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File: 1609477201236.jpg (226.77 KB, 1566x919, 1566:919, f25d80655c72394ea03acbfb27….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

 No.577759[Last 50 Posts]

firest post of a new year


I'd like to have sex with the three of them.


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>falling for the Gregorian calendar meme.

good goy


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File: 1609477801152.gif (1.97 MB, 380x214, 190:107, Anime Where It Belongs.gif) ImgOps iqdb

touhou sux, anime belongs in the trash and ur gay


well how do i be cool


touhou isnt anime you dumb female


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It totally is.


just because it's Japanese animation doesn't mean it's anime.


File: 1609490011655.jpg (1.92 MB, 2500x3000, 5:6, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_….jpg) ImgOps iqdb



Parsee is the saddest 2hu. Like imagine being jealous of everything and everyone, unrelenting envy eating away at the very fiber of your soul. Nobody else is bullied by her own power at all but she is destroyed by it.


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first SLEEP of the NEW yeAR


File: 1609525953282.webm (4 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Demiurge DEFEAT.webm) ImgOps iqdb

>slept for 12 hours between years
take THAT demiurge


glad to see a good thrad is not 404


how is this thread still up


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>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>glad to see a good thrad is not 404
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up
>how is this thread still up


i'd like to rape her


File: 1609607822603.png (616.93 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, __mizuhashi_parsee_touhou_….png) ImgOps iqdb



her pussy must be so tight and HOT!


she is a drawing you idiot


File: 1609608476353.gif (607.08 KB, 400x200, 2:1, viqgvvQ.gif) ImgOps iqdb

so what? I could be a drawing too and as a drawing enjoy the warm insides of her tight pussy with my pulsating cock.


File: 1609609683727.png (692.13 KB, 1075x1518, 1075:1518, 58913cdb543e42c32e56d351e7….png) ImgOps iqdb



gosh you can see her underwear!!! ///0_.///


God I wish that were my soul


you will never be 2d


File: 1609676442176.jpg (197.4 KB, 800x1093, 800:1093, 56c8020b9e2e7637418658c982….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

the best way to stir hot chcolate is to take a straw a blow bubbles up from the bottem


I neeted so hard on new years my BNC grew bigger


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i wish i had rabbits again, i miss how playful my first one was too it would surprise me when it jumped into my lap as i was on the bed or at a chair


rabbits were annoying and not even playful, andd their bites hurt like fuck, they dig holes everywhere and spew piles of those weird shit pellets


got here from my historypage


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my first was a lionhead baby it loved to play and be around me, my others were mostly just cuddly and calm but i admit they can be a handful to care for as with a lot of animals. i like cats a little more though


File: 1609825452609.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 346.89 KB, 662x934, 331:467, rumia.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>it's not the 3d facesitting wizrape webm


seeing is believing


today was a good day! I enjoyed it. Hope tomorrow is good too, looks like it will be. Lots of good tofu /f/s on flash!


2hu is top tier garbage


your life would have something in common with it then






how do you know?


last one, i should just redownload the ost


trump won


how? did he find the secret portal to gensokyo to gather supporters?????


that's not possible, reimu built an actual wall and made makai pay for it back in mystic square.


>do a work
ya reight


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>Nobody else is bullied by her own power at all





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lol, tall aya


Me hiding in left pantsu


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Chen best succ


File: 1610186924816.webm (409.24 KB, 612x1008, 17:28, 1546587506505.webm) ImgOps iqdb

kuru kuru kotori wa


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chen from toho, animated gif, subway


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the very best meow meow


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nice pic


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remi babbu


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remu babbi


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Look at Reimu's frame. You can tell she's quite skinny and frail. I feel like a wiz could easily take hold of her by her shoulders, push her down, and do wizardly things with her.


yea she's poor, famished, that was probably her first meal in weeks. the bit of moving she does do she just flies. such is life of miko.

dont do wizard studf to her, she's virgin and virgins need to stick together (ot phsyically)



