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I wonder where is the border between consciousness and physical existance. I mean, If I die who can garantee that my consciousness end too? Maybe I will continue suffering as another human. What if there are no real difference between your "me" and mine "me"?

I came up with concept where humanity is connected with their minds so our personalities are just illusion, an aspect of Gods psychological illness. Death of a man only means end of another meat cell on Gods body. The suicide cant help you end your personal suffering because its only part of something more, there are no you or me. Only way to end your and mine personal hell is to erace every sign of intelligent life in universe.

Sorry for mess in this shitpost. Vsem bobra i kvasa.


Which is the limit of my mind and which the limit of the sky? I have been having really fucked up thoughts about quantum suicide/immortality. I don't fear dying but I fear death itself and have feared it as a concept since pretty early childhood. I nearly died of a disease at birth but by this concept dying isn't really possible. Anyone else who "died at birth" just lives in another instance of this world. If everyone of those were in the same one there would just be too much people for the world to viable.


I'm already living in hell. I'm 100% sure that the consciousness continues after death and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't enjoy life anymore because of my crippling depression and suicide is not the end. I can't even relate to other people's suffering because I'm also convinced that I'm the only conscious person of the universe too.


I feel as conscious as you, although saying that won't probably mean anything


I guess I wrote my thoughts badly. I mean that intelligent live existance is equal to constant suffering and there are no difference between being borned or not being. The physical body is just cell that contain piece of divine shizofrenia.

Vsem kvasa


other people are conscious, it's just that they have shitty empathy skills or just self absorbed. Those who have decent empathy tend to use it more like a tool to manipulate others. Not necessary to exploit people, sometimes can be used to avoid trouble, by using empathy to predict their reaction.
>I already ask for help recently, if I do it again they probably be annoyed.

>I can't even relate to other people's suffering because I'm also convinced that I'm the only conscious person of the universe too.

Don't get why many have trouble to put themselves in someone else's shoes. Is it rampart narcissism?


>Vsem bobra i kvasa
That's just loneliness making your thinking more abstract.
>where is the border between consciousness and physical existance.
There is a transcendental linkage between consciousness and nature. Space and time are subjective conditions of experience, you can't exist in different worlds at the same time. Physical laws by definition can't challenge this a priori determinism, but the principle of life is immaterial.
> I mean that intelligent live existance is equal to constant suffering and there are no difference between being borned or not being
It's impossible for anything to be possible and to be nothing completely. The principle of noncontradiction governs the domain of the logically possible, nothingness implies a contradiction. The body is provided (by God) with the different colours of reality in both living and dying. The concept of nothingness will possibly lead you dialectically to the Parmenidean absolute non-being, negative theolgy, or the ontological status of things-in-themselves.
>so our personalities are just illusion
Cogito ergo sum, blah-blah, and since we can't objectify the subject pole anymore without doubling the subject it becomes an observer so we have the inner and outer world and consciousness. If space and time are just empty forms (withing us) the human consciousnesss is indeed posited (by God) on nothing. I won't to expatiate on it, becuase I wouldn't drag you into my own philosophical framework.
Fuck it
>Death of a man only means end of another meat cell on Gods body
Maybe come up with some type of pantheism.
>to erace every sign of intelligent life in universe
>Icrippling depression
Is it only quantum suicide
Do you live in a big city?


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Are you living in Siberia? You remind me of myself, I think about deep philosophical thoughts I can't really explain to people. (and I wouldn't try anyway) I'm very pessimistic by nature, sometimes I look at the history of famines and genocide and other various atrocities in history; there's always a deep historical trauma in Russia - something about it is cursed. I'm convinced this is hell.


Can you at least tell what kind of philosophy? Quantum woo is pretty popular


Yes, Im from Siberia. And to be honest, I even like russian nasty things(we call it "чернуха"). But you are right, there are a lot of… shit in our history.


Please don't count the doings of the Bolshevik Jews as part of *your* history. Your ancestors may have been a pawn in their game, but it is the international Jew who orchestrated just about every holocaust and genocide of the past 400 years. That includes China's handywork, which is ultimately fueled by Jewish communism.


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so capitalism is aryan?


Bolsheviks made a lot of mistakes.
And Bolsheviks helped my family with education. And they built the city I live in. And they killed Nikolay II. So… I like those guys.


Russians are imperialists by nature, so of course they love Bolsheviks
>Jewish communism
Certain people love to spout about certain concepts without requiring or providing a shred of truth about their existence. Your world view is extremely simplistic and nonsensical.


Why did you Sage? your post was on topic.


>Russians are imperialists by nature, so of course they love Bolsheviks
if they were imperialist it would make morse sensese to shill for tsar


>Russians are imperialists
If you are from USA or Europe, its funny to read))))
>by nature
fuck of nazi


They already shill for him hard. Like constant plans to make him Saint by the Orthodox church and all those walks with crosses and his portrait.
People in other countries build cities and provide education without killing 9 million Ukrainians during Holodomor. (The number of 3 million is promoted by the left institutions despite recent findings in order to have Holocaust as the biggest tragedy, as if it's a competition for them).


>by nature
>fuck of nazi
90% of Muscovite opposition in emigration is against decolonization and denuclearization of Muscovy. And that's those who the West considers to be cream of the crop. Regular Muscovites are even worse. Actually, Muscovy almost always was the empire. Including the USSR rebranding.


your personality is almost certainly rooted in your brain. So even if consciousness is some kind of transcendent property your experience here, this, only happens once

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