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>diagnosed with NPD
>though if I have anything in that quadrant of conditions its definitely actually Schizoid, as I derive my ego from my hobbies and internal life rather than other people
>completely unable to view anything associated with me objectively

Can I even be an artist when my self-critic is so deficient? I just want to be a composer but I don't see the point if my music sucks and I can't even hear it properly.


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Have you tried at all? Or did you immediately scrape the bottom of the psychological mumbo jumbo barrel for any mere suggestion that you can't for reasons beyodn your control, so that you feel better when you inevitably fail or don't even try at all?

Compose something. If it sucks, it sucks. Try again. If it sucks again, it sucks again. Try to find out why it sucks, then try again until you make something that sucks less.


You're dumb. Having high-standards for your art and the deep desire for recognition and fame are often what drives people to achieve great things. You're just crying it's not easy. Use that narcissism, imagine how fucking big your metaphorical dick is going to be and how much people will suck you off and praise you for being great.

That image of yourself that you have and the fact that it doesn't match reality should pain you, it should drive you crazy, and make you want to rectify the world and force people to recognize how epic you are. All those people that looked down on you, they aren't laughing now as you descend upon them as a fucking GOD. Make them eat their words and feel jealous towards you. They're nothing but ants in your way and you will crush each and every one of them.


Fren, I've been making music for a decade! I am just seriously questioning my ability to edit it.

Pretty based post ngl. Got maybe just a little too edgy at the end tho. I would never claim any kind of divinity except that which is common to all men.


How'd you get the NPD diagnosis?


>go to hospital because psychotic episode
>get discharged but recommended for day-hospital program
>there are group therapy sessions
>I waylay and monopolize the conversation there
>nurses complain to my assigned shrink
>he starts telling me about the beauty of the story of Narcissus.
>slaps diagnosis on me

I actually thought it was cool though and embraced the label. I don't anymore because I've matured some and try to counteract the narcisstic tendencies. But a Narcissist (big N) definitely doesn't sequester himself in his room for his entire adult life, he craves attention from others. Meanwhile schizoids just focus on their thought-life as I understand it. I'm inclined to think the whole DSMV is bullshit though. Apparently a significaypnt proportion of serial killers are schizoid but I am capable of feeling empathy, you just have to be on the verge of tears. If you get mad or offended at me, I'm probably just going to act very defensively. I'm definitely capable of feeling love wnd affection. At any rate, I have a huge ego.


serial killers are psychopaths, not schizoids. big difference. dsm won't explain nor will icd, because their mental health chapters were written by america brained normies which apparently are mentally incapable of coming to a comprehensive conclusion. there are plenty or serials that depict it nicely, picturing serial killers as outwardly normal people with something broken inside. impossible to understand. just a bug or something. schizoid should be benign by definition, because unable to derive pleasure from anything, why would they kill? serial killers do kills for some kind of emotion they crave. schizoid is incapable of experiencing it by definition, he wouldn't waste his time.


Oh, well I'm not unable to derive pleasure from anything either.


>go to hospital
Why?!? What did you expect to find there? Rofl


pretty sure narcissists are the only ones who can be artists because it seems to be about 5% talent and 95% self-promotion. If you can convince people to smell your farts, you can be an artist.


Damn. They never had you take various written tests?

I wanted to be evaluated for NPD back in 2016 and they had me go through the MMPI-2 and a few others.


Oh, maybe he didn't actually officially diagnose me then? What was the result?


I didn't get the NPD diagnosis, but I did get MDD, GAD, and SAD.


Doesn't MDD kind of cancel out SAD? I mean SAD is just being sad in the winter.


You broke my mind, man


How so?


I can't tell if you're joking! :(


No. I don't see how you can have seasonal depression as well as perpetual depression. It would be like saying there is a pond in the middle of a lake.


Oh. Sorry I meant social anxiety disorder not seasonal depression


Oh, whoops. Sorry


you seem to have too much of an ego to be schizoid, these people don't go in these forum in the first place because they don't care about having sex


Just make art when you feel like doing it.
And don't bother about how it's recognized/criticized (unless it's constructive criticism of course).
Nothing else matters.

It's much more complex than that. There is a correlation and a confusing amalgamation between thin-skinned NPD, autism spectrum, and schizoid spectrum.
The asexual aspect, for example, is only one of the criteria for SPD, but it's not obligatory, and could also be swapped with "weird fetishes", some say.
SPD is also so under-studied (got even removed from DSM-V), so it's difficult to define it.

I am schizoid and I browse here rarely because of some posts and topics that has to do with nihilism/pessimism, I don't care about the sex part.


What's the point of this stupid post, even with the "rofl" part. You are not born knowing that psychiatry is bullshit, you need to learn it by living and doing your own experiences. After some years of therapy and psychiatric interventions, of course those with a high enough IQ will understand that psychiatry is bullshit and move on with their life, but you can't expect everyone to know that by default, magically.


Bruh hell nah you ain't schizoid, stop larping for what you wish you were, a shrink would probably (rightfully) diagnose you with the fragile form of NPD like OP or BPD.


>stop larping for what you wish you were
What does "larp" even mean in this instance?


I have NEETbux because of complex personality disorder (level of severity 3), including SPD, but nice try

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