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File: 1728311030882.webm (247.48 KB, 958x719, 958:719, 1725688840869240 aging.webm) ImgOps iqdb


There's nothing to do but wait for the day to end. I can't relate to anyone on anything. I don't feel like I'm alive. It's all just a nightmare that won't stop.


Life is torture


Cant relate to anyone anymore got a crappy job and nothing goes right in my life waiting for the end bros


To be honest this is the life I always wanted since I was a kid. Just getting to stay home and do whatever I want. Not have to worry about going outside, not have to worry about interacting with anyone.


I despise this image.

Do zoomers do nothing except recycle the same shit over and over and pretend it's new?


>sees something he doesn't like
>blames it on ZOOOOMERS
do retards srsly??


It's an old "sad birthday" photo that probably featured in a megathread back in the day, with "the clock is ticking" thing from tumblr in the very early 10s imposed on top and some droning sound effect in the background.

I don't understand why zoomers don't have an original bone in their body nor do I understand why they do not at least create something new out of the old. Instead it's endless permutations and combinations of the same thing over and over. Wojaks and pepes forever.

They can't even consume old stuff in their original format or context because their attention spans are shorter than millennials, and they already said our attention spans were short back then.


>reddit spacing
>"muh zoomers" (literal 2010's)
>derails the thread with his shit
>wants "new content" which is a autistic term for new goyslop trash.


Zoomers are bereft of originality.

>proves why the zoomers are a worthless generation
OP is almost certainly not a wizard to have made this video. Just some normalfag who "feels sad".


>whatever crap a redditor would feel safe to use to coerce wizards into shitting threads by making them zoomer friendly, even after it was obvious he is already triggered by the opportune, falcon-sighty rejection spewed at >>295356

For real, what have you lost here? Isn't the normosphere outside there big enough for you?


Do you have some energy to dig a secret home for yourself? To study mineshaft architecture and some prepper stuff while being slaved?

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