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What's your experience with the psychiatric institutions?

Have you ever been in a psych ward? Or took psychiatric drugs?


>What's your experience with the psychiatric institutions?
Awful. I need my Adderall. They give me Adderall, then give me Abilify, then take away Abilify, then act surprised when hallucinations begin after taking Abilify away even when no hallucinations were present before Abilify. Then they take away my Adderall.
>Have you ever been in a psych ward?
Yep. August of 2022. 72 hours.
>Or took psychiatric drugs?


I'm on multiple psychiatric meds for my conditions. It's been a long process and has taken multiple doctors to fine -tune the meds I'm on. In my experience people have a lot of misconceptions about psychiatry. This is roughly what I've seen:

(1) You're having some kind of psychiatric problem. Maybe you have little to no insight into the condition so you cant only vaguely describe whats happening to your doctor. Your doctor is a general practitioner and hasn't been trained in psychiatry. However: (and this is the crux of the matter) – your wiz doctor is still able to prescribe powerful psychoactive medications if they think they can diagnose your condition. Since your doctor doesn't have nuanced clinical experience with mental illness guess what condition you will be diagnosed with? CLINICAL DEPRESSION and/or Some Kind of Anxiety Disorder (tm.)

(2) This starts the long process of being on meds that you may not need. Again, recall that you have poor awareness of your own problems at this stage and the doctor won't have bothered to explain to you anything about the meds. What happens next is you're going to experience side effect. Probably, they will suck quite badly. Why is that? Well, when you first go on anti-depressants they take time for you to adjust to them. You're probably going to feel nauseous, tired (or too energetic you cant sleep), anxious (or too apathetic), and maybe you're thinking that you've destroyed the tumour by killing the patient. So you go back to your doctor and tell them what's been happening and they think to themselves 'yeah, turns out I'm really not qualified to be messing around with your brain, oops… time to call in the pros.' Queue the psychiatrist.

(3) Your first visit at the psychiatrist will not be fun. You have to talk about every possible bad thing thats happening to you and it turns out that when you do that afterwards you feel like shit. But on the plus side: psychs can actually help you… IF you let them. You see: there is a problem here. Most people now are feeling desperate and jaded. They've already been 'helped' by their doctor. Maybe more than a few times. I am please to say that the process for getting helped by psychs is… exactly the same – albeit their stabs in the dark are more educated. Psychiatry is not an exact science and no one (can yet) predict how you will react to a drug. The sad part is though – while psychiatry now has amazing treatments for many conditions – if you're no longer willing to go through the process of getting on the meds you will never benefit. And believe me: I do understand. Going through the side effects of these meds is not fun but you have to remember the side effects go away and you just need to find the right meds. It's too bad that doctors don't tell you this though.

(4) Step 4 is you give up and think that psychiatry is just a scam. There's also another step here and it is true: people who are often the most impaired will refuse to be treated. This is common with schizophrenics who believe their delusions and people with bipolar who like the high they experience from being manic. I mean: if your body feels like its on meth every few months then who can blame em, right? But generally having untreated mental illness just means lowering your functioning. Mental illness is solely defined by how it impairs your psycho-social functioning (or your functioning in a regular context.) Obviously our world is increasingly complex and it does require skills that mentally ill people may lack. So this is where definitions come into play. Now here's another catch. Psychiatry is complex as fuck to specialise in. One doctor may not consider an approach that would profoundly benefit you. So actually if you're mentally ill its a very expensive problem to have since it may require you to visit multiple doctors to help with your condition. It's also expensive in the sense that you will possibly be unable to work and miss out on making that money.

(5) Finally: there are people who believe that their psychiatric symptoms are the same as garden-variety emotions and hence they just need to bare the pain. Many guys believe that getting treatment for mental health conditions makes them 'weak.' But this is low IQ. Left untreated: many psychiatric conditions are like storms that ravage the brain. We know that stress strips the fatty protective outer coating of the neuron (making it less effective for signalling); depression slows processing speed and biases you to negative information; untreated ADHD persist structural brain abnormalities (which stimulants help to normalise); and illnesses like schizophrenia lead to a loss of cortical grey matter. This shit is serious. You do want to get yourself treated if you have the wealth to do so.

So we SHOULD trust the Jews. I rest my case, your honour.


Never been to one or took meds, but if they worked then there would be less crazy people, not more, like it is now.


matthew roberts the midwit from down unda. also a non-virgin too!


