I want to rant about a certain succubus – my 8 year old sister. She looks hopeless to me. She has extremely bad behavior in general (ten times worse than of a toddler half her age), she's shameless and degenerate (doesn't mind walking around the house in nothing but her underwear just because "it's hot", likes slutty clothes and behaves in slutty ways; doesn't mind talking about gross things such as literal shit, often opens the bathroom's door when others are inside as a "joke", etc), she's spoiled, she's addicted to YouTube and stupid phone "games", and while she behaves like a toddler in some areas at the same time she also displays manipulative and psychopathic evil succubus traits that wouldn't manifest at this age yet, etc. Although I start my day in the afternoon (since I go to bed closer to dawn), I'm temporarily woken up every day at around 8 or 9 AM which is when she wakes up to go to school, and I always hear my mother screaming at my sister, and my sister also screaming back. Recently I even heard my mother have a breakdown because of her behavior (not the first time it happened). At her best, she's just noisy and hyperactive and can't shut up and stop bothering others, and if I point that out my parents say that she's "just lively" or "just playing around" or "just a kid". Also they don't let me hit her back if she hits me (because they say it will somehow make her docile and accepting of abuse in the future). I spent years hoping that as she grows she'll become better behaved, but if anything it looks like she's only degrading, so at this point I realized that she's a genetic failure, and her non-inherent negative traits have been solidified by now (by my parents spoiling her, etc) and are being constantly strengthened and thus should be nearly impossible to reverse. If you deny her anything (like jewtube, mobile "games", etc), she'll start screaming and behaving like a crazed beast (especially bad since I live in an apartment – what are the neighbors led to think when they hear it?), so she can't be "unspoiled" unless she was left in a schizo padded room for a week. By the way, she's not low IQ per se and if anything she seems smarter than average (although she behaves worse than a nigger monkey with 30 IQ), and she has decent looks, and of course, my mother is always complimenting her on those things and boosting her ego. When she was conceived my mother was close to 40 already, and while that didn't make her retarded or ugly/deformed as I described above, that must've fucked up her brain in other ways resulting in her horrendous personality and behavior. Funnily enough my mother refused to take anxiety meds when she was pregnant with her because she said it would make her "slow" – alas, that would have been much better than her being a hyperactive demon. I wouldn't say that I had an abusive household or anything like that, but when I was a kid, my mother sometimes beat and insulted me, and today she's constantly apologizing about it to me. But she holds back on this for my sister and just screams at her whenever she doesn't behave well (which of course is multiple times a day). Personally, I think that it would do good for my sister to be beaten and insulted. She really deserves it, and it could straighten her up a little and make her modest and tame. Whatever psychological scars that could leave doesn't compare to the nuisance that she is to others. I still hope that she'll get a little better in the coming years, but it's a weak hope. And if anything I think that her teenage years is when the demonic flower will blossom – her sexuality will awaken and I can envision that she'll become a completely defiled whore, along with drama related to "relationships", unwanted pregnancies, etc. I should also mention that my mother is "religious" and goes to church every other Sunday with my brother (didn't mention him so far, he's fine, also he's in his early teenage years) and my sister (my father and I used to go too but we lost interest, but I still pretend to vaguely believe in the religion to not cause drama with my mother). It would be good if religion could prevent sexual degeneracy from my sister's part, however my sister doesn't have the good qualities of a Christian at all (she behaves like fucking satan), and if anything she likes to boast about how she believes in God and goes to church unlike my father and me, or whatever. Therefore I doubt that the religion could save her hymen, or at most, she would do the classic "loophole" of avoiding vaginal intercourse for "Christian" virtue signaling while being an anal slut, or whatever. I ranted a bit, fellow wizzies, but it's really bleak. Do you have any advice or suggestions? Is this situation out of my control, or is there anything that I can do?
>>295114 Yes, to say that she bothers me is an understatement. If you mean directly, she consistently does various things such as coming into my room for stupid or no reasons, stealing my things, hitting me out of nowhere or touching my rear, messing with my food, opening the door when I'm in the bathroom, etc. Semi-directly, she throws tantrums for stupid or no reasons, does things like turning the TV's volume extremely loud, bothers my parents or brother making them scream at her, etc. It's not frequent, but when I have to go outside with my family, she's constantly doing stupid things and running away like an animal and I am in charge of catching her (it would help a lot to have a leash, and especially a shock collar, but that's just a fantasy). This might just sound like a "normal" poorly behaved kid to some, but I've never seen anyone in my life who behaved like that, even literal niggers manage to be better. It's especially bad for me because like many wizzies/Anons I'm quite introverted and sensitive to chaos. Also when she's not directly bothering me, I can be disconcerted by seeing the backwards or inappropriate things that she does or says. >>295115 Yes, but how exactly? My parents never properly punish her and forbid me from doing so, and they're constantly spoiling her. If you mean rule 2 stuff, it doesn't need to be said that I absolutely cannot do that.
