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Why is pic related so popular among wizards? He was anti-tech and most of us derive our only enjoyment in life from technology (vidya etc).

He despised losers. One of the reasons why he became anti-tech is because technology helps the weak survive. This is scumag ideology even if we put the terrorism aside. He would have hated us.

I think wizards like him because he was a hermit. They like the man, the aesthetic. But what should matter is his bullshit views which would be very negative for wizards.

May his ideas rot with his corpse.


He lived alone in a forest. That's all that most men here want.


>He was anti-tech and most of us derive our only enjoyment in life from technology (vidya etc).
I was alive for more than a decade before I had the internet, and life was better before than after. That's how childhood nostalgia works, in general.
>He despised losers
Everyone despises losers.
>technology helps the weak survive.
I have Type 1 diabetes and will die in 3 days if I lose access to insulin. I will be 3 days away from death every single day of my life. There is not a single day I spend alive where I am not reminded that my continued existence depends upon continuous employment. I am an extremely light user of insulin, at the level of 1 vial per month, and each and every one of those vials costs far more than most of you can imagine to the uninsured. I am effectively enslaved. I have chosen slavery over death. Every slave who has ever lived has chosen slavery, because every slave who ever existed had that same ever present alternative of death. To a thousand thousand moralist philosophers there are crimes worse than murder and fates worse than death, which people accept or commit because we are witless animals deep down at the spine and constantly choose worse than death over death. He was just one of a chorus of voices who decry fates as worse than death. His argument should be considered as such, because we may be dumb animals at the moment of action but that behavioral cowardice should not become intellectual cowardice to boot.


Hermit plus the enemy of my enemy. Wizards know they are weak and propped up by industrial society. Many of us would either be dead or strong in a nonindustrial society. Is that not a preferable dream. Plus I think it's cool to kill people.


get on carnivore diet and you'll not be diabetic anymore, especially if raw (like tartares)

pro tip: consume enough sodium from salt or baking soda and don't eat liver/kidney it's toxic (people will tell you it's not while it is)


I'm a Type 1 diabetic you cretin. It says so right there.

My pancreas is gone. It is dead. It is not a functional organ anymore. It died during childhood. It was killed by my immune system.

You are an idiot, but your idiocy is not innocent. You read words and decided that you understood them as an opportunity to promote a retarded meme which you never lived through yourself. You decided when looking at text on a screen that you could reinterpret it to fit the moronic o health and selfimprovebrah TikTok narcissists. You sack of shit.


Because he is right


>he wrote on the internet


Doesn't make him wrong


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A lot of what he said about technology and his criticisms of the left idpol were right. But im not interested in living in the woods or giving up tech.

Also a lot of what he said was ripped off from a christen anarchist named Jacques Ellul

Personally i consider myself an egoist anarchist in the vein of max stirner


it is ironic for the 1st 20 years after he did it he was interpreted as a hippie granola green eco-terrorist type.

even his own cellmate John McVeigh said "even though he's left, and I'm right, we get along".

I guess in the last decade or so he has been rightly understood as a Nietzschean. Brevik copy and pasted large parts of his manifesto with a CTRL-F replace of leftist for Cultural Marxist.

Its crazy he was typecast as a leftist when if you read the 1st page of his manifesto its ranting against leftist slave morality.

But I guess it just shows the power of archetypes and stereotypes, granola man saving Mother Earth.

Supposedly Chomsky was on the list of his targets, someone not from the establishment left, but the anarchist left.


It's unrelated. I'm also suicidal and I also have shit genes yet I still hate this guy because I don't want to die a slow natural death.

Scumabomber IS a leftist. He's just in denial about it. The Left is intrinsically about destroying society which they perceive (rightly or wrongly) as oppressive. The difference with other leftists is he didn't care about optics while regular leftists try to hide their sociopathy under values that sound good in the abstract.
Also Chomsky IS part of the establishment left. He is anarchist in name only.
Also, Nietzsche is bullshit. His entire """work""" read like an edgy twitter account.


there is one important point in the left though that you miss, the class struggle is the proposed means to bring equality among all. did ted care about equality or was he just ranting about the industrial revolution?


