What are the downsides - and upsides - to being ugly? I ask this as someone who's been called neither, and sees myself as capable of looking good if I work towards it but am generally mediocre in the looks department.
Unfortunately this thread is likely to be overtaken by crabs citing Tinder stats "proving" that only the top 2% of the most attractive males get laid, but we're on don't-be-sad-about-not-getting-laidchan so hopefully they will be banned!
>>200059 >Noo don't suggest anything besides the status quo; discussing potential upsides is forbidden! Ugly men must wallow in despair like me!!! That is what you said.
Ugly men are more likely to receive financial benefits. Ugly men can sit in the coffee store without fear of succubi cracking chat. Ugly men will not be pestered at work to hook up with the night shift succubus.
You are an animal, a beast, a mongrel who barks at his own shadow. I pity you.
>>200062 At this point I'm sure he's baiting as well, he might as well be such a faggot that he lives off the negative attention he gets on here all the time. It's also a bit suspicious that the mods never did anything about his bullshit.
>>200061 > Ugly men can sit in the coffee store without fear of succubi cracking chat. yeah, theyll just crack about how ugly you are, very good nice condescending larp
>>200090 They really won't, but if they do (which they won't), it is not going to be a "you" thing but a "them" thing. Hypothetically, If someone does approach you to talk down about your appearance, it's only because that person has a mental disorder that causes them to do the same to anyone they find unattractive. In that case, feeling personally hurt is the feminine response. As a man, you should laugh at their clownish behavior and consider pitying their mental affliction. Learn to be entertained and informed by what objectively has no effect on your wellbeing. Bask in the opportunity to witness first-hand the rare random encounters of IRL.
I feel sorry for you Jokers. You think you're so right about how awful the world and its people are but your beliefs will never be vindicated. (That's me being condescending). Please cease trying to convince users here that they should live in fear of… opinions of people they will never know? It's as if you're promoting and romanticizing this weird fetish fantasy you have of wizards being these shaking bodies lying in the dark too afraid to think straight. Pevert. >larp Can I ask what this word means to you? It seems everyone has their own definition, and around here these days the word is used to refer to everything from dietary decisions to vidya preferences. [i]stop larping as a dentist with that toothbrush. nice gamer larp with your rtx2080[i]. Crazy!
Thanks for the chance to tell everyone that I did in fact LARP as a wizard when I went to get a coffee earlier tonight in my wizard robe and hat. THAT is a L.A.R.P; suggesting to men that they're not going to get shanked for having a crooked nose isn't. I await your response.
>>200036 Not ugly, but weird looking. Long beak like nose, small jaw, sanpaku eyes (a bit of a lazy eye from one side), no cheekbones. Been told I have a stare of a serial killer. There are worse looking motherfuckers out there though, and I don't really care about the appereance, it is the inside that is truly the problem.
>>200091 This is giving too much lamentation for what normies decide upon us. >>200097 Who is not a schizo here? >>200101 It must be the gold-digger epidemic, man.
>>200097 He was blambing about some discord people and kiwifarm and stuff, this guy go on every thread to talk about the same shitty schizo conspiracy about discord and Kiwifarm, like this niggas even care about us at all.
>>200091 i dont actually disagree with you that it doesnt matter and wizards shouldnt focus on negative pointless shit like lookism, but you do talk like a retard so a boon of being ugly is that apparently this means people won't talk about you (which they might do - you cant say they "wont" for certain, thats just being dishonest) but then actually as long as they dont say it to your face its neither here nor there youre right in that yes, if somebody makes fun of how you look, its likely a "them" issue, theres really nothing you can do about it except accept it so fuck them. however you can drop that "man up" faggot shit, if you arent defective you will feel personally hurt, over time you'll realise you dont actually care, i know because it happened to me.
Been told i am handsome my whole life but i am 10 cm too short and i grew up poor so i was always put down and bullied anyways and fell short of any romantic trlationships because of it.
You can't have one, you need at least two, if i were poor but handsome and tall there would be no problem. If i was handsome and short but upper class ther would be no problem. Thats how it works. One doesn't do it.
