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 No.191906[Last 50 Posts]

What are some essential books related to wizardry? Any charts? Need some books recommendations


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You should go to /x/.
They have occult general.


I'm not interested in schizo occult books, I'm interested in literary book.



Schopenhauer's Pesimism/On succubi
David Benatar's Better to Never Have Been
Emil Cioran often gets brought up, but I can not recommend anything in particular.
That pdf of "How to Be Forever Alone" that gets passed around that some wizanon wrote.


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there is not much specifically reagrding male virginity. if you mean /dep/ and antinatalism, then these guys have your poison ready >>191918 >>191917 >>191914


There have been one or two users here who wrote their own books, I remember one being a sort of wizard survival guide that was a good read. I can't remember the title.


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What is there to read about? I'll wizpill you in a few sentences.

Life is shit for some people. No, it isn't pure suffering for everyone or even for the majority. The majority aka normals like living. No matter how shit their living conditions are, they like living. Because they can function well in the world and society. However, for autistic people like us living is hell. We realize that working and the system are horrible traps and even if we could hold down jobs we would rather not do it. However, we are also too weak for the criminal life. So unless we are supported by the system via NEETbux or by our family we are forced to suffer poverty and uncertainty.
And let's be honest, the whole ascetic/asexual/schizoid truewiz roleplay aside, the lack of intimacy and attention from the other sex do fuck us up and make our lives hellish. Simply because we are poor, low status, have bad social skills, we are weaker than others and were born ugly or average looking…these all mean that finding partners is impossible for us. It's not about "love", it is about attention and feeling like someone is interested in you. I'm not talking about wishing to be popular or anything like that. It is about having at least one person aside from your immediate family who understands you and likes you for what you are. We will never have that. Knowing that the majority has this and effortlessly is torture.

Some little minority of life forms, like us, were born to suffer in this world. For us death will be a savior. We are too weak to act, so we simply contemplate suicide all over again instead of doing it.
Our only safe realm is the imagination and our mind where we can barricade ourselves from the cruel world. That's why our only joy in life is mostly appreciating works of fiction.
All philosophy is worthless. All religions are worthless. All of culture is worthless. It never gets better. Things only get worse. Try to enjoy yourself as much as you can today because cancer is coming. Prison is coming. Psychiatric ward is coming. Homelessness is coming. Poverty is coming. Despair is coming. Hunger is coming.

I pronounce a curse on this world for once and for all. Fuck you. And fuck the the being(s) that created you or allowed you to exist. Fuck everyone who enjoyed life for most of their life. Fuck anyone who approves of this world and this life. Fuck everyone with an optimistic outlook. Fuck everyone who is delusional enough to defend life, nature, God or society or our "high and elevated" values like love, friendship, etc. Fuck you to myself too, for existing. Fuck you guys too for existing. Fuck the universe. Amen.


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that's it, thanks


This is the post I agree most ever in wizchan I feel %100 same as you and you did describe my feelings and condition perfectly.


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>I'm interested in literary book

Here's some great literary classics involving sorcerers, mages, wizards, magic, the supramundane and the fantastic. Have fun.

That's because you're 13.


>All philosophy is worthless. All religions are worthless. All of culture is worthless. It never gets better. Things only get worse. Try to enjoy yourself as much as you can today because cancer is coming. Prison is coming. Psychiatric ward is coming. Homelessness is coming. Poverty is coming. Despair is coming. Hunger is coming.
Most based thing I've read here in a long while.

Another thing to remember is that while most normalfags have it much better and don't have the same bleak prospects as most of us, we're still all heading towards the abyss. We're all trapped together in this sinking boat, and differences in class are not of ultimate significance. Scaling up in class is like switching to a nicer room in the Titanic.


Just take your schizo meds, bro, they're to help you!


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There is nothing worse than being the punching bag of others or simply the "bad example" for others' kids. "Look kid at Mr.Wizard, that is why you need to brush your teeth at night/go to university/etc.etc." In this life we were destined to represent suffering and horrors to others. That is why normals hate us and avoid us. We remind them of the dark side of life.

>That's because you're 13.
Says the guy who reads fairy tales.

