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Had a dream where I died in the shower, same feeling as if you took hydromorphone for the first time, it is an intense feeling all over that is overwhelming, thoughts slow down but you still fight to stay alive. Existence just blanks out as you loose your consciousness slowly, you exist but you aren't conscious, at the last second I woke up. Still, I'm not sure if I fear death or if this indifferent situation has me over whelmed. Personally, death is not an end but a veil if it simulated realistically between that state of being awake and being asleep then the loss of consciousness isn't the end but a transformation between states like how I loose consciousness before I sleep. This is what religious people ment by "the veil" but I still can't sleep I'm scared to sleep again.


People used hallucinogens all the time for religious visions back in the day.

Even Alexander the Great took hallucinogens when he took a random detour to the Siwa oasis in the middle of the desert


>Even Alexander the Great took hallucinogens
you're not Alexander the Great and you are not that guy you think you are. you are posting on /dep/ for a reason. Stop promoting drugs.


I don't understand what you're saying. I'm a disabled autist and I've never taken drugs.

I'm just saying religious visions aren't real, they come from using foreign substances that alter your consciousness.

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