>the class struggle
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, considered to the left of Karl Marx at his time, said that class autonomy was important and class struggle was comparatively unimportant to liberation.


Not all leftists are marxists. This bastard wasn't obviously. But all leftists share a common disdain for order.


>I'm also suicidal
"Also?" No. It might be convenient for some argumentative purposes if I had said that, but I didn't. I'm decidedly not suicidal. My pancreas is gone. Nothing shows on a c-peptide test. There is no insulin produced in my viscera. 3 days, regardless of anything else, and the Krebs cycle runs out. At that point every single cell in the body dies. It is quite rapid, and preceded by unconsciousness. That would be that. I've been comatose before (again, Type 1, had a normal Type 1 life). Since I live alone now if I hit a coma again I will die, and I know from personal experience that it's not a bad way to go. And if I wanted to rush, insulin overdose kills more bodybuilders than any other body maintenance drug. It is cowardice, raw cowardice, that keeps me here. There is no nobility nor dignity to my stay on this planet. I don't know about yours.

>I don't want to die a slow natural death.

When I look at the endgame for life it seems like that's exactly what everyone does want, and fights to achieve. Old age takes about 6 to 12 years to kill, by progressive organ failures accompanied by mental erosion. Maybe my perspective's different, being 3 days from the grave every day since childhood.


Okay so your main issue is not your diabetes but that you are retarded. Keep believing doctors you braindead slave.


>Supposedly Chomsky was on the list of his targets, someone not from the establishment left, but the anarchist left.

Chomsky is a weird one to me because he has good work on power and how it works, but lacks all self awareness about why he is allowed to blabber on as he does. He says he is allowed to speak because "MIT helps make missiles and hence I'm insulated from consequences and not really a threat to the system"…But how fast would he lose his celebrity status if he said the truth about race and IQ, or criticized the sexual revolution? He could potentially be a threat to the system but he instead says shit that is non-threatening. Everybody knows Anarcho-whatever is utopian daydreaming.


I still remember watching it in March 2000


Oklahoma City terror bomber Timothy McVeigh said that in prison-yard talks with Unabomber Ted Kaczinski, the notorious extremists came to realize they had more than just explosives in common.

“We have somewhat different views. But there is some common ground there,” McVeigh said in an interview aired last night on CBS’s “60 Minutes.”

“I found that, in a way I didn’t realize, that we were much alike in that all we ever wanted … was the freedom to live our own lives,” McVeigh said of the talks the notorious pair used to have during shared moments in an exercise yard at the federal Super Max prison in Florence, Colo., where they were both held until last summer.

“He [Kaczinski] expressed that one day. And it hit me that, well, you know … this labeling, he’s far left, I’m far right, that’s all out the window.

“There’s a lot more commonality there.”

McVeigh said he and Kaczinski — the radical recluse who killed three people and wounded 29 in a 17-year bombing spree — agreed to disagree on what they consider the root of the problem.

“From my perspective, I believe that it’s a problem with government. From Ted’s perspective, he believes it’s a problem with technology,” McVeigh explained.


he was spoofed as a tree hugger here


Guys, I need you to look at >>214889 and tell me what the fuck went so wrong with zoomers? At this point they're so dumb they think tiktoks and youtube herbal remedy shills take priority over centuries of medical precedence.
Video streaming and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race istg.


He’s a funny meme
It’s aesthetics over substance
Don’t read in to things too deeply in this world


Because modern society has made dregs and losers. The conditions that have made people like us and the golden cages we've made for ourselves would best be obliterated even if we were to go with it. Weakness breeds stagnation, navel-gazing, impulsive behavior, liberal sexuality, and neuroticism. Weak characters like female HR departments and bought men in government. You can call it suicidal and nihilistic to not mind being blown away in the explosion that would be a return to life of the 1700s but the world will die with weak characters.
>even if we put the terrorism aside
Boohoo nigger.


would Ted even be happy to go back to 1700? he calls its industrial, but a lot of his complaints he'd find in Rome or Athens, its an urban problem, and beyond that a settled farm problem.

