etc., Elliot was against all that and you don't get more wizardly than that. Many of us here hold the same beliefs. You are lying in your post and full of bullshit.
> He went to parties and to socials to hit on succubi
Lol at this liar, he never hit on succubi what the fuck are you on, retard? He was never rejected by females either because as much you can hate him for whatever he said, HE NEVER APPROACHED A SINGLE FEMALE. HE NEVER TRIED TO HAVE SEX. HE NEVER HAD A GIRLFRIEND. HE NEVER TRIED TO GET ONE. HE NEVER HAD female friends. HE WAS A VIRGIN. HE HATED hook up culture. He hated prostitution too. He hated females in general. He hated this society and the state where he lived, california is wizard hell after all, and one of the most normalfag states in usa. Every wizard will agree on this.
> He persued succubi
>and the contents of their pants as if it were a career, always dressing the newest spotscars
It's pursued, and that's something he never did. People like you who never bother to actually study things and just go for feelings and what the news tell them are unintellectual normalfags.

Elliot Rodger was right about this society and females in general. They shouldn't have rights.


Different anon here,

ER had an extreme case of narcissistic personality disorder and he killed his friends he gamed with. NOT COOL! He's a shit for killing his gaming bros for 1, and for 2 for being a whiny narcissist. He didn't even look that bad!!


>he killed his friends he gamed with
>He's a shit for killing his gaming bros
The asians he killed were never his friends, where do you get that from?
Seriously, do you ever bother reading anything before posting?
"If they were pleasant to live with, I would regret having to kill them, but due to their behavior I now had no regrets about such a prospect. In fact, I’d even enjoy stabbing them both to death while they slept." That's what he wrote about his asian housemates that he killed.


his friends constantly mogged him by inviting succubi over and having sex
he was based for killing sex havers


friends all go away in the end you gotta enjoy the moment while it lasts


>. I look on Instagram and all of my friends

is no one else seeing this?

This is a violation of rule 3.


Also, rules state that you have to be at least 18 years old to use this site…
Wasn't being a wizard all about being a virgin past your 30s? What the heck happened? No wonder this site turned such shit.

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