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Why does the most merciful god allow the most disgusting cursed species of the earth to burn innocent children alive and tear their bodies apart? I understand that these kids are going to heaven, but isn't this a very difficult test?


god didn't do anything when the phoenician/punic/carthaginian/hebraic/jewish/semitic civilization that spanned the entire ancient mediterranean was lining the earth for hundreds upon hundreds of years with molochian child sacrifice temples and related demonic statues, or what the bible calls "idols". it was the romans who brought repeated pressure to force this satanic civilization's collapse. the phoenicans however responded in kind by causing the collapse of rome through the sustained efforts of the Severan Dynasty (Septimius, Caracalla, Heliogabalus), who together over about 100 years destroyed rome. Gibbon's "Decline and Fall" is masonic misinformation that intentionally conceals the judeo-phoenician influence in the toppling of rome. afterwards the weight of phoenician finance chose to quietly transpose itself to Venice (Northern Italy), where their elite continued molochian worship but with much greater secrecy (ie, not in the open like before). After Venice spent almost 800 years causing engineered financial collapses, flaming internecine wars between european nations, trafficking precious metals and people, the Catholic monarchs created the League of Cambrai with the aim of ending Venice. They did not however succeed, and Venice simply relocated to London, wherefrom they then took over the entire world. We are living under their control in this very moment. If they are to be defeated, it will be human men, not "god", that puts them into hell where they belong. Over the last 400-500 years (beginning with the Venetian-Jewish capture of London under Lord Burghley, Francis Bacon, and ultimately Cromwell), we've lost sight of an ancient enemy who wears a thousand different masks and goes by a thousand different names.

1600s – Venetian Jews control Amsterdam, Scotland, Portugal, and London.
1700s – Jewish bankers add America, France, and Prussia to their empire.
1800s – Jewish bankers finance Napoleon, anti-monarchical revolutions of 1848, the American Civil War, various (((British))) invasions of India/Egypt/Crimea, thus placing more land under their control.
1900s – Jewish bankers trigger WW1 (with the goal of slaughtering as many white goyim as possible and also dissolving the Ottoman Empire as it was the nation that then controlled Palestine), the Judeo-communist-bolshevik "russian" revolution that deposed the catholic monarchy and ceded control of russia to jews, WW2 (to establish absolutist control over Europe, kill more goyim, and use atrocity propaganda (the holocaust) to legitimate the forcible seizure of palestine).
2000s – Jewish bankers further solidify their control through the creation of Islamic terrorism, which they use to bring Western nations into wars that directly benefit israeli expansionist interests.
2020s – Jewish bankers use their enormous media and pharmaceutical power to fake an entire pandemic which results in literal billions of human beings being poisoned and terrorized. Covid is after all the jewish concept of demonic possession (divoc) in reverse. And they declared the pandemic on March 11 2020 (3 x 11 x 2020 = 66660).


Κλείταρχος δέ φησι τοὺς Φοίνικας, καὶ μάλιστα Καρχηδονίους, τὸν Κρόνον τιμῶντας, ἐπάν τινος μεγάλου κατατυχεῖν σπεύδωσιν, εὔχεσθαι καθ᾽ ἑνὸς τῶν παίδων, εἰ περιγένοιντο τῶν ἐπιθυμηθέντων, καθαγιεῖν αὐτὸν τῷ θεῷ. τοῦ δὲ Κρόνου χαλκοῦ παρ᾽ αὐτοῖς ἑστῶτος, τὰς χεῖρας ὑπτίας ἐκτετακότος ὑπὲρ κριβάνου χαλκοῦ, τοῦτον ἐκκαίειν τὸ παιδίον. τῆς δὲ φλογὸς τοῦ ἐκκαιομένου πρὸς τὸ σῶμα ἐμπιπτούσης, συνέλκεσθαί τε τὰ μέλη, καὶ τὸ στόμα σεσηρὸς φαίνεσθαι τοῖς γελῶσι παραπλησίως, ἕως ἂν συσπασθὲν εἰς τὸν κρίβανον παρολίσθῃ.

I've translated this as literally as possible so it may read a little awkwardly in English. If you want a more idiomatic translation, just see the link.

Clitarchus says the (((Phoenicians))), and especially the (((Carthaginians))), honoring Chronus, when they would hasten to acquire some great thing, to pray against one of the children, if they would achieve of desired ends, to sanctify him to god. Of a bronze Chronus (Moloch) standing beside them, having outstretched prone hands before the furnace, they burnt the child. Of the burnt flame falling toward the body, the limbs to be drawn together, and the mouth to resemble a grin similar to laughter, until the whole would slip into the furnace.


"Thousands of years before the Joker gassed comic book victims into a grinning death, Phoenician colonists on the island of Sardinia (map) were forcing smiles on the faces of the dead. Now scientists say they know just how the ancient seafaring traders created the gruesome smiles some 2,800 years ago—not with a toxic gas like Batman's nemesis but with a plant-based potion."


Also see the following testimony of a roman:

Sacrum quoque, quod equidem dis minime cordi esse crediderim, multis saeculis intermissum repetendi auctores quidam erant, ut ingenuus puer Saturno immolaretur: quod sacrilegium verius quam sacrum Carthaginienses a conditoribus traditum usque ad excidium urbis suae fecisse dicuntur. Ac nisi seniores obstitissent, quorum consilio cuncta agebantur, humanitatem dira superstitio vicisset.

Again a literal translation. If you want an "easier" translation see the link above.

There were also certain instigators of repeating a sacrifice, which indeed I may have believed in little wise to be to the heart for the gods, by many centuries intermitted, so that a noble boy would be immolated to Saturn: which sacrilege verily than a sacrifice the Carthaginians are said to have done being established from the founders unto the fall of their own city. And unless the elders would have objected, by the rede of whom all things were managed, dire superstition would have conquered humanity.

It really is up to us to make a better world. And I believe we can do it. We have allowed them to get away with so much for so long, indeed to such a degree, that they thought they could fake an entire plague and murder billions of people with complete impunity. I actually believe their power is waning, which is why they are losing strategic sobriety and attempting things their forerunners would never even have dreamed of. All it takes is awareness of Jewish power to bring down Jewish power. Imagine what would have happened in 2020 if the population had merely been wiser, or more aware? There would have existed a collective will to block the jewish covid death plot, and with all persons intelligently refusing the vaccine, their schemes would have been dead in the water.

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