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The last thread has reached 300 replies. Discuss games here that don't deserve their own thread.


Oh, and also, I was getting fucked god damn hard since these guards only have leather and chain on them, but they hit like a god damn truck. Jesus. How am I gonna roleplay a bandit if I get raped by even ONE guard? One hit = half my hp.


anyone else thinks the revival of classic crpg failed? i mean games like pillars of eternity and wasteland 2 that got funded on kickstarter, they just don't click with me, especially wasteland 2, it's very linear, i've heard it gets a lot better after 10 hour mark, but i'm not willing to endure it for that long. poe is far better, but there is so much talk and the game is so obsessed with it's own lore i've lost track of what the fuck i was doing and dropped it halfway through.
didn't like new shadowruns either, the last great crpg i've played(and replaying right now) is new vegas and that's despite it's fo3 foundation.
i've yet to play divinity og sin and witcher 3 though.


>anyone else thinks the revival of classic crpg failed?
Not at all. More great crpgs have come out in the last 5 years then I could reasonably play in the next 10.
It is a good time to be a crpg fan.


such as?




Mario maker is the minecraft of Mario… or even worse!

>Boasts "creativity" while nothing of value is truly never made, just copied.

MM: press nothing games, "kaizos", troll levels, games that have no actual new ideas, but borrow from older games, like, Super Mario World's Kaizo, don't move stages, and many many tricks like shell jumping and possibly those levels where there's a lot of enemies and stuff, but you basically jump on an enemy at a certain time while moving forward to progress.

Minecraft: Giant buildings with nothing inside, no real personality, sprite/pixel art, huge farms of things that of which you'll barely need a lot of (sugarcane, carrots, potatoes), farms that are useful (iron farms, gold farms), recreations of famous places (tower of paris, coliseum, twin towers, etc.), houses/mansions, etc. Basically things that are made already, giant structures with nothing in it / no personality from detailing (since that would make the project a lot bigger than it's supposed to be), farms, and mansions.

>Actual game has little personality because of the lack of design / detailing

I watched the embed video, and the intended computer didn't look like one at all. It lacked personality in the sense that the creator was definitely limited on how he could express himself with the blocks given. With Super Mario Bros X, you could do so much more because you could put in messages and having custom graphics and what I think are "events" that happen when you do something. Also, SMBX had NPCs, good world building tools, and an actual world to create.

Minecraft actually only suffers from this in the vanilla game. You can mod in chairs and detailed blocks, but they're still just mods, and aren't endorsed by Mojang / Microsoft. Minecraft actually beats MM because of this. You want to build a spaceship? Well, you could always mod in new textures / blocks. You can probably build an atmosphere if you tried hard enough. Of course, I'll give it flak for being devoid of any kind of personality anyways. I can think of a few times where buildings actually felt like buildings they were supposed to represent, and of all those times, they were houses. Houses always get me since they're usually not too big, have a lot of blocks used for it (carpet, stone, being all stones including sandstone and that underwater temple stone, etc., wood, torches, redstone, glowstone, etc.)

I think I've covered everything here, actually. MM doesn't really have original gameplay from the community, and the only new things I think it adds are from the big enemies, the new flying enemies, the spikes, etc. I think it's all from a block perspective, and it's insignificant to what SMBX or modders could do. MM levels also lack real detail and don't look like the real thing. The levels feel jumbled because of this, and the game suffers, not even mentioning the "kaizo" levels which are just bad level design.

Overall, Mario maker is mediocre to decent, but doesn't deserve the hype it ever got. The "new and original" levels toted by the community are just re-hashes of the same tropes, but with different designs and scenarios (that can't be put to their full potential because the game lacks depth in regards to building.

Overall, 10/10.


I think one thing your post misses is that these are games intended largely for a mainstream audience, including lots of kids. Of course they aren't going to be as powerful as professional development tools. When you look at SMM as "baby's first level design tool" it's not bad at all. Perhaps it should have an "advanced mode" for the experienced players, but I don't think the extra sales they would gain from that would justify the development time. Not to mention, the game is played on a Wii U pad… which is fine for moving blocks around, but would probably run into issues if you wanted to get into scripting and such.


can't even play it, the game minimizes itself whenever i try to to click on something, apparently this is a problem that existed since 2016, but devs didn't fix it, most likely the game is heavily bugged and it's the most ugly thing i've seen, so i'll pass.


your loss


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what was his problem?


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do you read guides while playing crpgs? i've had trouble playing divinity original sin, even on easiest settings it didn't feel easy(you do more damage, but enemies still resurrect each other and such), so i've decided to read a build guide and now i don't want to play the game at all, my builds were terrible and there is a limited amount of xp in the game, so you can't just compensate with grinding like in most modern jrpgs, but at the same time i don't feel like playing by the guide.
i'm thinking about starting divinity 2 on easiest setting and just focusing on roleplaying, apparently it's much better than the first game.


also, i usually don't have much difficulty with crpgs, i've played many and beaten arcanum and such as a kid, but divinity punishes you the moment you stray from the path intended by designers or at least it feels that way.



In general, if I'm playing a game that has a big learning curve, I will learn the mechanics. In daggerfall's terms, it was the law system, the controls, what I could do, how I could do it, etc.

If it's related to builds, it would be understanding the stats, understanding the leveling system, and understanding how to increase my skills / grind.

So yeah, I would learn divinity 2 or even divinity 1's mechanics way before I started the game. Start reading guides and getting familiar with the material, and you'll get familiar with the game.



Also, not calling daggerfall a crpg. I'm just saying it had a lot of things to learn before playing.


stupid machines


the problem is that almost any guide explaining mechanics also explains how to exploit them, i.e. not talking a certain skill because later in the game you get an item/spell/whatever that makes it near useless. while it's better to know this information before starting, the game world ends up feeling fake and the sense of wonder and discovery is gone replaced by min-maxing, but if i don't look anything up online, i still try to create a character that i think will be easier to play for beginner, rather than something i actually want to play, i.e. picking a warrior over a mage. so now i will start on the easiest difficulty, but play(and roleplay) a character that i actually want to play, we'll see how it goes.


p.s. this is just my experience of course, someone might read guides and enjoy a game more, but i generally hate doing something other than playing a game on my own.


Are there any ways to create a game to immerse yourself in? Like to make a game where you explore the world, but the world is your own imagination with your own music. That sounds super awesome personally.


Not in the way you are probably thinking.
Making a game is hard and can't really be done on the fly. Little additions and changes each take hours upon hours of work.
It is sort of like asking if you can be immersed watching a film while you are making that film. It doen't really work that way.


Started playing Dishonored 2, and am I missing something here? Sneaking seems to be nearly impossible, enemies notice you from 20m away when crouched in shadows, and it takes about 1 or 2 seconds for them to become fully alert. Meanwhile if I just take out the sword and gun I can slaughter everyone with no trouble within seconds, and I have the combat difficulty settings as hard as they can go. Wasn't this marketed as a stealth-based game? Did Thief just break me with it's wonderful light\shadow mechanics or is dishonored 2 just not a very good stealth game?


This is why people RP and write. Writing takes a lot of concentration on the words and how to explain the events, so it's fairly engaging.


