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I just want to LDAR I wish I had diagnosed disability for neetbux or atleast something.
Never been really good at this whole living thing, I envy neets that can carefree do or not do anything they want with their time.


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break a leg and collect disabillitybuckx

>I envy neets that can carefree do or not do anything they want with their time.

The common conclusion to this is that the NEETs wind up mentally burnt out from frequent dopamine binges, sickly from a sedentary lifestyle, and skilless from an observing disposition. Many guys go mad from the solitude and mundane routines. There are some men who can NEET in peace and then there are those among us who can't. Not anymore. To reject a life of labour and to withdraw rather in to a static life of pushing buttons to make the screen's colour change is to gamble with your future. You may find yourself wanting for more, but while lacking the mettle to reach it. At that point, your shell becomes a prison. Not to mention the looming threat of insecurity and the potential to be pushed back in to civilization against your will, being left to fry in the sun without your shell to retract in to. This is the NEET's dilemma. To not involve yourself with the concerns of society, while society may eventually come to concern itself with you whether you wish for it or not. To be caught with your pants down when the mandate to fulfill a normal life comes barging through the door.

Be a NEET who is comfy and enjoys his time alone with his cat and his cup of warm tea, but never stop considering what may happen if tomorrow being a NEET was no longer an option. When you eventually develop an iron will against the horrors of going back in to the world, the worry of the looming threat turns to anticipation of a battle that you're well equipped to survive. Envy those who can live in peace, not those who would die without it.


>oi mate, ya got a loicense for that armour?


>I just want to LDAR I wish I had diagnosed disability for neetbux or atleast something.
>Never been really good at this whole living thing
that's why we are wizards


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>I just want to LDAR
>I wish I had diagnosed disability for neetbux
The two things are compatible, unless you live in a shithole.
If you don't have official psychiatric records, you lived your life wrong up to this point, however you can probably still do something about it. But you have to start right now.

If you are just a lazy normalfag all this obviously doesn't apply, but if that's not the case, use whatever mental illness they label you with to start your NEETbux journey.


I already got to enjoy 15 years of neetbucks along with generous deposits from family and extendes family. It also helps I was always helpful towards them and drove them around every once in a blue moon if needed etc.

If it all ends now, not only will I have funds to stick it out for another year or two, but I can also peacefully commit suicide with no regrets. It was a good long run and I've had enough enjoyment and happiness. It was worth it.

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