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 No.287439[Last 50 Posts]

I hate wizards who got substantial inheritances, or lucked out otherwise while being unable to work. 99,9% of the problems related to being a wizard are related to a lack of money and the fact normies hate even employing a non-neurotypical, making life an infinite paywall torture simulator where you can only look but not touch anything.

My life would completely transform if I even had 10k dollars to my name. Yet there are wizards who inherited an expensive big house and hundreds of thousands of euros or dollars.

They cannot sympathize with someone who is in a perpetual cycle of shit tier labor->pay absolute necessities->have maybe $20 extra at the end of the month-> repeat infinitely…

Because they play life on heaven mode where everything is unlocked and stress levels go down by 99%.


It doesn't make sense to hate someone because they've been dealt a better hand as a result of their ancestor's good decisions.


Hate the game 🎩


This. I'm pretty poor by all standards but I don't "hate" the posters who escaped a lifetime of hell by simply skipping all the mundane work and slavery most of the planet has to drudge through until they die.

Would I switch places with them, absolutely, I think most of my depression would go away if I was free of financial stress even for a single year.
Hell, more power to them. Even middle class normies envy them because they have to slave away in offices whereas these wizards buy whatever they want, travel and live wherever they want like aristocrats in historic ages.

Keep in mind it's mostly North European and American wizards who obtain 6-7 digit fortunes through inheritance. Us second and third worlders are lucky to inherit a rusty old teapot from our grandparents.


I mean I NEET in a rich suburb, had to threaten suicide a couple of times to get it. But my dad was just a bus driver. They get paid less than the city garbagemen.

So yeah maybe I'm privileged but its "garbage man privilege".


Why is the sin of envy so normalized on this board? Don't you see how pathetic and shameful this emotion is.


youre spineless-dad privilege, or garbage mans son privilege, not garbage man privilege. get a job


Why would you think anyone here understands shame?


It’s normal to be frustrated with the unfairness of environment that dominates our natures. The rich man can be a good man easier than the poor, moral luck. The attempt to shame and chastise those with those frustrations, creating an even greater stress on them which others don’t struggle with as an attempt to silence their frustrations of the struggler with the hand they’ve been dealt. Outcast places will always need to allow “unproductive” venting.
On the other hand, it is unproductive and doesn’t get you anywhere, marinates your mind in negative chemicals, can twist to delusions, so personally I try to avoid it. The core unfairness can never be silenced though while you are suffering intensely.


> rich or wealthy wizards
They literally don't exist.

If they are virgins they are normalfag virgins or young spoiled kids.
Rich people have a very distinct way of acting and socializing that's close to the dynamics you will find among hyper normalfag. From nepotism to bashing on those who are poorer and unfortunate.

I've never envied wealthy people because they ignore many truths about life and live in bubbles, never fully comprehending or grasping other realities. As a wizard, you have access to a knowledge on suffering and pain unlike rich people.


>They literally don't exist.
"Wizard" is not a word for you to define as "literally anyone who I do not personally like even if they are unsocial celibate male virgins by choice"




You reply to defend the laughable idea that rich people can be wizards.
Rich people who are in better positions, who have more power in life than you can ever imagine, rich people who can throw money at their problems, who have no necessity to work, who basically won at life from day one and therefore can't seriously relate to you and who don't even see you as an equal, and who in all honesty wouldn't want to be seen with you unless you share the same lifestyle, yep, those are "wizards".
It's not about whether I like the rich or not.
It's about observing reality:
Rich people are always normalfags, their upbringing and life requires them to, you wanting rich people to fit into the wizard category, which is always of an outcast, loner, reclusive virgin, is comical.
You have the mentality of a slave.


It depends on what you mean by rich, but we can all agree there is no Wizard with over $10 million


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Men who are celibate virgins chosing to avoid social interactions and are OK with not having a mate, are wizards. it doesn't matter how much money he has in is bank account.

You're lumping "rich people" together as some whole oter species, and one you clearly regard as superior and more powerful than yourself. That's what is wrong here: Your nigger mentality.


Given that online communities are pretty much a phenomenon from highly urbanized classes from first world countries or pockets of that life style in poor countries (acess to computer, internet, utilities, free time etc) I would not be surprised at all if you had a couple of rich kids browsing this shithole.



I have a 7 digit networth solely due to three different inheritances (grandfather, grandmother, aunt) and I have absolutely zero interest in having sex.

The only way you could distinguish me from another wizard would be my area/zipcode where I live because it's unobtainable for a wageslave.
Otherwise I dress as normal, have the same hobbies as other wizards, I mostly eat the same foods, I post on the same imageboards.
If by rich you mean those with billions, yeah they probably don't post here. But even then, you are wrong in saying that people with property can't be wizards.

In fact, the longer time goes on the more I hate people, the only difference is that I can't tolerate female company at all, not because I hate them but because they're so insufferable.

The only people I can tolerate in limited quantities is other male wizards online, because I can have reasonable conversations with them and most are reasonably civilized and educated regardless of their life circumstances.

I live in Norway and will likely stay here until I die, I don't even like traveling anymore. The last time I traveled anywhere was before Covid.


I think that poster is from a third world country where basically only the political elite or those who were nobility before the 1900s are rich.

He can't relate to western countries where a fairly high percentage of the population owns houses that are worth quite a lot, but the family pays them off in 20-30 years or longer. And those houses eventually pass onto their children and grandchildren. Often those adults also have other types of savings like stocks or bank deposits.

It's sad but he lives in an environment where the wealthy are so detached from the everyman they may as well seem like a different species.
We're not talking Bezos-tier reptiles here, we're talking about people with a few hundred K or maybe a few mill in property. They are utterly abundant in the west and they're bound to use the internet like any other people, and a few of them are bound to be wizards.


