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Disregard Females, Acquire Magic

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We had a schizoid thread some time ago. I thought I'd continue it again because some of the conversation there was pretty interesting.

Basic intro… Schizoid != Schizophrenic.

Schizoid chan image will explain what it is in the next few posts here, but:



I can see why normies would label it a 'disorder' (because it is considered bad by normie success metrics), but I don't think I buy that it's 'bad.' Do you think it's bad? If you consider yourself schizoid, is there something you're trying to do to 'fix' yourself?

Anyways, SzPD general, I guess.


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More explanation of the characteristics.


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Iirc, this comes from some Japanese pamphlet.


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Don't know why it has the twirl in the top left, but this is all I have.


This one I relate with. I am Asocial and asexual. However, I am not anhedonic or indifferent to praise. In fact I love praise and compliments. I may seem cold but I'm extremely empathetic and hate seeing suffering so much that I am vegan.


When I look at these graphics with the blue haired succubus I automatically think about some dumb cunt who pretends to be mental to get attention. I know it's a Japanese illustration and that this probably wasn't even the intention of the illustrator but I still don't understand why they choose female characters fo most of these things.


I have a personality disorder, not schizoid thought. People with personality disorders have a tough life.


I might be misunderstanding the disorder but I wouldn't say most schizoids are asexual. It's more like they usually have little interest in doing stuff for sex.


>I still don't understand why they choose female characters fo most of these things
>I still don't understand why they choose female characters fo most of these things
people are more empathetic toward succubi, even men.


it's a label, why do you care? you get nothing out of it
hate these drawings. pure barnum effect inducing shit


this seems like the misguided attempt to blame the other person for being uninteresting. some people are unable to accept rejection, they simply do not have a mechanism for it, so they instead keep pestering people socially, play dumb and wonder what the other person who rejected them has for a problem and pretend they have a disease.

they would rather create all this lore and keep bothering people who don't want to be bothered then to admit that they do not have what it takes.


>hey do you wanna have dinner later

<no thx


The apathy and anhedonia is the disorder part of spd. Those are the only things I would want to fix.


so it's come to this point
INTJ introvert etc all over again
schizoid will become a big meme and mean nothing in a year


dude i'm such a skitzoid. i only hang out with people online


I wish there was one for schizotypal.


Shizoids are superior humans – I wish I were one. I got the anhedonia and apathy without social indifference or confidence.


>schizoid will become a big meme and mean nothing in a year

bots regularly get their vocabulary updated. wasn't too long ago when all the bots told everybody to take meds. maybe the companies who sell the services of their botfarms got sponsored by evil big pharma and came up with a way of perstering that has some measurable advertisement effect.


>but I still don't understand why they choose female characters fo most of these things.
…you don't understand waifus?
>When I look at these graphics with the blue haired succubus I automatically think about some dumb cunt who pretends to be mental to get attention.
You know, I almost wonder if that was the intent.
I think a lot of normies would call that asexual.
>it's a label, why do you care? you get nothing out of it
Know thyself bs.
>pure barnum effect inducing shit
90% of the DSM is Barnum.
SzPD diagnoses are a normie cope? Yeah, I think I'd agree with that.
I think the "mental health professionals" would claim that "being social/interested in sex" would "fix" that.
>tee-hee I'm suuuuch a capric–an introv–I mean, schizoid–tee-hee.
Schizoid, not schizo, friend.
I don't know the OG source link for this pamphlet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they made one for that.
Who's controlling the botfarms nowadays? Is it still Operation Mockingbird psyop bs?


she is just like me πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ


I match it pretty well except for the lack of trust and indifference to praise. I'm too trusting and love being praised.
>I don't know the OG source link for this pamphlet, but I wouldn't be surprised if they made one for that.
A quick search only turned up the schizoid comic, but I'll get to work finding the source.


Wow, a new invented disorder.


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>90% of the DSM

doctors are a bunch of cucks who lose their pokemon-trainer license if they question their narrative, covid made this abundantly clear.

the medical science of dealing on the scale of diseases is just a belief system that overemphasizes the symptoms. i'm usually more interested in what natropaths and other 'quacks' have to say. naturpaths were preaching health of the immune system in 2020 while doctors were just mouth pieces for their bosses.

if doctors cared about health, all they would do is try to get people to eat healthy and exercise.


>Wow, a new invented disorder
Personality disorders are misunderstood and very serious diagnoses. On top of that, you have people vaguely reading the diagnostic criteria, self-diagnosing and then spouting non-sense on social media.

People with personality disorders are emotionally handicapped people, their functionality is almost always severely impaired. These disorders are far from being invented or made up. Look at this site: apathic depressed men that disdain social interaction, to the point most can't even hold a job or sustain themselves (and very likely will keep being like this for the rest of their lives). That's not a normal situation or "mild anhedonia", that's mental illness in action.


