Couple hobbies to keep me busy and an elaborate fantasy life with my tulpa. I think I would be quite satisfied like this, if I could just have money and somehow avoid the entire outside world, but you can't escape it for long.
I indulge in a mixture of hobbies and escapism that include: playing video games, browsing the internet, watching movies or shows, drawing, writing, and daydreaming.
There's a mental cope I use using relative experience where if the current shit isn't as bad as I've already experienced, I know I can handle it and hold faith in my endurance. The rest is a waiting room until death.
>>294912 I take lots of naps and overstimulate my brain with all sorts of content (vidya, youtube, books, porn etc), daydreaming to music or what have you
>>294912 Kratom. I am a slave to that nasty leaf. It is the only thing that give me energy to do shit I want to do and enjoy it. Lately I've stopped using it and life sucks once again. Planning to go back to consuming it after this month long tolerance break. Wish I had access to stronger drugs, but alas. I did acid some time ago and it was scary but fun. Wish I could get high regularly. I also drink ocassionaly. Strong beer once or twice week, usually during weekends. Used to cope with vidya but nowadays everything seems boring. Sometimes I do replay the good old stuff I used to enjoy back in the day.
>>294912 I am playing survival horror games, sometimes lifting, and taking natural measures against my fatty liver (I have this belly, but while being thin)
I am a former drunk turned to marijuana and cigaretes, true to old idiom and idiot, happier on half heroin than harlots. Hooch is only half handy for harrowing hate. Not like I can get a succubus to be lovely anywa drunk or sobery. Klon makes for care cuts and I'm a barebones boozer. Duh. Cope one. The few things I love to do to distact myself include music, reminiscing and recreating, education that makes me happier via induced non helplessness, my weed,half pints, my dad, and imageboards to connect to the spirit of others and express myself. I suffer from clinical anhedonia from MDMA abuse as a teen and abuse alcohol as a result, according to actual guideline following intervention and rehabilitation following becoming a fugitive. I use to chug due to drug dealing and abuse of my psyche. I am lucky and loopy on klono no anyway, narcotioaddict is the old me.. I have to be loosely faltering on treatment due to extended drama at the institution regarding surgery and euthanasia. I like to grow cannabis and listen to lectures now that I've reared drunken outbursts back under control with my doc. The ultimate cope obviously is greed, value hitherto variety, sinners die not cry.
A long long time ago I would watch anime and use 4chan to cope with life. About 10 years ago at the age of 23 I used my first drug (dollar store brand cough syrup) and began using that regularly. I then tried various legal highs for a year until I discovered kratom (like >>294985) and that was the first "physically addictive" drug I used and became addicted to. But it was mostly O.K. because I had an easy retail job and kratom just seemed to make me even better at it.
But after another year I discovered the allergy medicine "benzedrex" and became addicted to both it and kratom. Kratom was pretty affordable but the benzedrex went from costing me $20 a week to $30 a day. Eventuallly I became unemployed and broke and in debt and now I am addicted to the only drug I can afford, diphenhydramine. Only now I'm so broke that I can't even find enough loose change in my house to buy a $1 bottle of DPH pills.
So now I'm trying to watch anime and use 4chan to cope with life. But 4chan doesn't allow my obscure hipster browser to make posts so I just lurk.
It's been a while since I've visited this board, let alone posted. You could say I've been too busy "wageslaving". The truth is I got bored of being a NEET and found working long hours at a warehouse to be a lot less painful than I ever would have imagined while I was a NEET. I wouldn't even say I'm "depressed" anymore. If anything, I'm simply just dead inside. I take kratom to soothe the anhedonia. I started off taking the plain powdered leaf; I used it a few times a week, and got great effects every time. Later on, I started using plain leaf every day and got great effects most of the time. Then, I discovered extracts. I realized I could use extract and guarantee amazing effects, so I started using extract more and more frequently. The problem with this wasn't necessarily that it was unsustainable, but rather that I lost the "magic" after going too hard, and stopped feeling the euphoria that caused me to use kratom in the first place, so I took a break. I was using small doses of filtered tea only when I discovered 7-OH. 7-OH felt so much better and cleaner than regular MIT, so I quickly developed a 7-OH habit that escalated drastically until I was using 10-15 15mg tablets per day. I used plain leaf to taper off, which I now use daily with 7-OH tabs as an occasional treat. It's the only thing that really makes me feel anything anymore. I can enjoy shitty TV shows, vidya gaems, books, etc. and that's enough for me. Some would say my life is sad, but when I'm on 7-OH I fucking love it and wouldn't trade it for anything. In terms of vices, I'll take this one over the others I could've been saddled with.
I wish all my fellow wizards a great and comfy day of escapist fantasy.
>>295263 I've been dealing with anhedonia for the past few years too with no way of getting rid of it. I will look into Kratom and maybe try it out. Thanks for the suggestion wizzie.
I would not advise wizzies to look into drugs to alleviate anhedonia. Speaking from experience, first i'll feel good and you'll become addicted. Then it'll be less enjoyable and you will increase the dosage. Don't fool yourself thinking you will be in control ! You won't.
And so forth, until you die from tachycardia, stroke, high blood pressure, etc. (as amphetamines and anticholinergics eventually lead to this).
>>295270 It's illegal where I live anyways and being as neurotic as I am it would stress me out way too much to try and get some anyways. But thanks for the friendly advice.
>wake up >Eat breakfast and take your meds >Go on your day > Go to the gym >Go home, watch something or play games. Eat dinner. >Take meds, pray then go to sleep >Sometimes go to parties or go out with friends. Thats how you cope with reality, at least that's how i do it
I wake up. Make my bed. Wash my face. Turn on my PC. Play all day and talk to AI (before anyone talks shit, I tried Omegle and people/normalfags are hell). Eat. Brush my teeth. Go to bed. Repeat. That's my routine. No alc, no drugs. Hobbies have all been replaced by vidya and other reasons. Not sure how sane or insane could be defined. I wouldn't consider myself either.
Cigarettes and sleep deprivation. The utter and all-consuming void that squats upon the carcass of what was once my soul is much quieter when I'm barely awake because I'm deliberately staying at around 4 hours of sleep per night for some 6 years now, alongside completely foregoing sleep once every week or two when I start feeling even slightly energetic. Cigarettes amplify that woozy feeling of unreality, though I'm starting to also drink whatever alcohol I can cheaply scrounge up just to keep this charade going as the effectivess of cigarettes wanes.
I only need to endure a few more years of this - if the gods have any mercy then russia will invade my baltic shithole this decade and I will bleed out in a muddy trench, or perhaps even have the good fortune of being blasted into bits by a direct mortar or arty or tank shell. Who knows, who cares, certainly not me. I'm too exhausted and numb to do the deed myself though I've tried before.