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I hate myself a lot and everything I am genetically. I make everything bad for those I care about. I don't want to exist but whenever I think about suicide I either think about making some people sad or making people that dislike me and bullied me happy. I don't want to give them that satisfaction. I just want to die though because I wasn't meant to exist. So how can I simply do it even if this means that it hurts some people and gives pleasure to the people that hurt me? They already made fun of one guy that did it


another pepe-posting tourist that isn't even going to bother waiting for the reply lol


That's not true but I really don't have energy to argue


please grow the fuck up


R9K is the other way buddy.


i don't care about the frog, but it has become an instant way to recognize newfags that don't know about that rule. what i do dislike however is tourists, people that come here when they're down in the dumps and feeling like a "doomer", daydreaming about suicide and most commonly asking for the magical "easy, painless, fast and cheap method" (spoiler: it doesn't exist princess, it's going to hurt and you're probably going to hell afterwards).

most of the time, because the site is so slow, they just move on but their shitty threads stays up for months. we really don't need yet another suicide thread when there's a general. this might be a fucking one night stop for you buddy, but this is my home and you're shitting it up. so you grow up!


your home is a depression and pro suicide and drugs board? I'd say you need to move out asap.



Dont do it anon its not worth it.
I suggest going to a therapist. It will help you, at least it helped me :)
If you do not want to go to therapy ( you might think that the (()) will fuck with you, like i thought and still think to be honest ) you can go to the Catholic church, they have mass every sunday. You can meet new people, some friends and maybe you know. But anyways i wish you the best anon.



Your home is a neet board? Damm you have a shitty life.


File: 1728053866402.jpg (32.32 KB, 385x375, 77:75, nico-cringe.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>and you're probably going to hell afterwards
Why are all christcucks psychopathic sadists who derive pleasure from fantasizing about people who suffered enough in life to suffer even more for eternity?


it was just a joke. and why do you assume i'm talking about christian hell? many other cultures have some conception of it. even as an atheist, even if there is no god, it doesn't actually guarantee that there isn't an afterlife, purely as a metaphysical accident. it would be pretty ironic for someone to find the perfect painless method and slowly drift off into sleep only to zap into the torture dimension 1ms later

>you don't work for a living? wow, you must have a shit life!!!

on the contrary, i pretty much live like a king.


>take le shower xDDD

fascinating how it takes outsiders one post to shit up the place.


>i pretty much live like a king.
a king wouldn't be wasting his time on imageboards and arguing with literal nobodies like us
you're delusional

You're on dep
you're not a king you never will be


oh really? only a king can afford to waste time. all the lil rats in the rat race dream about chilling and doing nothing. don't worry, you'll earn it one day and you can stop hustling for your boss and other people's approval.


just the fact that you have to act like you're superior to others by calling yourself a king on a dep board for virgins is enough to tell me you're coping with your shitty life
Life doesnt get better when you do nothing but tell yourself lies.


you're the best operator of your body there is, king
if any other playa got behind the wheel of your monkey, they'd last nowhere near as long


yeah, secretly i really wish i could work 40 hours + commute for chump change. secretly i hate relaxing, sleeping when i want and enjoying my hobbies without the need to rush because i only get 2 days of free time. the human mind wasn't made to live in tranquility 24/7, it needs to suffer and be subjugated otherwise it goes crazy. is that what you want to hear? i feel bad for you bro, but someone has to keep the system running. hope you're at least getting that respect for being a working man. your co-workers treating you well? meh, and if they don't, that's just part of the grind haha


ah, i see. you're a self-hating neet that projects his own depression and low self-worth unto others. you're not doing anything with your life and seeing someone describe their neethood in positive terms triggers butthurt, perfectly understandable. let me guess, you also suffer from chronic "fear of missing out" and you're deeply envious of everyone else? sad!

wish i could give you advice, but since you have such a high iq, you should be able to figure out what to do with your time on this earth and stop crying about others doing better than you. hint: try sitting down in a quiet place, turning inward and asking yourself what you yourself truly value. good luck, champ.


Not all neets are poor. Lots of nordic neets have more inherited wealth than a mid level corporate manager in the US who slaves away 70 hours a week with no holidays.


From what I read people here are not just depressed but also severely mentally ill and with disorders like >>295322 so it's no wonder they will think they're doing great when they can't even leave their rooms and their only cope is to post here to convince themselves they're doing great lol
nordic countries are wealthy but the males who end up as neets in them are suicidal and depressed, look up the suicide rate of said countries. So they are by no means having a good life despite their wealth. You have on the other hand wagies who are motivated and optimistic and enjoy climbing up the corporate ladder or being part of a group and getting paid. You have a narrow vision of what people lives are like just because of their status.


