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/dep/ - Depression


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When I was a child in school I intentionally made myself as uninteresting as possible because I wanted to reduce the amount of social interactions I would have to get through with others. It worked wonderfully, a little too wonderfully. I now sit here as a fully grown adult and I am completely empty. Completely uninteresting, dull, lacking in experiences, interests, hobbies, or genuine emotional reactions to things. I don't even know how to have fun. I literally don't know how.

How do I come back from that? I never make friends with people because I bore them to death because I don't have any friends or stories to tell them about my experiences living life with my friends like a normal person because I'm not a normal person, I am a recluse. I see others chatting so effortlessly with strangers and joking and making them laugh but I can barely just get through interactions with others I can't even think of what I would say to make them laugh. Nothing interesting has happened to me lately, or like in the past decade at least. I have no deep area of passion that I can talk about. I have nothing to show for my time spent as a recluse. I didn't study some languages or learn the law or how to code. I don't even have deep interest in video games or music or stuff like that because I have been depressed for so long. None of that shit can hold my interest. I am empty. There's no coming back from this right?


what seems to be the problem I don't understand.


you're right, there is no coming back. you should just stop holding back and go all in on your internal world. don't feel any regret about what coulda been, just follow your destiny and become such an overwhelming unique character that they write books about how fucking bonkers you were. why settle for mediocrity when you could be a fucking anomaly, a pain in ass of society and normal people, confusing the mind's of psychiatrists and sociologists alike, unable to pin you down. they should be scratching their heads trying to pinpoint your exact motivations. be the one guy on the planet that doesn't want pussy, power and social status lol

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