90% into Ar Tonelico 2 I fucked up the dating sim part and gotta restart the whole game

this is what I get for relying on a gamefaqs guide


i downloaded the whole hl series a couple of days ago but still dont feel like playing it.


why do most games only let you invert the y axis for camera or character movement? I can't stand that shit, there's no reason not to let players invert both y and x

no matter how long I try I can never get used to "press left to turn left"



>no matter how long I try I can never get used to "press left to turn left"
how is that even possible? how do get used to pressing right to turn left to begin with?



Oh, not like that, but making a world where you can create the world, but the game is something like yume nikki or LSD simulator. Are those games easy to make?


I hate this fuckin mission.


Yeah. I'm fucking horrible at it, too.


fucking nightmares. The rhythm missions and the car dancing missions were awful too, worst part is that you have to clear them to advance the game and they have nothing to do with normal gameplay.


they were easy, I passed them in pc without little to no effort.


Depends on your graphics card. Also the FPS limiter. Replaying on different PCs the mission where you drive a monster truck in the countryside made it clear to me San Andreas has epic timing sync issues. Outside of missions, just drive next to the traffic in the mountain tunnels to the south from San Fierro and watch, if it goes nuts you need to adjust settings.


I grew up with games that inverted the camera controls and that hardwired me I guess. Even games that weren't forced inverted offered the option back then.

I want to know why all these idiot developers ever since like 2005 suddenly stopped including the inverted horizontal option, but keep the Y axis option. I'm 30 hours into darksiders 2 and still struggling with this bullshit.


Probably because you're in less than 0.01% of all users.


Where did inverted controls even came from, I wonder? Why make it a thing?


In 3d render, the world turns around you. Developers probably made pressing left turn the world left. "Natural" controls are the one inverted in fact.


I thought I was alone with this issue.


I can't believe we're "0.01%" of all players.


Me as well, I got used to it from playing Super Mario 64. I always thought of it as moving the camera itself to the left or right, like if you picture Lakitu holding the camera, pressing left makes him fly around leftward. But that moves what you see to the right.


but do you both also have difficulty playing 3D games with normiecam?


Oh, so it's just a severe case of consolitis. My condolences.


hardly, I grew up playing on consoles exclusively and I hate inverted controls


this darksiders 2 is such a long ass game, wow wtf, 30 hours in and I find out I'm only halfway through

most jrpgs aren't this long


>most jrpgs aren't this long
maybe i just suck or haven't played enoguh jrpgs, but 30 hours is usually mid-point in them too.


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Shooting succubi before they touch me


Square Enix "The FF7 remake should be out before 2023"

I knew I wouldn't live to see it


He probably uses guides from start to finish and powerlevels through the whole thing to get the story or something.


>He probably uses guides

I haven't been in the "gamer" culture for 20 years, but I take it that guides are now considered something a trugamer doesn't use?


nobody is saying you can't use guides, but it makes the game shorter and is usually not intended by devs, especially if you play by guide from start to finish.


>not intended by devs

What does that even mean?

I don't care what's not intended by "devs." Why is anyone supposed to care what "devs" intend? And moreover, how in the world could you possibly even know they don't want their customers going to gamefaqs? What a bizarre comment.


what devs intended may not matter on it's own, but since we are talking about game length, it does, because say a point and click game that was designed to be played for hours can be beaten in mere minutes if you know where to go and how to solve every puzzle. this applies to other genres too, just to a different extent. anyone is free to play with a guide from start to finish and shouldn't be judged for doing so, but they gonna beat the game faster than somebody who doesn't use guides often or at all.


Point and Click games aren't really a good example since the genre started out deliberately making their games obtuse to sell guides and hotline tips.


Oh, for a moment there it seemed you were actually implying there are some sort of video game ethics handed down by developers that we must honor.


i'm not that guide who first started talking about guides, he may have implied that it's a bad thing, personally i don't give a shit, i generally avoid them, but may use extensively in some games.
i think difficulty comes from trying to make the game longer, lots of games back then were very short due to hardware limitations and production costs, selling guides was not a primary reason, probably.



Stalker 2 announced for 2021.


In 2021 I'll be either dead or homeless.


Literally nobody who worked on the original games is still with GSC. Nothing to get excited for.


It's 3 fucking years from now and none of the original team is working on it.
It'll probably be some shitty fallout clone, sadly.


>original team
"Original team" didn't work on Stalker since 2006 ie. even before Shadow of Chernobyl released. Every Stalker game was made by different people.


Thinking of getting Sunless Sea of the HB sale but I heard the gameplay is pretty mediocre/tedious and you really play it for the story/setting. And I'm not a fan of playing games for the latter.


Playing a Warcraft 3 custom game called "Rise of Civilizations". I'm doing the solo game right now, so it's just building your base while defending against human enemies who rise in tiers like you. For example, the neolithic, copper age, iron age, dark age, etc. tiers. So they start with neolithic like I do and advance until they become the last tier. I have to race them and expand in order to get more food, and by getting more food, I can make more workers and markets to increase my income. Workers chop wood, markets give gold automatically.

I managed to complete the game as the undead race easily, but had trouble with humans. Mind you, the enemies are humans until I decide to attempt the zombies mode, which is insane. I managed to beat it by expanding as quickly as possible so that I could make more markets and workers. My maximum food is 150, and markets take 3 food while workers take 1 food. You can upgrade the efficiency of the workers when you go up in tiers. So it goes from ancient workers to light workers and so on depending on the tier. Not every tier has its own worker, and you need to research in order to increase market efficiency. There are also wonders you can build like the great pyramids, but I saved that for last. You need to increase your technology as fast as possible so you can get better markets and workers.

Next mode I'll do is the undead mode. I need to survive the onslaught of undead as both humans and undead myself. It'll be hard since they rush, but I'll find a way.


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After getting drunk tonight i finally managed to accept that i will not be able to try out every game to find the jewel in the pile of shit.

Instead , i will play my childhood games (pic related) and mod the hell out of them. Im quite happy i came to term with modern videogames.


oblivion is a childhood game for you… ?


Teenagehood but I have ideas for cool mods



We are old people. Well, not old, but old to the people who visit these type of places. The realization has to happen eventually.


Someone who was 12 when oblivion came out is 24 now.


what's oblivion


Take note of the board you're in and think a little.


tried that
the answer did not magically appear in my head


It's a game, which is what this board is about. In case you're in doubt which game exactly, you can google "oblivion game" and you'll have the answer. Do you want me to explain what a "game", what a "board", what "google" are too?


>it's a game
wow, you don't say


installed some fan control software on my ps3 and found out the cpu was 80 celsius, idling

there's not even dust inside, and my room is freezing

it's really fucked up how sony designed these things to run so hot, no wonder YLOD was so common, good thing I rarely used it before I CFW'd it this year


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There is a bug to skip beach party dancing minigame.
I had no problems at all with those missions on PC. I struggled with all of them on a PS3 version though. If I missed 1 button in aforementioned mission, I wouldn't get enough points, moreso I still was around 500 points away from perfect score.
>>41112 you can always try modding it. Mine is 60-70c idling. I'm sure it depends on which CEHx model you have. Mine is noisy as hell too. Best model is the one with 320GB hdd.