If you think there isn't a separation between a wagie wiz or a neet autistic outcast and a rich pampered kid son of a banker then you are as deluded as a nigger.

Also, defending rich people and wanting to delude yourself into thinking they are wizards and belong here is just comical.
Upbringing, family, financial situation, it all shapes the person that you become. Rich kids have different personalities and all in all no necessity for wizchan or a community for virgins and won't ever take virginity seriously.


>standard rich "wizard" defence


You're the one making wizardry into a econo-political issue, when literally the only criteria is that you are a male who does not have sex, has not had sex and does not want to have sex.
Having money doesn't automatically entitle you to sex. Unless you mean hookers, which any unemployed bum with 100 bucks to his name can buy for half an hour or more.

Having money also doesn't make you some kind of ethereal being that is completely detached from the rest of the world.

And I'm not rich nor defending or sucking up to them, I just think this kind of gatekeeping further lowers the number of potential posters.

You are making the false case that it's impossible for a rich person to be a wizard, which is clearly false. History itself is full of filthy rich people who were shunned by succubi all their lives due to ugliness, weird personalities etc. and eventually died alone and childless. Many weren't able to even obtain a golddigger for a fake marriage.


Nobody is "defending rich people" because these "rich people" haven't done anything wrong that needs to be defended.

You're not fighting inequality or breaking glass cielings or some other commie feel-good bullshit when you say that a wizard with a house to his name and a green bank account are NOT TRVE WIZARDS. All you're doing is trying to bully and alienate wizards who have either gotten lucky, been part of a family that made responsible financial decisions, or who himself has worked hard to afford himself some stability in life. It's sour grapes through and through becaue lord knows you want some money and a house to. When you eventually get it, will you look at yurself and decide that you are no longer a wizard despite your virginity?

>I would not be surprised at all if you had a couple of rich kids browsing this shithole.

He logs on to the site just as he did yesterday. He posts about how much he hates this place. He continues to browse the site all day. He will be back tomorrow to do the same, because he really hates this place.
- Ballad of the man who doesn't hate this place


If we go back in history just by 300 to 500 years, it was actually seen morally superior to be a wizard.

Those who had money and wealth voluntarily mocked harlots, loose succubi and chose to live in celibacy by their own choice. They concentrated their efforts on music, philosophy, arts and science and made huge leaps and advancements in overall life quality for all of humanity.

It's only in this depraved age that it's seen as something to laugh at, and some people see it as incomprehensible that someone who has inherited a fortune could possibly choose to stay a wizard.


>He logs on to the site just as he did yesterday
You can recognize for what it is. A truly beautiful wizchan would be one where /hob/ gets as much activity as the shit boards (dep, lounge, wiz). But I mean, don't let me be the judge, here's the 10 topics on top right now
-being bald feels like a death sentence lol
-I hate rich or wealthy wizards lol
-How do I cope with being ugly lol
-Reading Thread good
-Anti-Crawl Thread CXII mixed
-Death of the Uncool lol
-winners don't care about losers lol
-the cruelty humans enact on animals bummer, pass
-Documentaries good
-Is anime made for normalfags now? lol

Too many lols anon, too damn many.


Rich people are always normalfags and can't relate to wizards or the lonely virgin and outcast experience at all.
You have to be a retard to think otherwise.

They probably have so much time in their hands they come here out of boredom to shitpost or be entertained by what they think are loser males and weirdos.


I understand you completely OP. Especially:
>My life would completely transform if I even had 10k dollars to my name.
Even 5k would allow me to move out, into the city, and scrounge around for some bullshit slave job to keep the bills to my shitty apartment paid. But at least I'd be on my own, you know.


if hob became the main board of Wizchan, what would be the point of Wizchan existing? Might as well just go to a subreddit and discuss X hobby with much more activity. Why does it need to be a fellow wizard?


What happened 500 years ago? Martin Luther said monks are unnatural and prideful for being virgin and lazy and indolent for being neet.


Boy the double lottery of the Nordic NEETtopia and being capitalistically rich at once.


Monks were seen as a moral elite of society. And you achieved higher and higher positions in royal courts and ecclesiastic hierarchies the more of a wizard you were.

Luther thought them too prideful and also a threat to society since many of them chose intellectualism and antinatalism at the cost of reproducing.

In the end he wasn't much of a revolutionary despite banning some backwards catholic practices, like buying your way out of sins with silver and gold donations.
He did the bidding of monarchs by encouraging people to create more tax sheep to be farmed like animals by the nobility, and denounced celibacy as boastful and prideful.


1 day before I became a 30 year old virgin I lucked into 3+ million dollars. I was literally gambling what little money I had saved up in around 12 years of wageslaving and made it.
I been wagecucking really crappy jobs in warehouses, cleaning rotten food out of containers, shoveling trash at a landfill for below minimum wage, disassembling old crappy cars, changing car tires and shit like that.
years of wageslaving hell with no end in sight.
never had any friends, not in school, not in any of these shitjobs and people just generally never wanted anything to do with me and it was mutual because they also never treated me with any respect.
So I suddenly have all this money and guess how my life changed?
I became a NEET and just browse the internet all day or play videogames or watch movies.
I havent left the house once in the last 5 years.
its kinda funny to have all this money but not having anything to spend it on. I have no interesting hobbies, I dont like to travel and I'm not a consoomer.
Like I'm happy I dont have to be around people anymore but overall not much has changed with my personality. unless I lose the money again I can probably live with that money into old age but I'm not sure if I even want that.
Life is still overall shitty and I still have no plan or direction or any will to get more invested in life.



this thread hit a nerve LOL


There is no rich people here OP. It's just pajeets and mexicans larping as Europeans


i have to go to a job i despise, and bein pressured to take a 2nd job,

or you know, wind up homeless, and not wow fun yipyipyip party , actual homeless kind of homless.

and this thread makes me wonder just how many Neets are the bored rich kid stereotype,

i wonder,


> rich or wealthy wizards
> They literally don't exist.
I'd say the opposite: poor wizards don't exist. If you're poor, you very likely wageslave or live with your family. That means you're socialising every day and dont have the means to live a reclusive lifestyle - that is, the poor must live a normalfag lifestyle and have the capacity for such, if you survive being in that condition until 30+ without killing yourself.
The exception is those with neetbux that can afford to live in their own apartment. That is basically being rich, though - an early retirement and freedom that most people dream of.