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another sleepy neet curls up in bed


whoa 75 posts


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most might be from me but it feels nice to have a touhou thread with the few others here, never thought id see a long lasting thread like this either. im happy for it


File: 1610824281491.png (1.15 MB, 1413x1060, 1413:1060, 44741b5d22b99ee10e3b4ec8f1….png) ImgOps iqdb

day 16 of this SHITE year


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s i g h


oh snap is the cold one


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Wow I just happen to have exactly that amount right now ;)


File: 1611109912279.mp4 (2.31 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Go Shorty2.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Go Wizzy
it's your birthday
we gonna party like its your birthday
we gonna sip piss bottles like its your birthday
and you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday
You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not into having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb


File: 1611126113130-0.jpg (281.52 KB, 847x847, 1:1, 1f25c82c56bc9ebd49cbf32188….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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found man babies hidden directory. lmao


File: 1611129296068-0.png (373.62 KB, 650x864, 325:432, b2e18a3898c40d0e657342b82f….png) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1611130207635.mp4 (2.31 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Go Shorty2.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Go Wizzy
it's your birthday
we gonna party like its your birthday
we gonna sip piss bottles like its your birthday
and you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday

You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not into having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb

You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not into having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb


File: 1611130677899-0.jpg (154.32 KB, 513x403, 513:403, c3afde6a0a0a4ff65e45912bf1….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1611130773457.mp4 (2.31 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Go Shorty2.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Go wizzy
it's yo birthday
we gonna party like its yo birthday
we gonna sip piss bottles like its yo birthday
and you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday
You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not in to having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb

Go wizzy
it's yo birthday
we gonna party like its yo birthday
we gonna sip piss bottles like its yo birthday
and you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday
You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not in to having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb

Go wizzy
it's yo birthday
we gonna party like its yo birthday
we gonna sip piss bottles like its yo birthday
and you know we don't give a fuck it's not your birthday
You find in me in the abyss bottles full of piss
Wiz, I got what you need
just ask one of the mods
I'm not in to having sex
I'm into spamming and shitposts
So come with me and shitpost
if you into getting dumb


cute youkai in love.


hey why she crying


File: 1611298864468-0.jpg (1.45 MB, 2489x3699, 2489:3699, b23396e559d40d5d2aced8dfc7….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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snowitch :D


remi is afraid of losing sakuya


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got dem noodles again, love light meals


File: 1611373433997.jpg (2.21 MB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 03ca3b7a7c776bc2c887720abf….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

flan w/ fumo


File: 1611393478915.webm (1.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1610080442666.webm) ImgOps iqdb


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cant wait for a nap


File: 1611540054592.png (13.45 KB, 400x400, 1:1, b1c5f74582e4ee83f3be315820….png) ImgOps iqdb

lol,orin hits koishis button


File: 1611637411496.jpg (833.5 KB, 1000x800, 5:4, 0d81173051ae5b53d6b67a4a25….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

new year new snow


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just let this thread die already.



reimuXmarisa ship is crigne


admittingly its not a favorite of mine either


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remi been given a cocoa you know things are gonna good day


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…share coffi? :)


File: 1611906951522.png (687.03 KB, 878x756, 439:378, relaxed teewee.png) ImgOps iqdb


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another sleepy magicican clocks in for yje night


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lol, found this pic of suwaks butt, lol..


imagine le smelle lol!


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good suika pics, always glad to see suika in a thread


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very cute! i wish i had some



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lol, youmu booty cold,, ba
sed chilli youm, kek,


how to do neon pink text? please you teach me


like this


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is there also a way to do strikeout? i mastered just about all but that one, of course you can tell me if its possible if you dont want to reveal either


This is quintessential ecchi and an amazing image I really love it.
Also why does art from the order was a rabbit especially chino never look like chino in the anime?