Really digging the fuck out of FFXV. Havent enjoyed a FF game this much since FFVIII, which was my first FF game. I played FFXIII, but that game was so disgustingly linear that I just quit it. FF games have always been a bit linear, but that game was just one straight line corridor after another. I thought that game was so bad that I couldn't even finish playing it.

I only have two complaints about this game. First one is that the combat is way too fucking easy. I am still somewhat early in the game, though so that may change. The other is that the story is kinda hard to follow. It is a simple story, but the game doesn't provide the character with that much information. It is easy to not know what is going on because you stopped paying attention to a conversation or radio broadcast. Would be nice if they had a mass effect style codex that allows you to see the story so far. But then again, final fantasy was always like this so it really isn't that big of a deal.


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Started up a game on a rom of the original US release of FFIV. Settling into an old classic I haven't played for a while for a comfy nostalgic experience with a cozy old looking NTSC filter applied (which won't show up in emu snapshots but does very much look like early 90s coziness in person)



Spinoff Pokemon game compatible with Pokemon GO!


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is it just me or modern games really don't look that much different on high settings, compared to medium or even low? it's either because they don't let you disable everything or the graphics just got better or it's both.
pic related lowest settings, also weirdly enough shadows set on any setting other than low is better for performance, must be a bug.


It is more of the devs take into acount visual claraty when making lower rez versions now days so everything still looks the way it should.
They lower stuff like shadow details, particle effects, etc that aren't really essential but eat up a lot of resources as well. There are other tricks too, like loading smaller bits of the world and lowering draw distance.
There are a lot of tricks that have been learned over time to help improve frame rates while still maintaining some sense of visual clarity.

That said, they quality of your display, how closely you look, and even your eye sight can effect how much you notice the visual down grade.
That said I don't care if a game looks like ass if the frame rate is good and I can still tell what I am looking at on a functional level.


So is this the new Pokemon game Switch users were excited about? looks like a dumbed down version of the 3DS games


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I installed and did everything right, but the game wont fuckin launch.

Can someone help me with that?

Im on Windows 10.


From what I remember Nioh's graphic settings are basically resolution scale, shadow quality and anti-aliasing and that's it.


new doom, dark souls 3 also look practically the same on low even though there are lots of settings. i remember when playing on low meant horrendous textures and practically non-existent lightning among other things.


What the fuck is up with japanese PC games not being able to do borderless fullscreen properly?


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god i hate indie pixelshit graphics, tried wizard of legend and big ass pixels make it looks like dogshit on a standard monitor, the environments are okay, but characters look especially bad.
i don't mind pixels in old games and some games like shovel knight get it right, but most indies don't, probably because they can't draw for shit.



Yeah, that indie pixel bullshit is just an excuse to be lazy, or to not hire a real artist.

One pixel game I was genuinely impressed with was bloodstained, though. I legit thought it was a snes game until I found out that it was just released on steam.


So many indie games have that 'indie' trademark of pixelshit graphics that don't resemble actual older games and generic bleep-bloop music that doesn't really invoke any feelings. At least that screenshot appears to have some actual shading.


I hate that I suck at competitive games because I like to immerse myself and roleplay in games. Any sort of PvP in any game involves abusing the shit out of game mechanics, which never feels right to me.


what popular genres/games you dislike or simply can't get into?
>survival games with base building
i like surviving and managing resources i find, but building stuff is just a chore to me, unless it's really straightforward and simple like in state of decay.
the only one i bothered to finish was metroid zero mission and that's only because it's really short. i don't like going through the same locaitons even in other genres, running around in dark souls was tiresome.
>open world regardless of a genre.
used to love it as a kid, but lately i had problem with finishing open world games like gta V or the witcher 3, there is not much to do of them aside from main quest, but even in games where open world is truly alive like caves qud i get tired of it pretty fast.
>western rpgs
used to be one of my favorite genres, now i just don't care about great stuff like arcanum or new vegas let alone new shit like divinity or wasteland 2. not a fan of jrpg either, but i'd much rather play dumb shit like neptunia than new vegas.


modern games with little to no ending…

what is the deal?

the last time my games had any substantial endings was back on ps2

the latest anti-climax for me was batman arkham asylum, it was basically straight to credits after beating the joker, granted…it wasn't as disappointing as castlevania LoS 2

is it so goddamn hard to give me something for all the hours of life I wasted on your horrid gayme


Only genres I really hate are adventure games because of all the moon logic bullshit 99% of them are filled with and competitive PvP turds.

No idea what you're talking about honestly. Still haven't played LoS2 but Arkham Asylum had a pretty decent ending. What are some examples of "great endings" according to you?


I cannot seem to get into grand strategy titles. Maybe I am just a brainlet because I want to like them, but every time I try, I become overwhelmed by the amount of stuff (units, buildings, mechanics, etc.) that I need to learn.


for me they are just boring, it's not worth figuring out unless you are a history enthusiast or something.
though vanilla EU IV wasn't hard to figure out, try it if you haven't yet.


Survival games for the same reason.

Turn based rpgs because they're a glorified numbers check. Gear and skill your party so the enemy/boss does less damage to you and you do more damage to it. It's so boring and dull even "higher difficulty" is either a joke or just knowing how to minmax to the fullest. SRPGs/tactical turnbased games are more fun to me.

Metroidvanias because they're neither interesting to explore or fun to play.

MMOs because they're grinding for several hours until you're max level to do ~3 hours worth of endgame content.

Grand Strategy/4X because they're a chore to learn to what seems like a formulaic game when you get down to it. And this is from someone who plays dwarf fortress and traditional roguelikes.


>All those suicide simulators thanks to VR


>what popular genres/games you dislike or simply can't get into?

I get bored or stuck and never feel the need to complete them. Most of the time the game-play isn't fun enough to keep my interest and the story is worse then a average anime or manga so I don't feel a reason to keep going.
I also think most JRPGs misunderstand some basic things about RPGs and what makes them fun.
JRPGs are super linear, and you play as a predefined character that you have no say over how they behave, fight, anything. You just go along a narrative on rails with a character that is on rails.
JRPGs are like riding on a train.
I prefer Western RPGs that are more like driving a heavily customized car on a cross country road trip.

I also dislike most sports games, especially sports sims, because I am not really into most sports and have no clue what is going on or what anything does, nor do I know the basic rules of the sport sometimes.

I also really dislike most RTS and MOBA games. With RTS games I don't feel like picking up a text book to figure out how to play the fucking game so I never have any fun and end up hopelessly confused, and MOBA are just scaled down RTS games that never are fun. While they are not as complex as RTS games the gameplay is mind-numbingly boring and the players are toxic. I really don't get the appeal and I can't fathom what people get out of watching it as a E-sport.
I like Turn-basted strategy and tactical strategy games though.


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San Andreas is one of the best GTA games but it is easily the hardest one. The infamous train mission, any of the plane missions, the mission where you have to catch the rapper who is jumping off this balcony. I seriously broke a controller over this train mission. It's so early in the game and so annoying. I had to play the rhyme low rider one atleast 20 times before beating it


It's not difficult. What happened is that you played it when you were very young and stupid. In that train mission you can jump to the train with your bike, if my memory is correct, then with no effort at all kill everybody using an smg.


