The literary movement of our time will be a backlash against tech induced alienation, but it will be so incohate and immature it will be the most cringy shit fr fr. It will be a Kaczynski tier hysterical backlash of retards and LARPers going to live in the woods, whipping themselves and avoiding stimulation as much as possible like John the Savage from Brave New World.
Zoomers will grow up with fried brains from Cocomelon, TikTok, porn and just generalized constant stimulation. They'll perceive something is wrong but not be able to put it in words. They'll stumble across anprim kaczynski shit while googling around online and in a fit of hysterical depressive passion, will smash every electronic device they own and go to the forest. They'll be hermits and be paranoid of everything, every person approaching their little copse will be perceived as temptation back to their mind numbing gooning childhood. It'll be a sort of schizophrenic conservatism, they'll be too fucked up to have families, wives, kids. The best they can hope for is being weird reclusive monks, constantly paranoid, reacting to technology like vampires to the sunlight. They'll be permanent recovered drug addicts, and like every recovered drug addict, they'll pine for their 15 year old life gooning on TikTok and being groomed on discord at 3am on a schoolnight even if they can't admit it themselves.
That's what will come of this generation, that's their fate.
>>196015 Surely we already know the movement of our time as it's already begun? but this is certainly a prediction you would make if your sole input was particular chans
>The literary movement of our time will be a backlash against tech induced alienation, but it will be so incohate and immature it will be the most cringy shit fr fr. It will be a Kaczynski tier hysterical backlash of retards and LARPers going to live in the woods, whipping themselves and avoiding stimulation as much as possible like John the Savage from Brave New World.
this is already happening, minus actually doing away with tech, see the trad larpers on social media sites.
>>196016 replace 'old' with 'young' and you could make the same comment on the retards whining about zoomers, some of you are barely a couple years older at most than the oldest of that so-called generation, and yet you talk like you're from another fucking universe.
I don't care about generations but I want to say this. There is nothing wrong with technology, in fact it makes life easier and more bearable for everyone. I thank my fate day after day that I was born into this age and time period, that I can use the internet to keep myself entertained and to learn new things all the time without leaving my room. Without the internet I would have killed myself long ago. All those Ted fans and haters of technology hate on tech because they blame it for being "abnormal". They think without technology everyone would grow up completely normal (how retarded), there have always been people that didn't fit in, there aren't more outsiders nowadays, it's just that we loners can occupy ourselves way better and can share our experiences with others through the internet.
What people call "alienation" of the modern age is just a lie, 99% of people still live extremely social lives and have plenty of friends and gfs. How can someone call our time an age of alienation when social media exists? You know, that thing most people spend most of their time on when not with each other in real life. If anything, people of our times have it easier when it comes to socialization. It's not your laptop's fault that you are a solitary person who doesn't fit in. You wouldn't fit in in the Soviet Union, you wouldn't fit in in Nazi Germany, you wouldn't fit in in the 1950s of the USA, you wouldn't fit in in medieval christian Europe and you wouldn't be a normal in anarcho-primitivism either. Some people just prefer solitude to community activities always.
Short version: Ted and his followers are failed normals who think if it wasn't for the "evil technology" then they could norm it up and have a family and a nice community where they could have friends.
I don't believe monk larping will become mainstream, it is exactly the contrarian kids who do this only. Monk roleplaying is popular on fringe sites like this and other chans.
And I look forward to a more pro-technology, futuristic society. I honestly believe technology will solve 90% of our problems in life eventually. Just give it enough time.
>>196044 >I thank my fate day after day that I was born into this age and time period, that I can use the internet to keep myself entertained and to learn new things all the time without leaving my room. Without the internet I would have killed myself long ago. meh, can't miss what doesn't exist. you would be doing something else in a world without the internet and that's it.