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put different characters in there and figure it out yourself


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why is that one different wtf


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good thread stil good thread


wish remi would f**ck me …


OP you really are an obsessive dumb cock


Cock ball torture


you must be the dumbest cock if you think this thread is being kept alive by op




File: 1613033331582.png (61 KB, 518x308, 37:22, 1388552442200.png) ImgOps iqdb

of a shitpost-y toohoo thread? here?


>ember assed
literal transl8sion:: BUTTHURT!!!LMFAO!!!



I wanna chew on Tewi's ears


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schnazzy nazu


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if.your liked my past imageposts, you'll will kike this pic to


I don't like eyes in front of hair, it's wrong.


But otherwie the futo pic rel would l99k edgy, mysterious


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kasen, GOT the chocolot


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succubi w/ leafs in messy hair is be friends w/ frogs


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its another "chen' like day


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it has flanally come to this


File: 1613606902762.png (253.51 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 1575564774243.png) ImgOps iqdb


What a witchy


flan is 30kg if hugs


of hugs*


File: 1613710870003.jpg (1.63 MB, 2684x3508, 671:877, a41d3dd994fdf0da49bfdf5cda….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

lol, get Satori a hair brush!! And a COFFEE!! LOL


File: 1613736139976.jpg (509.97 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 52c8c326feff4ce6af1c347574….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

nvm, she only brushes other 2hu's hair



bye bye


File: 1613750015654.jpg (306.79 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, koish.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I've always found Koishi to be much cuter than her older sister.


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File: 1613860175110.jpg (155.23 KB, 700x964, 175:241, 85ded24fad14fa73794d5c1bf4….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

sunday is a goodday to have coffee, i think thats way chen says in tis pic


bitch die


File: 1613963482393.jpg (302.79 KB, 1032x730, 516:365, 29870e889e2db4ad6b1f1bd292….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

thread is gettinng D EE P


File: 1613965653667.jpg (401.14 KB, 1229x1920, 1229:1920, 2ae379a8240fe1915af4887a03….jpg) ImgOps iqdb


Anime pictures are cute and all, but you guys overdo it ""everywhere""



A large portion of people don't like seeing them, either


File: 1613966789435.jpg (326.08 KB, 686x943, 686:943, 19934405c3b35f1da33ddaf71d….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

seems to be a none issue if this large portion of people cant make changes themselves


File: 1614050522017.jpg (163.36 KB, 1105x1001, 85:77, 20210219_071037.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

frirnds are on online to night


Delinquent witches…


I bet the first post ever on b was gay porn


File: 1614053738210.png (Spoiler Image, 163.64 KB, 640x569, 640:569, qd3fllldxv941.png) ImgOps iqdb

i am utterly defeated


wait did tewi really say that and mean it. like is that a option.


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Japanese bird trying to cool down.


File: 1614254164351.png (230.11 KB, 498x433, 498:433, teeheewee.png) ImgOps iqdb

she would never say such mean things because shes an honest and well behaved rabbit


pantsu-on-head retarded



File: 1614344483507.jpg (821.26 KB, 799x1118, 799:1118, b4a92622c7fb9c90bba679f353….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

It is a sunny day today!


File: 1614374317424.jpg (10.51 KB, 179x248, 179:248, 20201223_031525.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

average thread


File: 1614445531297.jpg (1.76 MB, 1056x2314, 528:1157, illust_85280611_20201028_2….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

drinking tonigh??


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File: 1614486726259.gif (1.92 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 1440821314711.gif) ImgOps iqdb

bloomies are so cute


File: 1614567506841.jpg (Spoiler Image, 125.06 KB, 1029x1138, 1029:1138, 20210228_150409.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

A refreshing sight


why did the moderstor spoil it… ?


File: 1614589458667.jpg (927.54 KB, 1400x1200, 7:6, 167f7235b9096a20abcc426aa3….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

fuck this thread


why do white succubi do this


It's a drawing dude.