The site where I get most of my oblivion mods now requires you sign up to download literally anything.
I am also thinking about getting fallout 3 again, specifically so I can mod it in a way that I can lewd the kids of little lamplight.
I don't want to kill them for annoying me, just dirty them up a bit.


>you were very young and stupid
Nice assumption, fucko!


Pc or console version? It's natural that you sucked at the game if you played it on a console, but if you didn't, then you're very bad at playing GTA.


console during teenagehood (2006) and pc more recently (2012).


>I like Turn-basted strategy and tactical strategy games though.
tried to get into them a lot of times, but they just seem pointless to me. you figure out how to tackle a particular map/encounter by trial and error and that's it, it's like a puzzle game, there is no skill required to execute.
the only strategy games i enjoy are roguelikes like Into the Breach, because you can't just bruteforce your way through them by trying everything until something works.
i prefer jrpg because there is usually less choice, i don't like to lock myself into a certain class/party/playstyle for the entire 60 hours playthrough.


>i don't like to lock myself into a certain class/party/playstyle for the entire 60 hours playthrough.
i should add: i don't mind fully locking myself into certain playstyle, but only if it provides a really unique and refined experience, but more often than not you just chose between half-assed combat, half-assed spellcasting and half-assed stealth.
so it's better if you character can do everything and you just do whatever is the best thing to in a certain situation, kinda like in Rogue.


>you figure out how to tackle a particular map/encounter by trial and error and that's it, it's like a puzzle game
>the only strategy games i enjoy are roguelikes like Into the Breach
Into the Breach is literally a puzzle game with a turn based strategy presentation, so what the fuck?


every strategy game is just a puzzle game, just on a bigger scale than into the breach.
you are missing my point, i prefer into the breach and other roguelike strategies because puzzles are different each time.


>i prefer jrpg because there is usually less choice, i don't like to lock myself into a certain class/party/playstyle for the entire 60 hours playthrough.
Fucking what?
How the fuck does that make any fucking sense?

> you figure out how to tackle a particular map/encounter by trial and error and that's it, it's like a puzzle game

Not the ones I have played. They are more like a complicated version of chess if I was to make a comparison to something else. I do admit that certain tactical games are a little like that though, where the dev sort of made only one or two viable ways of approaching a fully scripted encounter. But I have only come across shit like that in Japanies tactical games so I think it literally a designing philosophy thing. They don't seem to be fans of giving the player freedom no mater what the genera is.

>every strategy game is just a puzzle game
That is literally wrong unless you really stretch the definition of what puzzle game means to the point of being meaningless.


Per your suggestion I picked up EU IV on Steam. I will go through the tutorial slowly when I have time.


>How the fuck does that make any fucking sense?
i worded it poorly. basically i meant that in one playthrough of a jrpg you can experience everything or almost everything the game offers. while in western rpgs you have to pick a mage class to experience magic system and you'll have to rely only on magic for an entire playthrough. i'm not saying this is bad, just that i personally don't like to be locked into a certain class for entire game.
>Not the ones I have played.
i tried many, fire emblem, x-com, advance wars, heroes of might and magic 3, panzer general etc. in all of those the goal was to solve a fixed scenario, which is accomplished by trying over and over until you find a solution. of course there could be 99 solutions, but you only need to find one to beat a mission. some people like it, but for me it's like playing a puzzle game. btw there are puzzle games with 99+ solutions, like zachtronics games.


I have littrally played none of those so I guess I will have to take your word on that but I think it might be a perspective thing of you thinking literally everything counts as a puzzle.
I have played tones of stuff, from Civ games, to front mission 4 (which is really like chess with mechs), to xenonauts, to worms, and so on. None of them I would describe as puzzle games, and only one of them that I listed where you are really stuck in fixed scenarios (the Japanese one of course) where you brute force "solutions" by trial and error. I mean I guess you could play a 4X game like that but you would be doing it wrong. Like comically wrong. I think that approach only works for fixed tactical strategy games with short fixed encountered. Every other kind of TBS I can think of such a approach is total madness and really not how the game is normally played. The situations change and react to what you are doing and it is rare for two play-throughs to be similar enough where playing like you describe would be viable. I mean I guess you could make a fresh save every 5 mins and keep a log of ever decision you make and go back to a certain point in the game when you don't like the result of a action 100+ turns later, but again, most people including my self don't play statagy games like that. If you fuck up it is game over. There is no try again because odds are the situation will be completely different the next time around.
Puzzles are fixed and have a inbuilt solution.
Strategy games (at least the majority I have played) are dynamic. They offer you goals and a choice of a set of tools to go about accomplishing those goals. Some give you the whole damn toolbox and say have at it (I like those ones the most but they tend to be a bit complicated and time consuming).


what i mean by "puzzleness" is lack of dynamics.
>Civ games
these are very dynamic, every match is nothing like the last one and that's why i like them too.
games i've mentioned(except for heroes 3 perhaps) are not very dynamic and that's why i can't get into them.


>i enjoy are roguelikes like Into the Breach

That game is not a roguelike.

>you can't just bruteforce your way through them by trying everything until something works.

Except when you lose you unlock shit for the next playthrough that makes it easier and it's already a pretty easy game compared to others in the genre.

> fire emblem, x-com, advance wars, heroes of might and magic 3, panzer general etc. in all of those the goal was to solve a fixed scenario

Wrong, XCOM doesn't outside a few story missions and I think HOMM3 maps are generated randomly as well iirc. Even then I don't see why this is a problem. Especially when FE and AW are way more difficult than Into the Breach despite being able to restart maps. Never played panzer.


>That game is not a roguelike.
then it's roguelite or roguelikelike, who cares.
>that makes it easier
no it doesn't, it just gives you more choice, sometimes what you unlock is kinda op, but it's not intentional. starting team is one of my favorites.
>XCOM doesn't outside a few story missions
i meant new xcom, particularly xcom 2, that's what i played.
>Especially when FE and AW are way more difficult than Into the Breach despite being able to restart maps
it's an entirely different kind of difficulty, that's the point. i'm not arguing what is better or harder, if a strategy game is not dynamic enough then i can't get into it.


>then it's roguelite or roguelikelike, who cares.

People who don't want another genre to get diluted with games that don't fit it.

>no it doesn't, it just gives you more choice, sometimes what you unlock is kinda op, but it's not intentional. starting team is one of my favorites.

Yeah, it gives the player a chance to choose an easier alternative. That's the core gameplay loop of a lot of roguelites. Having the player die and get sent back to the start of the game with nothing is disheartening, so you need a progression speed to pop up at the end of every run to make them feel like they're going forward while giving them tools that makes them go further.

>i meant new xcom, particularly xcom 2, that's what i played.

The same thing applies to new XCOM too.

>if a strategy game is not dynamic enough then i can't get into it.

What do you mean by dynamic?