>>196044 >technology will solve 90% of our problems in life eventually Except it fucking won't. It would if the direction technological research was taken in and how it was applied was chosen by (You), or me, or a normalfag, or anybody else with a speck of sanity, but unfortunately that is not the case. It's the elite who pick and choose what gets researched and for what purpose, and it's them who decides whether to apply the results or not. We have at most something like 150 years before people start getting nerve stapled so that a couple thousand faggot elite death culters can have their degenerate orgies in peace without anybody to disturb them.
>>196038 >this is already happening, minus actually doing away with tech, see the trad larpers on social media sites. It's hard to classify such a minority as the movement of our time when cottagecore and sig have been and gone
>>196044 >What people call "alienation" of the modern age is just a lie, 99% of people still live extremely social lives and have plenty of friends and gfs. How can someone call our time an age of alienation when social media exists? Your confusion is from using the dictionary definition of alienation in place of the technical definition from marxism, where alienation is defined as the estrangement of people from their own human nature. Also, social media is plainly antisocial
Not sure if it can be considered on-topic enough, but this is a real piece of shit book written by trannies and females. It's funny because it's barely coherent and the few parts that are amount to total retardation. I think some succ told my brother about it in middle school because I heard about it from him. He ended up begging for a copy, probably to impress her, and I read through it to give it the benefit of the doubt. Unsurprisingly, it's all about fart-huffing and style. Their technological understanding reminds me of the scene with the Macintosh from Zoolander for some reason. Furthermore, I think they missed the entire point of proliferating a manifesto. They jam in as many and as long of polysyllabic words as possible, maybe in part to hide the lack of substance. If the point is to appeal to a large audience, then its inaccessibility alone renders it a huge failure. However, the actual "content" is the worst part. They posit that nature is unjust and that technology can "fix" it. First of all, nature isn't just or unjust. It's an unconscious system (at least that's what I think). It seems that they finally accepted some level of reality, but still just want to write it off as being unfair. Secondly, humanity has been trying to shape nature with technology for the lion's share of recorded history and the environment is clearly a ticking time-bomb now. I don't entertain any illusions that industry will be cleanly and peacefully dismantled (or that peace would follow in a primitivist "civilization"), but I also can't see how anyone can believe that technology will emancipate humanity from some cruel nature. The developed world is a set of surveillance states expressly facilitated by modern technology for the benefit of few neurotic sociopaths. Maybe I am misunderstanding their message, if there even is one to glean through all the verbose static, but it came off as an incredibly naive and masturbatory work. I also tried to warn my brother before reading that it sounded retarded even at a glance and that it is available for free on the authors' own website. So, it's out there if anyone feels like trying to make sense of it, having a laugh or getting mad at some rage bait.
>>196046 Obviously there will be a limit but until that limit comes we will make life considerably better thanks to technology.
>>196049 No, I don't think so. I hate socialization either way so I wouldn't just go out and "b myself" without the internet. Maybe I would have survived without it but it is certain that I wouldn't have enjoyed life so much as in this world where internet is a thing. I think you take it for granted that you have easy, fast and free access to basically all of the information one could want to learn and most of the entertainment humanity has ever produced. 100 years ago what alternative you had? Go to church, go drink in some shady place with dumb normals or have a family? That was kind of how people could occupy themselves in those days.
>>196051 The elite already can have their orgies in peace without any disturbance, in fact they always could have it. Technology won't change social structures. But it will make life more bearable for all of us some way. The elite can't keep technology separated from the mass population for long, especially in this world where everything is connected and instantly shared with others through the net, I'm referring to information now.
What I say is that your problem is with the elite, not with technology itself.
>>196052 >alienation is defined as the estrangement of people from their own human nature And what is human nature like? How can a human be anything but a human ultimately? Using laptop and internet makes us anti-human according to you? >social media is plainly antisocial The problem isn't with social media or with technology, it is with people. You witness how people interact with each other on social media, that is all.
