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I have been working hard on my clandestine PDF which talks about the ultimate neet lifestyle from a guerrilla perspective: How to mooch off, get free stuff, fake disability and welfare, and more complex stuff such as: find a squatting network, survive as homeless, go into the woods, dodge taxes, or a mix of all this.
I will hold high the flag of laziness, of selfish hedonism!


>I will hold high the flag of laziness, of selfish hedonism!
nah I rather reject modern culture, that's exactly how zoomers and females live and they all end up miserable and having to take pills.


Isn't it hypocritical to praise the values of selfishness, when the existence of a welfare state depends on others having empathy and altruism towards yourself?


Im amoral so I dont see any issue in hypocrisy.


Most billionaires, CEO:s, wealthy gangsters, elites etc. are also extremely selfish, sociopathic and amoral.

There is no harm in being just like them at the opposite end of the socioeconomic scale when you have been dealt worse than horrible starting cards in life.

I live incredibly well considering I'm an unemployed autist, thanks to having zero ethics or morals. I have been scamming normies, especially elderly normies for decades now. That is on top of neetbucks and family money.

I will do whatever I can without getting caught, my #1 objective is never dealing with the police.

Also, normies don't advocate for welfare due to kindness and empathy. Most normies are sociopathic monsters.
Welfare exists because amoral elites understand it's the only way to maintain social order.
You can't just leave unemployed people to fend for themselves or it becomes dangerous to venture outside your home without armed guards.


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based illegalmaxxer
To be frank and blunt, Im doing this out of a mix of messiah complex ("saving the downtrodden") and guilt complex for shit I did in the past.
but in the material world, i guess the ones who receive help ,to them doesnt matter why im helping them- since ,after all, they need to improve their bad material conditions of existence.


>nah, zoomy succubi meds!
in every thread he comes


>I will hold high the flag of laziness, of selfish hedonism!
so you will become a degenerate normalfag?


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you got it wrong. normalfags pay taxes, have SSN, HAVE a credit record\number, have cars , pay rent, etc
they are salaried; have a boss. They try to NOT be homeless. they stay away as far as possible from begging, asceticism, or jumping borders to avoid paying a ticket a pig issued.
Normies want a house, they want a partner or maybe children. they hate bosses who exploit workers. if I COULD, id exploit normies without mercy. I cant; so I will scam everyone to live without labor.


I feel like social security is the perfect welfare system for people who hate welfare. Like de facto it is a welfare program for senior citizens. But because you "pay into it" as a wagie and its only for wagies. They feel like its money they earned and don't think of it as a welfare program. Its basically NEETbux for retired seniors.


Well it's immune to the common criticism that "poor people are just lazy" because old people aren't expected to work in the first place.


They managed to sneak Autisbux into SSI even though it has nothing to do with wagie seniors. Good ol welfare state always looking out for us wizneets despite the hatred of the voters.


I'm lazy but able to live in a second world country comfily on medium sized inheritance.

Yet nobody ever calls me lazy. It only seems the "laziness" aspect gets brought up if a poor person does the same but on state money.

So it's not really about laziness, it's about status. Normies hate the poor escaping the status quo by refusing to be exploited through labor.
They don't care if a wealthy or rich person who did nothing to earn their inheritance, does the same and just sits at home doing nothing.


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right on op. neet power, forget any bozo who tells you otherwise

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