>>295112 i honestly doubt there's much you can do, i've met similar children and i can tell you that once they reach the age of 8 and haven't been parented properly there is literally no hope for them, if you're extremely lucky there is a less than 1% chance of improvement but to raise a good child parenting has to start early on so they know not to act like spoiled little shits.
>>295175 >If she's 8 then how old are you? Under 25. >And why do you still live at home? Not giving you rent sheckels, Rabbi. >Looks like the blame is on you Why? >and you're projecting. How?
Sounds terrible. What I'd do is avoid her as much as possible. There are door stoppers you can buy to prevent her from opening doors on you. Then you can drown her out with some noise canceling headphones.
>>295112 I have a similar case with my cousin who lives next door, she's 9. Spoiled brat, just seeing her makes me want to vomit. It feels like her parents didn't know when to comfort her and when to kick her ass - in each case did the opposite of what they should've done. Boosted her ego whenever she wanted to feel special and successful and denied her the most basic and reliable love when she needed it. The result: the most devilish creature; machiavellian, entitled and without any moral restrictions to keep her in line. It's like my entire hatred for modern succubi was manifested into a “human” being. I couldn't care less about her, I just want her gone. >Do you have any advice or suggestions? Is this situation out of my control, or is there anything that I can do? Are you interested in her doing well in life and raising her into a proper member of society or are you just trying to avoid personal inconveniences because of her?
>>295112 She'll probably ending up as in need of some punch, and your parents too. Sorry about your shituation, wizanon. I would at least bother her in any ways possible as I could, openly and covetously, such breed should not be freed that way into the outer world, they might start bullying future wizards.
In order to know how something works, it must often be shattered into pieces.
Since it seems like nobody in your family either cares about this or is incapable of doing anything about it, it's up to you to choose - do you let her destroy herself like this, or do you try and guide her towards a less bleak future?
She obviously wants attention based from what you've written, and looks up to you quite a bit. Acting out like that gets her that attention she wants, but because it's mostly negative she's probably developing a really fucked understanding of how these family relations like sister/brother and daughter/parents work.
Your family is probably reclusive too. Parents overstressed, tired from work, perhaps fighting? I grew up in that kind of household with a smaller sister too, and with everyone just not wanting to interact with each other because of the constant fights and shouting matches starting over the most trivial things and everybody trying to huddle in their own private little corners of the apartment naturally there was no coordination on my sisters raising. If she wanted something she could ask the mother and get a no for one reason, then go to the father and get a yes for a completely different reason, or maybe go to me so I would intervene on her behalf or give her a third reason for my own reasons. The mother wanted her to be confident and pretty and independent, the father wanted her to be smart and studious and a hard worker, and I just wanted her to be silent and invisible. Kids naturally absorb things around them, and that sort of chaotic pulling and pushing in multiple directions at once warps their minds and souls into abominable shapes (just like your sisters, is what I'm getting at).
She won't fix herself - she's far too young to understand the nuances at play and have the willpower needed, with her difficulties being further amplified by her being female. If you actually want to do something about this, then try to at least coordinate with your family about problems that regularly reoccur with her so you all have a unified reaction and response and all push her towards a singular goal, and you personally would do a lot by just being the stable lighthouse on a rock in the middle of her ocean. Even if she's a devil right now, try and actually look at her and interact with her. See what she actually is, try to understand how she thinks, and if at all possible have patience and be nice to her. All of that should make her open up to you and your influence much more.
That's my experience, that's what helped me push and puil my sister onto a decent path that she can pursue and find some happiness in. That was all before the current age though, it's going to be so much harder with all the brain rot and fifty thousand different shadows competing for her attention everywhere and at all times by utilizing every psychological trick that's been discovered. It also required me to essentially put my own life on pause, and I've never recovered from it. What, if anything, are you willing to sacrifice for her sake?
>>295112 I had cousins like this when I was a kid. Both of them are whores now. One of them lives with her junkie boyfriend, the other one (still underage) sneaks out at night to slut around and do hard drugs with college aged guys. It got so bad she was basically disowned, and now she just tours around with whomever gives her drugs in exchange for sex. FYI both of them molested me when I was a lad. The older one used to facesit me, and play with my cock. The younger one would always try to fool around with me, but my older cousin would get jealous and beat the shit out of her. From what I've heard, they were both molested by their dad's girlfriend at the time, and would try this shit on other kids at their respective schools as well. I blame both of these whores for turning me into the sexually repressed degenerate I am today. There's a lot more shit I won't disclose for safety reasons, but my sexual interests are truly fucked up. It sucks being self aware of it, and not being able to talk to anyone about it.