>On top of that, you have people vaguely reading the diagnostic criteria, self-diagnosing and then spouting non-sense on social media.
that's the problem right there…
i was diagnosed with this but it might as well have been sth else. in the end it only really matters for mundane matters like insurance, welfare or what have you. it's a bunch of symptoms amalgamated for the sake of convenience. i can't be the only one on this board with experience with psychiatry who gets frustrated with this stuff


All I got was a diagnosis. 10 years later, I'm still devoid of all interaction outside of a trip or two to the shops and family. No friends, no job, no car, no benefits, no debts.


>if doctors cared about health, all they would do is try to get people to eat healthy and exercise.
As simplified as this statement is, it is true. It would be beneficial if doctors/psychologists etc. would actually put effort into actually helping their clients and pushing them on the right path and not being a bunch of faggots who act according to a win maximizing protocol. These fags have the potential to ruin you and at the same time you could solve your head games on your own by doing your own research, most doctors are just reading studies and prescribing meds anyway and it's the rare occasion where I will be glad when these cunts get replaced by AI.

Normies study med/psychology and fuck around at university parties while doing drugs and brag about it on social media and then people let these shitheads have authority over them while they secretly have a giggle at what a weird retards their patients are. Just be aware that when they are drunk at the next party they will talk about that one patient they have who is a total weirdo crab loser and everyone will think it's funny and interesting.


another crystal cafe thread


Even on wizchan schizoids provoke hostility.

But to answer your question - Yes, it is bad. Not being able to enjoy anything, not being able to motivate yourself, living with a real distance to yourself and your emotions. It handicaps you for life.


nothibg about being schizoid implies being unable to enjoy life. it is not like depression


yeah i saw this shit coming. One of the principle symptoms of SPD is anhedonia, the inability to experience pleasure. just like all mental illnesses soon SPD will just be "wanting to be alone sometimes" like ADHD means "can't focus sometimes" and depression is "feels sad sometimes".

technically a person with SPD can have a satisfying life but in general they won't.


Post more pictures of Shizoid-Chan for me to save to my desktop, please



what is it called when you see diseases that aren't there? some asshole must have named and started pretending it is a disease. maybe a form of hypochondriac. that pretty accurately describes your condition of blindly obeying medical authority. doctor says it, you believe it, that settles it.

you sound very dumb and mechanical, you should thank the people that endure your annoying presence because you have probably not earned their presence and they were merely trying to be nice to someone unfortunate who needs everything spelled out.


schizoid is not a mental illness, anhedonia is not a principal symptom or anything essential, and the life satisfaction resulting from solitude and isolation can't be judged from normalfag perspective


nevermind the first point, it seems to be a mental illness, as all personality disorders are

but it's better to think of it more in terms of what schizoids enjoy and prefer, being alone. people already have no problem dividing themselves into extravert/introvert. being schizoid is really just peak introversion due to lack of interest in social interactions and relationships. there are other introverted lifestyles resulting from anxiety and trauma, but those are different. if one experiences distress and dissatisfaction from being alone, they probably aren't schizoid. if they still claim to be schizoid, let us distinguish them as 'failed schizoids'


>lack of interest

how did the doctor convince you to consider this a disease? because i can conceive of scenarios where lack of interest is not a disease so i the burden of proof is on you.

if you tell a bad joke and people think you are boring, the other people don't have a disease.

if a doctor said that not liking pokemon is a disease, would you start to use the word on the internet and accuse people of having the disease? you might be the ultimate human tool.


self-diagnosing myself as schizoid has improved my life

when i told my mom i was schizoid she said that schizoids arent bothered by criticism, but i cant stand it

so now whenever i feel irritated at being criticized, i ask myself what would a schizoid lost in his own world do? and it gives me strength to ignore everything


what are you talking about? i gave my own understanding of it being "peak introversion due to lack of interest in social interactions and relationships". no one said it is a disease. i said to nevermind the first point of my previous post though, since it's technically a mental illness, as all personality disorders are

if you ask me it is not a disease or mental illness or any problem, but normalfag society considers it as such


Any sort of behavior pattern that is maldaptive to society or causes trouble getting basic adult things done is generally considered to be a mental illness or disorder.


>i gave my own understanding of it being "peak introversion due to lack of interest in social interactions and relationships"

still you agree that this is a mental illness or disorder but you don't know why.

being introverted is not a disorder.

if you want to play minecraft with me and i prefer to play minecraft alone, i am not sick. there are always plenty of good reasons not to want to play with you and the other children are not sick because they don't like you.