>>196058 Nature is flawed, I think anyone can understand this. The goal is to make nature into something that is tolerable or even enjoyable to humans. Nature isn't our friend, it has been one of our biggest enemies through history. Think of diseases, disasters, hunger, etc. >The developed world is a set of surveillance states expressly facilitated by modern technology for the benefit of few neurotic sociopaths. So basically again, like the other guy, you have a problem with social structure and not with technology. Technology can't do anything about who uses it for what purposes. If you ask me though, we need more surveillance and not less in the world. Security cameras, smart phones, body cameras, etc these are all helping to make sure people can live a safer life.
>>196061 I didn't say nature is perfect. Clearly it's not if it creates beings that are so full of themselves that they think they fully comprehend how to balance it yet just pull the rug out from beneath the entire ecosystem and effectively destroy themselves along with it. I wholly disagree with needing more surveillance. There's already too much. I could list several obvious reasons commonly given but there isn't much point in doing so. It's not going to preemptively stop crime from happening and will be used to harass dissidence. People get disappeared for expressing the "wrong" opinion (not even acting on it) all the time in China and criminals still abduct kids and females in broad daylight.
>>196062 Man is a part of nature that can modify both himself and nature too ultimately. Refusing to live with that would be stupid and childish. Nature is changing and being destroyed even if you burn a few pieces of wood to have some food to eat. Destruction is an inherent part of nature and some people - you and other defenders of the ecosystem hilariously - can't understand this. What is good for humanity is ultimately the highest good, not what is good for the planet or the ecosystem. We rule this world for a reason, we possess intelligence to shape the world as we see fit in order to act on our desires.
Surveillance isn't supposed to stop crime from happening, it is supposed to help the police catch criminals easier and it works wonders. Even a thief who steals the wallet of a homeless guy (happened recently in one of the cities of my country) is spotted and caught fast thanks to surveillance cameras. >China So again, you have a problem with the elite, not with the tech itself. By the way, never understood this idiotic fear of surveillance some people have. If you don't do anything bad then why do you care? And I'm assuming you don't live in China. Technology can be used for both good and bad, depending on the person. Overall, it is more useful to humanity though.
>>196061 >The goal is to make nature into something that is tolerable or even enjoyable to humans. Nature isn't our friend, it has been one of our biggest enemies through history. Think of diseases, disasters, hunger, etc. It's worth recalling that disease and disaster are products of static settlements with high population density, and there's evidence that the first farmers had worse nutrition than their nomadic counterparts despite having a surplus of food. That these apparent enemies occur relatively recently in our 200,000 year history raises the question whether we are pursuing a good strategy for defeating them
>>196064 And its okay you know? technology is neutral. The problem is who is using it, if you are watched 24/7 then you couldn't form a group to act agaisn't the evil elites, we shouldn't advance in technology in these times where evil is crowned king everywhere, it shall be defeated first before advancing further, or maybe not…
>>196064 You presume too much. Of course destruction is healthy. In moderation. Man-made destruction is excessive. >Man is a part of nature >What is good for humanity is ultimately the highest good, not what is good for the planet or the ecosystem These are mutually exclusive statements. Man is lesser than all of these things. Excessive pilfering of the ecosystem is ultimately not in man's best interests either. It's not solely to the detriment of everything else since the ecosystem is just a collection of diverse beings that rely upon one another. Everything must perform its role to maintain a balanced, healthy ecosystem and that includes man. >If you don't do anything bad then why do you care? Because the state doesn't need to know all the most intimate details of my life. They need to make the justification to invade my privacy. It's not on me to justify my own privacy (although I very well can). You are insane to think that this is common sense. The public is essentially paying for the government to plant spy cams in their homes with the kind of malicious components they tack onto commercial electronics on top of all the security devices outside everyplace, yet so much crime goes unsolved and your anecdote does nothing to grapple with that. >Technology can be used for both good and bad, depending on the person That's entrusting strangers with a lot of power. Chances are, as we can obviously see today, power will be abused. I don't think many people are cut out for authority. A lot of social structures can work with benevolent and honest officials. In practice that's not what we are getting.
>>196065 >It's worth recalling that disease and disaster are products of static settlements with high population density Pretty sure solitary animals in the wild still get sick.