>>200181 How do you know you were treated poor because you are shorter than average? How do you know it's not because of howyou acted, dressed, sounded, and worded your feelings at those times? Hundreds of millions of short, ugly, but kind and honest men have loving wives.
>>200193 I just think that by continuing to be convinced that you are put down because of something you can't control, that you are bullying yourself in to believing that you can never achieve peace. Besides, believing that ">no gf" is a problem is laughable. Where do you think you are?
I consider myself to be handsome. I don't have problems with myself actually. Recently I looked in the mirror and adored myself for 30 minutes to tell the truth. I believe I'm handsome in a unique way. But other people, especially succubi, tend to think I am ugly. Dunno why, I mean I am kind of fat but other than that? I don't understand, probably the whole aura I give off or the way I dress is just making people nervous. I still wear the same glasses I got when I was 13 or 14. I don't shave usually but even if I do people don't treat me any differently. If I don't shave they think I am a hobo or crazy person and if I do shave they think I look like a kid. I don't wear my hair in any fashion or wear meme expensive clothes. Probably the many birthmarks I have all over my body also factor in for why others consider me ugly.
>>200080 I'm in the opposite situation. I think I'm good-looking but others constantly feel the need to shit on me as far as appearances go.
I have a feminine, french looking face. I shower like once every two weeks, so I get zits a lot, but I use face cream and clearasil so my head looks clear of pimples most of the time after I pop them. I'm also as fat as an ogre. My face still looks attractive though, since I grew out my bangs and put them in front of the sides of my face like an asian succubus. I plan on getting a gym membership this year, so hopefully I'll lose weight and finally be 100% attractive.
>>200280 >I get pimples but it's OK cause I slather my face with chemicals No petroleum byproducts or beetle guts are going to do your acne away. Look at a beard roller to open pores and a heavy grit loofah to scrape away dead skin before it can block and oil release.
Once you start working out and producing more testosterone and filtering out estrogens from your system, you will clear up. Get the membership! Many skin problems are a result of poor hormone balance and delivery to the skin. If you ate enough to get Shrek'd, you probably ate processed foods and oils that were metabolized as phytoestrogens which now reside in your fat. Burn these away and your testosterone will find its way back to your skin. Good luck Wiz.
>>200036 Yes, people constanty tell me how ugly I am, they act like I'm disgusting to look at, but I look myself in the mirror and I don't see myself that ugly, I'm maybe a bit overweight and have some skin issues, but they act like I'm some sort of subhuman abomination. I think they're just gaslighting me.
>>200283 And so now, once again, the argument that started as "Don't be sad about being ugly, do what you enjoy and don't listen to mental retards" has been hijacked in to "Statistically, here's what succubi REALLY want in a man". There are websites designed for talking about that - go there if you're so passionate about succubi's selective processes.
>>200524 Men can never be cute. You may have been cute as a small child, but at no point is a pubescent male ever cute. You can find him sexy, handsome, cool, scary, strong, funky, ugly, or a lot of other things, but "cute" is the antithesis to maledom.
>>200036 I think I might be anything between a 3 to a 6. I've never had a comment made on my looks as I can remember, but I find it hard to believe that an average or decent looking guy could end up in my situation. I feel sorry for ugly people. I wish the outside always reflected what's on the inside, as gay as that sounds. This world can be extremely cruel.
Yes. Strangers have called me ugly and thrown stuff at me out of cars, people have let comments slip, people assume I’m stupid. I can try to extrapolate that it’s the reason people ignore me and the world is hostile to me because of it, but there’s no way to test it.
>>200526 I've seen pictures online occasionally of pretty cute looking men so you're actually wrong. Cry about it /pol/tard and your heckin' epic masculinity.
>>200567 >>200568 Why does it upset you so much that a man could be cute? How can a male be everything else you listed but somehow in no possible reality be described as "cute"? Are you retarded?
>>200570 Or maybe I'm just calling somebody out for being a tradcon tier serf cucked by society into thinking it's impossible for a male human to be cute when the only real difference between a cute male and a cute female is style (excluding shit like muscle mass but that's only because men in the past were literal serfs who did hard labour).