>I'd say the opposite: poor wizards don't exist. If you're poor, you very likely wageslave or live with your family.
>if you live with your family you're not a wizard
>if you have to be a poor wagie you're not a wizard

literally that's the archetypal wizard. A guy who lives with his parents to old age and has a dead end job. Normalniggers like you shame virgins for it.


For me, the archetypal wizard is reclusive and with time gains power from his prolonged solitude. If you cant achieve solitude then you're a failed wizard. If you are capable of surviving without solitude, wageslaving and talking to your normalfaggot family every fucking day, then you're a normalfaggot.


if you shit on bottom of the barrel wizards with no options but to be wagies and live with their parents you are a dumb normalfaggot that should kill himself and I mean this seriously.


I dont see the point in writing that but ok


Normalfags are the way they are because they never struggled in any meaningful way. How THE FUCK can you not see, or aren't willing to admit the parallel with being a rich pampered kid whose worst tragedy in life was daddy shouting at him for being a fucking retard, how can you not make the connection between normalniggery and wealth is beyond.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say that being wealthy predisposes you to having a female mindset, that is
>extremely social
>can't stand being alone for extended periods of time
>cannot for the life of her/his fend for itself
>has zero regard for spirituality, as his wealth makes him a prime candidate for losing himself in the trivialities of the material world
>blames everyone for their problems despite being given every possible tool and opportunity to stop crying
>has ZERO EMPATHY whatsoever for his brethren. This one is EXTREMELY important and goes to show how they don't even value fellow wizards beyond whatever value they can extract from them
A "person" with the mindset of the last point, simply lacks a soul.

I'm not saying though, that there aren't rich wizards.Just that it is extremely unlikely. A zero-stress life predisposes you to being a normalfag, again, exactly like a succubus. Barring genetic conditions, I think most rich "wizards" around here are larping.


And I want to clarify that I'm really only talking about inheritance "wizards" and trust fund babbies here. I actually have nothing but my utmost respect for actual self-made rich wizards, but there is no way of knowing who's real and who's larp. An individual so smart and skilled that he made his way in life financially would likely be beyond wasting his time posting here. So if you're rich, please fuck off and go kiss mommy and your rich neighbor, stop larping as something you cannot be.

Neetbux guys would be on a case-by-case basis, depending on how much they've suffered. But most likely they're similar to inheritance "wizards".


Nordic countries are a special case for wizards though. The countries have little to no "self made men" but millions of men who will inherit valuable fortunes because their parents or grandparents slaved away 40 years in cushy jobs.


I agree that rich people can’t be wizards unless they’re truly asexual (and that’s almost impossible) rich people have to get sex in order to survive socially on rich circles, you can’t be the weird virgin guy who also is filthy rich, they won’t let you in so may as well live as middle class.


I hated work so I invested my money with the intent to never have to work again. If something happens to my money, I will probably kill myself instead of resume work.


There is no "circle" or initiation ceremony once a certain amount of numbers appear on your banl account statement.

Sorry but you sound out of touch with how human society works in the 21st century.

People are largely anonymous unless they specifically choose to go into politics or the media. Nobody cares if you inherit 2 million from your workaholic grandfather. No masonic illuminati grand master is going to knock on your door and start demanding you to wear their secret robe.

There are lots of secluded, weird, autistic, odd, outcast etc. people with tons of cash. Most of it isn't earned by themselves though.

Though that japanese hikikomori did turn his 10k into 150 million usd through day trading, but his IQ is probably top 0,01 percentile.


if anything being rich makes you immune to social pressure

(don't) fuck you money


This is also a world view issue. How you react to OP depends on where you were born.

If you live in Serbia or Lebanon, all the people with a networth of over 1m+ are sociopaths and sexhavers who probably have soft harems.

But say you were born in Australia, now $1m suddenly means a whole lot less when it doesn't even buy you a one bedroom apartment in big cities.
And tons upon tons of normal, ordinary people are going to inherit a sum like this or more.

In poorer countries you just can't access large sums of money in any shape or form if you were born into a non-elite family. A few psychos will make millions from drug trafficking and murdering their rivals, but there's only a few dozen of them.

It's all relative. In the west, plenty of ordinary people alive today will have inherited 500k+ by 2030-2040.

In poor countries, you can slave off all your life and you wont have 30k saved up, wealth simply isn't obtainable for the masses in poor countries.


a rich wizard is like those twitch streamers who film themselves in a perfectly clean custom lit room with shelves full of adult figurines, consoles, and memorabilia all in glass cases with anime posters in the back. Basically a bunch of shit that will get thrown out when they die by Home Depot immigrant mexicans supporting their seven kids.


It doesn't make sense to hate someone because they've been dealt a better hand because their ancestors were dealt a better hand and so on and so forth.
Diogenes and the cynics were shameless.

It's funny because poors will always bootlick the rich. 99% of the problems of everyone here would be solved if they were rich. A hypothetical poorfag wiz living in a literal hellhole would give up his virginity to marry some first worlder just to remove himself from that situation, and you couldn't really blame him.