>>196065 Disease and disaster occur regardless of how humans are organized. Tech and science help us treat diseases that would have caused your death hundreds of years ago. Why do you think humans live longer as technology and science keep reaching higher levels?
>>196066 I don't see the elite reserving special technology for their own use only. Sure, some high-tech or scientific cure is expensive to purchase but that is capitalism for you. Science and technology serve humanity collectively well.
>>196068 There is no contradiction. We are parts of nature but we can choose to place our species first and above the rest of nature, the planet and the ecosystem. If you ask me, just milk the ecosystem and this planet until we can. Who cares what happens after that? Not my problem or yours.
So much crime goes unsolved because maybe your little paranoid theory about mass surveillance is false? We don't live in a Big Brother World-State yet (hopefully we will soon.) As I mentioned, why do you care if some people know what kind of porn you watch or what music you listen to? You aren't that important that the police or secret service agencies will spend all their time watching you, I hope you know that. The whole crusade against mass surveillance and crying about muh privacy are done by dumb normals mostly if you ask my opinion. I'm not a liberal or a fan of democracy so I think the state and law enforcement should possess as many information as possible in order to uphold peace and order.
How is power abused nowadays? Because google keeps track of you or what? Again, this is a laughable belly-aching about non-issues first worlders do so much. Peace and order always imply the invasion of privacy and such. If you ask me there should be more order in our world, not less.
>>196087 Ok, so you are a willfully ignorant nihilist and a waste of time to converse with. Ironic that you choose to use an anonymous website with your complete disregard for privacy. I look forward to you doxxing yourself to illustrate that you are indeed a man of your word.
>>196101 >nihilist I hate this buzzword. It doesn't really mean anything in discussion, it's the same as calling someone a "fascist", it is just an empty insult that completely lost its meaning at this point.
Why are sooo scared of people knowing who you are? Do you go around shitposting or raiding people's social media profiles or what? What is your tremendous secret that you don't want anyone else to know? What kind of anime you watch or how many times you use the word nigger on the internet? God…
>>196102 Per usual, the presumptuous nihilist resorts to ad hominem to defend its low-quality argumentation. "Hurr nothing ultimately matters so privacy and environmental collapse doesn't matter" is nihilism. That's not using it as a buzzword. You're just pointless to engage because you're dead set on these brainless opinions. I have no footprint online. I am antisocial and don't engage anybody online outside of imageboards. You don't have to have done terrible shit to just want to be ignored. Still not posting your doxx, though. Guess it's all contrarian pomp. Good to know.
>>196103 I never said things don't matter to me. I don't know what your problem is, to tell the truth. Privacy doesn't matter because it is just a fancy liberal meme. I believe the ideal society would be one where the totalitarian state has unlimited power over everything. The problem was never with authoritarianism but the values an authoritarian system chose to represent. If used for the right purposes and goals then a big state power becomes a tool for benefit of society.
Environmental collapse doesn't matter because if you know anything about the history of the planet you live on then you realize that destruction and rebirth are necessary parts of the ecosystem. There have been many ice ages and what not during the history of Earth and the ecosystem survived. The whole ridiculous notion that humanity can destroy the Earth is just delusional stupidity. But even if we presume that we can damage nature, the planet and ecosystem forever then again, why should we wizards care about future generations? We don't have any children so who cares what happens in the next 200 years? Like I said, milk nature and the earth for our comfy life all we can and whatever happens happens. > You don't have to have done terrible shit to just want to be ignored You are ignored if you don't do terrible shit even in the biggest and meanest totalitarian state? You are so self-centered and narcissist that you think the FBI, NSA, CIA and everyone in the world would be watching you masturbate to hentai all day. The world doesn't revolve around you, mate. Nobody cares about your uninteresting, generic and boring life. Get over yourself.