1700 AD isn't good enough for him, he'd have to go all the way back to 1700 BC. Hunter-gatherers.


If we're so weak how come we'd beat any heroic society in a war? the very men whose only value is strength, would be defeated by the strength of our industrial tech


He hates all technology that gives to centralization of power. He'd hate ancient cities, only approving farming when it's small family land not dependent on large organizations.


Yes I naively think all human life (including succubi and normalfag life) has value. Only oneself can decide whether to end their own life or not.
Im sure ill be called a faggot or a cuck for being an amoral nietzschean fuck because thats imageboard culture for you. Whatever.
Also, way more people are gonna die from lack of technology than from the luddite terrorism that would be necessary to bring us there.


in its roots lies the rule that outsiders are prey to extreme ideologies. everyone is unhappy and so pathetic that they bet on the next meme ideology to be their spiritual exit route. marxism, libertarianism, nationalism, eco-terrorism it's all the same.

but in this case not being able to shake it off is the weird part. for some reason people have this delusion that if you destroy tiktok headquarters peace will suddenly descend upon humanity, people will stop being pieces of shit if you just take away the smartphones from their hands. they are persistent in their belief.


>all human life has value
That's one of those things that sounds nice to people and that they insist is true because it sounds nice, not because they actually adhere to it. Logically, if human life has value, then that value can be known, quantified, exchanged for equivalent value. It would be reasonable to set a blood price and pay a weregild, and if lives hold unequal value to each other it would be reasonable to say "under these and these conditions lives hold only little value so many can be exchanged for a much smaller number of lives of higher value." Your precious normalfags and succubi say such things about virgins all the time, whenever the extraordinarily low number of actual incidents of crab-related violence are pointed out in public forums they are always accompanied by some such statement that any violence from crabs towards even one succubus ought to be met with the demographic extermination or at least mass imprisonment of the entire virgin demographic and that any legal protections e.g. the fifth amendment of the U.S. constitution amount to an unreasonable bureaucratic barrier towards that noble goal. I say that with a sneer but that sneer is not an argument. That is an entirely rational position to take under the premise of life holding value, so long as that value is real and finite. Dr. Kaczynski argued that human life holds value, and that is why we can look at the value of nonindustrial life and say "it is more valuable for a smaller number of humans to live naturally than for an industrial society of teeming billions of lives with less life value to fully absorb and transform the world."

There's the possibility of the rejoinder that human life has unknowable or unboundedly infinite value. The problem with this position is that nobody actually holds it, since no-one is willing to be held to it. Abortion's usually where they decide to start drawing the line, typically either incorrectly insisting that the human fetus is not human (while simultaneously describing it as an extension of the succubus's body, which would mean the succubus is not human), or that it is not alive (life being a scientifically measurable quality of cellular metabolism and not a quality of magical-fairies-breathed-a-soul-into-a-thing). Then there is the matter of the legalization of infanticide throughout Canada, and increasingly large portions of the developed world in general; in Canada mothers essentially have a year to decide whether or not they want the babby to keep breathing in and out, and to take appropriate termination actions, with less legal repercussion than can be had for mere possession of marijuana in New York. Nobody really values these lives, not even the most fanatical "pro-life" zealot, which is the reason "what if babby was from RAPE" holds so much weight despite blood guilt being specifically unconstitutional. Most pro-lifers reject the idea of a rape baby life holding value even though they hypocritically also claim to uphold the constitutionality of bans on blood guilt transferring liability for any other crime. Even if you were to personally claim to be the exceptionally rare pro-lifer who does not accept blood guilt, when you look at your contemporaries you have to realize how exceptionally rare your sentiment is outside of the slogans of fanatical ideologues. And that those same ideologues have a sociopathic bent in refusing to value the lives of, say, adult criminals (death penalty), rival ideologues (sectarian war), or even random civilians who happened to live in the wrong country (500,000 Iraqi civilians in the last criminal American war). If any pro-life demagogue from 2000-2008 were honest about life being of infinite value, then even if they were serious about Bush being a necessary bulwark against abortion (fucking lol, Clarence Thomas only got around to Roe under fucking Biden), they would still seek his post-presidency trial before the World Court for 500,000 counts of unconscionably infinite crimes against humanity in terms of unjustifiable civilian deaths. None of them do. None.


