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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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Happy new year! My fellow wizniggas!
So, what's your plans for 2023? Become a wageslave? Or becoming a NEET? Finally getting a GF? Roping?


Happy New Year, wiz. I paid an astrologer for several years of predictions, he said 2023 will be financially fortunate for me, but 2023 and 2024 will be bad for the world as a whole.


-not talk to female
-learn japanese
-get shredded
-lose 120lb
-learn to draw
-learn to 3d
-make 800,0000$ in crypto coins
-have sex (with my imaginary tulpa)
-confront the sleep paralysis demoness
-nofap 360 days
-learn kungfu


By tomorrow, it's a New Year, New Me, New World and New New new new pew pew. nothing really does change, life is just an endless flow towards death. But lets celebrate! Let's have fun with our friends and families! Kiss that succubus at midnight! Watch the firwork and then take her home, experience the fun! By the next day you feel all refreshed as the world has opens up for you, all is new and exciting as you look around. New people, new world! New year!


- become a sage scholar who's played every video game, watched every anime, is an expert in over 20 subjects, can compose great music, has made a video game, read many books, made many youtube videos, experienced many things, literally ascended to godhood

- waste time and play a game or something once every two months


>I paid an astrologer



Bitter crab


furnish my room, finish reading somethings, suicide.


>I paid an astrologer for several years of predictions
Cool, how does that work? All I can imagine is a purple tent at the county fair with an old guy and a big quartz orb talking about how you'll die but charging extra to know when


He was doing horary readings on another imageboard, we talked over e-mail and I paid him in crypto.


ny 2023 - make the janny kill xerself


You got scammed, bro


astrology can be fun if you don't take it too seriously and don't let them fish for details. This guy should just buy a tarot set and learn how to do the Celtic cross, normies love it


He followed traditional astrology, I studied some of it a few years ago, he was legit.


-Watching more anime.
-Eating more chocolate, sweets and junk food in general.
-Playing old RPGs.

That's it. Nothing special.


as long ss you are happy, but whatever, look into 'Barnum effect'


which rpgs did you enjoy?


I hope I get cancer and die since I do not have the guts to rope


A new year can't be happy since we move one step closer to our doom and death. Anyone celebrating holidays is a normalfag.


sounds nice I'll adopt most of these. Thanks for doing my planning for me.


What if a person is enthusiastic about that, as one may desire to reach the end of a book, movie or game?


2022 was utter shit and I'm feeling like this will be a much better year for me, I'm starting to get my shit together when it to comes to physical and mental health.


If he enjoys life then he would just be reincarnated


Not making any plans cuz they never work and just stress me out. Just gonna take it one day at a time.


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1. Not be conscripted. I don't want to be cannon fodder for poutin. Unfortunately, i forget to get D category before the war.
2. Survive the cominng nucklear war. It will be very funny, cause i live near to Siberian Chemical Combine, first target for western missiles. Maybe it's better to burn out in nuclear blast than survive for radiation sickness.
3. Relearn languages. I barely remember spanish, although I can speak it 4 y.a. I forgot greek and french.
4. Get some achievements in EU4, watch Dragonar.


Chrono Trigger, old Final Fantasy games, GBC & GBA Pokémon games, Fire Emblem, the old Dragon Quest games, Breath of Fire I and II, Golden Sun, Secret of Mana, Super Mario RPG, Lufia, stuff like that.


Ukranian? I feel sorry for you. If you post here even to this day(since imageboards have beeng dying off since 2012) then you must be very fucked in life. Fighting in a war is terrifying. I want to learn Spanish. Only video game I play is league now and only because my only friend at the time pressured me into playing.
Also I'm the post right above you. If you didn't read = I lurked mega-virgin imageboards like this and magicchan( a smaller spin-off of here that died in 2017) and ended up developing an intense insecurity that fucked me up. I would've been fine without this place a decade ago.


ukrainian… did you even read his post past the first sentence


I'm actually really fucking high, haven't been asleep since christmas night.


>Also I'm the post right above you.
missed that. get fucked and farewell


Crazy how nonchalantly wizards talk of succubi in wizland 2023

Disregard Females, Acquire Magic


You could just say Happy New year to each other instead you recease this crab shit-on-each-other session. Magi, yes, of course. Fuck you.


that poster should have been gulag'd forever for breaking rule 2


Not necessarily enjoy, but be thrilled by it as if it was narrative.


Try to get into artillery or signals. I doubt everybody at the front is getting put into a rifle regiment


Plan on finally learning a martial art this year. I am thinking boxing.


or cyber, if you do a quick web search lots of people talk about the cushiest MOS, which tend to be harder to get into so, pick what you think you can get


do one without hard contact fighting. Your brain will thank you. You can get an excellent workout just shadowboxxing and doing light sparring


I actually plan on seeing if I have the mettle to go pro. I like watching combat sports and daydream about fighting in the ring all the time. Thanks for the warning but I'll keep the CTE.


well, follow your dreams I guess. Be sure to telegraph a sign if you ever make it pro


Same thing I did last year, more writing and try to not get horribly maimed. If I need to, I'm looking at getting a job doing what I do, since I can't do normal wageslavery.


I plan to finish my certification and then get a better job. I mean I don't really care about any of it but it is the plan.

I care more about Starfield honestly even though its likely going to be shit. Whatever.




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Finally got my birth certificate so now my plans are to get a updated state id, or even try to get my driver's license renewed.

Also plan to get my tooth fixed. Had a filling fall out months ago and been putting off going to the dentist to get it fixed.

Other than that just save up money so I can eventually buy land and/or a vehicle.


