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I hate it when other wizards talk trash to you, it make me feel like shit. there's no way those who talk trash are wizard, this behavior is of normalfags.
I'm sur there's orher wizzards who got in a bad mood because of jerks who trashtalk them thinking they're superior while in fact they share traits with normalfags.
it make me depressed because they think they're right and they gloat in their own self and illusion


This aint a hugbox. We're all men here, and all men fight. Fight back.


Maturing early is a normalfag trait


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I wish I was more smart so I could destroy those who trashtalk me with the right words to destroy them. but alas I don't know how to trashtalk


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it's better that way because otherwise it would be, in the best of cases, a waste of time. in fact, that's what they are trying to do, to bait you into a pointless exchange. all they're interested in is in expressing their anger and trying to get a reaction out of you. nothing you say to them could really "destroy" them because they don't actually care about anything you say or think, and you would only be giving them what they want. being completely ignored is their worst-case scenerio.

if their initial trashtalk was dumb, and you reply with wittier and more clever trashtalk, they'll just keep replying with more stupidity, never really acknowledging your superior wit in their replies, in each of which they are always declaring themselves the winner and saying nothing new other than "retard", and really enjoying every moment of it, until you eventually stop and they declare themselves the winner. and you just end up feeling dirty in the end because there's something self-denigrating and dirtying about trashtalking, and that's what they enjoy about it. pigs love getting dirty in the mud, after all, but not civilized people.

you lose the moment you do it. not in the sense that you can't "beat" them at it, but in the sense that to trashtalk is itself to lose.


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thank you for your point on the subject, wizzie. I will learn to avoid answering those people when it happens, i'll try…


thats a cute touhou image, too bad you urself are ugly and retarded enough to need the opposite to acknowledge their defeat when you both know u won the fight but he is just unwilling to accept it (ironically). Ur actually so retarded I think u never won an internet fight doe geeeg ^<^


yeah well, people are assholes. my formula is if you can clearly see that you're right you are probably arguing with a retard so don't, it's a waste of time. plus if you feel like he's being too much of a normgroid just report him because he's probably violating one of the rules™. this is a civilized platform.


which one (rule) could he break?


i am quite senstiviene



rule 4. for example, some outsider troll told me to "touch grass" in a heated discussion (about hentai, iirc) a couple of years ago. they also usually fall back on insults based on metrics that normalfags very strongly see as indicative of one's value like looks and income.

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