File: 1614614350855.jpg (536.15 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, illust_88145541_20210301_1….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

found this on pixiv


File: 1614635885728.png (126.03 KB, 528x684, 44:57, 3f280f6777e2769e71ddc230d8….png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1614707330654.png (418.07 KB, 400x818, 200:409, 6587d25288fd2a3777b87f7050….png) ImgOps iqdb

gotta eat soon!!!


File: 1614728924847.jpg (1.31 MB, 4096x3072, 4:3, 20210302_060748.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

jusy realised first is spelt wrong in the op




>using le reddit meme arrows
who are you quoting?


Who are you quoting?


File: 1614824175392.jpg (511.4 KB, 976x713, 976:713, e8a1cce24ff0a0a66cbf84b9ce….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

march is 1/10th over

gn, sd, dltbbb


the year is flying by wtf


this thread is still up. it just shows how slow b is. I cant wait until this whole website dies and I can tell my wiz children about the legendary image board of b.


File: 1614893335883.jpg (260.62 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 20210304_110804.jpg) ImgOps iqdb



how about you get something to do then man baby! look at my fascinating list of things i will do soon for an example:

1. order chips + gravy, and pasta dish from favorite place
2. EAT THEM when wagie delivers them
3. afternoon wiz nap in australian room (my room is comfy. it smells of nice energy drinks at the moment. the orange sun light is pouring in through cracks in my window.)
4. wake up.
5. watch some episodes on TV series (i wont post what im watching as man babies are very autistic about their content and will probably cry since im not watching gook milking tutorials)
6. get INSPIRED BRO!! hahaha epic! truly fucking epic! maybe write a shit post about how epic and cool i am. maybe at this point i will write some code. did i mention i write code? bet you didnt see that twist coming. –pushes up glasses– im a programmer, see. an engineer. an architect. some may say… a scientist. hmpth. that means i can win debates
7. get tired and CRASH from energy drinks after less than 10 mins of coding. give up early but tell everyone on /b/ i didnt and im CLOSE to finishing my project ANY FUCKING DAY NOW!
8. spend the next nine hours shit posting. any man babies that spawn. 1 hit them with my iq spec mushu. if they're mods then flirt with them. if they're widkids try make them horny and play with them.
9. maybe play some games and end day with web browsing.

why cant everyone be more like me. i am so interesting and different. i have a big wizdick with a lewd top on it. i also have a squishy wiz butt. you are all losers compared to me. even after everyone saw me naked with my face showing i am still the coolest wizard here. lmfao.


File: 1614928216628.jpg (154.65 KB, 579x533, 579:533, 551649831fe2693e871c9e34ae….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

you praise yourself too much mister masochist



you have to love urself wizzie. if u wont love urself ill have to do it for u ;)


File: 1614929376281.jpg (115.73 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, bff70b612030d52ab026c02a8a….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

loving myself isnt the problem


whats the problem wizzie :smirks:


File: 1614931930778.jpg (2.11 MB, 2580x1680, 43:28, c3207b25455afb48750fe8c0f4….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

i dont know what i want
and people frighten me


thats a hard feel to deal with. i am scared of people too. it never gets easier. >tfw


My brian wont let me actually feel close to people so I sit on the side and observe or occasionally interact until I lose interest.


–gropes u– w/e u say broken wizkid


File: 1615016719800.jpg (203.09 KB, 1149x1594, 1149:1594, 30aac3302a6d09d832671e65a7….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Phew, what an abdolute SATRURDAY of a morning. doing some cat things today for sure


I thought this was wednesday

everything's been the same old shit so many years now I don't even know what day it is or remember my age most the time



File: 1615092305674.jpg (183.7 KB, 850x601, 850:601, c6d843ad77f38f26e5dab4e8bd….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

crawl back
to bed for
now. cozyyyy


File: 1615166541578.png (1.12 MB, 1400x1000, 7:5, 2e3ffc1cfd46cf90c79b5eb9eb….png) ImgOps iqdb

The thread is going to E X P I R E . . . OHno




*sniff sniff*


why are you crying?