>People who don't want another genre to get diluted with games that don't fit it.
aka someone who'd rather sperg about terminology than enjoy games regardless of how well they fit into artificial genre boundaries.
>Yeah, it gives the player a chance to choose an easier alternative
it's not easier, most teams you unlock are harder to play than starting one.
>That's the core gameplay loop of a lot of roguelites
only bad ones, like dead cells, where you unlock permanent upgrades to your healing potion and such. FTL and ITB just give you more options, they don't give you permanent boost to unit HP or such.
>The same thing applies to new XCOM too.
i don't remember any randomness, i failed a mission, reloaded autosave and it was the exact same mission.
>What do you mean by dynamic?
basically how predictable each new match/mission/run will be. if i fail a mission, restart and everything's changed(i.e. what units ai has, what moves will he make etc.), that's dynamic.


also, Into the breach actually get's harder the longer you play because new types of monsters are introduced. so even if some of the unlocks are OP the game compensates by increasing difficulty.


>aka someone who'd rather sperg about terminology than enjoy games regardless of how well they fit into artificial genre boundaries.

I'm telling you it's not a roguelike. Stop being obtuse, I never said anything relating to whether or not it being a roguelike making it less enjoyable.

>it's not easier, most teams you unlock are harder to play than starting one.

Fair enough, some are worse than the starting team.

>only bad ones, like dead cells, where you unlock permanent upgrades to your healing potion and such. FTL and ITB just give you more options, they don't give you permanent boost to unit HP or such.

The point was roguelites love to have unlock systems to not discourage you from playing. What you unlock doesn't change that.

>i don't remember any randomness, i failed a mission, reloaded autosave and it was the exact same mission.

Missions, aside from tutorial/story ones, are all randomized before you go into them. Also, XCOM has an ironman mode that disables being able to simply restart from an early save. Not the game's fault you had the option to play the way you want and didn't take it.

>basically how predictable each new match/mission/run will be. if i fail a mission, restart and everything's changed(i.e. what units ai has, what moves will he make etc.), that's dynamic.

Ok. If the game itself doesn't demand much from you despite that it just seems superfluous to me.

>Into the breach actually get's harder the longer you play because new types of monsters are introduced

Not really. Pretty much the same strategies apply to them too.


>The point was roguelites love to have unlock systems to not discourage you from playing
tome has plenty unlocks, that doesn't magically change it's genre. i get what you are saying, but all those debates about what is a roguelike and what is not are a waste of time.
>Missions, aside from tutorial/story ones, are all randomized before you go into them
well that's good to know i'll give it another try.


>tome has plenty unlocks, that doesn't magically change it's genre. i get what you are saying, but all those debates about what is a roguelike and what is not are a waste of time.

I'm talking about roguelites. Not all roguelites have unlocks, as I implied by saying most do, and not every roguelike is free of them.


I have lost the abillity to immerse myself into the games I play. I used to roleplay, imagining shit inside of my head while playing, but not anymore. I just can't, lost that great ability and now everything is extremely hollow. Life is shit.


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You should try smoking some medicinal herbs.


Played the ps4 demo at a Walmart.
I was getting pretty fustrated with how long everything took load, how long it took to actually get to the game, how sluggish the unskipable splash screens were, and the slow clunky menus that had imput delay.
I don't even have a high end gaming set up but my laptop is far faster then this.
Once I actually got in the game it preformed well, but then there were long load times for the simplest things.
For example playing the demo for crash, loading a level took a full minute. It didn't take that fucking long on the PS1!
At least the frame rate is better then the PS3. I can't go back to being locked a 30 fps. It feels so slow now that I am used to higher frame rates.


If you think all that is bad, imagine owning one and having to listen to a fucking jet engine every time you want to play a game.


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Anyone played this? Any thoughts?


new vita hack is releasing tomorrow, supposed to work on latest firmwares.


it's out, anyone tried it? initially it was really hard to install, but there was good progress in last 48 hours, maybe someone will find an even easier way to install, until then i'll be finishing games i bought.


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Those "must play" games on Vita look absolutely horrendous tho. Big list of games I wouldn't even bother to try, and I'm a "weeb". Sony really dropped the ball after PSP, where are the exclusives with big names? Vita marks the beginning of consoles I wouldn't know what to do with, only Nintendo seems to get it right nowadays.


it had a shitton of ultra weeb jap only exclusives like omega labyrinth, but most of them eventually got released on ps4 or even pc. i agree that at this point the system is dead, but it still has some games pc never got like gravity rush or persona 4 gold.


>only Nintendo seems to get it right nowadays.
switch is a port machine these days, still a better portable system than vita of course, but it's not very good as a home console, i'd rather get ps4.


The PS4 isn't worth it either unless you like interactive movies masquerading as video games.


it's not worth it over PC, but i'd still get it over any other console.


Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the switch. Looks like they had the winning formula with Wii, but they're focusing on dumb gimmicks instead.


I want an action game where you either turn into monsters or collect and fight with them at your side. Like digimon but action based.


Chaos Legion is the only thing that comes to my mind really, not exactly what you're asking for though. Possibly also Castlevania Aria\Dawn of Sorrow since you collect monster souls that you use as skills\passives\sometimes transformations? Maybe Lost Kingdoms but that's primarily a CCG-style thing with a very basic real time combat system.


Using monster souls or transforming into monsters would also be acceptable.


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I installed it using the app in that link and it was really easy, only took about 10 minutes (I had already been using Henkaku on 3.61 before though so not sure if that affects things). Downloaded the JP version of Ys VIII and am going to enjoy finally getting to play it(held out on pirating the PC port because NISA fucked it up).
Also would recommend the PKGj app for anyone looking to pirate games. It's kind of like the 3DS's freeshop and lets you directly download and install games rather than having to transfer files using FTP and separate programs for installation.


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Anyone here play rhythm games on their pc? I am looking for a free or pirateable rhythm games on my pc. There is osu but I prefer button mashing over using mouse. Quick googling shows titles like iidx and soundvoltex but it seems you have to pay subscription for it.


osu has button mode


anyone here owns ps4 and doesn't own a pc?
i was thinking about selling my "gaming" pc and buying ps4, it will save around $200 at best, but i could really use the money and the longer i wait the more value my pc will lose.
so i was wondering if a hacked ps4 is a good substitute for pc. i watch youtube on my vita and it's surprisingly decent.


Do you enjoy having less games in worse quality and not being able to use mods nor pirate shit anywhere near as effectively? In that case I'd say it's totally worth it.


Unless you like the exclusives the PS4 really has don't even bother, you're not missing out on anything.


I'd only say this was a good deal if you weren't going to use neither anyway.
Consoles fucking suck.


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I don't doubt it's inferior to PC, but in theory it's not a terrible low-budget option, in few years new games will run about as poorly on my budget "gaming" PC as on PS4(because nobody gives a shit about optimizing for PC), while PS4 won't lose nearly as much in market value(because it's already quite cheap). As for games selection, Sony consoles always had enough to last you a while, plus I still have my shitty laptop.
Alternatively I consider ps3, which I can get for just $160 and already hacked, but I'd hate to miss on some upcoming games.
I'd really like to play Bloodborne and maybe try some other exclusives.