Sure, but while you are in the Titanic it matters how you live and how lucky you are. So let's say a wizard and a normal both live 40 years before dying of heart attack. The wiz during his 40 years of existence experiences refusals of all sorts, bullying, crushing loneliness, unfulfilled and burning desires, bad luck/environment and a society which is extremely hostile to him and basically tells him every day "you should kill yourself". Now the normal experiences during his 40 years pleasures of all sorts, kindness from others, good environments, a society that cares about him and helps him, etc etc. They both die ultimately but those 40 years matter. Whether you live an easy life or a hard life. Whether you are some wageslave in Pakistan or a rich lord in Saudi Arabia.

That only real benefit of a hard life full of sufferings is that you won't be afraid of death. That's it. Obviously I presented extreme examples since there are many normals who have illnesses and other bad things happening to them but you get my idea.

What you say is an idea that was usually pushed by religions through history, it was an excuse by aristocrats to say to the common people "look we have to face death too eventually, our lives aren't sunshine and happiness either!" while it was obvious they lived better than others. Or not just aristocrats, simply lucky people used this too. "Oh I am rich and beautiful and healthy but I will die one day, ooo woe to me" Death is universal. But while alive it matters how lucky you are and what kind of life you've been dealt.


>magick book
He already said he's not interested in any occult bs.


I know and i don't care.


13? I’m literally 29 born in 1993


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Now THAT BOOK is the ULTIMATE FINAL black pill that someone can take, just brutal black pill.


Far too dry and academical, tbh, and not even about wizardry itself.


no one who read this has ever killed themselves.


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That book has been lauded on this chan for a long time now. Are you new?
Yeah, it's not a pro-euthanasia book at all. It's a huge antinatalist book. I made picrel to try to summarize his argument as concretely as I can as I understand it.
I think there are some pretty huge overlaps between wizardry and antinatalism.


Utilitarian hedonism is the morality of animals.


humans are animals


Your body is an animal, but your soul transcends that animality. Your body is purely a hedonist who thinks and evaluates only in terms of pain and pleasure, and that if set loose will destroy everything that is truly beautiful and valuable such as loli hentai. Your soul is capable of creating values that transcend your lower animality. If you have ever valued anything and taken any decisions beyond any calculus of or regard for pain and pleasure, then that is the only proof you need of your own capacity to transcend your own animality.


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No such thing, love.


>I think there are some pretty huge overlaps between wizardry and antinatalism.
False. Antinatalism implies you have a choice. You don't. You are either a wiz or not. Antinatalism is for normals who can actually choose "should I reproduce? No? Hmm…"
And I once visited r/antinatalism or whatever it is, full of normals, even succubi who are antinatalist for one reason or another. If you ask me antinatalism is a cope most of the time only, so that the person in question can feel morally superior by doing nothing to most of the population.

Rather, we were. Since we possess a huge amount of self-consciousness, rationality, awareness of our surroundings and how our actions can influence events it would be too ignorant to simply label man as another animal.

We are so far from other species at this point you might as well believe humans were created by God to reflect his own image. That is another thing that lots of humans decide to live like pure beasts and animals, refusing to use their intelligence and rationality.

I agree, except that I don't believe in souls. I think the case here is that men have exceptionally high intelligence (compared to other life forms) and so they can choose which of their drives/desires to follow. For example, if I'm hungry of course I'd like to eat but I also decided to protest by not eating anything for a while and so I choose to follow a higher desire than just fulfilling my biological needs. Which will result in the fact that I won't eat for now, even if it pains me.

Literally tried to read it 2 or 3 times, dropped it every time. Too dry for me.


>they can choose which of their drives/desires to follow.
I feel like I can vaguely remember some book of Nietzsche where he argued that in the final analysis all that virtue means is the capacity to consider an urge and decide to act on it or not, and that all that vice really is, is the incapacity not to impulsively act on any urge as soon as it arises; or something like that, but I can't remember which.

>Literally tried to read it 2 or 3 times, dropped it every time. Too dry for me.

Really? I find it's extremely well-written and pleasurable to read, even if you don't care at all about philosophy.


I thought I said "pretty large overlaps" not "the exact same thing"?


Schopenhauer is probably one of the easiest of the German philosophers to read, and having a layman’s background in Kant’s philosophy—although Schopenhauer himself argued in the preface that you need to be well aquatinted with Kantian philosophy—is sufficient enough to somewhat understand his main idea.
You can always try the essays, if you haven’t read them already.