well everyone gets to vote, so we dont just say it we practice it, and let every individual choose our leaders and laws


>scumag ideology
feels like you're trying to do some kind of 'scum' pun but it doesn't make much sense


well what else can you do with a term that starts with letter u?


These are fair points. Let me rephrase what I meant.
First, when I said "life" I meant general wellbeing and flourishing, not just literal survival. I should have been more explicit.
Second, Ted held that the aesthetic sense of "superior" people like him is worth the literal lives of millions of "worthless" people (which would likely have included wizards) who would die in his fantasized anti-tech revolution or live miserable lives afterwards from precisely the lack of tech.

I am aware than in real life the lives and rights of different people and groups have to be weighed, and yes people are often hypocritial about it (like the prolifers and anti-crab succubi you cited), but Ted's bullshit is so lopsided no reasonable man can agree with him. Especially not the ones who would suffer from lack of tech.

Also, one does not have to be a metaphysical dualist to value the lives of the weak.

Yeah I couldn't think of any insult that roll well with Unabomber.


>wellbeing and flourishing, not just literal survival.
Most people do make that sort of fuzzy happy assumption but it's not a very good assumption to make. It implies the existence of a vague line, but even if that line was strongly and specifically drawn that wouldn't particularly aid the argument.

One of the core points that Ted makes is that industrial society always optimizes, and in the case of economics that optimization necessarily means minimizing the investment in nonproductive needs rather than maximizing them, while keeping enough medicalization around to sand off the rough edges of human individual needs instead of risking inefficiency being built into the system.

This observation wasn't unique to Industrial Society and Its Future. It was already made by the 18th Century. It is a particular application of what is called "The Dismal Conclusion" of Utilitarianism. The Dismal Conclusion is dismal specifically because it shows that no matter where the line for "worth living" is drawn, there is no systemic benefit to keeping smaller numbers of people further above that line. But Ted's application was, while unoriginal, still worth serious consideration. Since his application took it out of the realm of pure theory and tied it to specific economic and social processes that work to maximize economic efficiency.

We have already passed the point where nearly 40% of the citizenry of America, the capital of industrialization, are clinically prescribed antidepressants. That rises to 57% of Gen Z. Antidepressants are nontrivial, even when they're "just" Lexapro analogues. Doctors are professional and there are real and harsh professional consequences to malpractice; antidepressants are given to people the medical system judges as requiring them, and they are required specifically because a person does not see the value of persisting within the system without their chemical aid. They are an indicator of a subjective-but-valid perception of a life that is not otherwise worth living. Ted's points on antidepressants as indicators both of social distress and of the means of handling social distress by adjusting people to fit the system ARE worth taking seriously even by people who would die or live miserable lives after toppling that system. Since the trend is increasingly towards adjusting people to fit the needs of the social and economic system, and since antidepressants are sufficient for most socially miserable people to maintain non-miserable levels of social utilon production, there is no systemic incentive to avoid a system in which 100% of the population requires antidepressants to maintain necessary baseline life satisfaction.

There are a thousand thousand kinds of weakness that get combined into a slogan-appropriate anticoncept when we talk about society "promoting weakness." In the case of economic productivity with the aid of medicalization of ordinarily-comprehensible social distress, the kind of "weakness" would also be categorized as "resiliency" without changing the thing discussed. Misery carrying capacity, but at the same time inability to behave radically in response to slow and steady pressures. It isn't necessary that within the system those people be physically large or small, able to move larger or smaller objects around, or what have you. It is framed negatively when someone values independence, and positively when one values productivity. A direct parallel to my own requirement of employment resultant from the loss of all pancreatic function. The fact that I would die in the aftermath of his fantasized revolution isn't enough to make it an unappealing fantasy. You need to find a way to argue that living in servile dependence is better philosophically and ethically than living in a maximally engaged and vital way, since as a servile I only see my own failures and flaws in accepting that position.


