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i joked about the idea last night but i think it would
make for a fun little board project thing.
just reply with chill songs, pop, soft rock, rap, instrumental, whatever.
the songs i've gathered from the replies to the last thread all have a similar tone so any grimey rap, metal, anything hardcore will be excluded.



I think this is the genre you want?





I can remember sitting in the university library at 12am reading 100 page papers in a single evening playing this on repeat. Lots of good memories in postsecondary during the grind. I still remember the thermos of green tea I'd drink by the keyboard


another good one to extend


there are two sounds we should aim for.
more desolate lofi instrumentals like what you sent
but also soothing kind of minimalist pop and rap like this


A fellow danger/u/ser








It isn't in your requested genre but try Torchlight - realms of Oblivion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfV9Q1nnSmw). Around 30 minutes in you're going to have a very good time. Atmospheric wind white noise also works great for studying







GITS soundtrack is excellent music for writing papers to





I seriously love the YUNO soundtrack so much.


Best persona soundtrack is 2.


grounseed is also good for music



I remember sitting in my apartment during covid over coffee watching the play through of this, eating discount crackers in bulk along with peas and fish fillets





Never played persona. Big fan of SMT 1-3 however


Very comfy thread.











very badly needs to be a lain vaporwave track made





Fugggg, wasn’t expecting this many picks.
Sucks but I’m not gonna be able to use all 50 songs,
I’ll have to slim down the catalog by only keeping songs that fit the tone the best
and songs that are shorter in order to fit more songs in.
So instead of having just one 9 minute song, I can exclude it and add three 3 minute songs.

I appreciate everyone that recommended tho,
will hopefully have it finished and posted by the end of the week.





Can't forget this one.




































prefer this one


tracks too good for such a shitty game


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danganronpa threatened by sheldon iq


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