>>196102 >I hate this buzzword. It doesn't really mean anything in discussion, it's the same as calling someone a "fascist", it is just an empty insult that completely lost its meaning at this point. Yeah, good point. Whenever you don't agree with the opinions of a hysterical leftist they will call you a fascist and whenever you don't agree with the opinions of a hysterical moralist they will call you a nihilist. Both are just empty buzzwords to try and shame you into agreeing with what they say.
>>196199 Isn't this averted by just specifying what stance you differ with fascism, and also, especially with leftists I like to remind them that their shit is practically fascist except for one small difference (nationalist vs internationalist). If anything I hoped the calling everything fascist would induce more people to be autistic about definitions as I so like to do.
Same with a accusation of a nihilist, since it's the stance of nothing mattering you can just say, "just disagreeing with you isn't nihilism, here is X, Y, Z, I care about, just not your shit"
>>196199 Circlejerk some more. It's not a buzzword when used in the correct context. Being a flippant faggot and writing off major issues just because you personally don't care surely makes you look like a nihilist. Dumb fucking niggercattle stuck on the hedonic treadmill and happy to be monitored by the panopticon acting like they're saying something insightful by being contrarian in a space largely dominated by the contrarian. There you go, some more "buzzwords" for you to complain about. No point in discussing with the clueless who don't know understand what they're arguing for nor the cowardly who shrink away from their values when they are rightfully labeled for them.
>>196112 Could you explain what those right values are? Just curious about your philosophical values. As you can imagine, it's rare to find someone explicitly pro totalitarian governments and anti-privacy on imageboards.
>>196112 >privacy doesn't matter post all your info or low quality bait e-mails and passwords address and phone numbers family and identification medical records social media and daily selfies
>>196218 Not caring about topics you personally obsess over doesn't make me a nihilist. Disagreeing with you certainly doesn't make me a nihilist. I explained the ecosystem isn't important for someone who doesn't plant to have children and descendants. I don't know about you but I as a male virgin don't care what happens to the Earth or humanity after I'm gone.
And surprise, not everyone agrees with ultra-liberal or anarchist ideologies like you. I envision the perfect society not as one where people are left alone to do whatever they want in their "privacy" but as one where a group of talented people rule and direct the idiots like you for example with an iron fist.
I assume you used "nihilist" like most people do, you assumed I don't care about anything and then you called me a "nihilist". (By the way look up the definition of nihilist, it has nothing to do with what you think it means.) >stuck on the hedonic treadmill Nobody was talking about hedonism, get your brain checked, son.
>>196235 Anti-liberalism, anti-democracy, anti-communism, anti-clericalism/anti-religious, anti-conservative values. People would call me a fascist most likely though I don't take inspiration from any kind of fascist government that existed on Earth. I feel like most kind of fascism was influenced way too much by excessive militarism (led to its ruin in most of Europe) and/or conservative values and got corrupted by conservative capitalists.
I am nationalist, racist to a healthy degree (I think everyone should live where he was born ideally and that races/nations should be separated) and pro-hierarchy and pro-authority as I see these things are inherent to our nature. Humans always form hierarchies and a state, the problem is what kind of state we have. My critique of mainstream fascism and nazism makes me not associate with the right-wing that much either. As I said, I dislike excessive militarism and the military leader as the ideal fascist leader is a wrong ideal in my eyes. Mainstream fascism wasn't aristocratic enough to me, Hitler and Mussolini were soldiers and not leaders, they were out of place in their roles. I advocate for a more intellectual version of fascism, a system led by smart, talented people, possibly even artists. The elite should make sure wrong ideas aren't spread or conveyed to the masses.