File: 1615171747026.png (566.69 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 1615080796480.png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1615246517374.jpg (212.91 KB, 505x557, 505:557, f84b6b41a2c167e17716bc10b3….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Neets NEED comfy, NEED COMFY.


what a cute fucking picture. this makes me want to be a wiz dad and buy like 1000s of cute outfits for my wizkids


File: 1615269339275.jpg (709.5 KB, 1152x1876, 288:469, 1524405995523.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1615334244552.jpg (374.15 KB, 664x990, 332:495, 72e287e894313baffd4da80364….jpg) ImgOps iqdb




cant belive its not winter, seems like only yesterday it was


it's still winter here, there's a snow storm right now, maybe have 2 more feet tomorrow


File: 1615524415524.jpg (82.25 KB, 921x779, 921:779, 9de38c45e8c6922ff4e4131903….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

babu babu flan


File: 1615612726644.jpg (766.06 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 20210311_114317.jpg) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1615705814587.png (820.83 KB, 1200x887, 1200:887, 4831efb887906b7031ce23e1f1….png) ImgOps iqdb

drigning again, lmao lol


File: 1615717598206.jpg (1.77 MB, 1902x2504, 951:1252, ac4b1a69c54e24fbbae58c774e….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

crap daily savings time, damn one less hour of sukumizu sunday


File: 1615764960830.png (188.23 KB, 744x1052, 186:263, d34bb3cc7463c53aff4197789f….png) ImgOps iqdb

im sleepin here to night


File: 1615802067225.png (1013.27 KB, 1200x968, 150:121, e9eeb2de5ce5ec2062638d94ee….png) ImgOps iqdb

two subjects, both cozy and content as we am


why is there jewish sign


File: 1615848545029.png (2.92 MB, 2350x2940, 235:294, 6d4259812491f9a3991135ac67….png) ImgOps iqdb

big thread


File: 1615848909973.png (5.81 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


File: 1615886714332.jpg (248.59 KB, 1654x1712, 827:856, 20210315_113740.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

found another satori image, might be a png


File: 1615968742193.jpg (430.14 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 20210317_023919.jpg) ImgOps iqdb





File: 1616037270240.jpg (43.33 KB, 720x450, 8:5, 1603548319453.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

it will always be this way


File: 1616053044933.jpg (344.84 KB, 2048x1358, 1024:679, 20210316_162353.jpg) ImgOps iqdb




File: 1616118343098.jpg (2.57 MB, 2847x3237, 73:83, 65f54e41cf3982f82069a64b36….jpg) ImgOps iqdb



cute feet


File: 1616193991500.jpg (100.28 KB, 800x800, 1:1, a431e0a124e975e6a9c3420354….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Mou… Why are we crawling already?


File: 1616270890330-0.jpg (48.06 KB, 640x368, 40:23, 20210307_153526.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1616270890330-2.jpg (119.58 KB, 1439x1413, 1439:1413, 20210225_034605.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

judt wanted the chen pick but it also selected 2 more pics for some reason?


File: 1616315110369.jpg (432.09 KB, 1062x800, 531:400, 07b96ab9b5b2b9bdc451aeb91b….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

sleeo time


come sleep with me neety


File: 1616390288573.jpg (235.56 KB, 900x1000, 9:10, affbfb2bd571a7b092fe051372….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

god i wish this was me


File: 1616435300328.jpg (105.62 KB, 568x1225, 568:1225, EwQalXdVoAEPp3Y.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


what is he doing?


That's a professional gynaecologist administering standard breast cancer detection procedures.


she tired from carrying those big witchie milk jugs so the wizard is helping her rest


File: 1616437640267.jpg (6.21 MB, 4735x6678, 4735:6678, d372e378455d902bac42030d12….jpg) ImgOps iqdb



that's not true


this proves the discord mod clique exist.


File: 1616444432353.jpg (29.11 KB, 496x585, 496:585, 1298391570.12838189.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

alrigt its time for this thread to die. gona start spamin


>doesn't like thread
>ruins the whole board instead of clicking hide button
how do I know you're nigger filth?


