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/b/ - Abyss

The Shadow Realm

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i did not lie and i plan to prove it , my balls are goners and i boosted my routine to 18 hours now.


your neet shift routine?


It’s hard being a man in today’s world who doesn’t know about cars & also isn’t good at computers. I’m forced to claw tooth & nail for a modicum of respect as a connoisseur of besmirched third-things (steam-powered locomotives, AM radio, piss-play)


lucky you, I don't know anything about whatever lol I can't be called a man


This cig ain't shit man they nerf these things nowadays. Actually, the voices have quieted, or are less menacing, taking on a soothing feminine quality as if they're manipulating me with a soft breathy voice to do something which I can't fathom the reason for…yeah I prefer this


the voices i have speak only of guilt and cowardice


no, i am talking about grind hours

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