Aside from being totalitarian, in some respects I would grant more freedom to people: I'd allow euthanasia if someone had a serious illness or injury and felt he couldn't live a good enough life, I'd allow polygamy, I'd lower the age of consent to the first time a succubus has menstruation, I'd allow supervised duels between citizens if they have problems with each other, I'd legalize weed, incest and prostitution, etc. On things I would be strict: no organized religion of any kind (I'm full materialist), no voting of any kind (everything should be decided by the minority of talented and noble individuals), bring back death penalty for serious crimes, introduce labor camps as a form of penalty, ban abortion of any kind, no foreigners or migrants except in some extra-ordinary cases, no free speech and other "basic" civil rights, ordinary people can't own guns, no strikes allowed for workers, TV programs and the internet would be censured to make sure dumb braindead content isn't available to the population like reality shows for example, people of the nation couldn't live elsewhere in the world (except if they are banished for something), male homosexuals would be forced to either operate themselves into trannies or to give up their homosexuality, no Pride Marches and any other shilling of sexuality in public, nobody can be out on the streets or in public after curfew at night unless they go to work or emergency, no loud parties or concerts are allowed which would disturb the population, etc etc.
I could go on describing my ideal state but in short I believe in hierarchies (loner intellectuals/artists should rule everything), I believe that people aren't equal, I believe that different sort of people (nations or races) should isolate themselves from each other, I believe that civil rights are nothing but memes and that the police should be allowed to have more power in order to protect society better, I believe that we humans need to create new values instead of preserving old ones. With the use of technology the possibilities are unlimited. We are held back by the current neo-liberal humanist sjwism and capitalism AND the traditionalist, conservate right-wingers.
>>196246 You don't know the rules of this site. It's not allowed to post things like that here, I hope you realize it.
>>196253 >value system that puts himself in the throne and has no grounding principle woow it's fucking nothing but waiting to be overthrown and endlessly spiral into worthless infighting over resources again
>>196253 I didn't say post it here, post it on forums where thieves hang out, people that commit fraud and identity theft. hand over the keys to your parents' car, the keys to the house, gunsafe.
by your logic if privacy doesn't matter they should give all of the personal data of pre-schools to predators, abusers and kidnappers since it's some liberal meme
>>196253 Jesus Christ man like you chose the right general direction to develop your ideas in but then proceeded to pick the most braindead retarded things possible. You do realize that your ideal state would just develop into 10-20 jews ruling each country and ordering death squads to murder hundreds of thousands of people every single month for challenging the order that gives them absolute power, with the soldiers not even being allowed to know what the people did to deserve it? Also artists should never be allowed into politics, 99% of them are drooling retards, the remaining 1% have such autistic and abstract beliefs that they can not be applied to our material reality properly.
>>196246 Pro-privacy people always misrepresent this. He doesn't mean random people knowing all his private and sensitive info, but Onii-chan knowing everything about everyone.
>>196256 All value system is like that, nothing has grounding principle. People felling for the Christmeme for hundreds of years doesn't mean it has a grounding principle.
>>196258 Why would I do that? I don't want a criminal to use my data. What I'm talking about is completely different. If the state can bypass "privacy" rights and such then it can function much more efficiently. The existence of any kind of state is already necessarily about stepping on the "privacy" of individuals.
>>196261 >jews Hardly if there are rules against them. What I meant by racism is that I'm anti-semite too. The jew fears totalitarian government the most because it has the power to intimidate him into obedience and to deport him from the country itself. Jews always aim for chaos and anarchy, the whole "privacy" liberal meme is indeed a jewish meme. >99% of them are drooling retards So you are talking about artist in the sense that Jewlywood means it. No you see genuine artists possess a much broader sense of perspective than most people do. >the remaining 1% have such autistic and abstract beliefs that they can not be applied to our material reality properly You never know until you try.
>>196272 Yes, thank you for getting it. Random people shouldn't have any significant rights at all, only the privileged leaders should.
>>196324 Privacy doesn't matter when it is about the state. What you say isn't against privacy, it is just stupidity.
Come on, it's not hard to grasp. The state should be allowed to use mass surveillance to prevent crimes or to crack down on people that deserve so. There is a difference between telling a nigger where the key to your house is and when the state inspects people.
