Been a long time since i've been back here. I turned 40 last month. I remember 10+ years ago there being this big internet thing about turning 30 and gaining wizardly powers if a virgin. I haven't really seen or felt any differently the last ten years.
What happens at 40 now? What should I have done and what do I need to do to have those abilities present itself? TIA!
closest thing to wizard powers you can get >immune to propaganda >unmoved by normalfag trivialities >rich inner fantasy world >exceptional imagination >expert level knowledge in one or two autistic interests >redpilled in several areas like race, jewish question, female psychology etc >incredible ability to make people uncomfortable in 5 seconds or less
>>199037 What do you mean? I have been using imageboards since 2006 or so (whenever the hal turner raids/tom green etc was going on) and I never filtered users or text. Not like cheesegraters and I really miss 12chan.
>>199034 Congrats on 40 anon. Looks like I'll join you in a few years. Can you tell me what I have to look forward/don't look forward to? >>199044 Where do older anons like yourself tend to hang out nowadays anyways? I myself have been using imageboards since 2004. I was never a part of 12chan.
>>199076 I hang out everywhere because I got wealthy and started traveling alot. It's very repetitive and not as fun as it use to be. To the point of it being a chore finding hotels, hitting areas of interest etc.
Still browse chans including 7chan. Most others have closed. I can queue torrents remotely have them downloaded to my NAS which is cool.
My health is just as it always was which was fine/never sick minus feeling a little slower and not as agile. I still live near where I was born and for the first time I felt hesitant climbing up this chimney rock on a trail that I always did since I was in my teens. I didn't climb up to the top. That was my first feeling of choosing not to attempt something because of potential loss of ability. I could easily fall.
Oh… never trust your siblings when a company or money gets involved. They change and wont keep promises.
I've been estranged from my sister since my father died and she is a constant source of worry for me to the point I have trouble enjoying my life. Also other fighting in the family has resulted with my mom living with me in my house just in the last few months and she isn't getting any younger. It's fine her going and seeing other family for the time being now and then but she has to work things out at some point with her shared investments with my uncles.
I'm 36 atm. It's pretty repetitive. Go to work, wonder wtf is going to happen to me when my parents die. Recently, my anhedonia regarding playing videogames has disappeared, which is nice (I feel like I worked through the anhedonia by forcing myself to play games even though I was getting nothing out of them, and eventually I just warmed up to it–doing something was better than nothing, I guess). I've basically been playing BoTW and replaying old classics like Dark Cloud or Fallout (but mostly BoTW has been sucking up my time recently).
Health wise I've had ailments gradually build up. I have this inner ear issue that makes me feel sick every once in a while, and a tinnitus that's come because of it. It's surprising how much the body can eventually come to treat that sort of stuff as 'normal,' though, and it doesn't bother you.
The only other thing that hasn't been mentioned is how socially it feels like things finally mellowed out. It seems like my parents and family went through a weird 5 phases of grief about it (that irritatingly took fucking decades): 1 - Denial: "So, do u have a gf yet?" 2 - Anger: "Y u no gf?" and loads of teasing about it 3 - Bargaining: "You know, it's alright if ur gay, u can tell me." 4 - Depression: "You're going to die alone, are you O.K. with that?" 5 - Finally acceptance.
My only piece of advice to others is that the best way I've found to reply to, "Don't you get lonely?" is to say, "No, it's solitude." When I say this, I feel like an actual wizard.
One time at a family reunion somewhat recently I had some distant cousin come up and start giving me shit about being the only one who didn't play the marriage/kids game. Reading between the lines, I get the impression that he just flat out didn't believe me that I never had sex. Eventually, I just abruptly asked him, "Don't you want it to be quiet when you get home?" and I don't understand what exactly happened (seriously, if anyone reading this understands enough normie psychology to give me some idea I'd appreciate it), but that question fucking broke him. After shutting up for a few seconds, he went 180 and started unloading all of his marriage issues to me all of a sudden.
>>199111 explaining normies psychology: they either whine or shit. first they shit, if they can't they start to whine. there's another side to it. when normies are drunk they may start doing some random things and then return to either shitting or whining.
>>199111 >My only piece of advice to others is that the best way I've found to reply to, "Don't you get lonely?" is to say, "No, it's solitude." When I say this, I feel like an actual wizard.
xDD. Like a boss. >One time at a family reunion somewhat recently I had some distant cousin come up and start giving me shit about being the only one who didn't play the marriage/kids game. Reading between the lines, I get the impression that he just flat out didn't believe me that I never had sex. Eventually, I just abruptly asked him, "Don't you want it to be quiet when you get home?" and I don't understand what exactly happened (seriously, if anyone reading this understands enough normie psychology to give me some idea I'd appreciate it), but that question fucking broke him. After shutting up for a few seconds, he went 180 and started unloading all of his marriage issues to me all of a sudden.
