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Should I apply for a part time job at my local grocery store? I keep procrastinating applying


do you really need the money?


Kind of a complex question
Yes and No
I'm not financially in dire need of money but you know how parents get mad at their adult kids for being neet at 26 I'm kind of in that situation
People get bitter when they are the only ones working so if you aren't suffering too they get passive aggressive in interactions


in that case, i would say, don't bother because it's not really worth it. people only do these jobs because they need the money. your parents disapproval and stink eye are tolerable compared to the bullshit you will have to deal with on a daily basis, and in the end, it's probably not enough money to move out and be respected anyway. stay neet as long as you can, learn some actually marketable skills like programming/gfx design/video editing, shit you can do from the comfort of your home and that's actually considered a respectable career.


I don't live with my parents I have my own place I live with my younger brother are bills are next to negligible


then relax, enjoy your life instead of being pressured into slavery.


how is that even possible?


i mean how are the bills next to negligible. I already assumed the family must own property and gave it to him. If parents are paying it all then sure, but the sentence doesnt suggest that. Perhaps he thinks theyre negligible because his family is so rich


Low income housing with two bills electric and another
We don't use much electricity and get a 25 dollar utility check
Working made me extremely suicidal when I did it as a cashier I genuinely have no passion of motivation making the monotony of wage slavery or socialization worth it chalk it up to poor parenting, chemical imbalance or just my own incompetence I didn't developing healthy coping habits from my shit life and as a result become a dysfunctional adult with the mentality of a 17 year old at 29
The idea of sex and normal human relations feels so foreign I feel extra terrestrial
Problem with being neet and poor is it's not cutesy like being rich and bumming around


TBH I say go for it, work is fun if you're not living paycheck to paycheck. It opens your schedule up a lot, you could work like 2 days a week if that's all you want.


Cashiering jobs suck ass, I used to work in one of these and yeah, it made me want to kill myself. I saw shit you wouldn't believe though. A dude died pumping gas, and while I was on the phone with the 911 dispatcher people kept interrupting me to ask if they could buy cigarettes.
Fuck anyway what I meant to say is cashiering is a shit job and there are lots of other jobs out there. If you're dece with computers you could try a small repair shop, if you like plants you could try a garden center, lots of places will hire you part time, enough to make some beer money but not so much that you'll lose your mind.


Okay this made me feel better about doing it maybe my perspective wss to askew
I worked only 4 hour shifts but they decided that I have to work a 10 year hour shift on some random Saturdays and I genuinely contemplated walking into the middle of traffic


All you have to do is work one of these mcjobs for a Year, get some basic technical training on the side such as first aid tickets, a trade etc, and then go into a real career. It is demeaning because it is a stepping stone and not meant as a permanent occupation. Don't get too ashamed to sabotage your development. The cashier skillset will allow you to work at other small businesses using the register, which is considered a benefit


You will destroy any prospect of getting neetbux in the future and raise everyone's expectations of you. There is no going back.

>work is fun if you're not living paycheck to paycheck
what the fuck is wrong with you


Neetie makes $800 on disability a month. He spends most of it in the same month, let's say $700. He has $100 left over

Wagie makes $1280 a month working at minimum wage. His costs are the same as neetie's, so he pays $700 and saves $580 a month.

What happens to Neetie and Wagie's earnings over the course of a year? Neetie makes $9600, but saves only $1200. Wagie makes $2560, and saves $6960. So overall Wagie has saved 5.8x more money than Neetie over the course of a year. Do that math for a much longer period, say ten years. Then factor in that Wagie will see a incremental increase in earnings commensurate with experience and training.

Do you think Neetie is doing something so valuable in his free time that it is worth a difference of 5.8x the money he chooses to forgo by not working? No! He is in all likelihood experiencing crippling depression and social isolation while being addicted to frivolous forms of entertainment like video games and television. Which ultimately leaves him in a self destructive spiral of soft addictions and deeply unhappy!

So really there's no comparison. Unless you have a real health reason for why you can't work a job, you should begin immediately. Anyone who pushes back against this calculus is willfully ignorant and merely rationalizing their sad state of misery.


Tips on how I could kill myself


that's an awful lot of strong assumptions friendo!


I took sample disability and entry level wage earnings and compared. If you can't see the difference you're in denial


If you don't have to pay rent you can save a lot of money even on disability, I will always prefer disability over work


You're forgetting that wagie has to run a car, NEETie doesn't. Cars are massive moneyholes.


Depends how good public transit is in his area.


you can ignore costs completely. By any margin the wagie will always make significantly more than the neetie. Time to wake up


sure, the wagie makes more money, but if you have enough to have a comfortable life than why work for more? it's not like neetie has a wife and kids with ever rising expectations and needs. he also doesn't have anything to prove so bigger number is his bank account doesn't mean much if it requires him to sacrifice peace of mind.


at the psychological cost of being suicidal, depending on how much of a capable normie you are


Depends on the pay. I'd do it for more than $20. Sounds comfy. Part time jobs are the best. Problem is you don't get health insurance usually so you need to walk a tightrope between earning enough to live and not earning too much to kick you off medicaid.


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