>having a layman’s background in Kant’s philosophy
I'd say you don't even need background on Kant. I find Schopenhauer's explanations of Kant to be very easy to understand.


Or just read his essays to get his depression without his philosophy


I think you have a sensual penis


>I feel like I can vaguely remember some book of Nietzsche
I don't know which one you refer to but interesting point is The Anti-Christ, where he argues that Jesus was the type that's most prone to suffering, the type that can't control his desires and so ends up eventually hating the world and life itself because he can't fulfill them or something like that.

>Schopenhauer is probably one of the easiest of the German philosophers to read
That would be Mr.Mustache Superman guy. Aside from Thus Spoke Zarathustra his works are extremely clear and on the point usually.

By too dry I meant that I didn't care about his main topics. I don't like metaphysics and all that. I read his Essays and I liked them but that is probably all I will ever read from him. Tried and dropped On The Fourfold Root Of The Principle Of Sufficient Reason too. I really don't care about causality, time, space and blind men or things related to seeing.

And I am denying there is an actual overlap. Only on the surface level maybe. But it's not like most people willingly chose to be antinatalists here, let's get real.


>But it's not like most people willingly chose to be antinatalists here, let's get real.
Whoa wait what? Do you actually WANT to have kids?


>That would be Mr.Mustache Superman guy. Aside from Thus Spoke Zarathustra his works are extremely clear and on the point usually.
I feel like his style makes him super easy for others to misunderstand many things, especially when taken out of context.

>Tried and dropped On The Fourfold Root Of The Principle Of Sufficient Reason too.

Oh yeah, that one's gonna be really dry, boring, and academic, even if you like his main work. It's his doctoral dissertation.

>Whoa wait what? Do you actually WANT to have kids?
Antinatalism usually means the philosophical position that being born is a bad thing, but it's also sometimes used as "I don't want kids". Although, I'm not sure in which of those senses he's using it, tbh.


I don't but most of the userbase here would be happy to have a family, I am pretty sure of it. Don't be so delusional and don't idealize some internet meme like being a wiz so much. Very small amount of people don't reproduce and even in this small amount, most don't reproduce because they never had a choice in the matter.

Everyone can be misunderstood when you take one sentence out of their ideology. Like Matthew 10:34 in the case of Jesus of Nazareth for example.


It's not antinatalism when you are a reject who makes succubi flee away in terror. It's like saying you value chastity, virginity when you really are just some crab who can't get laid, despite wanting to have sex.


You’re not really wrong that most of us here are rejects and involuntary celibates but still even if I had means to have children I would still refuse it. If I became rich suddenly (may happen with inheritance) and succubi started to swoon over me I will still NEVER have children. Anti-natalism was always extremely strong on me since age 10 I decide it I will never be a father and I always tell that to my parents


I would want kids only to raise them better than I was, but I know that I wouldn’t be able to. I don’t think I have the capacity to be a loving and attentive father.


But, what about books, bros?



>most of the userbase here would be happy to have a family, I am pretty sure of it.
I highly doubt that. Not even most western normalfags want to have a family


Okay, I believe you. But I don't think most wizards are like us. For me, I don't want to have children simply because it is a chore first of all. I can barely take care of myself, I don't want to end up paying child support too.

If you have awareness that you wouldn't make a good parent then you would most likely make a better dad than most normals out there.

That is just retarded /pol/ propaganda. Marrying, having kids and a family is still normal and it will always be a trend. /pol/fags just cry because whites don't have 10 children but only 2 or 3 lol Most of the people who don't reproduce are gays.

I think I can count on my two hands the amount of people I've ever met above 40 who didn't reproduce at all. (If I don't count catholic priests/monks/nuns/etc.)



40% of adult American men dont reproduce


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>40% of adult American men dont reproduce
>most of the userbase here would be happy to have a family, I am pretty sure of it
I think this is the first time I've used the Doubt.jpg image for two posters of opposing viewpoints simultaneously.
I am NOT sure of it. In fact, I'm feeling pretty confident in the exact opposite statement. Like, REALLY confident. As another point, most parents I know who DO have a family are NOT happy to have one ("Can't wait until that bitch turns 18 so I can kick 'em out"). In fact, I can count maybe two people I know who honestly wanted to be parents (my own parents sure as hell did not want me). I'm really kind of beside myself, because the fact that you would even think that makes me wonder what kind of environment you're in that would make you think that.