Yeah, boy. But some of us wiz do not know when to properly ignore a normie who simply abuses us with their ranting, since there are some points of their conversation which deserve listening, and others when they will refuse to understand the core trouble and therefore they might just want to overload your mind without intending any progress at all.
By allowing this lack of respect, we only make it all worse, I'm afraid.
>>199035 This sounds like the wizard in his healthy state. An unhealthy state by contrast: >addicted to agitprop >easily bothered by normgroids/family pressuring him to get married >uses fantasy only as escapism >addicted to masturbation/porn/hentai >hasn't accepted the truth about female nature and still gets angry about it >excessive use of drugs to cope with a life he isn't actually ready for >doesn't own his weirdness IRL, too self-conscious >gives too many fucks >failed normgroid traits >>199083 I'm 26 and I worry about life after my parents die. It's like a race against time to become more self-sufficient.
After my mother died, I finally felt like I was living. Sad but it was not going to change until she was gone. By then it's far too late and it isn't much of a life.
Almost 40 here. I survived. Many of us did not. I don't think I have much longer. If nothing else, the heart is failing. I'm lucky that I found why I'm on this world and what to do with this time. It's not to change this world or even myself or a few people. It has nothing to do with that. I've always known that would be the answer, but it was difficult to see this beast for what it was until I read, kept reading, and got over the idea that this society could be changed in any significant way. If it were changeable, it would not be through any method likely to succeed in the near future, and it would require changes to humanity and technology that would specifically be blocked as a threat to the ruling ideas of today. The entire point of the present arrangement is to arrest history.
The important thing to know is that "Satan" won, and it was in the cards for a long time. Christ of course was a lie, and you figure out Freemasonic shit they talk about "the Christ" as an essentially Satanic figure, because that's what they are. Welcome to the living Hell, created by Man. That is mankind's utopia and the result of the human project.
>>199813 It would be difficult to explain in words, and I wouldn't give that away. If the enemy knows your intent, even if that intent is benign, they will seek to stop it. Certain people do not brook a single disagreement with their god's plan, and it is good practice to be at least a little sneaky about these things.
All I can say is what I said - I'm not here to change the world or accomplish political goals, and I'm not here for material wealth or happiness or some base-level concern. What I want out of this has nothing to do with most of the things people talk about, and I could be happy if I died tomorrow. I had the good fortune to be able to find something many in this world never find, and it was a lot easier and didn't involve the rigamarole people go through in a futile quest for meaning. The way it happened is not the way I would have wanted it to be, and the suffering I went through was wholly unnecessary and stupid. That's one of the things I'm glad to do - to say with full knowledge that what was done to me was stupid, wrong, pointless, and served only the thrill of these assholes. The assholes cannot abide the idea of anyone saying what they are, because that would spoil the fun if others followed suit and refused to play along with the game. All of the terror and violence done to me and my family, that was done purely because it felt good for them, would cease if people stopped enabling it, and to an extent, normal people and decency in the world prevents those people from getting everything they want.
It's not enough to simply say in ignorance "nothing matters". That's vulgar nihilism, which I have no interest in. A seething contempt for the lies of mankind is something that can only be found if someone truly wants it and possesses a drive to seek the true knowledge, rather than the illusion of knowledge allowed to us. It is difficult to sort through the various lies and ignorance, and to see past the pitiful natural conditions of mankind. Too many succumb to the pigheaded arrogance of the current dominant religion (again, "Satan won", and Christianity is pretty much dead, its remnant mutated into something very alien from what the Word originally meant and did). It's all a trap, and esotericism is another elaborate trap. I stopped playing the game of chasing after the illusory knowledge, the kind of knowledge dumbasses giggle about and put a price tag on. True wisdom is not proprietary or the domain of a limited institution. It is there in the world, and for us to reproduce it is always something we conduct on our own in the end. It is unfortunate we live in a society which paralyzes our thought and communication with each other. So many of us would be far better off if we could speak freely of what this is and how to save each other from it, and despite having every reason to hate mankind for what it is and what it does, I hold on to a primitive sentiment that humanity could be better than this, and I need to because if the Satanic bastards get their way, this society will only get worse and there will be truly no way out.