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>Mental illness is solely defined by how it impairs your psycho-social functioning (or your functioning in a regular context.) Obviously our world is increasingly complex and it does require skills that mentally ill people may lack. So this is where definitions come into play.
Foucaultsissies we've been granted preemption


I have ADHD and my experience is

1. Psychs knew less about the condition than I did after a week of reading articles and reviewing medications
2. They all think you're drug seeking.
3. They charge an exorbitant amount of money to basically fucking quiz you with facebook tier personality tests
4. At any point they can drop you. Fuck you. eat shit. Go spend another $250 on another psychiatrist (Who also thinks you're drug seeking)

The first psychiatrist I ever went to called me a drug seeking loser straight to my face. They have me by the balls. You have to play the song and dance so they can grace you with the meds you need to function. Pretty shitty situation.


they're fucking awful in general and god help you if you get assigned a female psych.

if you are ever put under observation/holding in a ward then be a compliant little shit and tell them exactly what they want to hear or else you will be getting medicated, locked in a room with a pants shitting buddy who cant stop jerking off and singing madonna lyrics.

Is not uncommon. Having ADHD must fucking suck because you will forever be judged by the psychologist, psychiatrist, an army of nurses and nurse practioners.

I spent 20+ years on psychiatric medication since childhood. If I had a time machine I would probably go back and **** the school counsellor who demanded my parents take me to one under threat of calling protective services on them. Its insane how many kids get sent to shrinks because they act up slightly in school.


>What's your experience with the psychiatric institutions?
Meh, mostly useless, but in my case it hasn't been harmful either.
>Have you ever been in a psych ward?
yes, for 10 days.
>Or took psychiatric drugs?


And what is the point of being "not depressed" if your life stays shit for external reasons?


that's the thing. they want you to function in a way that benefits jew society despite living in shitty conditions.
their drugs are a way to cope. recreation drugs are a way to cope that will make you feel better and have less side effects.
there are other potential copes or solutions to problems. but most people will reject them because effort, difficultly, risk of failure are involved


Yes. ALl of psychiatry exists to make people wageslave. All the "disorders" are defined based on it. It is not a science, it is a slave evaluation system and neetbux police system


One of the things that I hate the most about psychology and psychiatry is how normgroids and institutions sell it as if it were the solution for everything. when it has shown to be useless suddenly its the fault of the patient, the same patient that were denied of any agency or value to his ideas or feelings because he was "mentally ill" and needed "professional help". it's never the fault of therapists.


This very much.
At this point, psychiatric evaluations read very much like horoscope personality traits:
>you like to be alone sometimes
>you're sensitive and misunderstood
The whole thing is predicated on establishing some idealistic norm of what a generic human being should be like, and then any deviation from that standard is warrant to be grouped with others in what is catalogued as a "condition", so it can be attacked under the industrialized mindset of inserting a substance to alleviate a specific area without regards to the whole, or to the long term functioning of the system, or to the mechanisms that emerged this "condition" and whether this condition is really at all anomalous.
All of this just to keep you functioning short-term in the employment model where you're not free to change your situation until you are about 70 and hope the financial system hasn't collapsed by then.


I don't know anon. Psychiatrists were the only ones who helped with my ADHD. I think ADHD is a unique case where medication actually works for a lot of people.


Once had a therapist snap at me on our first(and only) meeting because I smiled at something she said that was profoundly sad.
Tried to explain I used to get beaten as a child and told to always smile no matter what so now anytime anyone asks or says anything to me I have the most retarded grin on my face even when its completely innapropriate.
Had a shouting match with this succubus who I have known for a grand total of 15 minutes, who is now telling me SHE doesn't need my validation and is trying to tell me how successful she is (??? lmao).
Walked out, filed a complaint with the office and state board, two weeks later they called me back, apologizing. "She transferred".
To see the actual psychiatrist I had to speak to a therapist 4 times a month.
I didn't think a therapist would genuinely think I was "mocking" her sister having cancer. To accuse me of lying about my childhood immediately after felt like I was in some sort of comedy skit. In 15 minutes of talking to a licensed therapist she had a total fucking meltdown.
If this succubus was allowed around the mentally unwell I cannot even fathom the other levels of fucked up incompetence going on.
Very funny to me since this succubus had a big poster on her wall saying shes a libra.

Now if you doubt a therapist, psychiatrist or psychologist or the methods they use you are branded an absolute heretic. twelve thousand retards will line up to put you on the cross of questioning the usefulness and danger of SSRI's and whatever other garbage they shove down peoples throats.