>He could potentially be a threat to the system but he instead says shit that is non-threatening.
Chomsky is famous specifically for having been arrested and thrown in jail, and for having been on Nixon's enemies list. That's what rocketed him to celebrity. He's a 'has been' former rockstar radical whose radicalism became the accepted position of academia. The system learned to insulate itself from Chomsky and the threat that he posed. There is no requirement on Chomsky to abandon his positions and become a simple antisocial contrarian just to maintain radical status. The man won, whether he acknowledges it or not. It would be honorless to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory by betraying himself and changing sides just to keep kicking harder at a designated enemy.


lunabomber? https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lunacy
i don't know, i never claimed to have anything better. but when i see scumabomber i think scooma from the elder scrolls which is more entertaining than an insult

i have not bothered to learn about his ideology to know if what op is saying is even true, all i know is he wanted to return to a more natural life and rejected modern society


Because iMed is free and is designed by malicious actors to make you feel good - possibly even to induce the placebo effect for a while.

In US and UK by contrast, you pay a monumental fortune for butterfly stitches so that medical visits are to be avoided at all costs; or are on a waiting list for 19+ months and so need to find other ways to survive.

Also there's the OnlyFans-like aspect. Porn is free, the illusion of connection with someone is not. having an "us smart people" vs "Them ignorant sheep" is established early in any young media consumer's life and this would be the natural consequence.


>outsiders are prey to extreme ideologies.
tautology. being an outsider means you have unusual views essentially by definition


It's weak because it's held up by checks and balances, and all the relatively strong and knowledgeable are on their way out. As you said, in terms of war, the babyboomers whether you love or hate them are the only thing keeping the old order, good and bad, stable. Recruitment rates are at an all-time low in America, the premier industrial-technological superpower, and its commissioned staff aren't safe from DEI recruitment quotas, tons of trannies, females, and niggers in CO and strategic positions now. Warrior societies (as if they were all warriors and not just a comparative few backed up by cannon fodder) did eventually lose out to conquistador pikemen who could hold a line or Kentucky farmboy who could fire a revolver on horseback, yes, and the tradeoff between bravery and comfort in warfare grow apart as the spectrum of time and tech continues to grow. And what about when standards are lowered for pilots licenses and air traffic controllers, there have been hundreds of near misses with these new ATC and pilots in the past year. Call it good times creating weak men and weak men creating hard times, call it the competency crisis, call it feminism and niggers. Living in an urban bureaucratic society is stifling and leaves you unautonomous and at the prey of government, jobs, other people, like an animal that lives and dies fast in a forest. If man isn't smarter than nature then he surely understands it better and trusts it more than some shitwit fogey or hag in Oxfords, who got their positions in centralized bureaucracy not through any real merit but by memorizing content, offices of approval, nepotism, and/or quotas; raw data or hardline policies that are easier to game.
He wouldn't but no sane human beings will actively keep themselves stupid or deny progress, it's human to tinker and create and improve upon even if it comes at our own detriment somewhere down the line. Civilizations will rebuild the best they can without the ability to mine for deeply nestled resources, global trade, knowledge lost in civilization collapses which at most would bring us to industrial output of the 1800s. I've heard of cultures that once practiced agrarianism but then abandoned it but never looked into it, the Pacific Northwest native Americans were hunter-gatherers but not nomadic too.


1700s USA seems to be his idea, or like the amish. He says explicitly that society at a level where technology is all made on the local level. So you'd have chairs, houses, hoes, shovels, etc, but nothing industrial like fridges, computers, automobiles.


they/them america is more powerful than ever if by just sending Ukraine some obsolete hardware they can blow up 2/3 of the Russian army we fought a 50 year global cold war against.


