Leeching is a big part of life and life is mostly about stealing energy. In fact, parasitism is one of the most common and successful Darwinian strategies among living organisms on Earth. But it has a considerable bad reputation and is usually used as an insult by normalfags. It is somehow ironic that among so-called social Darwinists there is a special hatred against leeching when nature itself involves parasitism on various levels. In some way we NEETs don't do anything different from the rest of nature and human society in particular, we're just more explicit and honest about it. However, we are seen as the lowest of the lowest by an elite who practice parasitism on a larger scale themselves and their bootlickers.
Seems like something largely made up in your head.
The truth is few if any care about you and what you do. Resources are plentiful and unless you are personally a burden on them as a individual they really don't give two shit if you sit around doing nothing all day.
There isn't some mass movement out to get you. Normies aren't out to get you. You aren't persecuted. You are simply a non-entity and non-factor to them.
That being said, you seem to have a chip on your shoulder. Going through such a strain of illogical hoops to conclude that you are equal or better then the people you inherently seem to envy.
>>181888 >Seems like something largely made up in your head. not op but I've seen people that got a problem with NEETs irl, they're usually blue-collar poor people going on about muh bootstraps and shit, most likely they got a chip on their shoulder because they're too stupid to make a decent wage so they gotta work hard and get shit while NEETs do nothing and get the same thing, they dont know how hard it is to live with mental illness, all they believe in is god and their tractor
>>181889 The working poor will always dislike or hold animosity toward those who don't work. It's a fact of life. You can either ignore them and continue to be a NEET, or fall for the peer pressure and get a job only to be miserable like they are. You can't win either way so might as well enjoy your time on this earth in any way you see fit.
>>181892 What "peer" pressure? I don't consider 70 IQ trologdytes my peers.
I am a member of the Canadian Mensa. I have nothing in common with those folk. Be as it may, I am NEET'ing on inherited assets, but I could very well see myself doing it on public funds. I would feel zero "guilt" about it.
Never feel guilt because of anything those people say or do. Their words should pass your ears like the wind. It's their primitive attempt to make you as miserable as they are, since they see no other way to live.
>>181878 another thread to talk about normalfags and how superior you are compared to them. >>181894 >>181885 >>181881 >>181890 Grow up. With this mentality you're more of a clown than a wizard.
>>181889 >Creates elaborate strawman to feel better about self
Whatever dude. You want to live in fiction for some reason then whatever. Ignoring reality and basing actions on fiction will only lead you to suffering in the long run. Even if it is small comfort in the short term.
>>181878 >>181888 Basically THIS. Here in my place, we have 2 million NEETs to a total of 82 million population, you see, its a tiny minority, no ones cares about. yes, i get attacked by normies but only for wearing my mask, not becuze im getting my food from the government.
>>181907 live and let live, ever heard of it? who do i hurt with wearing my mask? what is with the toxicity man cmon dont let it out on strangers, thats weak.
Leeching outside of the rich upper class hasn't been possible for most of history. Being a parasite that was unsuccessful got you dragged through the street and hung.
People have basically already adjusted to the existence of NEETbux, there isn't as much vitriol against them now as there was ten years ago.
>>181935 >there isn't as much vitriol against them now as there was ten years ago. right, people have new punching bags, but is this a good thing, not sure though.
as a long term hiki I find this insanely disturbing when breeders try to get the moral highground through this imagine creating problems then bitching about such problems
>>181878 From the viewpoint of a normgroid the mere act of your existence has a negative impact on their life. If you leech off the state through welfare and other shit it means that while they work and pay taxes you leech off of their tax money, tax money that would be used for something that could actually benefit the normaloid. While that amount of money is small you are still a net negative on the system and everyone within that system would benefit if you were gone.
>>182132 >staying alive >revenge seems difficult becuze most of your NEETbucks goes back in the system anyway(food,electricity,internet and so on) and benefits normalfags even more.
>>182158 true. you kinda need to have a history, mine started at 12yo with my first time in mental hospital. now im 28 and on neetbucks since im 19. seems, they kinda dropped me becuze i dont even get invitations from them no more. i got a guy from the court, he is visiting me once a week. its a weird life you know.
>>182168 I've never been in contact with authorities so it'd be like this I wrote in another thread "They put you in activities with the most retarded ADHD normalfags that can't get a job. The intention is to make you used to going and doing something on a schedule. If you had a job and unemployment insurance you just have to apply for jobs but eventually the insurance runs out. The only way to be a real neet in Sweden is to have a diagnosis."