>Any sort of behavior pattern that is maldaptive to society

that implies that the society is healthy though which is a foolish assumption.

you are the kind of person who gets bullied for being happy and then agrees with the bully that it was necessary to hurt you.


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i had a minor psychotic episode a few years ago and was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but i think its a misdiagnoses and im more schizotypal


I have been diagnosed with that too and later the doctor admitted that the diagnosis was wrong after further evaluation but he blamed it on my answers like a typical stuckup doctor. Psychotic stuff is often just temporary and linked to lifestyle while schizophrenia would be genetic. I agree with you that you most likely just had a very bad time mentally and it's probably not schizophrenia.


Uniboppers and Seenieboppers are infesting this site. It's the dawn of a new derriere and lobotomization - euthanasia - group home - sex offender registration and bidets.


Lobotomize Einstein.


>i had a minor psychotic episode a few years ago and was diagnosed with schizophrenia, but i think its a misdiagnoses and im more schizotypal

i hate that you use their language and thus legitimize their diagnosis which you in the same sentence call a misdiagnose yourself. i always think it is way more mentally healthy to speak about the actual problems or occurences with plain language using words everybody understands.

sometimes using the medical language on mental health to me seems like a desperate attempt to create a confusing layer of distance that is supposed to hide how little they understand.


wtf is wrong with bidets? i would smell so god damn bad if i didn't essentially pressure wash my ass after every shit. but bidet + face and hand washing keeps me clean enough


i am talking about multiple views of it. the view society has, what google will tell you, etc, is that it's a mental illness. i recognize that it's viewed as such by others. i personally don't view it as such. understand?



>i recognize that it's viewed as such by others

i guess your recognition is a cheaply available commodity then.


some people like cheesecake, despite me not enjoying it. i think it's gross, others think it's great. this is what we are talking about…

this is called cognitive empathy of perspective-taking by the way. if you're incapable of understanding this, you probably have autism


>this is what we are talking about

no you are just a doctor's bootlicker trying to talk your way out of it. if covid 2 dropped tomorrow, you'd be on the side of censorship again.

besmirchment upon you traitor.


you just want to argue and disagree with everyone because you're probably an angry person. at this point you are upset at your own misconceptions and misunderstandings. you aren't even responding to me in a way that makes sense. so have fun with that wiz, i wont reply to you anymore. you disappoint me



>i wont reply to you anymore



I just realized something: how does the internet influence the schizoid diagnosis?

If you enjoy being alone but also like participating in online communities (but not 1to1 chats) are you still a schizoid?


Good question.


I think it's mostly about the depth of interaction. Many schizoids can enjoy online discussion because it doesn't require much from them interpersonally. They are mostly having surface level interactions about one topic or another, people can be tools to bounce thoughts and ideas from or to entertain oneself, and there is always the possibility to leave at any moment. People come and go from these communities and the transient nature is appealing to the schizoid. But as soon as someone wants to take the interaction further and start chatting one on one and foster a deeper connection, most schizoids will recoil and feel as though someone is encroaching too far into their personal space. Some schizoids will feel the need to remove themselves immediately, others will find a way to keep the person at arms length. Many schizoids can seem quite normal on the outside and they can play the part if needed, but underneath they are always detached.


Schizoids aren't just super introverts.


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here is a list of all the possible forms of human interaction. pick a few you like and a few you don't like.

>well i like these 2 and this and this and this

>i don't like these or this or this or this


>bitch what?


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The challenge here is to recover your psychic partitions back. http://www.holotropic.com/holotropic-breathwork/about-holotropic-breathwork/


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>Do you think it's bad?

This describes me very well. I've always wondered why I can use imageboards, but not direct message. Sometimes I get angry at an imageboad website and I stop using it (then come back later). I feel compassion for others in a major way, so much so that it makes it hard to watch TV or Movies because I hate seeing other people suffer, yet I don't want to ever interact with someone IRL.


I've met people who I can have 1 on 1 conversations with and I've really enjoyed it. As long as it's based on a hobby or something intellectual or comedic. however I don't miss people if we get separated for whatever reason. I might just miss the intellectual stimulation.


>long suspected myself to have some sort of personality disorder
>go to a psychologist in 2016 to have me tested for narcissistic personality disorder
>he tells me that I don't have NPD but that I have "schizotypal personality style" (not the personality disorder, but the "personality style")
>three years later; a different mental health care provider puts down on my medical records that I display "schizoid traits" and she diagnosis me with psychotic disorder not otherwise specified
Just tell me that I'm autistic or schizophrenia or something already god damn


I think of autistic as nonfiction academic obsession interests, but schizoid as living in a fictional fantasy world


I'm schizoid, it's great. Love being alone, works well for me


schiziods are more prone to manipulation and sone report that threats of violence work well against them


It's because they're pathologically passive in many cases. For me, I can't express anger in an outward fashion. It's like a mental block. Internally I feel the anger but outwardly It never manifests.


