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File: 1729627875639.png (451.7 KB, 640x257, 640:257, imagine the smell.png) ImgOps iqdb


Does anyone here by choice or by disability, live in FILTHY conditions?I mean to say: beyond those clean-up tv shows and straight Biohazard levels.
Non-functioning sewage, stale water\piss\pools of liquid, decomposed organic matter, etc. or being personally filthy ;dirty, bodily fluids, attached items (metal necklace? ropes? glued-to-skin clothes?)? If this isn't you personally, have you known someone who lived\was like this?


File: 1729632783686.jpg (130.94 KB, 850x719, 850:719, sample_ce6a515c0a841c79a37….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

sorry I can only think of pics I saw online. never meet someone who lived in filth


here's thos japanese hikikomori, watch earlier videos, he live in filth https://youtube.com/channel/UCq3P5sw6cuPk5lRfgS6dqyw?si=GusrGibobVIlHokp

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