Riddle me this? Where are the great NEET achievements and works of art? Millions upon millions of NEETs with more free time than even aristocrats of old had, and nothing to really show for it. Welcome to the NHK and Temple OS are the only achievements that come to mind, and Terry Davis was a wagecuck before he became ill.

All the statistics show NEETs are don't shit and are just sitting in front of screens, suffering deaths of despair. It's a suffering life after 40, ropeworthy for even normalfag NEETs.


like many wagecucks and to them adjacent, you're infected with the mindset that you must justify the use of your free time with some kind of productive result, otherwise you will feel guilt and shame. what is the purpose of "achievements"? so that at the end of the day, you may receive some kind of approval and permission from the system to feel normal self-esteem. outside of these rare and earned occasions when it is acceptable to feel pride, you must keep your head down and toil like a slave. to such a brainwashed individual, the thought of someone simply doing nothing and being idle for the sake of idleness is utterly dumbfounding. yes yes, neet-san, you are unemployed, i've had those periods too, but surely, surely you are at least working towards some noteworthy projects? no. i am taking each day as it comes and i feel no pressure to work beyond satisfying my immediate needs. you are "severely mentally ill" you might say, we only have 60 or 70 years to prove ourselves and justify our existence. on your death bed, don't you want to look back at all your "achievements"? no, there is no reason for me to look back, i live in the moment and i will die accomplishing nothing yet with a smile on my face.


brutal, you just wiped the floor with that mentally ill retard who is full of bullshit. 99 percent of neets, and I know this because I am one, will do shit with their lives. Most of the male neet population deals with serious mental health issues, part of that condition is being deluded like this fag who thinks he is winning some tournament because he doesn't work >>295333
Retard thinks he has an argument when in reality he keeps digging himself into a hole while posting on a dep board and thinking he is a doing great.

You can't even fool yourself, retard.


it's amusing how much you're foaming at the mouth. the self-hating neets are truly even more pathetic than normalfags because they'll jump at any opportunity to defend the system despite being on the bottom of it. simply announcing that you don't feel bad about yourself is an invitation for these mentalcucks to explode with envy and maliciousness. it's impossible, where are your "achievements"? you are not allowed to feel good without demonstrating your value to the system. they cannot even process that you are not playing that game at all. it's pathetic, but they do manage to scrape up a little bit of sick enjoyment, yeah, i sure showed that retard, put him in his rightful place, who the hell does he think he is, stepping out of line like that? with his non-existent status and networth? heh.


Too neetpilled for abstraction beyond the own ego and immediate needs.


another anon here, i wageslave but only out of necessity
listen here faggot, this is my life and i will do with it as i please
needs beyond the immediate are optional and i dont see the rewards as worth the additional effort in my case
i think its a matter of my fucked up brain, unable to feel pleasure from mundane things anymore
i understand that material goods, social status, respect, etc. - that these things may give someone a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment
but not for me, i am unable to amuse myself with gadgets, cars, and other luxuries. being recognized for my achievements at work only makes me cringe, and no, i do not work at garbage disposal, though i do not see that kind of work as inferior, like you may do, rat racer
the only two things i enjoy doing is listening to music and playing a certain computer game, and if you see that as childish or retarded, you can fuck right off this website and go chase pussy, crab


> as childish or retarded,
I never said that. I live pretty much the same life except for working and recognition.
Just curious, what are you looking for in /dep/? Have you heard about drugs? They cause even more amusement and you can take drug with other strangers on the internet.


i browse /all/ and it makes me angry when people call wizards retards for finding their own way of life instead of participating in the mainstream rat race
where would i find those strangers? i would very much like to spend time with people who spend time on things other than the grind


>makes me angry when people call wizards retards for finding their own way of life
It's just anger due to not feeding the very same psychos who explode them. Do not take cattle seriously and shine tough, wizza. They ragin'

>NEET achievements
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion and Minecraft. Also many businesses start because someone stops wagecucking and dedicates time to what they love instead of going the hard way. Retarded question. But the point is also to not age harder due to being a slave to someone who gives you 80% ot the work in exchange for 2% of total profit.

>Too neetpilled for abstraction beyond the own ego and immediate needs.
Translation: my cuckery is so hard to withstand in front of neets that I must use flashy terms to hide how shitted I live.

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