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The Shadow Realm

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I remember seeing as a kid both 9/11 and Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, the thing is, that I remember 9/11 more vividly despite being almost 2 years older.

It was a Monday or Tuesday, I just didn't wanted to go to school so my parents call me sick, I was glued to TV I watched the second plane live, thinking it was a replay or something.

The Columbia one I remember it being a weekend and It being the last Shuttle mission or something, and not understanding what happened, it just disintegrated, I remember several people also sent in home recordings of it.

3 years later I got Internet finally at home, I had to rely on cybercafés for the entire middleschool.


to long and didn't read.


Do have a point or? What?


What major events have you seen live I guess.


Being a kid at this time and not truly understanding what just happen just seeing the horror on the tv is what I remember


i was in HS for Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, but dont remember it at all

no one gives a shit about space stuff.

it was on The Simpsons


I bet you don't remember the passenger plane going down and taking with it a block of houses on Queens in late 2001 either.


i still don't believe 9/11 was real


Ah fug mag, can't think of shit


the things america did afterwards really make it hard to sympathize


>do you remember?
i really dont

in school and on the news it was talked about but i didnt really pay attention to it, i dont remember 'seeing' either also back then

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