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Anyone else believes that what await us in the afterlife is something good? Whether it's Heaven or something else. But I just feel like it will be better.


I'm less optimistic. This existence seems like it's deliberately created to test us or teach us something and we're just going to repeat the process over and over and over again until we figure out what we need to do. If there is a God, he has abandoned us and left us to our own devices. We are being punished or deliberately put in the deep end of the pool so that we can grow. This is either Hell or a in-between place and Death is certain but probably not the end. Maybe this is the 12394629384th time I've tried to express this exact post and each time it's a little different but alas, still incapable of grasping the Divine.


I believe in the afterlife. But I am not 100% certain that the next life will be the beatific vision. It could very well be the case that the next life has its own pains equivalent to this one. There could be a series of lives, not necessarily reincarnation, which involve suffering, loss, pleasure, elation in analogous amounts (to this life) forever, and "Heaven" is some lightyear distance away from us.

I've read some books on the subject of the afterlife and a few support the idea of just having more "life" to live after this life.


Whatever you believe the moment you die, might as well be true, as there will be no one around to tell you you are wrong.

But its hard to convince me to live out 60 years as trad religion says. rather make my own gnostic suicide cult, that says skip to heaven now.


I read that this actually happened. A Christian cult wanted to get into heaven as fast as possible so what they would do is go around doing good deeds in the name of jesus, then they would "self martyr" themselves. This became enough of a problem for the pope to declare that suicide condemns one to hell, which instilled a fear of suicide which is still seen today. I dont remember where I read this but its stuck into my memory. Mr pope man falsely condemning people to keep that status quo alive. Similar to how the pope of the first crusades promised salvation to anyone who would wage war with him



Unfortunately Christianity was now the state church. This posed problems for circumcellions. How could you get martyred now the whole world had gone soft? Some would rush onto the stage during innocuous pagan festivals and demand that the bemused crowd martyr them. Unfortunately the pagan crowds often just fell about laughing.

So real Circumcellions were reduced to jumping out at random travelers on the road, shouting "Praise the Lord!" and swinging large clubs called "Israels." The aim was to provoke retaliation. With a li'l bit of luck, the traveller would overcome his bemusement and fight back, hopefully kill the circumcellion attacker, making them, you guessed it, a Martyr. If the attackee was a magistrate, so much the better. When this source of martyrdom was cut off, circumcellions were driven to acts of mass suicide. Crowds flung themselves off cliffs, or into the River Chotts. The really radical ones burned themselves alive.

Insane, yes? But the circumcellions' conviction that they were the only true Christians, along with their posse mentality, stoked up true kamikaze paranoia, impervious to reason. Augustine called them lazy, crude and vile. You couldn't argue with people like that. Eventually sporadic persecution started up again, and fulfilled the circumcellions' desire by providing again opportunities for genuine martyrdom. Phew.


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>Whether it's Heaven or something else. But I just feel like it will be better.
What do you think Heaven would be like? Like injecting heroin directly into your brain 24/7?


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No, like the OP image of our Christian Thread, it will be souls orbiting the trinity like the planets. A pure spiritual enjoyment and not gross hedonism.


>it will be souls orbiting the trinity like the planets. A pure spiritual enjoyment
How would that actually feel?


Like being in Church singing hymns


I never found being in a church to be particularly enjoyable even though I did that whole first communion thing and everything.


"Near Death Experience" (NDE) videos ended up on my YouTube page somehow. I watched a few. One guy recounted his experience as being akin to lifting a VR helmet off after being in the game for hours, and his "real friends" were all there asking him about his experience. The thought that I might one day be asked about my experiences in this world, and have nothing interesting to report to my afterlife companions, is one that's stuck with me. I watched other NDE videos that day, because I was bored and the concept intrigued me. A common thread in these communities was this notion of our Soul sort of … picking its lot, before going in. Like, the notion that you chose to live this life for some reason. And if you're reading this and thinking "why the fuck would I choose to be miserable," the logic they used was "it's the same reason you watch a sad/scary movie. You know it isn't real, but the emotion you feel from it is what you're after." So basically there are people out there, in these NDE communities, who think we picked our lives out before we lived them and now we're just souls with VR helmets on, living a movie that we picked. And when we die, we basically wake up and tell all our afterlifebros about it.

The shit sounds absurd, of course. But there were so many people who reported similar things. If they turn out to be right, then in my next life I want to live a lighthearted cute anime life far far away from this shitty rotting corrupted planet.


Sounds like BS to me, like why wouldnt everyone pick a Chad life instead of a wizard depression? or be born as some rich faggot instead of a poor faggot?
why would anyone want to experience life as some low caste jeet, a starving nigger kid or a deformed cripple without arms and legs?
Also that its promoted and shilled by youtube means its probably full of shit anyway.
This world has more in common with a prison than some "experiences videogames".