>anyone here owns ps4 and doesn't own a pc?
I know someone who have an old pc and bought ps4 instead of upgrading pc. Now he doesn't use his pc at all. Smartphone+ps4 is all he needs for his lifewasting needs. Pc will lose as much in value as console (a little more but that's irrelevant amount). There are tasks my hacked ps3 will never replace pc.
>in few years new games will run about as poorly on my budget "gaming" PC as on PS4
In few years new games wont be released on ps4 anymore. Look at new crash trilogy and DB FighterZ. Console exclusives will sometimes be ported to pc at a later dates.
Poor man's dark souls.

I have my hacked ps3 lying around with a shitload of games on it, i don't even feel like playing videomemes anymore(for almost a year now).


>In few years new games wont be released on ps4 anymore
i meant multiplats, not exclusives. even if ps5 were to come out tommorow they'll still release most games on ps4 as well.
anyway, i've already changed my mind, i'll miss my pc too much.


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Finally got around to setting up PCSX2 to play SH2, it's been on the back of my head for some time now, and maybe I'm in the right state of mind to try it now. I went through the list of PS2 exclusives worth playing and I think I tried everything I wanted other than that.


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I kept mashing X button when changing maps(using doors).
Oh wait, I googled your picture and it's supposed to be a "reaction pic". Im posting mine anyway.


SH2 has a PC port though.


Read the PS2 has superior audio somehow. Also save states and shit, the process was so easy to get it running I'm sure I'd have more trouble with PC version.


it's not quite reaction image, just a hilarious glitch from multiplayer that was used to troll sonyfags back in the day.


Just got a modded xbox, going to switch in a new HD this week. Any game recommendations?

I like 3D action adventure games, platformers and FPS. It seemed like a good fit for what I'm after.


Original Xbox

Fuck you MS.


breakdown, the prince of persia games, riddick, the kingdom under fire games, demon stone

probably more but my xbox is currently out of order


Im playin God Of War 2 in Titan Mode on the Cerburus Breeders part. I almost finish it in the last time I played but the last Fate Juggernaut killed me. I will try again today.

Wish me luck wizzies.


That fight was scary as hell. The most effective attack for me was the move where you spin your blades in the fiery circle…R1+square iirc. Killed those mini cerberuses fast before they grow.


tl;dr: making big budget games is still wageslavery where connections decide who gets fired and who gets promoted
>If you are a total outsider coming into the firm, your best bet is to buddy up with a baron and/or their friends and just make their lives easier. Be a machine and get shit done for a while. Your goal should be to rapidly up your purge immunity level before the next firing cycle.


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>Making games


these batman arkham games get crazier with each sequel, I never thought I'd like batman games but wow


> According to Geldreich, the company in question leaked its friendly employee handbook as a PR move, but was actually a stressful, difficult place to work, full of backstabbing and manipulation in pursuit of bonuses and job security.
>"…There is actually a hidden layer of powerful management structure in the company and it felt a lot like high school," Ellsworth said in 2013. "There are popular kids that have acquired power in the company, then there's the trouble makers, and everyone in between."
>"If you buy [Valve's] rhetoric, you'll hear that there are no bosses, no managers, no supervisors and that there is a flat structure where everybody is so smart, so cool and so intelligent that they can work completely autonomously," reads an especially negative Glassdoor review. "That is only a facade … In order to succeed at Valve, you need to belong to the group that has more decisional power and, even when you succeed temporarily, be certain that you have an expiration date. No matter how hard you work, no matter how original and productive you are, if your bosses and the people who count don't like you, you will be fired soon or you will be managed out."

And from the comments of a guy who works in tech
>I believe him and that's a common problem at least in the tech industry, I used to work at this place and the peer reviews were exactly like that, at the beginning for some reason most of my superiors liked me and I'm the type of programmer who doesn't like to attend to parties and such, I get things done but I don't like to play the fool, one day one of my leads told me that if I wanted to grow in the company maybe I should go out and drink some beers with them because the easy-going employee is more visible than the hardworking seclusive ant. At that moment I understood what it was about and then we had the xmas party and promotions and I started to see it was a popularity contest, I hated the fact that I was turning into a hypocrite giving big smiles to leads even if they were wrong, I started wearing a mask and I didn't like the backstabbing and the gossiping, It really was like a high school with the popular kids, the "toxic" ones who speak up their minds and the average kids who didn't take any side, I hated all that and I quit shortly after that.

I feel sorry for wizards in these tech/corporate based jobs. I don't know how they survive, but I imagine it's by doing what the last normalfag does and pretending to be the "easy going" employee so their employers and coworkers aren't lynching them.


what does valve even do in the modern age though?

how are all these people being fired, and from what projects exactly? sure they have to keep the lights on on steam but besides that they haven't made a game in nearly a decade..?


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They don't do shit, they probably have a small core of bootlicking Devs to keep their cash cows games running and 95% of the other staff is marketing and finance


I never knew that these consoles ran at such high temperatures only at idle, my CPU idles at 27C on an average day and then the highest it goes is to about 60C.

I'd like to know what the PS4's temperatures are like.


60c max load is very impressive. is that with OC too?


Besides mine, I have seen someone's else PS3 and it ran quiet as a whisper. I had opportunity to check out one PS4 and it was kinda noisy, but it wasn't as horrible as my PS3 is(I even replaced my fan- it changed nothing).
I guess it's simply luck if you get quiet or loud unit.


I'd quit gaming if there was a subscription fee on Steam.


>>I believe him and that's a common problem at least in the tech industry, I used to work at this place and the peer reviews were exactly like that, at the beginning for some reason most of my superiors liked me and I'm the type of programmer who doesn't like to attend to parties and such, I get things done but I don't like to play the fool, one day one of my leads told me that if I wanted to grow in the company maybe I should go out and drink some beers with them because the easy-going employee is more visible than the hardworking seclusive ant. At that moment I understood what it was about and then we had the xmas party and promotions and I started to see it was a popularity contest, I hated the fact that I was turning into a hypocrite giving big smiles to leads even if they were wrong, I started wearing a mask and I didn't like the backstabbing and the gossiping, It really was like a high school with the popular kids, the "toxic" ones who speak up their minds and the average kids who didn't take any side, I hated all that and I quit shortly after that.
Holy shit, I work in a port, and it's like that here. Normie world order.


I'm going to do a new playthrough of Fallout 2, is melee viable if I'm not going to recruit anyone?


I don't know about 2 but in 3 it is only really viable when played with a steath build imo. Otherwise expect to spend the whole early game managing health packs and dying a lot until you can tank rockets to the face.


I would go back to pirating PC games and get a console to still support what I like with my wallet rather then game exclusively on PC.


They dont make games like that anymore…


i just got killed through a floor in dark souls 3, lost enough souls to level up. this is so annoying, but it got me thinking, is it okay to use cheats if you feel the game is unfair due to bad code? i'm thinking about getting those 40k souls back by a using a trainer.


i was killed by those black tentacles if anyone is wondering, they are buggy and often clip through everything, i was kind of aware of that and was standing as far from them as possible, but they still killed me.
i also hate just how poorly optimized Fromsoftware games are, some areas have terrible frame drops because the game is constantly loading something, the entirety of ringed city has terrible framerate. it's almost as bad as blighttown was on DaS release. such things are unacceptable in an action game.


anybody made an xbox 360 laptop? it looks like a neat little project



There should be a company that looks at the code of video games, and optimizes it.


anybody modded a wii (original) to play games on a hdd? how good is it?