Yeah, sure.

I am sure in-cels and dep wizards who always feel lonely, bored or constant torment from their existential crisis would be happy to have a wife and children who would welcome them home every day. People who would surround them and occupy them, make them feel like they are needed and loved. I am 100% sure the depression of these people would go away pretty much in that case.

As a volcel I prefer being alone and enjoying my autismo hobbies but I'm not deluded enough to project myself onto everyone. I know most people desire company, even on this site.


> happy to have a wife and children who would welcome them home every day. People who would surround them and occupy them, make them feel like they are needed and loved.
This is not what being a father is like.


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>but I'm not deluded enough to project myself onto everyone
Uhhhh, are you sure you aren't projecting yourself onto everyone? Here's my reasoning. What I assume is you saying most of the userbase wants to have a family:
>I don't but most of the userbase here would be happy to have a family, I am pretty sure of it.
And then everyone disagreeing with you:
There are plenty more antinatalists in >>178442 , too.

Isn't that a pretty open-and-shut case of you doing exactly what you're claiming someone else is doing? Also, there was an even larger thread on horrible parents/families on wizardchan that was really old and had a lot of antinatalism support as well, and it went back a long way (embed rel). Idk what other evidence you possibly want here.


You know what being a father is like, I guess…No, seriously. Lots of normals live for the sake of their family mainly.

>everyone disagreeing with you
First, you don't take what others write on the internet for 100% true. Second, nobody would say they wanted a family openly on this site since they know they would be banned.

Most of the vehement antinatalists on this site are the same 5 persons or so responding back and forth to each other.

You see, it is entirely different things to post on the internet how you wouldn't want kids and what you actually want. For most people here, antinatalism is just a cope. They don't have to do anything and yet they can roleplay as the moral torch for everyone. Disregard the fact that they never even had a chance at having a family most likely, lol It's like arguing against bodybuilding when you are a literal cripple who can't even stand up.

I don't know why the truth hurts so much some people here, including you. When I was a young wizkid I thought the same too, that wow the community here is so cool, they are like me! As the years went on I learned to distrust the posters here and generally other "wizards". The truth is darker than you imagine. Most people on this site are basically crabs in disguise.


What kind of evidence that is feasible to collect would convince you? I'm at least trying to work with you here, reach out, do some work, collate, and reference difference posts and responses. I'd likewise appreciate the same.
>I don't know why the truth hurts so much some people here, including you.
Knowing me, and how I react when people post stuff that make me butthurt (truth OR not), I tend to just click the little "[-]" after "pretending I've won"–if I'm being brutally honest with myself for once. So, if your posts really were hurting me (whether or not you actually got through to me is a different story), you'd notice because I would just stop posting.
By the way, I'm noticing in your posting pattern that you like to throw accusations on others when others haven't even accused you of anything yet (e.g., in >>192312 you accused others of projecting). If you think I'm lashing out on you, then if I were to psychoanalyze you a bit, that might be because others have accused you of it first in the past, and so as a defense mechanism, you've taken up the strategy of making that accusation first. Do others accuse you of not "accepting the truth" a lot?
>It's like arguing against bodybuilding when you are a literal cripple who can't even stand up.
If the discussion now is _why_ is there so much antinatalism in wizard circles, I don't know for sure, but here are the possible hypotheses I can see:
1 - Fox and the Grapes logic (which is how I interpret your point towards the end of the post).
2 - Really shitty childhood/parenting in their life/environment making them not want to parent by example.
3 - Incredibly low self-esteem. "Low self-esteem" is probably not the right phrase here. What I mean is when posters say, "I'm so fucked up psychologically/genetically, why would I want to have a kid and fuck THEM up, too? That just seems so selfish." (e.g. >>192229)
I know you think I'm lashing out and hating on you when I don't automatically think it's #1 (I'm not, calm down), but my bets are on #2 because some of the past antinatalist threads have given some real horror stories (like the image I posted previously). You sound like you've had much better parents and homelife than a lot of other wizards.


having a family is a scam. i know so many families who are miserable and can't stand each other. sometimes it reall is better to be alone and single


having a wife and kids isn't all its cracked out to be. most of the time the husbands feelings are mute and they just have to support the wife and kids and are seen as a bank to the family nothing more.


