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Call me a retard if it pleases your bounty, but Im studying ways to migrate to a different country, reside there legally BUT never leave the apartment, dont work, study or interact with locals.
Just praying, ascetic practices, magick, rituals etc. But I want to shed the cocoon and remove my-self from my verily country indeed.It is thus, I crave detachment; I might even go to a country where I dont speak the native's tongue.
What input do you bring forward? Whats a good country to literally burry myself in the ground in?


I kind of did this
Moved to a different country for about a year and basically only left my room once every 3 days to go shopping for food
only knew enough of the language to survive well enough but not enough to have conversations with randoms even if i wanted to.
I lived in southern europe for this but maybe eastern europe would be better because less english and cheaper plus slavs keep to themselves more.


I'd love to try that once in my life in japan until they force me to go back. I'm a bit ashamed but it's my dream.
If anyone wants to do that too, maybe we could reside in the same internet cafe or apartment together.


> Just praying, ascetic practices, magick, rituals etc
Sounds like calling you a retard would be redundant anyway


You now remember homeless wiz

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