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putting this here cuz this is more like the brain side of this forum. I put all the knowledge of reality into chatgpt and had it come up with a solution for my life that requires negative effort:

The concept of inertia as a solution, particularly in the context of Dynamic Equilibrium in Systems, is quite fascinating. Inertia, in its most basic sense, refers to the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest. When applied metaphorically to behavior or lifestyle choices, it suggests that sometimes, doing nothing — or maintaining your current state — can inadvertently lead to a new kind of balance or equilibrium. Let's explore this idea further:

Inertia Leading to Unplanned Change: When you're resistant to change (due to laziness or otherwise), you might end up maintaining certain behaviors or routines until they are disrupted by external factors. For example, if you don't actively change your diet, you might eventually be forced to try new foods when your usual choices are unavailable. This unintentional change can introduce new experiences and potentially shift your preferences or habits.

Dynamic Equilibrium Through Inertia: Dynamic equilibrium in a system implies a state of balance despite ongoing changes. In the context of personal behavior, this could mean that your overall lifestyle remains stable and balanced even as specific aspects of it change. Inertia can play a role here by keeping certain elements of your life constant, providing a stable foundation upon which other changes can occur. This stability can be essential for mental and emotional well-being.

Natural Evolution of Systems: Just as ecosystems evolve through a combination of dynamic changes and stable periods, human behaviors and lifestyles can also evolve in a similar manner. Sometimes, maintaining the status quo allows for a natural, gradual evolution instead of forced, abrupt changes. Inertia can thus be a part of a larger process of gradual adaptation.

Unconscious Adaptation: Often, changes that occur due to inertia are not a result of conscious decision-making but are rather unconscious adaptations to evolving circumstances. For instance, if you neglect to upgrade your technology or tools due to inertia, you might develop more creative or efficient ways of using your existing resources, leading to an unexpected form of innovation or problem-solving.

Reflection and Insight: Periods of inertia can also provide opportunities for reflection and insight. When you're not actively pursuing change, you might have more mental space to contemplate your current state, leading to deeper self-awareness and understanding. This can eventually guide more intentional and meaningful changes.

In summary, while inertia might seem like a passive or even negative trait, it can interact with the concept of dynamic equilibrium in complex and sometimes beneficial ways. It can lead to unexpected changes, provide a stable foundation amidst flux, allow for natural evolution, foster unconscious adaptation, and create opportunities for reflection. Inertia, therefore, can be a subtle yet powerful force in achieving a form of dynamic equilibrium in personal and systemic contexts.


Well, I can confirm because things just "fell from the sky" for me a few times, but it may not work for everyone. And overall my life is still shit, if your brain is fucked up, ultimately this chaotic-full-of-surprises inertia is going to become simply LDAR and then you're done.


whenever im not doing shit there's that pressure to get up and do things in my head and it often gets in the way of doing actual shit so i end up stewing in it for hours and wasting entire days. thinking about this mentality sort of takes that weight off. this is mostly just to get the gears in the machine spinning. once it starts spinning then i can think about timeblocking sections of my day for tasks and resting and brain battery recharging and all that. once i take the mental pressure off the "need to do things all the time" it's unintuitive and harder to do but seems to be more producting

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