I'm not insecure enough about my sexuality to get upset about random faggots online calling me gay so cry about it retards.
homo culture would be considered mental illness by most people just a few decades ago. There is a huge difference between Keynes and Turning tier homosexuality and the rampant faggotry of xenoestrogen and endocrine disruption that turns a barely functional autist into a complete tranny retard who'll rope in under 5 years
This is why I called you a /pol/tard, blogposting about trannies cause you're obsessed and enjoy bullying freaks, ow the edge. This is fairly off topic considering all I said was "no actually male humans can be cute" which they can be, imagine being on wizchan and thinking men should conform to male gender roles and be stoic disposable drones (textbook hostile /pol/faggotry) even though you're an outcast from the society you care about for some reason becoming gay or some shit. Literally doesn't matter to me as long as the gay faggots leave my media and hobbies alone which is a separate issue.
>>200578 No I don't think, I know you are, there's literally nothing wrong with men being feminine, this does not mean trannies. The only reason you have a problem with it is because you're actually insecure and want to fit in and be a useful tool for society, but can't. Sad!
>>200579 errybody knows what you're about at this point. There is no fooling, the average man 1900 had test levels four times as high as what passes as high test today and was exposed to far fewer endocrine disrupters even while eating like shidd
>>200580 Ok - why should I care? You already concede you're all /pol/tards so I should be concerned men are "low test" because like uhhh they need to repopulate the white race or something and become productive citizens who eat dirt and be stoic? Not interested, keep your shackles to yourself.
>>200582 What I'm about is living my life the way I want, as you should be to, not dancing around what society expects you to be, how about you go to the gym and get ripped bro so you can fight in Ukraine with all your high test epic masculine brothers who throw their lives away protecting succubi? Very wizardly.
>>200584 nobody is forcing you to lift. People like you are constantly negging anyone with the self awareness to better themselves be it nofap or exercise or basically anything besides autistic tunnelvision on being the ultimate unhappy depper with a self-caused mental illness. The aversion to literally any form of self betterment speaks for itself
>>200585 Never said that retard, but you're the one who thinks "real" men should conform to what society expects of them, not me, no amount of lifting will rid you of that mental prison, so keep being a trog. Also the irony of promoting nofap which is pseudo intellectual snake oil designed to make you feel bad for enjoying yourself (simply fapping is not innately porn addiction and not harmful) and then saying I'm trying to keep people miserable is fucking laughable.
>>200588 NoFap is grounded in the fact that the male body requires a fuckton of nutrition to regenerate semen. It needs the same scarce nutritional substance that is required to regenerate brain and nerve cells. The seeds to grow a human take a grown human's worth of brain regeneration to make. Serotonin release at cum-time, like serotonin release from drug use of food consumption, is addictive. Because of this, it's easy to form a habit out of fapping, making a waste of vital cell material routine. NoFap is an encouraged endeavor because it gives men a chance to break out of the habit of wasting time, energy, and vital nutrients on short burst a feel-good chemicals and then having a mess to clean. It's about quitting a drug.
This is what NoFap is about, not some pseudoscience "man up and stop feeling good" strawman argument that you keep accusing it of being.
Judging by the way you type, you're probably obese by choice so arguing with you isn't worth any time. I'm going to go exercise while listening to Touhou Jazz arrangements, because that is what I enjoy, and how dare you try to shame me for doing something I enjoy.
>>200589 No it's actually spouted by losers (and I mean actual losers) with status anxiety who think if they don't touch their dick for a year they'll suddenly become hyper aggressive competitive "alpha" males who can finally get the succubus and be happy, this is the actual motivation behind the majority of nofap cultists, not whatever pseudo pulp you just posted. I tried nofap before when I was more naive, I got literally no benefit, it's placebo garbage. You know what gives a person energy, doing something they enjoy, get a fucking hobby instead of feeling guilty for doing something all human males to ever exist have done and erroneously attributing that to why you feel depressed and unmotivated. How much time do I "waste" fapping, maybe an hour every few days? This is not stopping me doing anything I otherwise could be. Also nothing I've said is a le strawman because I've been arguing with retards who literally agreed with an ironic man up comment. But yes you can definitely infer my weight through the "way I type" lul.
I never tried to shame anyone for doing what they enjoy (maybe read the rest of the thread before you scope in on one comment and take it out of context because your retard cult is on blast) because unlike the generic rote edgelords in this thread I'm not obsessed with punching down through the lens of a society I hate which hates me.