Retarded argument imo & example of naturalism fallacy. Why would an animal who discovered a non beneficial parasite not remove it? My argument is more that NEETs don't cost much, mostly live in basements of a house that wouldn't be used anyway, eat maybe 30 bucks a week of food and use maybe 20 bucks a month of electricity. NEETs really don't cost that much. It's the rent and car that are like 80 percent of normies bills.
>>182222 thanks for defending me man. But this is basically normal to me, people looking for one "wrong" word in my post and then go for their attack, but whatever, i get shit from everybody, good thing, they cant hurt no one else when they focus on me.
>>182228 relax man. It's important to remember that this site is a discord/lookism/pol colony now. There are lots of normals coming here and they like to prey on wizards so they feel like internet alphas.
>>182230 Yet some people think shooting those kinds in the brain is somehow morally wrong. I just don't get it.
In fact, I'm flabbergasted at how few shootings there are against normies in society. If we lived in a rational world those people would be taught a fatal lesson at least every 30 minutes. Now it's like once every three days.
>>182249 dont you think we should break out of that violent circle? the more murdering, the stronger becomes the evil media because they need these headlines.
>>181935 >Being a parasite that was unsuccessful got you dragged through the street and hung. no it didnt. either someone would give you a basic you-cant-fuck-this-up thing to do or you were kicked out. its not worth the energy to kill someone worthless
Don't get me wrong, the amount of wealth the rich siphon off is orders of magnitudes bigger than the amount the unemployed get from the welfare system. That said, there is something deeply repulsive about knowing that millions of people worldwide have the gall to demand participation in, and payment from a system in which they contribute nothing, as if they were born entitled to anything. I would like to see any able bodied unemployed people doing mandatory community work for their welfare checks, or, in a fantasy world, have to physically take the money from the hands of the workers. Say you have an unemployment rate of 4%, 1 in 25, each unemployed person should have to take the money from the hands of the worker and look each one in the eyes as he does it.
NEETs can be as smug as they want in today's peace and prosperity, but there may come a day when their smirks are wiped off their phases. Until then, enjoy your comfy life, NEETs.
>>183974 > there is something deeply repulsive about knowing that millions of people worldwide have the gall to demand participation in, and payment from a system in which they contribute nothing It is repulsive to actually oil the machine instead of feed off the drippings whilst abhorring it viscerally. Why is it bad to leech? normalfags deserve leeching it is not as if everyone is working on the farm and taking only what they worked for to survive or something and we have no sense of community we are detached from the outside as well as from online frankly. >each unemployed person should have to take the money from the hands of the worker and look each one in the eyes as he does it. I prefer to have my money automatically deposited into my account so I never have to go outside thanks. Why are you so against NEET? you have vested interests or something?
>>183975 >It is repulsive to actually oil the machine instead of feed off the drippings whilst abhorring it viscerally. our society may be imperfect but it allows us leisure, comfort, sufficient food, a warm home etc. Most people slave away daily to create this luxury for our species. For a select few to refuse to contribute is lazy and greedy. >I prefer to have my money automatically deposited into my account so I never have to go outside thanks. That's my point. It's this distance between the worker and the leech that helps hide the problem. If you had to go and collect the money each of the 25 people, perhaps even being asked to justify why you are taking away the money this person worked hard for, maybe the situation would be different. >Why are you so against NEET? I don't hate them, my best friend is even a NEET. But I still think it is objectively objectionable and immoral behavior
>>183974 You must think you can just go to the welfare fairy, fill out an application, and get bux. You need an actual diagnosis of something wrong with you, with adequate proof, to get it. Most long term neets are pretty messed up. It's not some paradise but rather it allows for basic comfort knowing that you won't be homeless.
>>183978 maybe in your country. I've lived in Germany and the UK, and both of their welfare systems are plagued by able bodied people who deny the opportunity to work. Even personally, I know two people who are NEETs, neither have any mental or physical disabilties.