>This world has more in common with a prison than some "experiences videogames".
It's a prison and normies who think with their genitals reproduce because it makes them feel good. They rationalize it with a bunch of bullshit afterwards.
>muh genes
>muh legacy
>muh country
>muh wageslaves and GDP


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Idk I have a feeling something will turn up to make up for all the shitty empty existence I live but at the same time I highly doubt "feel good" will satisfy me. I'll still feel gross in my genes and mind so idk. Maybe I'll have a new life which I hope.


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>irrelevant cat meme
Go back to reddit you dumb fuck.


>use cat memes because everyone likes cats and there is no potential to trigger people like with images of real people or anime
>now people get triggered by cats too

what is left?


It's me, slamming you down to the ground because you made a very stupid post. Highly relevant


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Gif is me shutting you up because you're a dumb normie nigger.
>not wanting to directly trigger people
>while being a passive aggressive nancy
Peak reddit/female.


No it's just more of the same old shit


I wish I could believe in an afterlife. Even just the belief that I get a reroll and a second chance and get reborn into a better life.

But I know that there's nothing. We are nothing more than chemical reactions inside our brain. And once we die, we're gone. We can't think anymore, we don't exist anymore.
Absolute nothingness


ohhhh yes this one goes out to all the empty void worshippers in the thread tonightttt


Dead means dead, OP. You won't even be able to think after death. There is no paradise awaiting you. Your hopes, your dreams will never be and will die with you. There is only cold hard reality.

This ancient cope needs to stop. You know better than this. You gain a better life without accepting how everything is.


>You gain a better life without accepting how everything is.


i always found stuff like that to be creepy. Its like you are stripped totally of your individuality and you are just some sort of slave.

it freaks me out to even think you would only be allowed to feel one thing.


>you CAN'T gain a better life without accepting how everything is

laugh it up, cope miser. I'm not the one who believes there are sugar plum fairies dancing around in the sky waiting for you to join them.


near death experiences contradict eachother there are people who claimed to see allah and the 72 or however many virgins after death as well as those who saw the christian god. Maybe theres both or surprise surprise, their minds do wacky shit when the most serious thing ever happens to them and they hallucinate their most desired or feared scenario.

NDE's are as good as bigfoot sightings. All talk. No evidence.


>Anyone else believes that what await us in the afterlife is something good?
It totally depends on karma if we do pious deeds will definitely experience the pleasure of upper planetary system vice versa.
Just read the concept of reincarnation you're doubt surely will clarify or you can follow some spiritual guru they might help you.
I heard few lecture of prabhupad on youtube. You can explore this topic in your own way as well.


the value in transcendtal and sublime experiences shouldnt be confused for empiricist proof. theyre valuable for the way the reflect us and our values, even important but perhaps unnoticed values.


>near death experiences contradict eachother there are people who claimed to see allah and the 72 or however many virgins after death as well as those who saw the christian god
I find your opinion rather shortsighted. In real life, people have experienced objective miracles which resulted from their Islamic faith, just as people have experienced objective miracles which resulted from their Christian faith. Is real life also contradictory then?

>their minds do wacky shit when the most serious thing ever happens to them and they hallucinate their most desired or feared scenario
It is a widely documented fact that an overwhelming amount of NDE experiencers who have almost died during a surgery, have witnessed their surgeons having a conversation a room over while they were unconscious, and were able to accurately reconstruct that conversation after they woke up. It would be extremely improbable for even 1 individual to hallucinate all of that, let alone a considerable portion of all Near Death Experiencers.

Furthermore, NDE's permanently change many people's lives. Dreams and hallucinations do not.

>All talk. No evidence.

I would like you to expand on why the phenomena which I just described do not qualify as evidence.


Why is reddit brought up so often. It should be a banned word.


I believe in an afterlife, but I'd be fine existing in a stasis mode. I don't need pleasure or happiness, I only need an end to pain.


Think of you and your rapist being handcuffed back together and there is no escape, except you have to enjoy the rape or else it will be miserable for you. There is no change the only change is you enjoy the bullshit cards delt with you or else you will be complaining forever.


you need to sacrifice your life for God if you don't want to burn in hell for the rest of eternity


we've all sinned
we're all sinful
we're all corrupted in the eyes of our god(s)
we've all fallen from grace
the amount of things i've seen in my life i'd take eternal nothingness if i could escape from this sinful world and be absolved from all my sins
i think i could happily join a monastery at this point in time
have people around me that have a code
what puts me off from the idea is that i'd probably feel like an interloper trying to escape from my problems and not try and fix them, feels like quitting

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