Society is created to farm normalfags so it's unbearable to exist in if you're not one unless heavily insulated by money.

Rich people can identify as rich first which may be more important to their identity than virginity.
The problem with many third world wizzies is they identify as poorfags first and foremost through no fault of their own because they cannot help but be informed by their experiences of suffering.
There most certainly is. Two billionaires aren't equal just because they have the same net worth. It depends on the power and control they have and how useful they are to the cabal. $100 mil is the point where you actually start playing the game of life.


Why are you idiots bringing up cost of living? I think it's implied that $100k USD isn't the same as $100k USD in Argentina. I'd say that to qualify as rich, regardless of where you live and how much you got, you have to be able to do some of the following
>buy a brand new midrange sedan in cash
>own a house, apt or have rent covered for the next 5 years
>could easily afford to eat fast food, take out, or at regular restaurants at every mealtime during a month without making a dent to your bank account
>could become a gacha whale without worrying about expenses
>travel overseas at least twice a year
>never be on finance
If you can do these, you're rich regardless of circumstances. I think that a "rich" guy living with parents who needs to have every purchase pre aprobed is less wealthy than a guy living off middle class inheratince with all of his cash at his disposal. Who cares if you're set to inherit a few hundred grand after your parents die when you're 35+. The one thing time doesn't buy is money. Ok money kind of buys time, but only present time, the lost time is gone forever.


*$100k USD in Norway or Switzerland isn't the same as $100k USD in Argentina or Mexico.

Ye, also taxation IS theft most of the time.


>rich wizards
Do they even exist, why the fuck would they come to this site?
Imagine winning at life, you never have to work a day in your life, bout you're still such a presumptuous sick fuck you need to mingle with people with real life problems just to feel better about yourself.


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Are you guys even depressed?

Maybe if I got money I would feel joy for a short time but eventually I would develop a tolerance to substances, get bored from the good food, get used to my nice house, get bored from consuming stuff and get demotivated by how mediocre my artistic efforts are despite hiring private teachers…

I would be a bit happier overall and I would love to experience it but it would be no salvation. The whole problem is myself. I am tired all the time, I can barely experience pleasure and thus motivate myself, I have health problems… despite the wonders of modern medicine there is still many things it can't cure.


What a stupid post. You're a dogfucker if you actually think like this and you're likely a stranger to reason so there's no sense in even pointing out the many easy examples for how you're wrong that can be found from five minutes of lurking here.


No. Every rich person is a normalfag. Richfags won't ever be able to relate to real wizards problems, at most, I suppose they will be "depressed" for bullshit reasons despite having everything in life and think that's what makes them wizards, but that's like if a female came here thinking they know about the wizard life because they are virgins.

The reason most wizards are unhappy is because they are forced to deal with other people, if every wizard were rich they will no longer be unhappy.
Your post is worthless and full of adhoms. You must be as worthless as your post.


What counts as rich to you? I've lurked since 2013 and I came into roughly 220k usd in 2021 because my only living relative died.

If you compare me to Bezos, I'm a peasant. But the savings in addition to disability checks allow me to live quite well.

I'm still the same virgin who browses imageboards 12 hours a day, nothing changed except I can eat whatever I want with no regard to cost, and always have the best gaming pc physically possible.

Everything else stayed the same. I have nothing in common with normies. I don't work, I don't go out, I do nothing but stay at home.


I agree. If I was a rich guy I wouldn't even consider using imageboards because they would have no use. I remember on 4chan some richfags only post to brag about their lives.


That explains 4chan pretty well. It is filled with miserable people or shitty people with great lives looking for an easy way to punch down. It is a terrible place that is only good for poeple who are looking to see what the worst people on the planet are up to.


The habit can be very strong. I bet someone could become rich and nonvirgin but still keep coming here if it was their habit for 10 years


If you still get this upset at rich people, you're looking at it from a too narrow perspective. Theres nothing to argue about the importance of money but you don't know what else is going on in their lives. Just look at how many really rich kids have severe mental issues or drug habits. Most of the guys I saw who grew up very rich were always the ones who did a lot of drugs and bullshit because they feel empty inside. Just look at all the rich kids online too, they need to brag and fish for attention which is not a sign of a healthy mental state and they are doing all kinds of drugs. Theres a lot of social issues as well and not even rich guys are spared from dumb whore drama and their friends are all normie douchey retards who fuck each other over and argue all the time.

I understand that finances are upsetting but getting upset at other people like that is pointless because no one is exactly happy or not having issues, some people just have more issues than others. Most guys who post here come from middle to lower class backgrounds and don't have loads of money to their disposal anyway so the rich wizard demographic must be quite narrow since theres hardly anyone posting here.


I've gotten considerably richer versus 2013 (which is when I found wizchan) and I still post daily.

My net worth still isn't millions but it's over 600k.
I invest every single cent I get from waging into index funds. I get around $1600 extra a month after expenses. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs so that allows me to save up.

Activities wise I'm the exact same guy as I was back then. I browse wizchan when I wake up, go to work, then I come back, eat fast food, browse wizchan/watch movies and play games, then fall asleep and rinse repeat.


Yeah but since 2013, you've amassed a huge bank account. This means you occasional have to interact with a bank (something only NORMALFAGS could do) and also when a STINKUBUS bank teller sees your account being $600,000k we just KNOW she jerks herself off to you which makes you not a virgin anymore (STINKIES are STUPID like that).

Not even $5k in Cardano sent directly to my pizzfund could sway my opinion of you. Not even $6k!


It's fun to think how all that shit that people buy is really worthless and will end in some dump or being sold for pennies when the person dies.