>Once had a therapist snap at me on our first(and only) meeting because I smiled at something she said that was profoundly sad.
I remember grinning at something because it reminded me of some shit and the female therapist got all insecure about it too. The same succubus got extremely visibly nervous when I said that I've been watching interviews with serial killers and before I was even able to finish my point she immediately picked up the phone mid-sentence like its an emergency and called a higher up doctor over who never even talked to me once and he immediately brought a pack of Olanzapine with him which is an anti-psychotic even though I never got diagnosed and never had psychotic symptoms. Thats when I realized that these people are incompetent assholes.


things that didn't happen: the thread


Dumb retarded faggot who discredits other wizards life-experiences: the post


yeah whatever
sorry but some of the stories in here are completely ridiculous. no psychiatrist is going to overreact to someone mentioning they had been 'watching interviews with serial killers'. and then a doctor walks in with meds? either that guy completely made up that story, is massively exagerating or there are things he is conveniently neglecting to tell

you can't have level headed conversations on this topic because of all the lies and it makes any potentially credible testimony about very negative experiences highly suspect


is this a bot? i see these buzzwords on other forums outputted by NPCs


I am that guy and this actually happened, it was at a bigger institute that had several offices with psychiatrists and chief doctors. The succubus in question was in her mid 20s at max and didn't have a lot of experience with counseling and the doctor she called was just a weird asshole who recommended me to take said meds and look if im gonna feel better. You are an ignorant faggot btw so go fuck yourself for calling me a liar for sharing this experience.


I'm pretty sure hes just one of those borderline schizo guys who cant be irritating assholes for one minute. The same guy most likely posted in other threads too over the last 1-2 hours because theres similar posts in the drugs thread and others. Theres just some people on here who probably get a kick out of this behavior or they are just frustrated retards.


Phrased that first sentence completely wrong but you still get the point.


I suspect these are actual meatbots who can only post regurgitated sentences. I've seen this kind of copypaste replies all over imageboards for a while now.


doctors absolutely walk in with "sample packs" of meds.
anon worded it weirdly but it makes sense that a therapist would ask someone else(male) come in when someone tells them they engage in weird shit.
hollywood did a real good job giving people this impression that psychs and their ilk are these calm, collected, stoic and logical individuals when in reality its a bunch of succubi who want to power trip because someone told them they were empathetic and they liked highschool psych discussions.
Had a similar experience explaining to a succubus that the first thing I did when I walked into her office was consider the best options of killing myself in her office: stabbing myself in the neck with the scissors on her desk, jumping out the window (4th floor). You could see her facial expression collapse for a brief moment and then her throat seize up when I explained I had a knife in my pocket to kill myself with as well.
Dunno why you are trying to shit on the other anon, these aren't rare experiences or as outlandish as you seem to think they are.
The fucking succubus in my case had no idea why anybody would be afraid of being involuntarily committed.


Aka anyone who isn't normgroid.


Psychiatry is magnet for overly fanatical normalfags forum moderators types and sjw fanatics.
On top of that no sane person would want to work in such field.


>Dunno why you are trying to shit on the other anon, these aren't rare experiences or as outlandish as you seem to think they are.
He is reddit tourist if it isn't obvious.


Psychiatry is not real science or medical field.
It doesn't help or work, especially for actual wizards.



I like how more and more people pick up on how most of psychiatry and therapy is a scam and pseudoscience.

Therapy is really just an overpriced social interaction and most of the people attending psychotherapy/consulting have a lack of trustful social contacts in their life to talk with and so they value a shitty and expensive consulting session way too much. They put way too much authority on some normie asshole who studied psychology which is not even impressive and then they don't even get actual help or good insight while getting their time wasted. Consulting is already at the point of no return to get bulldozed by AI over the next years which is good. I also use AI when I feel like getting some consulting and it's funny how it already does a better job than any therapists and psychiatrists I've been visiting for years irl.


It also attracts way more succubi in most western countries which makes it even worse. Female therapists are gonna pull a holocaust on crabs and wizards in Canada. That whole "I want to help people" motivation will be gone once they realize that they have to talk with subhuman men for the most part and retarded cutter bitches who are gonna talk about getting fucked in depraved ways and selfharm for the most part.


Don't touch the stuff myself


After interacting with both Scientologists and therapists (about nine therapists so far–among various other mental health care providers); I've found that both groups tend to behave very similarly (they pretty much just want your money and have a tendency to drag conversations out while dodging your questions even when you're uncomfortable because you feel like time and money is being wasted).

I've only had one therapist who'd sometimes tell me, "if you feel that this isn't working out for you; you're free to quit."

Maybe one or two Scientologists who would very strongly hint at, "this isn't for you. You won't like it. Just get up and go."