>>196337 Yes. That's why the issue of warrents was added to the Bill of Rights in order for the Several States to agree to the Constitution. It's no big jump of the mind to guess that this would be immediately attacked by the jews so they could operate above the law while the goyim were living in a delusion where they thought they had made an agreement or pact with a rational actor.
>>196337 And this is not to demean the Bill of Rights. This is just to emphasize the importance of getting a legal warrant in almost every situation. Probable cause can skirt around a warrant, but that process is abused far beyond its intent (except in case of niggers who have their pants down below their buttcheeks because they're carrying so much probable cause.)
>>196326 >Come on, it's not hard to grasp Yet you're too dumb to understand why nobody takes you seriously. You really believe that politicians are your paternal figure that are looking out for your interest.
>>196337 No, I don't think so. You do what you have to do. If the police and law enforcement always had to respect everyone's privacy then they couldn't get anything done. To have a state means you already meddle in other people's affairs.
>>196342 >You really believe that politicians are your paternal figure that are looking out for your interest. Said so when? I don't recall having stated anything like that.
>>196352 >If the police and law enforcement always had to respect everyone's privacy then they couldn't get anything done. To have a state means you already meddle in other people's affairs. Warrantless transgressions of private property and interception of private communications would raise questions about ownership and therefore liability, which could make the state culpable. You could imagine scenarios where state meddling in private communications implicates them in criminal acts, for example
Mass surveillance and little personal property is what already takes place in prison, but if the surrounding society already resembles a prison then imprisonment would serve no punitive purpose. The threat of imprisonment is part of the authority of the police and judiciary, so undermining privacy and property rights would also undermine the authority of the institutions you seem to support
>>196361 "Rights" and other jewish liberal memes were created for the sake of preventing the state from being functional. Jewish lawyers and human rights activists keep shilling these things because they want a weak state that can't do anything properly.
So let's imagine how it would be if the police had to absolutely respect privacy. >Sir, please me give me your ID. >Whatcha sayin' white boi, thatz muh pravat property! >Well, I guess that's it. Have a good day, sir. >Officer: We caught this man when he stole a bike, luckily a surveillance camera recorded it. >Jewish Lawyer: That's a violation of privacy, I'm sorry but you can't violate the rights of citizens. >Nigger: Yeah office, I dindu anythin'. How dare you use a video about me without muh permission? I'll sue your white ass off.
And there is a difference between the police listening in to phone calls and reading your mails to see if you are up to something bad and when criminals get locked up. You are never free as long as you live in society. The purpose of prison is to restrict your freedom even more to teach you a lesson but basically as long as humans live in society there will never be privacy. >>196357 So it is only a coincidence that jews make up the majority of liberal, communist, capitalist, anarchist movements? They make sure to destroy everything that could lead to the awakening of the white race and the restoration of our proper Aryan civilization. They spread toxic ideologies centered around equal rights, humanism, money worship, mindless hedonism and fight against nationalism and racism in any form (as long as it isn't Israel we are talking about of course).
No one seems to be looking out for the lil zoom-zooms tbh. All of the tech companies literally employ scientists, researchers, and clinicians whose sole job it is to figure out how to make their products addictive. They use AI to optimize content delivery such that it is able to ascertain preference (to some degree.) Among the vast troves of data required for AI somewhere along the line privacy gets a big aul phat stinky [redacted by wiz mods] to the hayle and no one seems to care.
If you 'delete' your data from these services the data is marked as 'visibility = false' and keeps sitting on the site. They are disgusting, demonic, parasitic, kike fucks who prey on little zoom-zooms for profit. The naïve zoomer thinks they are enjoying a kewl app but aren't aware that they're being surgically preyed on. What's fucked-up is none of the boomer politicians understand this shit. There are very few laws in place to regulate what these kike companies do and in fact the way the Internet works makes it hard to regulate them in general.
Yeah. Databreaches literally ruined my life. These websites kept sensitive data on me and they basically let all of their data be stolen by hackers.
Now my name is permanently attached to racist, sexist, incestuous and trolling I've done online. If you search for my name, it brings up all the times I've ever said nigger or kike and the posts I've made about having a fetish for incest.