Dr.Grande says zoids can do good at work because they are immune to all criticism


>because they are immune to all criticism

That's actually not good, that's the opposite of being super-sensitive to criticism. Both are bad. Being immune to criticism means you won't respond to feedback when you fuck up or make minor mistakes.

There has to be a balance between not caring about menial criticism and actually listening to feedback when you make mistakes.


>There has to be a balance between not caring about menial criticism and actually listening to feedback when you make mistakes.
There isn't. I checked.


check again


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I think my schizoid characteristics are a genetic coping mechanism for the fact that my body knows that it's over for me and that there's no chance of anybody ever wanting to socially associate with me let alone find me sexually attractive so it kicked in during my developmental years to prepare me for a lifetime of isolation and abuse since I would otherwise just kill myself.




Beep boop


Negative. Still nothing.


yeah sometimes i think retreating into a fantasy world was like that for me, although it wasnt preparing me for any future, it was already my present when i was aged 5, and ostracized by all my peers forever more


>aged 5, and ostracized by all my peers forever more

did your parents neglect you too? were they watching tv all the time? boomer didn't want to have families and they fucked up so many people don't it just to fit in


I'm exactly the same as you except it was age 4 for me, arguably even earlier since I have blackpilled memories from nursery even. When I said "developmental years" I should have said early years and that it kicked into overdrive as a teenager to cope with my abuse, ostracism and ugly external reality.


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Autistic and Schizoid need to rise up against the normal-nigs


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Despite having diagnosed, I have a doubt.
What do you think of fictional succubi? I've always been very attached to them, which sounds quite uncharacteristic for a schizoid. I didn't bring this up with the psychiatrist, which I only visited by my parents request. I told them I have no interest in relationships but thats only true for real people. I may as well be an asocial anime fan.
Anyways, please tell me what do you think of 2D succubi.


I have zero romantic feelings, even for fictional people. I do like anime succubi just because they are adorable and pure creatures.


Succubi are demons no matter if they are real or 2D. Having your mind clouded by feelings, thoughts of romance and sex with the 2D succubus is the same as having a real gf. If you have time and interest in 2D succubi means you are still in the crab phase and aren't ready to move on with being alone.


i have an imaginary tulpa gf and she's the only person i've ever felt love towards. i just can't get attached or give a shit about real people, but god damn is she perfect in my head.


half truths


They're typically idyllic, no person irl can hope to even come close.
Rather than succubi, It's probably better to think of them as angels that come from the collective sea of creativity given that they're literally dreamt up as an ideal with traits desired by men without the imperfections of 3DPD.

Just looking at 3DPD fills me with disgust because of their nature.
2D doesn't come with the baggage of an ugly past, their own agency, questionable loyalty, laziness, "female logic" etc.
I'm aware that I've got hopelessly unreasonable standards but it's impossible for me to "fall in love" with human beings because of them.
I can simply turn off 2d when I've got things to do, I'm not burdened with the commitment of a relationship. I can retreat into solitude at anytime.

I suppose 2D at the end is just emotional (also physical) masturbation, if you succesfully manage to compartmentalize your mind, you'll be able to receive all the love and lust satiation without any of the negatives.
So I can see why the truly ascetic wizards among us cannot tolerate 2D succubi, it's still a sign of clinging to some form of humanity rather than transcending it to become actually independent.
Unfortunately not everyone is capable of taking that final step.


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>Rather than succubi, It's probably better to think of them as angels that come from the collective sea of creativity given that they're literally dreamt up as an ideal with traits desired by men without the imperfections of 3DPD.
that's a very good way of putting it, wiz.

>I suppose 2D at the end is just emotional (also physical) masturbation

that's a common misconception, but they're just as real as anything else, just like how dreams and waking life are the same thing rearranged. if we already walked away from the path of normalcy, we should also free ourselves from its constrictive ways of thinking, like that dreams and imagination are somehow fake and the waking world is the "real" reality.

>Unfortunately not everyone is capable of taking that final step.

for some of us it was the other way around.


>this comes from some Japanese pamphlet
I'd like to see the translation without the memespeak and smug condescension.


>Anyways, please tell me what do you think of 2D succubi.

I used to be very into anime but somehow, despite not really maturing as a person since I am home all day and make 0 experiences, I grew out of it. The saccharine depictions of 2D succubi feel like drinking a soda to me. I used to drink nothing but soda, finding water bland, but now the sweetness and artificial taste makes me sick.

2D just lacks any detail and subtlety which is so important for attraction to me. Perfection is boring.

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