It is for that reason that the humiliations and tortures are carried out. It is not for some ulterior motive of controlling material resources. It is not because the humiliations are an effective strategy for ruling and defending the state - if anything, the toxic humiliation cycles are a constant burden to the state, and the state, foul as it is, would rule far more effectively if it abandoned this extremely predatory and diseased ethos. It is the result of certain people who have never been told no, who see the rot they created as a value to perpetuate for its own sake, and that's where the utilitarian moral philosophy came from. These people are not "the world", and have insinuated through brute terror and ignorance that they and they alone are the extent of "the world", and claimed all of society for their project. It's Satanic, it's stupid, it won't win in the end, and all it did was cause needless suffering and burn through resources at a prodigious rate. Not one good thing came out of these people, these enablers. The people at the very top directing this carnage know they are feeding their underlings who enable this rot that will eventually kill them. I don't know why these managers are so stupid that at every turn they will be the most depraved, cuckolded slaves, undermining themselves for the stupidest reasons. Retards are a higher form of life than this.
>>199035 I turned 30 last year and so far all of those things describe me. Shittiest part though is that now I'm bored with the hobbies I have an autistic interest in. After a while you notice patterns in stuff so you can predict the outcome, which makes things very dull.
The one piece of advice I'd give to younger wizards is stop wasting all your time on nothing. You have no idea how fast the years start to fly when you're older. I look back at my life and the experiences I remember feel like they happened yesterday. But then I check the date… 9 years ago. I feel just the same as I was at 18 but a middle age man stairs back at me in the mirror.
If you're young your youth is priceless. No one will take you seriously as a young person so there's not much point in taking it seriously yourself. You should do what you want to do when you're younger. But as you get older start to make a plan for your life. Take care of yourself if you don't want health problems later in life. You don't have to spend all your time doing this. A small amount of time spent on this every day will keep you on track.
>>200836 >stop wasting all your time on nothing. You have no idea how fast the years start to fly when you're older. Would you mind elaborating on this? What should we do? I'm 28 and I feel like this is true, but even if I was 20 again, I feel like I would still do the same things I did. I don't see a timeline where I somehow enjoy travelling or trying new stuff. Are you talking about having fun or to focus on a job?
>>200836 Idk, looking back I get the sense that trying to make something out of my life in the 20s was a mistake, given my position in the world. If I had gone down the path I went down during my 30s a decade earlier, I would have been much better off. In my 30s, I cooled down, accepted that this is what the world is, and decided my hobbies and construction of a different world-view were more worthwhile than trying to fit into a world that didn't want me. Unfortunately, back then, I didn't have that comparison with history to tell me what to do, and I wasn't going to get a sign. It's not going to be true for everyone, because the first 20 years of my life were Hell and I basically had to start over and live for the first time at the age of 20. Most of you have something you can hold on to and build from, but I was just totally destroyed and had to basically re-educate myself from the rough equivalent of a 5th grade education and whatever I gathered in bits and pieces. That 5th grade knowledge was basically all self-taught and in place by time I was 8, and after that it was all downhill. The humiliations, lies, and conditioning told me that there was no hope, and the chronic pain from all of that was setting in. The only way that stops is if I were allowed to not attend school, and had some course of action that would have eventually allowed me to be productive. The whole point of them doing that was to make sure I would never have anything in society, because we live in a depopulation world and the Hitlerian types want the world to be this. So, there was really no hope, and there wasn't any hope for a lot of us.
Self-improvement and goals are nice, and it is helpful to have money. I have to warn everyone that the institutions want people like us tortured and dead, and because of that, you're not going to get money by any amount of honesty. The people who rule do not appreciate that, and do not want a single productive thing entering the public. Everything in this society is oriented towards feeding those who are able to seal themselves in a world apart from us. Their strategy is a siege against the rest of us, until they can convince enough of us to turn on each other and take bribes to embrace genocide. If any of their institutions offer "help", don't take it.
The time where you could keep your head down and get by is over, and it's never coming back. You might be able to hide for some time by not being a threat or not being of interest. A head on attack of the enemy is suicide. Any sort of life for us that we can call our own requires sneakiness and a willingness to fill niches that normies won't lower themselves to filling. That's what I hope to do now, if such a thing is possible. It will not be a good life, and I already have chronic health difficulties. I don't expect I have more than a decade left to live. Honestly, anyone here should give up on the idea that we're going to live much past 60. No one is getting that retirement that was promised - that was always a lie, because they applied intense pressure to put you in a nursing home and use you for medical experiments, so the social worker and the assholes can take not just that retirement check but the home you managed to claw away from them. The people passing these laws even call the laws to confiscate your family home "clawbacks". They know exactly what they're doing and throw it in our face.
There is no collaboration with this system. If you're a wizbro, they do not want you in their society, at all. AT ALL.