>>183977 >Most people slave away daily to create this luxury for our species. For a select few to refuse to contribute is lazy and greedy. Why? NEET are happier with less if born to NEET and the people who want more are living beyond their means and paying the NEET with their surplus. > If you had to go and collect the money, maybe the situation would be different. It wouldn't because this assumes that they have to give it to you since they have no choice. You trying to say people who can't work or dont want to work should face their shame as a "burden" in order to collect welfare as a way to deter them? > I still think it is objectively objectionable and immoral behavior Why? I lay in bed all day I don't bother anyone and I don't buy anything I don't need nearly ever. People are happy to help me and do everything for me and I have trouble looking after myself but if I was just a lazy NEET that is fine as well. >>183978 It is not easy at all to get bux as a long term thing you are right. Life would be better as a mentally capable person who worked instead of just fucked anyway. >>183979 >maybe in your country. I've lived in Germany and the UK, and both of their welfare systems are plagued by able bodied people who deny the opportunity to work. if the system is open to abuse and people "abuse" it then it sounds like there is a problem with the system. Long term NEETing like retardbux/disabilitybux is hard to get you bellend >Even personally, I know two people who are NEETs, neither have any mental or physical disabilties. good for them
>>183980 >of the system is open to abuse and people "abuse" it then it sounds like there is a problem with the system. okay then, so criminals are not at fault for their crimes, it's the justice system that's "open to abuse"? >Why? I lay in bed all day I don't bother anyone and I don't buy anything I don't need nearly ever. Because by doing so, you are totally enveloped in the product of other people's labor. The food you eat, the heat in your home, all of your physical possessions. All of it was handed to you. Society punishes this behaviour because it causes unequal burden on the people who work hard. You are a leech, and if you can't understand that it's not my problem. Society doesn't like you because you are dirt, or rather, you are worse than dirt, because at least dirt doesn't steal from other people.
>>183991 >Society punishes this behaviour because it causes unequal burden on the people who work hard You say this but it is society who gives me money every week and pays for everything. I get more $ in benefits than the average person does from working. >You are a leech, and if you can't understand that it's not my problem This sounds more like your problem than mine, why is it my problem I get free money for existing and cleaners to clean my room and toilet for me while I watch anime? I have better things to do instead of working like sleeping or reading manga but if you like working instead of being a NEET so each to their own. >okay then, so criminals are not at fault for their crimes, it's the justice system that's "open to abuse"? This is a false comparison because crime is a product of human nature and leeching off of welfare is just benefiting from a program of the state.
Why should I care about what society thinks? Makes no sense to me why I should care at all. Thanks bub
>>183991 I never consented to being born or signed a contract stating that I have to participate in the rat race. Why should I work if I literally don't get anything out of it other than appeasing millions of random people that couldn't care less about me anyway?
also, to the other poster. things aren't bad. It just benefits the government if there is immense social pressure on us outcasts. The rich don't pay taxes - and even one large company paying their taxes will pay the benefits of an entire state, maybe more.
>>184017 > It just benefits the government if there is immense social pressure on us outcasts we are the new niggers the approved target for venting frustrations on. Bossman will be screwing as many middle class people he can legally unchecked but average joe gets angry the NEET is getting peanuts
>>184021 yeah, it's curious. People are just vile, violent and shit in general, but once i had to struggle my way into the unemployment system (which i still am), it got to a whole new fucking level
Authorities actively work against you, you are sent from departement to departement Details are kept vague, as to make it as hard as possible for someone to get to the right place. They ask for details about your applications, even if they are in the application yourself, threatening to end your application if you don't supply it. I am now in a lot of debt, simply because the process has already been taking 7 months at this point. They are likely to reject me as well, unfortunately. I have to try something, before I give up and kms. People tell me "why not try to fit in?"; you are not contributing to society etc. etc. Even if it gets accepted, i need to accept any and all employment. "give it a try". work with these disgusting ape-like creatures
I don't get how burgers can complain about NEETs on bux when it is so god dame hard to get anything and you need a lawyer. It can be hard enough for of a process in socialized countires but near impossible for amerimutts.
>>184029 Have you applied before? What sort of medical history do you have?
>>184031 Because most of them have no idea what it's like. They see a bunch of blacks running around with their EBT cards and think that bux and housing are just as easy to get.
>>181896 I'm sorry you have to wake up in the morning my dear fellow and were reminded of it. Or is it that you hate leeches politically (such as the USA right winger perspective) and are biased for that reason, or is it both? >grow up Also I hope you aren't implying that being a servant for hourly work makes you more of an adult than others.
>>181897 I'd like to have a job but then realized I was kidding myself every single time that occured. Not that wizard by the way nor any of them in this particular thread.
>>183977 Upholding a society with bad rules by being a blue pilled agent of the system is deplorable to me personally. Also thinking the society is 'just fine' is even more abhorrent.
Then again I hate my father and he's a leech that was rewarded for bad behavior and I ironically don't get any checks. Only bad behavior is rewarded. I've not met anyone that's a leech that's nice other than myself and I get no checks.
Then again I have no social life to speak of and not everyone is my father….
>>184031 Even with a lawyer I got rejected a third time myself. Not him though.
>>184036 >ebt is as easy to get as all the other stuff Oh boy is that wrong. In fact it's the opposite. Clinton cut the welfare state in half to make petty shit like ebt grow and free dental and such for the indigent. A free actual ride is twice as hard to get as it was in the 1990s and the prison system is like twice as large probably too in this rotting turnip of a nation.