I respect real time strategies like starcraft, but the fact that in starcraft or warcraft, towers and other minimal fortifications are so VERY useless against an actual army really irks me. In real life, walls, towers, dedicated archers, etc. are there to stop armies and do a really good job, but in these games, they're pretty much not needed. A dedicated army could easily destroy towers or turrets, and massing them just doesn't work. There's no space for it, the army can find blind spots, etc. A regular unit can definitely destroy these fortifications too, and not just siege units. A marine in starcraft could destroy bunkers and proton cannons, so it really incapacitates any kind of defense. To me, it sounds comparable to having a wall and towers + archers in the towers, and then the army destroys the wall with their swords while the archers try to take care of them.

Oh well. It's just a game.


I like Don't Starve. It's as comfy as it is brainless.


Nice trailer


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Any Saint's Row fans here? Currently replaying the second game. Definitely best one in the series. Also should i get Agents Of Mayhem?


Agents of Mayhem is pretty shit, especially if SR2 was your favorite from the series. There's some really good, actually funny dialogue in AoM but it's hidden behind incredibly boring, repetitive gameplay. They literally reuse the same areas 10+ times sometimes, and the enemy variety is pathetic. No real fun side-activities like in SR either, just do missions and shoot things. Fun-ish at first but gets old very fast, wouldn't recommend.


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I've been thinking about playing Rabi-Ribi. It looks good but I'm not sure if I'll like it, this would be my first metroidvania if I pick it up.


Maybe you should try hollow knight if this is your first.


Rabi Ribi is cool, mixes platforming with bullet hell games, it's not as tough as you would think but still challenging. It's cute as fuck too.
I'm honestly curious as to why would you recommend Hollow Knight as a first metroidvania, not saying it's a bad game or anything, just a weird choice. I'd start with Super Metroid or SotN or maybe stuff like Guacamelee or Ori which are modern but still keep a more classic aproach. Hollow Knight tries to hard to be Dark Souls imo.


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your pic reminded me of this screenshot i took a few days ago of dragons dogma

super fun game, i probably have over 100 hours by now on my first save file. i think i can easily go above 300 before i complete it. haven't enjoyed anything to this extent in years. was only $10 on GOG as well


I played this 6+ ago when it originally came out on PS3 without the Dark Arisen expansion and I've been considering getting it on PS4 (specs are not good enough) but while the game was mostly enjoyable I still had issues with it: hard mode was unplayable, whereas in normal it was pretty damn challenging in the beginning but got real easy around the 20hrs mark or so. The classes were also pretty unbalanced, like you had no reason to play as a fighter or warrior as the more agile classes and the ones with bows were a lot more effective and fun, at least that's what I gathered from reading reactions back then, I was a warrior myself but I ended up playing as paladin because the optional dragon boss was nearly impossible to defeat with a melee class - I can't remember why exactly…


here's the opening song of the game, which was removed from the dark arisen version sadly


interesting, my first attempt at this game was me as sourcerer, pawn mage healer, and two fighter pawns. but we'd wipe so fast and if i ever got hit with anything it was a death sentence

this time i did fighter, 2 fighter pawns, and a tanky healer mage pawn. my main pawn is stronger than me in all aspects so i can play it safe and let her fuck things up, but we all are based around blitz/burst strike rushing, divine defense, and steel will self buff. without divine defense i dont know how i could even survive some of the stuff. however even with this in bitterblack isles i'm getting my shit kicked in regularly. i tried having magic damage and also archer pawns but they just aren't tanky enough.


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Just got back into this again after ~15 years. It's addictive as fuck. I expect to spend the next 1000 hours speedrunning it with all the classes.


>barbarian speedrun
Good luck


If ur losing at dragons dogma then ur in the wrong area or have the wrong gear.

It's just grinding game. Stats mean everything and there is no difficulty. Min maxing is also pointless in that game.


How grand are the dragon boss battles? Do they get bigger than that tiamat I fought in the beginning? I dropped the game but it's been haunting me. I want boss fights bigger and scarier than I felt when first playing shadow of the colossus.


I dunno just thought it was a good game but Super Metroid is good too


Playing the first Legacy of Kain and loving it, looks good for a 20+ year old game, love the atmosphere, music, lore and the feel of being an undead getting back at the world. Combat feels kinda clunky but it's not that bad.

The series is dead but that's probably good, would hate to get a "Soul Reaver 3" or something like that with shitty modern mechanics.


I got that in 97, it was rather disturbing to play alone in the dark. Good stuff.
>would hate to get a "Soul Reaver 3" or something like that with shitty modern mechanics.
Well, the problem would be the story, not the mechanics. They killed the story when they made it about time travel.

You ruin anything by introducing time travel.


Did you play Blood Omen 2? Is it that bad?


anyone know?


I see the new nintendo games on he switch, the new smash bros, animal crossing, retro games, luigi's mansion, etc. and I want to play them, but I also have games I want to play and beat before that. I fear by the time I do that, more new games will pop up - more than I can beat before the next cycle. This is also coupled with other goals I need to complete like studying and reading in order to understand how to buy a car, rent an apartment, etc.

What do I do? These games remind me that I'm about three consoles behind with nintendo (wii), or about 10 or so years behind, but I also have a lot of other things I need to accomplish.


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Yeah guys, I guess that's it. I'm done with gaming. My brother kindly let me borrow his Switch so I could play Zelda botw and surprise surprise, 10 hours in and I feel exhausted, sad and strangely bored and conflicted. It's not the game though, I know it isn't. This is not the first time it happens. It has been happening for months now. You have this beautiful world before you to explore and I just want to walk around and fetch apples. Then I spent 20 minutes inside a dilapited farm house waiting for the rain to pass. My horse began to walk away and I didn't feel like moving at all. Just stood there another 30 minutes doing nothing. Then I tossed all my weapons to the side and walked along the road until it was night again. Had to run away from a monster while at it. That's it. I just packed the cosole back inside the box and I'll be returning it tomorrow.

Nothing feels right. The world is beautiful and there's lots to do and I don't have it in me to be part of it. That's it unfortunately, I'm done.


I stopped with video games when I realized I spent a lot of time putting effort towards something I wasn't having fun with just for the pleasure of "success".


i'm so done with games i will blogpost on the board dedicated to games


I want to play some good FPS games but pretty much all of them I've already played. I'm collecting PS3 FPS games at this point just to try and find something new and interesting.


It's better than pressing F5 for 16 hours with no new posts


I miss Cliffy.


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Just binged this game the whole week, clocking in over 46 hours worth of game play.

Hell yeah, it is addictingly fun.


My friend tried to get me to play this and I only lasted about ten minutes before getting bored and fucking off. What's the appeal?


I play on a PvP server and I built a concrete bunker in the ground and I talk to other people in chat.


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LOL this game used to cost 35$. It's an unfinished piece of shit, remember the zombies that stretched out in ridiculous manner when they died? Took them 3-5 years to just fix that. Filled with bugs even today, worst optimization. The coding must be completly entangled garbage.

I would attribute 7Days to being part of whats wrong with gaming industry. It should be borderline illegal to release such uncomplete, amatuerish, trash game.