One of a kind genuine art and antiques do have inherent value. But it's the richest 1% who collect this stuff.

The vast majority of people will inherit worthless Ikea and Temu trinkets from China, and bulk porcelain from Walmart.


imagine if it was in bitcoin


Had he consistently put that monthly amount in bitcoin, he would have $136.4 million dollars today.


You're only richer if you actually realize those gains. Price to earnings ratios have been declining to historic lows. The central bank is pumping up stock prices with QE but that just means you're actually getting less for your money. It only seems like a good deal because the price of the stocks goes up, but what happens when the stock market crashes and stocks go back to their actual valuation? Anyone buying stocks at this late stage is just asking to be the bagholder when it all comes crashing down. The fundamentals are fundamentally fucked. It still might take another 15 years or something for it all to come crashing down, or it could happen tomorrow.


Price to earnings ratios are rising to historic heights I mean. Price is too high for the money that companies actually made. Just look at donald Trump's social media company. It has a market cap of billions but it only has revenue of 4 million dollars per year. Shit like this happens all over.


Investing in Trump Social or having stock in it isn't the same as investing in a gigantic index fund is though. The latter have no large daily or even monthly price swings and are easily converted back to USD or EUR on the same business day.


2009-2024 is a very long run, i've been predicting crashes throughout it but it just keeps winning. maybe the covid crash counts as an interruption.


There's no crash because they keep doing QE. The Fed literally isn't allowing it to happen. The end result is inflation which is a regressive tax on the general populous. Meanwhile rich people who own all the securities and bonds they are buying are making off like bandits when they fundamentally should be losing their money because they made bad investments. The Fed is basically stepping in and saying no one can make bad investments anymore, they're all good. It's just nonsense and it won't end well. We've moved from a period of structural deflation to one of inflation both on the supply side and financial side. The fed will just keep doing QE any time there threatens to be a crash and this is how they will maintain their target 2% inflation despite the overall leveraged state of the economy pushing interest rates and inflation down. It's like a giant scam where they've chose to make rich people richer and everyone else will just become their serfs.


I mean a quarter century of an imaginary bull run and counting is a lot longer than anyone would have guessed the Fed's Wizard of Oz act could keep it floating. Plenty of people have lived their whole working life in that time and retired on it already.

part of the reason the Fed exists is to prevent crashes, so that's not exposing a conspiracy, but its reason for existing.


It's coming to an end though over the next five to ten years, it's simply impossible to keep the hustle up once you pass over 150% debt to GDP, you turn to having a zombie economy like Japan where companies are constantly churning over debt, and interests rates can't be raised because it'd tank the federal budget. They'll probably just accept a stagnant economy with 9% year over year inflation rather than reform anything.

People were saying "Social security will be bankrupt in a generation" back in the 00s, and that moment is starting to appear right in front of us.


I can't believe I'm posting with literal millionaires. While I struggle to afford a new second hand gpu, these guys are trading in their old Porsche for a Lambo. What a sick twisted joke.


the stereotype is actually that virgins are rich

there is even the abstinence theory of interest, that being abstinent and refraining from pleasure is what gets you money


It's not really possible to be a reclusive neet wizard without a lot of money. If you're wageslaving you deal with people and are capable of dealing with people. If living with family then you're not nearly as much of a recluse as someone that lives alone. People with money are the best representatives of the site's ideology.


no such a stereotype. It's just some stupid joke that if sexhavers decide to abstain from sex they will become successful geniuses which is also false.
>It's not really possible to be a reclusive neet wizard without a lot of money.
False. The majority of neet wizards are definitely not rich. If you are rich you're also not a neet by any means. They're not in the same category as the rest of the population but their own class. See : Normalfags from rich families who live lavishly and don't even care about studying or finishing up school cause they know they're set for life, they will never face any of the problems that a wizard has.

If you think that some rich guy from a rich family who doesn't have to work or worry about working can be the same as a wizard on disability who is a neet then you're delusional. Rich people can't be neet, they are just set for life from the day they are born.


crab bucket mentality. People also gloat about their unearned wealth


If you don't care about socializing, sex or politics, then money is the best thing to make the meaning of your life.


That's funny because people who make money the meaning of their lives tend to care and place great importance in socializing, politics, and sex.


Not Bill Gates


I've never heard of rich wizards. On the other hand, I've heard of stupid lucky techies who got into bit coin early enough to leave the matrix.


Feel free to donate that money to any of us wizards. Would love to stop wagecucking at my shitty job


>Rich people can't be neet, they are just set for life from the day they are born.

They aren't in education, employment or training.

So you're just being semantic.


Wrong. It's a simple sociological conclusion that rich people are their own class and don't play by the same rules as the rest of people. A rich individual can't fall under the neet label because they are not vulnerable to it, meaning that being jobless is not a problem for someone rich, for a regular person is an entire different story, hence sociologists came with this term.

A rich person, real rich, they have everything handed to them on a silver platter. Therefore, the rich will never experience the neets financial hardships or loss of status or the self-esteem issues and many other problems that comes with being a neet and that's so common among neets. Why is that? Because they are rich.

If you fail to understand something this simple, I feel sorry for you.


So by your definition, if NEET's were given $15,000 a month instead of $1500 a month, they would no longer be "not in education, employment or training".

How has the amount of numbers transfered into their bank accounts any bearing on the fact that they are neither working, nor studying nor employed?


The entire neet concept is about being in a vulnerable status due to unemployment or lack of education or not being prepared and how this will affect the future of both the individual and country. The rich are not in a vulnerable state so they don't fall into that category.


The entire N.E.E.T acronym stands for Not in Employment, Education, or Training. It has nothing to do with how much money someone has, how afraid they are of the sun, how much they were wedgied as a kid, or any array of subjective qualifiers that must be decided on a per-person basis.