>>200855 Nobody cares what a bunch of introvert loners do with their life. Lot's of 'us' vs 'them' mentality here and blaming some imagined enemy. You sound like Satou in Welcome to the NHK when he's full blown schizo and talking to his appliances.
Well, go try some trade school for example. I live in Finland, we have a different system here. But point is that I tried for 3 times to apply to a business college without getting in.(Less than 10% acceptance) Around the 2nd time I got accepted(well anyone with a pulse can) into hvac trade school, I decided not to take it since I was sure I was going to get into the college next time. I was young, no stress. But that was 3 years wasted with just some part time dead end jobs sprinkled in
I wouldnt have lost anything by going into hvac, it wouldnt have affected my college applying, and I would have experience from learning a trade.
I later got into engineering but the point is that dont be idle for even a month.
Nah. We have to do an end project in a work place. I didnt get hired last year.Since I didnt get a hvac summer job during my college years, better applicants just go past me. I also wasted pretty much wasted whole 2022. At the beginning of the year I was pretty hopeful, Then I got a HR "no thanks" around march from the big companies that recruit new engineers.
At summer I started applying to hvac jobs without a trade degree. I was just hopeful someone would teach me with heck even a 10eur/hr pay. Got a 3 week gig in july installing water taps and some insulation. After that ended, nothing. Since the 3 week gig was only gotten through a temp agency because some plumbers left the job site because they got recruited into a better job with better pay. At least thats what I heard. The temp agency recruited me and a 18 year old plumber fresh from school in case the building wouldnt be finished in time.
Then I tried applying for jobs for like a month. Temp agency succubi calling were all positive bullshitters. One guy was honest and said "youre gonna get the boot the first day if we put you installing piping"
Then I applied to a short hvac course, turns out they dont take people that arent registered unemployed. I was still a student. In november a temp agency called into a short maintenance gig since I had done that one summer.
Now Im back in the same hvac school I got accepted into 6 years ago. I've always been too hopeful on future. Literally should have applied to the hvac trade school in january 2022. Hindsight is 20/20 though Im 210/240 credits into hvac engineering degree.
>>200836 This is extremely good advice do all of you zoomers out there wallowing in self pity right now. In your 20s your mind is much more malleable and it'such easier to learn new things and adapt to new situations. By your 30s all your poor decisions you made in your 20s start to affect your physical and mental health. Plus society is more sympathetic to a 20 year old who has no life as opposed to a 32 year old.
>>199034 Literally nothing happens. I'm 34, but I'm aging very slowly so I don't really look that old. I'm hispanic and people are barely starting to call me "señor" (sir), instead of "muchacho" (boy). The only thing that really happens at 30 is that you start regreting stuff you didn't do in your 20's. I imagine than when I hit 40 I'll start to regret whatever I didn't do in my 30's and so on. Mentally I feel like I'm still 16 compared to most people my age, but that's probably because I didn't have to deal with all the bs and mental games succubi make you go through.
>>199035 >>199035 >redpilled in several areas like race, jewish question, female psychology etc >Inmune to propaganda Just because you agree with something doesn't mean you arent being propagandadized.
You actually enjoy being alone more as you get older. This is something I try to explain to angry crabcel guys in their 20s, it will pass and all that rage and frustration will seem so silly. Good luck though, because trying to convince someone that the thing they're obsessed with will lose all meaning to them and they should let it go is a mostly futile task.
>>201424 You’re absolutely wrong. I did became 30 this month and I’m more angry and rageful about everything millions of times more than I was 18 . You should just talk for yourself.
>>199034 You're missing the fucking point. By your early to mid 30s, your brain crystallizes and libido falls, meaning that you no longer have the urge or even the malleability to be brainwashed into losing a large fraction of your time trying to make money to support your family, so you can steeply cut down on these obligations and live for yourself instead of your family.
>>201445 I never lived alone, it was either with parents or roomates. The best times I ever had at home were when I had the place to myself for a few weeks, then I could actually do full monk mode- as in nofap, water fasting and meditation. I wouldn't even want to live in a monastary with other monks.
>>200836 how can one do what they want when they are younger if they don't have the experience that an older person would have. i'm almost 30 and feel a little bit better now, but 10 years ago i was completely clueless
>>200836 I'm over 30 and would say the exact opposite. There is no way to not 'waste' your life, because there is no meaning to it. I regret worthlessly struggling and being anxious about not wasting my youth; it simply put huge pressure on me. Psychological freedom and happiness came to me once I realised it was all a joke. Everything that came naturally lead to making my life better. Everything that was a struggle like school and university all turned out to be useless and huge errors of judgement. Outcasts wil do best if they embrace who they are and rebel against normalfag advice. The only option is to go find your own unbeaten path