I think therapists can be useful for normies who are essentially just delusional in some sort of way and they can talk out the delusions and then once the delusions are gone, the normalfag goes back to being normal. If you aren't a normalfag to begin with they essentially can't do anything for you so it's kind of a scam at that point where they continue to provide the illusion they can help you while having no idea how to.


i think psychiatry is kind of a load of shit and dont really care for it anymore because of the fact that i can take an online test for a mental illness and theres a 70% chance it will say i definitely have it and to see a doctor. the retard doctors just give you the same online quiz, so the people who are against self-diagnosis dont know whats up. the psychiatrists and therapists asked like 9 questions and now OCD is in my permanent record. and that's somehow more verified and "real" then just reading a wikipedia article? you're a faggot.


therapists are only useful if you need an official diasgnosis for autism or some mental illness so you can get on NEETbux, they serve no other purpose for us


Psychiatry tends to only be useful with the right combination of medication, usually just temporarily. And the diagnosis needs to be very specific and you just need to be lucky enough for it to work.
Then again, I consider it better than therapy. Therapy is someone repeating platitudes or encouraging people to do self-analysis and is completely useless for someone that self-analyzes constantly. And I really doubt that someone that isn't able to introspect at will will get some early 20s succubus to do it for them. Mostly people will only salivate more.


psychiatrist asked me why i came here and that he cant help me after 30 seconds(cuz i have a record of taking many medicine before). thats what i think about psychiatry.


just got out the psych clinic yesterday. a psycho with a shaved head suggested he was going to rape me because he gave me his breakfast, and i owed him


damn and people think its better than prison


Hallucinations keep on telling me to stop hallucinating. When I ask them how to stop; they respond with, "how should I know?"

Mind you; I've already been hospitalized before and have taken antipsychotics for several months but my mother told me to stop taking my antipsychotics.


Antipsychotics destroy your brain, she was right


She doesn't understand the brain stuff.

What bothers her is that I gained weight because of antipsychotics.


I used to suffer and want to die. Now thanks to medication, I feel nothing and still want to die.


ironically going to a psych as a kid is even worse than being an actual criminal. like how teachers used to threaten you with your "permanent record". While its not true for bad behavior it is true for psych visits. When you apply for police, army or govt jobs they look at your whole psych history including back to elementary school.


The worst thing is that these assholes have a huge file on me that I can't even request to get destroyed. It fucking sucks knowing that theres a huge file about you stored somewhere that contains the most personal stuf you can think of because you trusted these shitheads. Another reason why you shouldn't go to therapy.


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Man, if only they'd told me to do this instead of blowing through thousands of dollars for psychotherapy and psychotropic medication just to end up coming full circle… aw, crap.


Equating sadness to physical pain is such a feminine thing to do.


I already experience both as my anxiety triggers physically-painful convulsions.


>boomers trust the system
>boomers hate you
>therefore never trust the system
it's really fun because some rich fags in Europe lobbied for the right to be forgotten law. this way their crimes and scandals will be removed from online platforms.
but you dare think differently than a normie and you are permanently an potential enemy to them


>I already experience both as my anxiety triggers physically-painful convulsions.
Yes. I've also experienced depression as a horrendous physical feeling in the stomach area, as though satan himself is pulling me into the void
Perfect response to prove the comic correct. You've just never experienced real anxiety or depression


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Anybody here ever been to the Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum? I went in there like 2018 and the whole damn thing just felt so damn weird. I was the only visitor there at the time. I was in there for like 30 to 60 minutes.

I've also been to the "Big Blue" Church of Scientology which is across from L. Ron Hubbard Way and the Kaiser hospital I used to pick up my meds and meet with my psychiatrist and therapists at. Walked into the church in early-2008 applying for a job (I don't think they wanted me), and again like in early-2020 to take an IQ test. I think I ended up paying like $30 for a Dianetics book or something (they kept pestering me).

Man those Scientologists can be manipulative. But, hey, at least the IQ test was free and I got the same result that I did when I took an IQ test with an actual psychologist (not free–it was like $700 for the IQ test and MMPI) in Culver City or Santa Monica back in 2016. I got "Above average intelligence" from both tests! Haha!

Still don't buy it, though. I mean, I stopped buying it after I actually paid up, so I guess the joke's on me.


It has now been 3 years, 10 months, 3 days, 19 hours, 5 minutes, 43 seconds since the hallucinations began. I won't have health insurance until at least next year. The cost for an initial consultation with a new psychiatrist to prescribe meds to me could be anywhere from $200 to $750 and the meds can be anywhere from $300 to $1,200 to pay out of my pocket. I'm broke.