What does the govt say?


>repeats himself unable to see reason
It's funny that you can't reason like an adult and ignore the sociological aspect of the neet phenomena.

Rich people can't be neets. They can retire at any point in their lives and not work a single day. That's a privilege in itself. You're seriously dumb thinking rich people can ever have the hardships of a neet.

You can always go to the neet subreddit where people who take off a vacation and go on holidays consider themselves to be neets for that period.


Fact: What makes a NEET is black and white, not a spectrum.

You're applying new criteria to this black-and-white acronym to make it only inclusive to those who you enjoy interacting with, i.e other stereotypical sad NEETs. It doesn't matter if the majority of NEETs just happen to meet this criteria of yours; the term "NEET" isn't yours to redefine and turn in to some spectral concept full of ambiguity. Do what any other person in history would do instead: Invent your own words and labels for your referred in-group instead of altering and denigrating existing words, especially ones so clearly defined as "Not in Work, Education, or Employment"

How DARE this guy who is kinda happy and drives a car enter my sacred sadboy/breakcore/lain/yume nikki NEET Discord… Better redefine NEET to exclude this normie (can't say nornalfag that's transhobic)
^ you


Rich people can be neets in the same way they can be "homeless".
Nice strawman. Rich people are a subsection and don't fit into the same groups as the general population, they are not subjected to the same obligations and avoid the ramifications of many things that would be a problem for others and society as a whole, neet being one of them.


>Rich people are a subsection and don't fit into the same groups as the general population
source: whatever dumb desert classist / caste culture you were raised by

No, people with money aren't a different species. Work-related acronyms do not only apply to those of the "poor" subspecies of human. You are suggesting Chris-Chan levels of delusion.


Rich people are their own class and this is verifiable. It's funny how angry you get when people point out the obvious. The jewish son of George Soros suddenly doesn't become a neet because he takes a year off work but you have so little insight into what a neet is that you will probably be calling him a neet. You must be incredibly low iq or have stunted reading abilities to miss on something this obvious.


If he doesn't work or go to school for 10 years and just plays emulators while eating pizza and drinking pepsi, yes he is a neet.

It is irrelevant whether he has 600, 6200 or 620,000 usd in his bank account. He is not in education, employment or training.


What you are saying is people suddenly become an alien race towards whom the ordinary specifications of society no longer apply, because they have ((number)) in their account.

Do you also think they don't get convicted in a court for killing another person because their bank account has ((certain number)) in it?

At this point you sound like a weird defeatist who thinks people with more money than you are some separate race that doesn't belong to humanity itself. And thus no law or definition applied to regular people applies to them. In your mind a rich person can't be a murderer either, they're just a "life appropriator" who is allowed to kill because they have ((amount of money)).


People who live a retired life are not neets. Normal people have to go to school, work, and then retire. A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
They never had to work for a living.
Next time you will be calling billionares neets lmfao.


As long as they don't humblebrag, I don't really care too much. They just got really lucky.


No. NEET means "Not in Education, Employment or Training." It is an acronym with that precise meaning.


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after reading some posts, there's really people who don't know what a NEET is and try to push their own definition of it hahahaha


i reject your definition and substitute my own. i'm a proud neetcel which is someone that watches anime and posts on imageboards and shit.


Yep, thefore multimillionaires are just retired people who don't have to work so the rich can't be neets.

They never had to work for a living.


NEET's don't have to work for a living either. It's kind of included in the name.


They're a population at risk unlike multimillionares who never had to work in the first place. Funny how you defend the rich in a place like wizchan.


>Funny how you defend the rich
Nobody is "defending the rich" by using words correctly, especially one so culturally regarded as negative as "NEET". Further so this "in a place like wizchan" shit doesn't make sense either, because having money doesn't invalidate a man's status as a celibate virgin in the same way it doesn't invalidate his status as someone Not in Employment, Education, or Training.

You're bordering on "Wizards can only be poor men who are a virgin because no succubus wants to have sex with an impoverished man" crab rhetoric.


Normal people have to go to school, work, and then retire. A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
Have you ever seen how actual rich kids live? they literally are traveling all the time and vacationing and if they feel like it they take years off from work. Some don't ever work because they really have no need to, they're set for life. By definition they are not in the same group as some middle class kid that will be risking homelessness and poverty and his entire future if they stop working or studying.


>A multi-millionare's trust fund son has no need to work to live.
And so he doesn't enter in to employment, education, or training - making him a NEET. It doesn't matter if he's NEETing through the benefits provided by his parents or the government; a NEET is a NEET. The reasoning for someone's NEETdom doesn't detract from its validity. Rich people aren't a different species. Your logic so far is "They're not NEETs because I don't live as easily as them". It's an entirely feefees-based rationale. Do what was suggested above and invent your own word to exclusively cover YOUR particular downtrodden way of NEETing instead of trying to redefine the existing word which has always been free of prejudice and whataboutism.


Rich people don't fall into neetdom because they are rich. Give me 100 million of dollars and if I drop out from work that doesn't make me a neet, that just means I'm rich and I have no need for a job anymore, it changes my status entirely. I'm just retired. Same with winning the lottery. How does such a small concept escapes you is unreal. My uncle isn't a neet because he retired at 45. You're not a neet if you are a multimillionaire because being jobless is not a problem for you. You're really low iq for not understanding something so simple.


tryin to find the definition of NEET, I learned you eventually age out of it



And your source for all of this is still 'Because I just say so, okay?"


NEET is a term that came up to describe a SOCIO ECONOMICAL ISSUE and you're here labeling multi millionares as neets when their lifestyles and circumstances differ entirely from neets. You couldn't be more impractical and unintelligent even if you tried. I guess some people never develop critical thinking and just spout the same shit over and over.


