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I wasted the last years consuming content I don't even care about.

It's one thing to have fun and society to think you wasted time but another when I didn't even enjoy it. Like watching youtube reviews of stuff I can't afford or about video games I never played. Browsing imageboards when it's clear there won't be any interesting new threads. Playing a video game I hate and don't care enough to put effort into improving in and still get mad if I do badly…

I am so bored existing like this. I barely feel human. I want to dive deep into subjects and do stuff but I can't stop wasting every day. I tried to read a book and after a page quickly went back to wasting my time again. Tried an online course and for every sentence I read I have to browse for 10 minutes. It's so pathetic.


First you'll have to accept that this state is just how things are right now and that it won't change radically overnight. Next you'll have to wean yourself off of it and to do that you either have to realize (really internalize) that you hate spending your time with these compulsive things or find another more positive way of spending your time that can compete with these activities. What's working for me right now is scheduling this "rotting time" into later in the day, late afternoon-evening onwards. Somehow that's good enough for my brain to not crave this overstimulation too much and I can try to do other things until then. Like reading, walking etc. You're probably gonna fail or do better/worse some days, what's important is that you keep at it. Eventually you might be able to reduce the time you spend on those passive activities further or cut out whatever you want entirely.
But it's gonna take a long ass time. Godspeed to you wizzie.


>Like watching youtube reviews of stuff I can't afford or about video games I never played.
Instead of watching YouTube, watch Hollywood movies and Netflix. This will help you relate to other people and make friends.


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>watch (((Hollywood))) movies and (((Netflix)))
If those are somehow supposed to be representative of "people" (normalfags), I don't want to have anything to do with them or be friends with them.

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