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Why do I have this illogical sense of entitlement to happiness?

I have this expectation that life is like a video game where goals exist so you can reach them when in reality you just get thrown into life as this biological being that feels pleasure/pain and is motivated by these sensations into action by evolution. The goals are just a carrot on a stick to keep humans moving and not some transcendent thing you get to experience by being born.

My conscious experience is created by my genetics and upbringing, no one but myself could be me by definition but for some reason I keep having this silly thought that there is a soul and I waste time imagining it what it would be like if my soul was in someone else. Either someone better who gets to enjoy life or someone worse like a medieval peasant. I envy people born in good conditions when really they didn't get lucky but they just are.

I just want to stop wasting mental energy on these stupid fantasy thoughts and accept reality for what it is. Try to make the best of my situation and focus on realistic steps I can take towards self-improvement without wishing I could go back in time, be born as someone else, feel bitter over my lot in life or daydream about a life if the laws of physics didn't exist.

You probably assume I was spoiled as a kid but my parents very fairy strict and not well off so I don't get why I keep throwing these tantrums like god will see it and fulfill my wishes.


If life was a videogame you would have an exit button, instead you're required to kill yourself if you want to quit

So realize that whatever created the universe did not make so we could be happy, we're atoms trapped in this cruel reality

Ultimately, life is suffering


Perhaps passing through the gates of death is like passing quietly through the gate in a pasture fence. On the other side, you keep walking, without the need to look back. No shock, no drama, just the lifting of a plank or two in a simple wooden gate in a clearing. Neither pain, nor floods of light, nor great voices, but just the silent crossing of a meadow.


O God, our sovereign and shepherd,

who brought again your Son Jesus Christ

from the valley of death,

comfort us with your protecting presence

and your angels of goodness and love,

that we also may come home

and dwell with him in your house for ever.


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that fallacy inherent to all men. don't fret, over time life will make a very convincing case against it. so convincing even, over time there won't be left a fiber of your being(conscious or unconscious) that thinks otherwise.


Illogical sense that being alive is better than being dead comes before illogical assumption of entitlement to live an ok life


Idk why its so hard for me to accept when I know it logically. I think it might be because I see all these people that, to me, look like they are living perfect lives. And then there are the stories of people who were rock bottom but through sheer will managed to reach their goal and find success. So I am stuck between rejecting my desires and the urgent feeling like I need to start working towards my goals before its too late.


Threads like these is why I come to wizchan.


> see all these people that, to me, look like they are living perfect lives.
It sound to me like you are quite a shut in, like, way more than I am, to the point that you don't realize how many issues, especially related to mental health, NORMAL people have.
You are overestimating the happiness of normalfags.
They still live better than someone like me, of course, because they delude themselves, more, but anon, if you only knew the crap they go through. I have so much anecdotes I've heard…


I feel the same way. You are not alone.


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None of them are living perfect lives, but they're not all miserable either. They just wake up and it's tomorrow and they go do the same shit as yesterday. There are tiny slivers of exceptions but by and large they have ups and downs and misery and joy and, above all, live fucking boring, banal lives. Even with money and the option to do interesting shit with it, they go see Taylor Swift or take a cruise to Florida or go knows what other dull bullshit. The first step may be accepting that nothing anyone puts out into the world about themselves is true. The rest will follow.


I'm not talking about the average wageslave, or even college graduate. I mean people who have dream jobs or get to live in custom built houses and buy whatever they want. Now I know these are like the 0.01% but just the fact that some people do live like this plants seed of doubt into my mind in just accepting that life is mundane and not ask for too much out of it.

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