I was taking the bus one day and when the bus came to a stop, I just heard this annoying, nonstop screech from outside. I had assumed it was some sort of wild animal, but as the door opened, I saw it was a succubus. I also realized she wasn't yelling, her normal voice was just that aggravating. I saw it was a married couple, and they came on the bus, and the man paid while they go and sit down. The entire time, she didn't stop talking and henpecking this guy. The entire time he didn't say a word.

But most of all was his face. It was so defeated, lifeless, and so soulless that I feel like it'll be engrained into my mind until the day I die. I feel like I can't put into words the horrors that that face conveyed.

Whenever I think about marriage, I think about that couple on the bus I saw that one day, and about that guy's face.


I've been here and on other variations of wizchan/wizardchan probably way longer than most posters here. I grew up here basically. And I can say with confidence that most users of wizchan were always inc-els pretending to be wizards. True loners, I mean people who actually enjoy solitude and don't feel the desire for sex, are a minority. I don't save threads or posts, I never did that. I can't give you proof. You will have to trust me. You can pretend that the userbase here is 100% volcel but that won't change the truth. Of course they are careful about posting their real feelings and thoughts because they know they can get banned for that. But I've seen enough references and failed normalfaggotry here to know that most wizards would like to be normals and would be happy to have friends/family.

I don't accuse anyone lol it is merely the bitter truth. True volcels are extremely rare, even here. Please don't delude yourself like I did in the past, idealizing the community and userbase here.

Out of your points, only the second point describes actual antinatalists. The first and third category would be happy to have sex, reproduce and all that. They just never had a chance.

>You sound like you've had much better parents and homelife than a lot of other wizards.

True, although it is more than that. I observed many happy families in my environment. Posters like >>192328, >>192329, >>192333 naturally focus on bad examples in the case of families ONLY. It is a natural function of the mind though, I don't blame them. The mind always searches for ways to justify why YOU are more blessed and live better than others. So in the case of wizards, we tend to notice bad parents and families more easily. But be assured, good families and marriages still exist. Like I said, for most normals, even if their family is shit in some way, it still tends to give them motivation and energy to do things.


>But be assured, good families and marriages still exist.
That implies that marriages are drama free, for this reason I don't believe you. In fact, priests reminds everyone here and there that marriage is a way of sanctification (that implies suffering), a huge cross to bear.


>Out of your points, only the second point describes actual antinatalists. The first and third category would be happy to have sex, reproduce and all that.
…is this going to be one of those things where both parties point at each other and yell "No True Scotsman" simultaneously? Like every ancap v. communist debate?


no way! I'm a loner for life, not interested in breeding or fighting. rather stay here alone in this room and play video games and watching anime, don't know if it's day or night outside but the only light is coming from a computer and I haven't kept a calendar or tv in years. TFL is just you all alone nothing but peace and quiet :)


>But be assured, good families and marriages still exist. Like I said, for most normals, even if their family is shit in some way, it still tends to give them motivation and energy to do things.

This is very clearly true and people are denying it like it's The most unreasonable thing ever

This thread killed this board for me. Even the whole concept of wizardry. To simply deny that having an intimate relationship and a family could NOT be good and desirable to you is insane and really makes you realize how deep in their cope people can get.

Obviously I can't read minds so I'll never be able to prove it but there's just no way that any significant number of people here truly want to be loners and would not enjoy having girlfriend, kids etc.

My last post ever on this board, good luck everyone. Probably will continue to lurk from time to time. The guy I quote was right from the start


good riddance


> To simply deny that having an intimate relationship and a family could NOT be good and desirable to you is insane and really makes you realize how deep in their cope people can get

Its not the matter its just not desirable its also impossible for some of us here. I really can’t its against my biology and my eveything . I’m not a normal and never will be a one


That post is like an even worse version of my life


>My last post ever on this board, good luck everyone.
…maybe we should have more antinatalist threads.