Yeah, I was there for slightly less than two weeks and it was horrible. I was stuck with some people who just wanted to kill themselves, one werido who just wanted to fuck the female paitents, two others who were violent and scared the shit out of me. I swear to god that one day we had one of the crazies go crazy because the staff wouldn't put on netflex. It was just the worst.


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>What's your experience with the psychiatric institutions?

i don't believe they could ever be a substitute for the lifelong engagement with mental health. what a stupid modern capitalist approach to mental health these institutions are. waiting for people to go crazy and then trying to fix them with the same mentality of swallowing a pill to temporarily solve the problem of persistent headache.

the intelligent thing would be to help people build healthy habits that automatically keep them sane instead of having to rely on experts doing voodoo.

single most important aspect of practical mental health improvement efforts is this: "it is possible to improve".


What is with the millenial practice of collecting labels that stand for "mental problems" like they were trading cards?
Everywhere online you now see people claiming to have: autism, ocd, adhd, ptsd, and "dysphoria" like it means anythint at all.
It seems to me like we have a standard for behaviour, an ethos, like every society has always done, but the current generations turn thismon it's head and instead of striving to live up to some standard, they rationalize, or rather, label, their deviation from this artificial standard by using these words.
They also imply some sort of mental damage, like a permanent wound that originated somewhre in their past and keeps them from functioning on a daily basis.
Not only that, they seem to have a culture of acknowledging this presumed brain damage, adept they are affected by this construct and it keeps them from fitting into a made-up template for human hehaviour.
Is it nothing but an excuse to consume drugs?, or to pursue a set of contradictoy values and behaviours -on one hand, adopting the dekands of society on one hand while also excusing themselves from living up to them on the other.
What ever happened to being in charge of your own life, of manning up and making the best of your conditions and thriving despite any adversity? This new view of "trauma" and of self-victimization falls back to the childish practice of blaming ohe's parents, environment and upbringing for all their problems and shortcomings.
Humans have always acted like this, but now it is institutionalized; instead of having a strong moral code, we are encouraged to seek the source of our problems in some sort of childhood trauma.
>i don't believe they could ever be a substitute for the lifelong engagement with mental health. what a stupid modern capitalist approach to mental health these institutions are.


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in a short period of time I've taken several meds, the weirdest one was trazodone, it truly made me feel happy for awhile, but it gave me vivid and bizarre nightmares. I don't know how, and the reason why this is interesting and weird to me is because before those several meds I tested, and in this case, particularly trazodone, I had very very few rare nights where I would truly dream, most of my bedtime was actually blank where I would just sleep and wake up another day instantly. why did this medication gave me weird dreams? I am not sure. as in my conclusion to psychiatry, I hate it, most meds are stupid, the diseases are mostly fake, honestly I think it's a control apparatus by the gov, but sure, some meds work, but they have all kinds of weird effects, as I said. I'd avoid antidepressants and antipsychotics and maybe only use benzos for short periods of times as those were the ones that weren't so weird to me.


My mom took me to a psychiatrist because of how insanely depressed i am and because i was having uncontrollable panic attacks when i was about 11-12. I was given Adderall, xanax, and like 6 other drugs. Which didn't matter because the panic attacks passed on their own. I wish i had some money to get some Adderall and vyvanse right now.


>Psychiatry is not an exact science
Its not science or medicine at all, its literally cultish pseudoscience and snake oil selling quakery.


>instead of striving to live up to some standard
What are you street preacher or you are just irl version of some annoying npc?
thoose people died in world wars like mindless dogs, theirs ideals and standards are worthless nonsense that no different than belief in santa.
Absolute hypocricy.
This little tryhard cunt preaches about standards and le ye olden days but doesn't even bother to correct such horrible spelling mistakes.
Normalfags have more common with herd animals and machines than human beings.


I used to be a frequent flyer in our county’s psych ward until I was about 30. I actually never hated it. Fed well and some of the staff genuinely cared, other patients there were ok. As far as the prescribed drugs, they don’t do anything. The crux of my ostensible mental illness is how I have basically no executive function and my cognitive abilities deteriorate into full blown psychosis because I am cognizant at all times of how poorly equipped I am for modern life. Seroquel, mirtazapine, prozac, abilify, benzos, whatever I’ve been through the psychiatric gauntlet and none of them helped me
I think it’s extremely profitable modern voodoo but I’ve seen it help some so I’d say, if you haven’t gone down this route yet, give it a cautious shot and advocate for yourself and if you’re taking something that does nothing or even makes it worse, STOP.

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