They/them america does not exist, you are living off straight legacy like a parasite, tranoid.>>214951


its a NAFO joke like how Russia was always bragging how masculine and macho they are, and America is so weak and degenerate yet they got crushed

What are Russia's pronouns?



You need to make the point that the primitive society advocated by Ted is better than what we have now. Again, he was fully aware that millions of people would die and suffer without technology (both during and after a supposed anti-tech revolution). How is this better that what we have now?

Let's take your arguments about antidepressants for example.
First, antidepressant use is a poor proxy for depression rate. Consumption of antidepressant depends of a lot of factors, the first of them is being a first-world country: obviously poorer countries have less healthcare! Yet, when you look at happiness indicators, rich countries always top the charts. This isn't the only factor, but it's a required one. Primitive societes would obviously have a 0% antidepressant use because the tech to make them whould be abolished. This wouldn't be evidence that people are happier in a primitive society.
Second, 40% looks bad (assuming your number is accurate - I couldn't find a source), however it is a stretch to assume those 40% would be better off in a primitive society. It's highly doubtful, actually. If anything, Ted makes the case that these people should die.
The stress created from famine, predators, diseases, rival human groups who also want to survive, and the whims of Nature in general, is a bad recipe for happiness. This is a nirvana fallacy: just because current technological societies have defects doesn't mean eliminating it won't make things worse in other areas.
Third, you also need to take survival bias into account. The 40% depressant users in the US would probably be dead in awful circumstances in a primitive society.

And this is only about the happiness argument. But there are even more fundamental needs like food, health, shelter, etc. which even more people are going to lack in a primitive society.

It is highly hypocritical for a wiz to be a scumabomber fan. Most of us would like to consider ourselves as entirely self-sufficient, but it is thanks to normie society that we are alive today. It is thanks to the Internet, a worldwide infrastructure that takes the effort and coordination of millions of people to maintain, that we can discuss this fucker here. Even he wasn't totally self-sufficient since he used scavenged tools and materials. Only feral children can be called self-sufficient, and this is not an enviable life.

Our societies suck, we all agree on that, but there is still enough room for change in the current paradigm of technological modernity.

>You need to find a way to argue that living in servile dependence is better philosophically and ethically than living in a maximally engaged and vital way

It is hard to make someone change political leanings, as our values depend of our goals, interests, experiences, and personnality, not high philosophical considerations contrary to what we - and that includes you, me, and Ted - like to tell ourselves.
Therefore I probably can't persuade you. Best I can do is try to offer some arguments which may be appealing to you as a wiz with diabetes, but I probably can't.
What I know however is that I absolutely NEED technology and would be even more suicidal (and likely already dead) without it. My life would suck even more without vidya, anime, etc…
What I also know is YOU still have the freedom to kys when you're ready, while I wouldn't have the freedom to enjoy technology under a primitive society.
In fact, I am at the extreme opposite to scumabomber: I am a transhumanist. I support a radical transformation of the human species itself to make everyone equally strong, intelligent, happy, pretty, etc…


>ctrl f psyop
>0 results

Unabomber is a US government psyop to discredit people who are against them, basically they set up an anti and make him as retarded as possible so anyone who has even slightly similar views can be instantly dismissed as a schizo lunatic.
you have all the same red flags like with every other psyop:
>Ted is jewish and is connected to many jews
>Ted went to jewish Harvard
>Teds crimes are all faked with jewish crisis actors and heavy jewish media shilling
>Ted sits in a fake prison
>jewish psyop media outlets are producing movies and documentaries about him
>his cuckshed ended up in the "Newsseum" which is basically a Psyop Museum

the US Government is running hundreds such psyops like the Unabomber and they are doing it for decades already for all kinds of stuff.
Most people never wake up to these scams and just believe whatever the Talmudvision tells them.


Then how can you explain that Tim McVeigh was friends with him and said so on 60 Minutes?



