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i have strange urges when i watch lights flicker on the screen. they do it so smoothly and nicely. i feel like i want to flicker with them but i can't. what the fuck, jesus christ

I went outside again today.

It's amazing how fake everything looks. I mean, when people use the word "fake" here in Los Angeles; they're usually referring to the superficiality of the city's culture.

When I use the word "fake" here; I'm actually referring to how unusually artificial the world at large feels now. It's difficult to describe. It's not a pleasant feeling. I can spend most of the day outside and it doesn't stop feeling fake.


is LA a good place to wiz?



Isn't it like the most expensive city to live in? How would a wiz manage?


Probably an inheritance wizard. Not even surgeons on single salaries can afford to live there alone.

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