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/dep/ - Depression


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I feel complete apathy towards everything and everyone. everything I used to love so dearly now bores me to death. is this what growing up feels like? there is nothing new in life I feel like I want to experience. I feel like I've done everything I've ever given a shit about. nothing excites me anymore. I'm stuck in an endless mental rut. any other wizzies feel the same? I'm gonna have to start wageslaving soon. I want off this ride


i think that's a natural consequence of being cut-off socially. a lot of things lose meaning and you no longer perceive any reward so you don't feel motivated to do anything. either you re-integrate back into the normosphere or you somehow learn to generate your own meaning that will want to make you act in the world again. it takes a very strong ego to do the latter and many people simply crawl back and accept their place in the familiar social hierarchies, others simply stay in nihilistic limbo.


From what I understand, you need to experience some amount of pain and discomfort to be able to experience joy as well, neurologically speaking. You say you've been in a rut, when's the last time you tried doing something you were just sort of interested in, simply for the sake of it? Like maybe going for a walk in nature if you can. I know how pointless it sounds, "Nothing's gonna change if I do that" but doing it a few times a week might help break that monotony a bit.


there are couple things I can think of that cause that. you begin to feel your highs less intensely as you age, this is biological. another thing is as you age and your knowledge grows and everything starts to demystify. everything is a mechanical process with a set of dos and don'ts. things are not as fascinating as once you thought they were. so you grow tired of insisting on things that become repetitive, that take too much of your effort and don't really yield any sizeable benefit in return.

I can say that I partly relate to your sentiment as I've grown tired of everything very early in life. I consider it a blessing to have something you love doing. I've never really had anything that I felt so strongly about that it stuck with me.


same here
every day feels the same

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