He had genius level IQ even if he was not one himself. Those people have little in common with the regularly endowed.
He said fascism was dumb.


Because the Oklahomo City bombing was another fake and Gay Psyops made by the same jewish faggots that wrote the Unabomber script.
lets see:
>jewish man from noble jewish lines bombs a jewish owned federal building
>Tim has allegedly a genius IQ but drives around without License plates and gets arrested withing hours
>he happens to be Special Forces (another cohenincidence)
>because nobody gives a shit about dead government workers they had to include the story of a kindergarden inside the building (never happened as all victims are made up)
>he ends up in the same fake prison as the other crisis actors but not really since these guys are just actors so they never go to prison
>jewish TV produces tons of documentaries and movies about him to sell you on the story

tl;dr another fake and gay psyop

and before you ask yes Waco was also fake and Gay and pretty much every big story that is pushed by the Media is fake and gay that they produce themselves (9/11, sandy hook and every other mass shooting, covid etc.)

you should check out the works of Miles Mathis, guy wrote extensive papers about all these fake happenings.


>Miles Mathis


If you don't like that guy, then explain why. That's how discussion works.


he is a crackpot, enough said.


sadly your butthurt doesnt refute anything.


also fun fact when you try to post a link to Miles site on 4chan you get instabanned.
if he was some "crackpot", would they really bother with that?
whenever that guy is mentioned anywhere all the jew shills start freaking out, I wonder why.


his science is at the level of a Simpsons 1-liner


Ironic, you've deduced your own reasoning down to a one-liner.


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Proof that drug addiction and natty gains go hand in hand



i like that he lived frugally in a cabin but i don't agree with his anti-tech views. i would have lived frugally in a cabin with a laptop


>>214911 can't stop layughing, i see/meet people every week that are far beyond/below the concept of being a useful valuable homind…
they are useing resources that are not easily replacable and contribute NOTHING !
if the rest of us want to survive the coming shitstorm we need to prepare for it in every way possible…


>I was alive for more than a decade before I had the internet, and life was better before than after. That's how childhood nostalgia works, in general.

then you must have been a giant normalfag

my life was never good prior to internet
i would kill myself if i had no internet


If someone is happy as a child that doesn't automatically make them giant normalfag you butthurt crab gatekeeper


I'm a T1D as well, and I've thought a lot about that point, like if there was some sort of cataclysmic reset, people like us would just fucking die unless we burned off our carbs with physical activity instead of insulin but yeah, evolutionarily we deserve to die. Thanks for showing me I'm not alone in my thinking.


This board does have a problem with alternative medicine shills. Telling someone with a real chronic disease what to do is so low. Pure cynical guru-type behaviour, imagine if they had any charisma in real life, or what happens when they have sick relatives themselves.
>i swear dad spinach juice will cure your lymphoma! the doctors are lying!


>i swear dad spinach juice will cure your lymphoma! the doctors are lying!
Find a singe post on this website making anywhere close to a claim like that. Biggest strawman of the day so far.
The only "alternative medicine shills" I see are the creeps pushing their favorite brand of SSRI as a cure-all for what are just healthy emotional responses to practical problems. Unfortunately that's too profitable to be considered "alternate" medicine now.


>Unfortunately that's too profitable to be considered "alternate" medicine now
lol at that argument. As if quacks did not make millions off supplements, magical trinkets, books, conferences, training and so on.
and see >>214848


Lumping supplements in with all that other crap shows just how truly incapable you are of parallel parking. Female-brained pencilneck.
>and see
He is right, meat does taste good and someone who is in such pain should treat himself to tasty food such as steak and liver. Why do you want the man with the diabetes and pancreatic issue to suffer more? Why shouldn't he get to eat good meat?


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Learn to read moron. He claimed it would cure his type 1 diabetes.

>Lumping supplements in with all that other crap

Same shit. Female-brained? lol, that's more like 90% of the audience for your wellness and pseudo scientific health fads.


Explain how a B12 supplement is the same as a Live Laugh Love bracelet

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