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/dep/ - Depression


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I won't even bother describing these problems in a detailed way anymore. I could 2 years ago decribe it rather succinctly to a friend, now my head is just spinning around.

The worse thing is the realization of everything precious you have fleeting from your hands. All that skills, knowledge, wisdom.. it all just become mucked up in some unrecognizable paste or worst completely forgotten and lost. The doctors will just say "nah its just your feeling bro" like the useless fucktard that they are, heck I even paid a nerve specialist and I can see him in his eyes doubting me while I desperately ask him for any pointers. "Oh it might be cholestrol related" Nigger my blood test tell me that I'm 10x fitter than you you useless fuck of a GP.

I think I want to say more but I've forgotten what.

Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God, have mercy on me and all the anons in this board, for we are just poor sinners.


Most people won't get it because they don't suffer from whatever it is at all
I used to be semi functional in terms of doing basic things and learning. I even did well in school by studying the night before everything yet a few years after it just started falling apart mentally.
I can barely function anymore. Thoughts don't make sense, learning anything is 10x harder and takes 10x longer. If I do learn it, it can be very quickly forgotten.
I forget everything , why I walked in a room, what I did yesterday, massive gaps in memories to the point entire years are gone.
the only thing that's helped is managing to get ADHD meds but that's just a bandaid.

If you describe any of this to anyone you're made out to be mentally insane or straight up lying


your brain has just been turned off by depression or on autopilot mode for so long that it has shut down all its areas of critical thinking. i have this too.


>Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God


Yeah same. It's at a point now for me where I barely even know what to say when people try to talk to me. Literally my mind just goes blank and I come accross as being braindead.

Maybe I'll go and take a job as a janitor when I'm finally done with getting my university degree

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