NEETRR (pronounced 'neater') = Not in Education, Employment, Training, Retirement, or Riches


>be me
>tell this to the mental health analyst
>she immediately prescribes me 40g of Sodium Nitrate to take orally


Source: because I just say so, okay?
I'm not even implying you should drop sauce, because there is none. I'm seriously convinced you're genuinely delusional, an ESL, or typing in bad faith to troll.

If someone is not working, training, or being taught, they are a NEET no matter the size of their bank account or how much more teen pussy they rail than you. The word is neither mine nor yours to define by subjectivity.


Imagine having zero critical thinking skills and just repeat like a spaz a sociological term that you have little grasp of its meaning.

Neither retired nor rich people classify as neets by definition. Get over it, kid.

Look up what retired means and the socioeconomical implications of being rich which completely invalidate them both from being labeled neets.


"Critical thinking skills" aren't required to determine that the sky is blue. They're not required to determine that anyone Not in Employment, Education, or Training is a N.E.E.T.

You've been throwing around this "you cant think critically" insult since the beginning and now you're saying that I'm just repeating myself? Talk about a pot smoker calling the katamine addict a nigger.


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from google
>The term NEET, 'Not in Education, Employment, or Training', refers to a person who is unemployed, not receiving education or vocational training including apprenticeships, and includes individuals who are or are not seeking a job, excluding those of retirement age
nothing about how much money you have in your bank account. but is an homeless guy a NEET?? I don't know


Retired people aren't neets by definition, same as rich people who do not have to work. How is that so hard to understand for your pea brain? It's like you suffer from tunnel vision and can't see that the retired and rich are exceptions to this.


Retired people are neets by definition, same as rich people who do not have to work. How is that so hard to understand for your pea brain? It's like you suffer from tunnel vision and can't see that the retired and rich are not exceptions to this.


It's interesting that many retards here don't know that housewives, the retired, and the rich can't be neets by definition alone.


But then I went to wikipedia and there was nothing in the definition that excluded it, except age, which excludes many wiz as well


That is just false. You can't change definitions based on how many numbers exist in your bank account.

Do you also stop being a criminal if you kill someone while having 5 million dollars instead of 5 dollars?


Neets aren't "at risk", where I live neetbucks is guaranteed by the constitution. So it's free income until the day you die.

The only difference between an inheritor who does nothing all day and neetbucks recipients is one gets 10k a month in dividends and the other gets 1,5k in neetbucks.
Neither one is in education, employment or training.


Different things. Your socioeconomic status changes when you're old and retired same when you're rich that's why they can't be neets. Neets are at risk in most countries neets don't receive income.


What if you're old and retired but only have a pension of $1200, and the neetbucks guy has $1500?


What's wrong with them exactly?


So basically it makes most sense to split it up like this and use the following Terminology:
you are on Gibs or borderline hobo tier.
you got an inheritance or passive income and your level of money is "comfy".



>I think most of my depression would go away if I was free of financial stress even for a single year.
You're so very wrong my dear wiz. Even if you had enough money to pass your entire life jobless, you wouldn't be happy. Either happiness is not in material things, or we were just made to suffer. It makes sense if you think of it. Something thrives at night, something during the day, something is made to be green and prosperous, and something is made to be mere lichen, something is made to be happy, something miserable.


>if you had enough money to pass your entire life jobless, you wouldn't be happy.
most retarded shit I've read today. Stop posting any time.


all people I've met are assholes and those who aren't just pretend not to be.


Utter horsecrap. My sense of happiness, safety and mental security shot up by 5000% once I obtained a small inheritance (less than 30k).

It also alleviated my sleeplessness to the point I can finally sleep without sleeping pills for the first time in a decade.
I literally feel like a different person even with a couple 10k's in the bank compared to being dead broke with the occassional $150 to my name. I feel like life is actually worth living.

Now with my disability payments and savings it doesn't matter if my car breaks down or if my washing machine stops working, I can just fix the problem by throwing money at it instead of living without a car or a washing machine for years.
I don't have to worry whether I will eat next month or not, I know I will eat next month.


Also, never underestimate the sense of possibility and wonder when you realize the world is actually your oyster and you can just throw $500 at a plane ticket and go wherever you want and it wont make a significant dent into your savings or make you bankrupt or lack food and basic necessities.

Just the knowledge of that possibility existing every single day changes your mental health for the better and transforms you as a person, compared to knowing you are confined within your tiny apartment with no way to escape even if you wanted to.


THIS. lack of money causes lethargy and depression as a major contributing factor.

when you realize you can fly to macchu picchu any day you want or buy a new gaming pc whenever you feel like it your mind breaks free of all kinds of shackles and you start seeing opportunities where you previously saw only obstacles.

fuck anyone who thinks it doesn't make people happy. most poor people commit suicide only due to their financial circumstances and a lot of their lives would be saved if they had just $20k in their accounts.
let alone millions, but that's another discussion.



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>lack of money causes lethargy and depression
>you feel like it your mind breaks free of all kinds of shackles
>fuck anyone who thinks it doesn't make people happy. most poor people commit suicide only due to their financial circumstances
this whole shackling-unshackling thing doesn't sound very modern on reflection


>you can just throw $500 at a plane ticket and go wherever you want
>when you realize you can fly to macchu picchu any day you want
I'm rich and I never had the urge to buy a plane ticket and travel into some 3rd world shithole or anywhere really. travelling is pointless to me, why waste money to go somewhere and look at shit you can look up on google in 3 seconds?
>or buy a new gaming pc
and play what? Games that are shitty and no fun and actually worse than the games from your childhood that you played on a toaster?
I bought a high end gaming PC and all I do is browse the internet and watch youtube.