Yes, instead of being honest and create a community of like minded individuals going through a struggle let's pretend we don't care about the things that are the reason we are here


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>instead of being honest and create a community of like minded individuals going through a struggle


A lot of Michel Houellebecq


"Drama" is quite possibly what some of the depressed failed normals around here need in their lives to make it interesting and exciting. Even marriages and relationships that are bad and dysfunctional provide something good for the people in them. Attention, intimacy and feeling like they aren't alone.
>priests remind everyone…it is a huge cross to bear
I'm not talking about family and marriage in the idealistic christian view. But even that isn't so hard to live as people would like to think. My parents have been happily married for something like 30+ years. They never cheated on each other, they love each other, they help each other, etc.

We shall see.

I'm kind of like that and I don't debate that there are people like that here. But we are a minority compared to the crabs in incognito.

Some people take a meme like wizardry too seriously. I'm like, chill everyone, it's not like we are part of a sect of anything. I mean I'm part of the insignificant number of people you talk about who want to be alone and wouldn't enjoy the family life but I know I am an extreme minority. Even here. I don't have a problem with in-cels posting here since the rules forbid them from talking about >tfwnogf and such so whatever. If we banned every single inc-el forever then it would be just like 10 people posting here all the time and that would be boring.

I encourage you to continue to post here but don't take this community and site too seriously. As far as imageboards go this is a top tier place but all things considered it is still a community and all communities are flawed and shit.

The fact that it is impossible or whatever is the case with your biology doesn't necessarily mean that you don't want it. You can desire things you can't get. But if really don't want it that's cool too. You should unironically be yourself and shouldn't care to fit in with some obscure internet community.

When you can't get what you want and most people can get what you want of course you will start coping very hard and try to justify why you don't care about that thing anyway. It is the case with most antinats here.


>I can say with confidence that most users of wizchan were always inc-els pretending to be wizards.
>pretend we don't care about the things
nooo u can't like that, ur just pretending! u have to be just like me!


lol this thread
man some of you guys sound the common technocrat character in dystopian sci fi books: explain and justify the macabre setup to the protagonist

I'm with 192352 here, that biological craving of crabdom marriage and being around others 192359 and 192348 talk about could be a bug, not a feature.
I truly believe wizzos are bred, even if we are mutated leftovers with faulty wiring compared to a norman


>To simply deny that having an intimate relationship and a family could NOT be good and desirable to you is insane and really makes you realize how deep in their cope people can get.

Responsibilities are hardship, so it is chasing succubi and their stupid requirements, to have children in this cursed world. You disagree? Ok, then we'll let you crash inside your own vehicle.

People can still pretend they are happy while being miserable. We are not to care about it.


Did you even bother to read my posts? I said I don't want a family or gf or wife or friends but I do know other people who use this site aren't like me. I mean the majority of people here anyway.

"Wizardry" developed out of crabs who had way too much pride and arrogance and wanted to feel special to everyone else, even though they never chose their fate. And even though secretly they despise being virgins. Again, talking about the majority of "wizards" who aren't volcels like you would want to believe.

>People can still pretend they are happy while being miserable.
I knew you meant this for normos but it could be also said about most people here. There are some EXTREME copes on this site, antinatalism being one of them.

>Responsibilities are hardship, so it is chasing succubi and their stupid requirements, to have children in this cursed world.

Being always alone can be a hardship, so can be unfulfilled sexual desires and being the punching bag of society in this cursed world. You disagree? Ook, then we'll let you crash inside your own vehicle.

…See? Two can play this game. My point is like I keep repeating isn't that volcels don't exist at all, heck I am one myself. My point is that you people greatly overestimate the number of volcels here.


You remind me of someone I knew who believed that everyone who was religious was just _pretending_ to be religious, and that there were no actually religious people/it was all a cope or giant collectively agreed fantasy. You're using a lot of the same logic and arguments that he was using as well.


>"Every white man is actually pro-slavery; abolitionism is just a cope for the poorer white men."
>"Uh, I think there are legitimate reasons to be an abolitionis–"
>"Well yes, but–"
>"Every white man is actually pro-natalist; anti-natalism is just a cope for the poorer white men."
>"Uh, I think there are legitimate reasons to be an anti-natali–"
>"Well yes, but–"


But I do not agree at all with that person, even if he may be right about many individual cases

It is a cope and I see nothing wrong with that. "Farewell and heck off" = Do not talk to crabs.