>>200591 Shibayan is nice. Their Bosa Nova series has so many memorable tracks. Tokyo Active NEETs have some real great swing covers in between their normal orchestral stuff
>>200590 I'm not reading that. At a glance it seems you're using more buzzwords than anything. I'm going to re-post what I had written because it is correct
NoFap is grounded in the fact that the male body requires a fuckton of nutrition to regenerate semen. It needs the same scarce nutritional substance that is required to regenerate brain and nerve cells. The seeds to grow a human take a grown human's worth of brain regeneration to make. Serotonin release at cum-time, like serotonin release from drug use of food consumption, is addictive. Because of this, it's easy to form a habit out of fapping, making a waste of vital cell material routine. NoFap is an encouraged endeavor because it gives men a chance to break out of the habit of wasting time, energy, and vital nutrients on short burst a feel-good chemicals and then having a mess to clean. It's about quitting a drug.
This is what NoFap is about, not some pseudoscience "man up and stop feeling good" strawman argument that you keep accusing it of being.
>>200589 So what should men do instead of masturbation? Work? Or start a family? I see through you… And this wonderful aspergers argument about pleasure being bad is just the icing on the cake. Your brain feels good after you take a shit, so you better avoid doing that too. You also shouldn't eat anything good either. Oh, and really just stop doing anything that gives even the remotest amount of fun. Yeah, boy, watch out for those dopamine receptors! Pleasure is your enemy, make sure you live a horrible, uncomfortable, boring life full of misery and dull moments…that's the only way to happiness! LOLOL
>>200590 They are just bakas who want to feel superior for not doing something most people do. (But secretly they do it too.) Plus they are crabs who always associate sexuality with negative feelings inherently, they just can't enjoy themselves in peace, no, they always think about why they can't norm it up.
>>200600 >So what should men do instead of masturbation? Anything that doesn't shoot chemicals needed to maintain cognitive function out of his penis. That could be anything from watching TV to playing an instrument. As long as what he's doing doesn't waste the materials necessary to repair his brain and nerves. >Work? Or start a family? If that's what comes to your mind as the first alternatives to cumming, then Wizchan may not be the website for you! >Your brain feels good after you take a shit Dropping a rotter gets rid of waste, but not stem cells. >You also shouldn't eat anything good either You absolutely should! >stop doing anything that gives even the remotest amount of fun. There are 90 million fun things to do that don't result in stem cells winding up in the Puni Ana. >watch out for those dopamine receptors! Dopamine release is a great way to form good habits, ones that don't put stem cells on the Android Tab 5 screen
>>200036 With hair I'm attractive, with long hair I'm very attractive, shaved heads are average to low, but in general it's fine. It's really interesting how you can go from an 8-9 to a 6-7 with no hair. I also went from looking 17-18, to looking over 23
>>200634 I am handsome, I know how to relate to people, I have money, a car, farmland, good self-esteem, big projects, but I have certain impulsive behaviors. Over time I moved away from people because I didn't like being with them, even with succubi, I didn't feel very comfortable. I got bored fast, and I didn't see much to do with those people.
Not everything in life is putting a piece of meat in a hole.
>>200634 I believe someone can think of himself as handsome while others consider him ugly. Probably that's the case here, we find ourselves to be fine looking but normals have problems with how we look like.
And looks aren't everything. There is height, money, status, being an autist or not, being aggressive, etc.
>>200594 Yeah okay, regurgitating dudebro science fad meme #12 but isn't going to read my post because le buzzwords despite falling for a buzzword cult himself, lahol.
>>200705 I avoid people because of feeling of awkwardness. I don't know exactly what kind of ocd I suffer from but reliving all those awkward/embarrassing moments over and over could be count as ocd.
>>200686 Looks are superficial, but skeletal structure determines physical performance. Short men and tall men each have their own advantages in the ring of combat and even doing day-to-day tasks.
>>200746 And I explained my reasoning for the contrary. What's yours? Yes height is something that can be physically observed, but beyond that it has actual determining power over the man's physical potential (unlike superficial traits such as face symmetry and skin smoothness)