>>196396 data breaches are a message normalfags don't understand, you are all guests in their home (the internet) decades playing cat and mouse with the drm cartel and normans use for "trolling" and wasting bandwidth spamming the same thread. boo hoo you get what you deserve.
>>196385 jews also have more than half of nobel prices, they are composers, writers, business men and artists. no denying that your eternal foes are geniuses and outsmarted and contributed more than the average german in every category, many such cases!
>>196403 It isn't a question of who is superior. It is about a healthy self-defense. Jews threaten my well-being and same goes for the white race in general. I acknowledge that they have more high IQ people than other races but that only makes them more dangerous if anything.
>>196405 fair enough man, if the hunt is on and a person is the prey then they should defend themselves and fight for their life with fire arms if necessary.
>>196403 nepotism certainly has nothing to do with it at all in the slightest. that would be crazy if anybody ever suggested or even thought it to themselves.
>>196650 I think you meant to type /r/pol but most likely your keyboard has too much snot, cheeto dust, cum, general grease, and everything else that accumulates from people like you, including but not limited to feces.
>and in a fit of hysterical depressive passion, will smash every electronic device they own and go to the forest. They'll be hermits
I liked your rant up to that point, but that shit just ain't gonna happen. Instant gratification is too strong to seriously give up on it. Admit it, personally we are all drawn to screens and the internet already.
The most simple truth that people just don't realize is that there is no elite, no hidden plan and in fact we all can already enjoy what humans strive for with all their energy on a single screen. The internet encompasses more image and video material than any cult or elite or higher being could ask for, it has more stimulative material than real life could offer for normal niggers
>>196692 There is always an elite and they always have their little agenda but why should we care? I don't care at this point. Any big ideology about changing the world and the order of things is just a cope. So jews/rich people control the world…which of us would go out there to revolt and fight against the "system" and the elite? I certainly wouldn't. What's the point? Get myself locked up for occupying Wall Street or for ambushing the Capitolium? Give me a break. I'm past the age when I thought it was cool to fight and suffer for a cause. Now I don't want to be cannon fodder for some party leader or demagogue leader. I pass. I will just watch anime in my room while history happens outside my house. (Btw, most people will do the same even if they larp on the internet about some radical far-right/far-left revolution.)
>>196696 What ambitions? What's there to do in this world? It's shit. Always been that. You and your friends won't change anything. The goal shouldn't be to change society but to leave society as much as you can.
Nothing ever gave me so much pleasure as consuming media in my life. Real life is hell. Other people are hell. Just let me watch my movies and read my books in peace and I don't care.
>>196706 >The goal shouldn't be to change society but to leave society as much as you can. Not all ambitions require you to change society or whatever.
>>196706 The point is that any people who were cursed with a brain from birth won't fight for changing worlds, because brain hints you that fighting doesn't change anything. We've seen a lot of empires built on force and they all perished, one by one, always, inevitably. That means to change world you need something more influencing that a gang with guns. The only problem that of all brained people somehow the capitalists got the throne and now we have what we have.
>>196707 Yes but ambitions for the sake of having ambitions is stupid. You either have ambitions naturally because you covet some things or you don't. If people are happy reading books and comics then there is no need for "higher" ambitions.
>>196709 What alternative would you propose to the current system? I don't think anything could be realistically better than capitalism mixed with socialist elements. If the USSR or Nazi Germany came out as the winner of WWII then I don't think I'd even live now because the ideologies these superpowers represented were so anti-NEET, anti-hermit and anti-wiz that I'd have ended up in some concentration camp. So there is anarchism but I don't trust the majority to make responsible decisions by its own that much. So whatever, I'm okay with the current system just give me bux to survive. I'm okay with liberalism as it leaves me alone to an extent and still has laws and orders to protect me.
After this, outsider factors don't play much role. It's up to the individual to make a bubble for himself where he can enjoy himself using modern entertainment and technology.