File: 1616444821104.jpg (58.88 KB, 621x523, 621:523, 1606265348349.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


reported for outsider meme


I was just joking im not gona spam pls dont.


File: 1616476492236-0.jpg (1.35 MB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 31c454ee59c799b09a64942017….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1616476492236-1.jpg (1.07 MB, 1200x1400, 6:7, a5df08811e66ec98955b09eb7e….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1616476492236-2.jpg (1.34 MB, 1200x1440, 5:6, 90440226428f75e8b994191818….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

i want this


File: 1616560509875.jpg (72.47 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, de41dd27acb2e0b95dd9a72c54….jpg) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1616658727088.png (1.13 MB, 964x1290, 482:645, cbf8767fafa6aae2561291f11a….png) ImgOps iqdb

need THIS…..



I don't know why but this disgusts me. I must be the truwiz of the legends.


File: 1616696092089.jpg (191.05 KB, 620x465, 4:3, b115670aa029b9998b0ef06250….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

your probably just a gay homo


File: 1616734585313.png (4.41 MB, 1610x1890, 23:27, b6c4f567af66053d20bc1c937d….png) ImgOps iqdb



File: 1616751051040.png (768.62 KB, 1222x720, 611:360, 77625656_p0.png) ImgOps iqdb

it never did happen, but thats okay


File: 1616751771091-0.gif (168.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1603653150831.gif) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1616751771091-1.jpg (190.41 KB, 1200x1029, 400:343, 1616553607513-1.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1616751771091-2.png (1.66 MB, 1236x1509, 412:503, fd728d1f03c3d125f63bd088e2….png) ImgOps iqdb

This umbrella likes to get dirty now. She play with fire and smells like iron.
Smelt and strike, she swing that hammer for the common people. But smithing is an art. Her soul will crave for a masterpiece.
Once abandoned, soon she'll become a legend.
Yeah! Kogasa the Iron-Smither!
Yeah! Kogasa the Iron-Smither!
No one can live without you.


File: 1616787489311.jpg (164.56 KB, 906x826, 453:413, illust_86639846_20210101_0….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

great post, i saved it as html


File: 1616826967908.png (543.06 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, illust_85286656_20201028_2….png) ImgOps iqdb

Wiz, come lay down…


are u sleepy lil neety


Réimu's not a N.E.E.T, she is the only one in all of Middle Earth with an actual duty to fulfill. It's the N.E.E.Ts who cause her trouble. If you're talking about me though then yes I am a N.E.E.T abs I am a T.I.R.E.D N.E.E.T.


dear tired neety, i hope that when u go sleepy u feel safe and happy. i hope when u wake up and rub ur neety face, u feel amaze and ready for the day. lov ur secret wiz frien


in 18 posts this thread is a goner


File: 1616885842349-0.jpg (778.59 KB, 2657x2427, 2657:2427, 20210315_060758.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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File: 1616885842349-2.jpg (621.04 KB, 2657x2427, 2657:2427, 20210315_060800.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

feeding her, wiz needs to feed to youkai if she does acts of kindness, rumia did


File: 1617405153719.jpg (57.8 KB, 656x880, 41:55, 8cf1c0d8666700cc0e54cb6707….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

where img


File: 1617534981302.jpeg (734.68 KB, 914x895, 914:895, d9315cd9227ecab9fee88e476….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

I'm here to fix your thread…!


File: 1617585718293.gif (207.26 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 6382fb4cd617f58a7fc8ee2649….gif) ImgOps iqdb



thank misses rat


File: 1617733108739.png (1023.03 KB, 850x773, 850:773, f54634499b589d4c5024c380f5….png) ImgOps iqdb

seriousl where img


File: 1617927397147.jpeg (593.91 KB, 900x1235, 180:247, 135be35e4e1cb441b32b9059a….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

i bought finlandia with my neetbux


I love when the 2hus cuck me on era games


you about done yet?



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