Money is kinda like bottled cope, you can buy some distractions but it doesnt fundamentally change anything at all.


>im rich
>money is cope
>it doesn't fundamentally change anything at all

I doubt that you are rich but even if you are just by your "arguments" you're more likely to be retarded than anything.


I'm trying to understand our world. I don't deal with petty materialists like you.


>I'm trying to understand the world
>so i'll say "cope" and use silly adhoms

You need a certain level of intelligence to understand the world, sadly.


I don't hate them, I just envy them a little. 🎩


It literally allows you to sleep at night KNOWING you can't go homeless. You can book any hotel you want, you can probably buy an apartment if you want to.

How is that "bottled cope" instead of endless possibilities and safety?
Do you realize plenty of homeless people post here on their old ass phones?


If I was rich I'd circumnavigate the globe at least once, just get plane tickets from one place to the next until I'm all the way around the planet, and mostly just get drunk on the plane and not even go see anything, just one plane to the next and just drink.


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as if people haven't gone to war to have a slice of that freedom or obliterated entire countries for it. or sold their kids or kidneys or indentured 30 years of their life to labor for it.

but no, it "doesn't make you happy" according to that retard.


The ideal life for a wizard in fact is gaining passive income and investing it in some economic broker. Being unsocial is not enough excuse to trying to emerge some monetizable skill. Anything related with IT jobs and remote are ideal and easy for most of us. Maybe I don't care to be 'rich' per se but having a decent income is fundamental for buying books, computers, or collecting stuff, all of these things are the life fuel of any wizard.


You hate that what you wish to become? Phew…

By the way, how are they not empathizing you exactly?


This is true and a cruelty of society.
>The rich man can be a good man easier than the poor, moral luck
This is a good way to put it, the poor man may always be tempted to degrade himself or steal for wealth. He does not have the comfort to risk making a moral stance since survival takes priority. Ive heard that the "new rich" types are especially egotistical, and I think thats because they believe that they are superior than the "peasants". they feel like the poorer folk are an underclass, which is another way of displaying this "moral difference" between classes (the rich considering the poor degenerate/immoral).
However I cannot draw a line for wizardry between economic classes. I mean, where would one start? I have the privlege of neeting with parents, that would put me "above" the wageslaves wouldn't it? Does hardship create wizardry/robotics? I would say yes. how else does one become discontent? they must have suffered some kind of dissatisfaction first to make them aware, then spend the time reflecting on those negative feelings. But I feel like being rich does not make one immune to obtaining that dissatisfaction. Im sure there are many normals who lament wageslavery and the way society is going, that's not exclusive to being a wiz. Just so, I sure that rich people have their own circles in society where they have to navigate, with their own garbage rules and dynamics that can ostracize potential wizboys.

To me wizardry is mainly a mindset that's born out of dissatisfaction and disgust of social mechanics, and an attempt to disconnect from the world to avoid having to endure society. Being rich simply makes it a lot easier to distance oneself from society since they arent chained to it in order to survive via wagie. although if ones inheritance is managing a business or something then I guess they still have to interact with the norms.




>rich wizards
don't think they exist
rich = normalfag


Wizardry has nothing to do with looks, financial independence, or health.


the rich people ive known in school have all been normalfags and dumb consumers


What makes you think you cant earn 10k?


Non neurotypicals in this economy don't get even manual jobs against thousands of competitors per job.

Crimes are too risky at the low level and not worth the minuscule potential payout.
Most wizards have no wealthy parents or family to ask for help.

There is a real chance he literally cannot do anything to get an amount like that with any level of effort.


This is an overgeneralisation. The whole spectrum of wizardly characteristics is based on prejudices acquired from culture. Poverty contributes depression, and depression is correlated with virginity/loneliness. I am not wealthy, but I cope by simply not caring. I live off my family, not even burger flipping jobs will take me in anyway, and a virgin wagie who has no friends and is not a crab perfectly fits the concept of a wizard to me. Rich kids experience frustrations from the external world differently from otherwise spoiled kids, all relatively rich people I have known in my second/third world country were immense socializers, normalniggers and sex-havers in their teens


>The whole spectrum of wizardly characteristics is based on prejudice
This is where you and so many others are wrong. Wizardry isn't a spectrum full of ifs and buts. The only thing that makes a wizard is whether or not he remains a virgin after the age of 29. Because of this there are no objective "wizard traits" aside from not wanting in to or to be entered by another living being.

>I am not wealthy, but I cope by simply not caring

"Not caring" is not a cope. It's just "not caring".


>The only thing that makes a wizard is whether or not he remains a virgin after the age of 29

I've never tried to redefine that. But the concept is also an idea. A wizard as an individual being adequate to that idea is an ideal. As a substance, it is equivalent to the sum of the ideas of which it composed. The degree of wizardry is a spectrum. The ideal of the wizard archetype goes from the objective world into the subjective consciousness. There is a hierarchy of archetypes in the collective uncosciousness and normalfags will always divide people into alphas/betas/omegas beautiful/average/ugly etc. , just as crabs. The rich are normalfags and most of them are shit from experience. If someone here larps as a wizard multi-millionaire, I might larp as Nikola Tesla as well.

> "Not caring" is not a cope. It's just "not caring"

It is a gigacope and will backfire in the future


being rich is a good thing buddy


What does the "F" stand for? If it's for "fuckless" then that would be redundant since that's what "V"/"virgin" already means…


Fanless. Poor guy is melting in the summer heat without a fan to breeze his spirit.


I understand not having an AC (I don't), but not having a fan is just actual fourth-world… how does he even have a digital device and an internet connection?

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