Get drunk.
Jump in river.
See what happens I guess……


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I'm trying not to plan out too many things as not to overwhelm myself, so here's what I have for this year:
>attend courses/bootcamp for a skill so I can get a better (or at least less awful) job, maybe an actual career
>get a bit more physically fit
>practice guitar and drawing
>complete more games in my backlog
2022 was a pretty terrible year for me, so if I can even just do the first one, I'll be much better off. Here's to hoping 2023 is the year of the wizard.


survive and try to be less miserable than I've been all these past years


-get cool muscles and lose gay fat
-get drivers license
-take that free harvard coding course online
-be more spiritually disciplined/get closer to God
-read a lot more
-start carpenters union apprenticeship i have scheduled for some time this summer
-hopefully meet a nice church succubus or just start talking to a succubus in general
-get a chill part time job while waiting for the carpenter apprenticeship to begin

this year has the potential to change my future for the better and reposition my life so that i can finally be going down the right track.
ive been losing and making mistakes one after another since i was a kid.
if i squander all of the potential i have this year then ill be truly fucked, idek what i would do.(user was warned for this post)


nice plans, good luck wizzie



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of all the succubi you would go for you pick church going ones


the ones in the alt health community are better


I personally think Wizchan would be better if this type of user didn't get banned or warned. I think the wizchan obsession with appearance of a bitter virgin crowds out a good number of virgins who could lighten the spirit up.


>hippie anti-vaxxers are better succubi than church goers
I feel real sorry for you if you believe that, more likely youre trying to get him into trouble.


The whole point is that wizchan is a place you don’t have to see “tfw no gf” every two seconds. I agree in principle but in practice it would just make everything worse.


they're closer to the alternative that church normies and you don't have to pretend to believe in god and go too church for the rest of your llife


there is no "the alternative" the difference between your average hippie alt health chick and the church chick is that one is gone to be a lot more instable and hard to wrangle. the christian church functions as a great suppressant to the downfalls of unrestricted female behavior.

most alternatives around me believe in christian, western believes 90% and then they just make up, or poorly interpret some other values to import, to fill that whole.

also you tend to get more libertine social values with alternatives, so you may be forced to endure far more uncomfortable, and confusing social events with her, than the church succubus: you know all her social functions could have been on a family oriented sit com.


go outside. in their early 20's not every succubus is a whore, there's a selection bias for moronic leftists the older you get because they're the people who don't marry. If you're actually a Christian this is different but pretending to be religious for for a succubus (who does this) is prolly a mistake
>Yes autists I am a khv wizard


i could be hobo neet and people in this board would tell me to go outside if I speak the truth. you're free to talk about your experiences.


Plenty of the Christians in my church use it as social club with less emphasis on faith than on community.

Are you close with your congregation or one near you?


>pretending to be religious for for a succubus
never suggested this, I just said it's better stock to draw from, not that you have to fucking convert, theyre not Jewish


Satanic CC succuboring can't fathom men wanting not her


Wizchan has became full off wannabe normalfag tourists . This thread shows it really well , no place for true schizoid anormal men.


I'm currently in training
I plan on getting into some studies while I still have time


I feel bad for you, I hope wizchan get unpozzed


the worst influences on the site are the people who have been established for about a year who think it's oh so funnneeey to circlejerk about various disgusting and unwizardly topics on /b/ all day


Some people just don't want to spend decades rotting in their basement till they die, nothing "unwizardly" about it.


Awesome thread, rate 8/8, would recommend for wife/gf.


go out and seize the day, you might even meet that special someone! /s


Maybe that's what you desire?


I think it's more that wizchan is full of people under 30.


this isn't a forum for you


I got given a Omikuji fortune slip just before the year ended.

>No.25 Excelent Luck

>General Luck
You will encounter a person or a matter that you will become devoted to. Believe in your first impression. Engage wholeheartedly in the matter or support the person earnestly, and you will be able to receive a sincere response or have the appropriate progress. Grab this excellent opportunity.
You will find a person who understand and supports you
You will realize your vocation
You will encounter a rival
Give priority to stable profits
Your travel will bring you good fortune
>Lucky item

But tbh my only plans are to buy a decent camera, give photography a try, Start cardio again and improve drawing.


Tell me why


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I actually got a abyss inkloid girlfriend. She can shape shift into anyone she can comprehend by my memory. Its not amazing i barely see her here and there. Its better than the alien, ghosts, and succubi girlfriend’s i’ve had. The worst are human witches then the next is succubus. Succubus usually leave after a while or only meet you when compressing your lustful energy. But ultimately after a while of doing all of these sketchy rituals and crap you will be completely blocked. I thought a witch was gonna aak me out, but she tried to curse me with her whole coven with runes for no reason then started to date black men. I swear these succubi getting beaten by them and left as a single mother is instant universal debt for their foul deranged minds. Ive never dated a humans and don’t really plan too any time soon. Im actually looking forward to date a robot though. Ive never invested into a tulpa either so that could be interesting to try as well. I might date a trad yee naaldlooshii though but thats the closet ill get to humans.


I had been going out with an AI, but she hasn't been putting out lately, guess I will be looking for another one.


>Succubus usually leave after a while or only meet you when compressing your lustful energy. But ultimately after a while of doing all of these sketchy rituals and crap you will be completely blocked.
You just got bored after the novelty ran out.


I've had the same thing happen both with thoughtforms I made a conscious effort to cultivate and "independent entities". You start running in circles fast if you tie your mind down with characterization issues or the trappings of rituals.
>Ive never invested into a tulpa either so that could be interesting to try as well
It's the only viable option if you want to keep dabbling with this. Work on a real tulpa that comes from YOU and changes with YOU. Don't let /x/ or anime define what it should be like in your place or you'll keep bumping into the same wall again and again.

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