I'm a deformed freak with this condition, I never even got braces. And now, because I didn't look after my teeth, my entire right side is sitting on two teeth.
I have no money and a few years I'll have my jaw entirely sink in, and be struggling to breathe. I may as well kill myself for being such a deformed freak.
I don't even care about the looks, I just want to feel healthy in my face. I'm a fucking living pug dog but in human form.
I tell people I'm deformed, I'm fucked up, it's not worth it. And they just tell me people deal with worse, that I have to learn to cope with it. But I genuinely don't want to, I'm at the point where I'd rather not exist than exist like this.
I'm going to talk about surgeries and treatments for this.
>>294657 >underbite You can probably thank your mother for this. It is correlated highly with lack of breast feeding. I also have a complete underbite but growing out my beard helped a lot. Many oral surgeries like teeth implants are much cheaper in foreign countries.
>>294660 She bragged about it even, "oh as soon as I could you were off my tit". There's a clear pattern of facial degradation in my family from the oldest who looks normal, to the youngest who looks fucked up.
I can't handle this, I'm breathing through my mouth at night and waking up tired. I need to get this fixed, I'm suicidal unless I get my face fixed. Nobody else gets it, everything says there's nothing wrong with me.
There is a succubi's forum called crystal cafe, where succubi complain about why they can never be pretty. You should visit it, and stay there, you would adapt well.
>>294723 I don't give a shit about the looks, it's the loss of functioning and mouth breathing. I wake up in the morning colder, I get exhausted easier, I wake up with a bad taste in my mouth.
>>294732 you have a bad taste in your mouth from eating junk food. You're colder because you're a poor bastard who doesn't have heating. If you want to breathe better and have a better jaw, eat harder things and get out into nature a bit.
>>294734 A person's value is not determined by beauty, that only happens to succubi.
>>294735 I don't eat junk food, I'm particular about what I eat. It's when I wake up that I have a foul taste because I sleep with my mouth hanging open.
I used to be able to just sleep and deal with the cold when my breathing was right. I'm going to suffer so much in old age when I actually get other respiratory problems, then I'll just choke in my sleep and just want to die constantly.
I just want a normal jawline and to be able to breathe like normal people do. I don't want to be a human pug dog, always sniffing funny and getting exhausted.
>>294739 I look like this and it only became chronic with tooth loss and the resulting jaw moving up. I've bad blood tests done a while back so I doubt it's anything with my organs.
It's not just at night, it's anytime I lie down, I just have to lie down to sleep.