…wait, you have enough cognitive dissonance to respond to those two posts and yet not see how their logic contradicts the points you've been making?


But I acknowledge that volcels exist? My main post is not to idealize the community here. Do you deny that most virgin men are crabs? If yes, then you are simply delusional.

Honestly, it is quite funny at this point how butthurt some people are here that I dared to point out that the userbase here isn't made up of 100 % volcels. As if it is anything shocking. My guess would be the userbase around here is 70% in-cel and 30% volcel.


Define what you mean by crab and what you mean by volcel.


you talk like a crustacean


I figure you as a drunkard poster. come back later when your speech be more understandable, please.


Inc_el: someone who would have sex, friends, a gf/wife, a family, kids if given the chance. Basically a failed normal.

Volcel: someone who doesn't need those things I listed and is perfectly okay being alone and with not having sex.

Acknowledging the truth and NOT projecting myself onto others make me a crab? Lol I'm just not an 18 years old anymore who is fresh new to this subculture and I know that I shouldn't expect too much, even from posters around here. Look at dep or even some threads here. You can find failed normals quite often. But by all means, do continue to live in your delusions where all wizchan posters are 30+ permavirgin asexual monks. Whatever suits you.


not gonna beat a dead horse like 192419

losers virgins and neets hang out at a couple crabchan boards, crabchan got too much attention and now everybody posts there so someone created a home for those groups but that exact same cycle is repeating on this site when they were followed here. it too was infiltrated and it became a hangout for normancrabs, that is all

k can we get back on topic (the thread was about wizardly books)


No. That's a coherent sentence.
Isn't an in_cel someone who says he wants to have sex, but can't?



Volcels dont exist. If you get Morning Wood and Have ever masturbated to hetero porn yet cant get laid Then you Are simply a crab like everyone here. No one is above biology. Its just a cope of celestial proportions


>ave ever masturbated to hetero porn
suspicious specificity


2022 and still arguing about completely nonsensical definitions like volcel. Fucking pathetic retards


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Heh. Wizchan is like a highschool class. The content is already determined, it just rotates once the students graduate. Wizchan is dead. Not because of numbers of users or posting quality or anything of the sort. It's dead because the content is already determined and on rotation. A dead culture. It's always the same shit, over and over and over and over again. You never win an argument on wizchan. You know what happens? The person you're arguing with finally realizes he had that discussion about 10 other times. And all the other 'wizardly' discussions that inevitebly follow that one, he also had it 10 times each. He's fucking done, so fucking done. Graduated. He'll either quit wizchan or become a lurking husk, forcibly attached to the hull of this sunken ship like an old barnacle. New blood come in, eager for class. They'll talk about crab and volcel, they'll talk about brainfog, they'll talk about suicide, how they hate succubi and how how they don't hate succubi because they disregard succubi. They'll talk about regretting to wageslave and regretting to neet, then regretting everything, then nothing because nothing matters. They'll talk about how it's great to be neet and then be depressed they're not doing anything with their time. They'll talk about pills, shills and meals. How to get drugs, how to quit drugs, how drugs ruined them, how it saved them. Quitting society, masturbating too much and losing the will to masturbate. They'll talk about wanting friends, disregarding friends and quitting society again. They'll talk about aging parents and decay, and needing money, then pyramid schemes. They'll talk about sleeping too much, or too little, being too isolated and not isolated enough. They'll talk about how they're are the only wizards and everybody is wrong and why this site is so fucking shit?! They'll roleplay as religious and then realize they don't really care. They'll talk about how life should end but then realize they don't really care about that, either. Then… Wizchan culture, class dismissed. Quit or go barnacle. Then, again again, more people come in and we're back at the first line of the roster. And here we are, somewhere between caring a lot about this shit or not caring at all. Welcome to wizchan. I'm never coming to wizchan again. I'm back in wizchan……………


All I wanted is to talk about books, not about goddamn INC*LS.


you can keep raging about us


Exactly. I need to stop coming here.


Such is the dastardly mechanism of modern social platforms. They've done away with content in the sense of media arts. They mine the raw human condition. It's an inexhaustible resource. As you said there's always a class of rotating through. Just as you were in your high school as a teen, as was your father when he was a teen, and his father, and his father…

I came upon such realizations myself after reading books about the way the techbros have built and operate their platforms. They've found their holy grail. It's the human condition. The whole lot of us get corner cased into giving years of lives year of mental rumination before an individual realizes the Sisyphean pursuit. One individual may leave. The collective continues rotating through the toxic concoction of spoiled and fresh meat that is run through the grinder.

Don't need any real content anymore when you can silo collectives of people into ruminating over the same political, social, and personal issues ad nausem. They've built microcosms of hell.

As long as everyone is pre-occupied with these timeless topics of the human condition they are less focused on everything else There's no need to concern over any real content. You can force feed teenagers some cartoon but how many of them can you keep watching the same thing through 30+ years of age. The most successful franchises have pulled this off, of course. If you're operating social platforms you just make it about personal issues. You don't even need to predict your business model. The users will tell you what makes them tick. The trends will arise naturally out of the data which generates the most traffic or ad numbers or whatever site metrics. They have found the perfect system. An endless money printer. It comes at the cost of years of your own life you spend stuck online. Your own mental well being. The well being of the real life social fabric. They make you hate your self. Hate your in real life neighbors, countrymen, humanity. These techbros they are soulless ghouls. The self ordained gate keepers of hell.




Haha, what? This site wasn't infiltrated. It was created by r9k-tier crabs in the first place. You don't know wizchan/wizardchan history I see.

>Isn't an in_cel someone who says he wants to have sex, but can't?
Yes that is what I said too. But I also threw in some bonus attributes.

It isn't about biology. People are different. It is about the intention. Do you want to have sex or want to be a normal? Then you are ince-l. Simple. Do you want to live a celibate life or just masturbate in your room? Then you are volcel. Simple again.


Must feel nice to talk out of your ass, being close-minded and thinking binary (and to not see that there is an infinity of options and nuance in what one can be and desire between the extremes of being a crab that wants family and a full asexual), and accuse people left and right with full confidence that only you know the secret truth and what people think better than themselves.

You can summarize everything like that, even life itself. People are just talking about wizardly topics here, what's wrong with that? How is it different from having conversations or discussions in real life. It's inevitable that people learn/discover some things earlier in life and some later, some people join the community at different times: you can't expect them to be aware and up-to date of all the discussions that ever happened on wizchan or around those topics. There is no end to learning.


When did I say that you can be only asexual or a crab? I feel like people on this site can't read basic sentences. I know the truth, yes, if I was wrong then the mob around here wouldn't have gotten upset about my statements. They know I am right and they hate it.


>When did I say that you can be only asexual or a crab?
I haven't seen you consider any other possibilities, for you everyone is either a fully asexual schizoid volcel that doesn't want any social contact or a crab that wants to be marry and have a family, and you know that all wizards are the latter because… you just know.

>I feel like people on this site can't read basic sentences.

Nice excuse: I didn't say it explicitly therefore I didn't say it.

>I know the truth, yes, if I was wrong then the mob around here wouldn't have gotten upset about my statements. They know I am right and they hate it.

You can't be reasoned with, you assume things, accuse people, and believe you know everything and can read people's thoughts.


But… What about books?!


stalker crab baiting again


Read this >>192468. I said if you are content masturbating in your room then you are a volcel. I never said you have to be asexual. Stop putting things into my mouth.

I also said that I been here for a long time, by here I mean with this subculture. That is why I know most people here are crabs. I don't say it as an insult, it is just the truth. I don't hate crabs or look down on them either.

Nobody is stalking anyone and I'm certainly not a crab, as I said numerous times already. Consider going to a psychiatrist, maybe.

Read about gnosticism, I recommend The Gnostic Bible. Also, Nietzsche and Camus. Maybe Schopenhauer too. Happy?


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The wizard subculture died as soon as people started using the words crab and volcel.


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>abput attention and feeling someone is interested in you

You belong in /r9k/ not here. Also, your last lines are clearly an outrage from a delta male, aka crabs. Your words are shame upon our noble passivity towards the normies world


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Please return to /r9k/



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