But yeah, I have almost 300 hours in singleplayer because I have imagination, I like building games and I roleplay being a survivor in different scenarios. Someone else bought the game for me, but yeah, this game is well below accaptable production standard, and nobody should give a single dollar to the hacks called "The Fun Pimps". Heard they are dismissive against their fans as well but I don't care about that. Unaccaptable production quality!


It isn't broken and it is one of the funnest games there are out there.

I play just fine and I don't encounter any bugs.

The .17 beta is also coming out soon, so I don't know what you are complaining about.


I wish I could understand this.
I've been having a growing interest in wuxia and 90's-early 00's Chinese RPG's recently.



I like Saints Row 2 a lot. I remember looking up the UFO cheat and finding out how to get unique vehicles like the rasta boss's limo. It's been a long time, so I don't remember everything. Still, I had a blast with driving with UPC Allstars "Don't Get Discouraged" in the background. I also have fond memories of using the bikes to ride up the buildings. It's too old for me now, and I've already done a run where I got the maximum amount of buildings and territory without doing any missions. Same with bonuses.

I actually did most things in that game, but never got all the CDs. I don't regret it, but I remember some of them were in creative locations, like the one in an office building you didn't know you could go int o. It's better than GTA 4's pigeon side quest. I also never did the stunts, but those are all boring no matter what.

The last game I finished was SR3, and I really enjoyed that too. I tried to replay it, but the disc is too scratched up. Maybe in the future I'll play SR4 and the DLC, but in the mean time, I'm going to finish my backlog and do a "full upgrade, no mission" run.


Try the Ultor Rising mod if regular SR2 have gotten boring.


playing Monster Hunter World, this is my first time so it's a bit overwhelming but the game's pretty beginner friendly so far fortunately (yeah I know they made it easier so it sucks etc)
I'm pretty bad though, and I'm always getting mixed up with the item selection thingy in the bottom right corner. It takes me forever to get to the right item sometimes, idk if I'll ever get used to this. This got me wondering, how the hell did anyone play this on a handheld?


Are you using a controller? Cause the game is designed around them. You can technically use mouse and keyboard but the gear selection wheel doesn't really work with it. Also people who played on handheld usually had to claw grip the damn thing to use the camera in any capacity. And if you want to play other monster hunters, I'd recommend emulating portable 3rd for the psp. I'd play with you.


>they made it easier
Fun fact: Monster Hunter hasn't been difficult since Tri came out on the Wii. The only game that was remotely difficult since Tri was 4U and that was only because of frenzied/apex monsters.

> how the hell did anyone play this on a handheld?

The handheld games have a pretty different control scheme from World. If you were playing the PSP ones you'd have to do >>43019 and the 3DS ones had the benefit of dual screens and 3U adding in the feature where the camera would recenter around monster.


>Fun fact: Monster Hunter hasn't been difficult since Tri came out on the Wii
If you mean artificially difficult, then this is true. Otherwise they're all on the same roughly level of difficulty.
The reason why people claim World is easier than 4U for example is because they're comparing G ranks there to regular high rank shit in World.
Also people seriously underestimate just how easier is to actually see what the monster is doing and properly react to it when you're playing a game in high resolution on a giant screen with a good sound system and proper gamepads, compared to a clunky mobile/portable game, so yeah no shit you'll think World is much easier.
I recently went to play 4U again just to test this, and I honestly the only thing that's harder in 4U (if we compare same rank monsters) is having to deal with handheld controls, in fact certain things are even easier in older games (for example I find head sniping with hammers and greatswords much easier in previous games because monsters turn around in a way more predictable manner). Also being able to zone out to safely heal or reapply any items is most of the time honestly a bigger benefit than being able to heal when moving like in World.


capture quests are really getting on my nerves. I always end up accidently killing the monster or using all my traps and tranq. bombs for nothing. On regular hunts the monster have a skull icon displayed next to them on the map and they limp back up to their nest when they're close to death, but it doesn't seem to happen when I have to capture them. I must be doing something wrong…
I'm still struggling with the item selection thing especially in the heat of battle, and yes I am playing with a controller. I know about the wheel menu but I just don't find it that convenient at all and there are so many items anyway that I can't get them all to fit there.


Literally hit the monster until they start limping, then you capture them. If they die before you get them to limp then either the game is bugged or your gear is too powerful.


should I bring my palico along all the time? I see no reason not to but perhaps there is one?


If you want the support (healing, setting traps) and something that occasionally takes the monster's attention off you then go for it.


This was pretty funny to me.


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I really wanted to like it but it's just so repetitive and uninteresting.
The level design and environments are ass and all the loot and levelling just feels completely pointless. I guess Nips love grinding for the sake of pvp meta though, see pokemon.

I can at least appreciate them trying to make the souls combat more complex though with stancing and such.


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Playing Dragon Quest V on a snes emulator, had forgotten how cozy an old jrpg can be, it's my first Dragon Quest game, has been fun so far.


Love the graphics and colors.


The stances let you shake things up a little but in the end it's still a souls game with no more than 5 weapons


Those Chinese Paladin RPGs look pretty but they're extremely shallow





Get the fuck outta here, don't ruin this board too.

Largo de aqui, subnormales de mierda


anyone else keep going back to ps2 & xbox? I wanna love new consoles but it always feels like something is lacking, I don't know what

it's so strange


>upgrade computer
>look at all this new stuff I can play now
>try some modern games
>get bored
>end up playing 15+ years old games on emulators
I don't even know why I spend money on new hardware


Playing though Deus Ex: Humanity Divided.
At the part in Prague. I can't be the only one that thinks it is really weird how many black people with American accents are in Prague right? There is only one black American that makes sense to be there. The rest, especially given the situation/story, makes no fucking sense being in Prague as they would have been fucking left, especially the augs.


In the new deus ex titles you really gotta just ignore everything that isn't the gamplay and the few cools aug storylines. Everything else makes little sense and has a lot of left wing stuff shoved in your face.


I'm so glad that people who played FF7 and Legend of Dragoon once 20 years ago feel like they have a say in anything


Are you really surprised a video from College Humor parodied something at its surface level?


I think Prague is just a dumpster for augs at that point. They're all there because it's muh aug paradise type of shit. Every where else kicks them out so there's a bunch of ameriniggers running around.

I'm playing it too at the moment and just robbed a bank. I had heard it was better than the alternative but I found it boring and repetitive. If I didn't just use quick saves I would go back and do the other option instead.

I like how they keep acting like augs dindu nuffin and it's unfair to treat them like they're dangerous. This happened after the augs all went nuts and murdered people. Having a single line at the train station is giving them a huge leeway when they really should be completely segregated due to their risk factor.


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Do any other wizards play Operation Flashpoint? There's something special about the atmosphere that newer Arma titles lack.


Do you play it online?


I only started playing it after official support for the multiplayer ended, and I never had any friends who played it, so no. Honestly, the single player's fun enough. I just dick around in the editor half the time.


I wish MMORPGs weren't so fucked. I'd love to pick one up, meet some people and go on online adventures. I was thinking of trying Tree of saviour but I'm not sure it's what I'm looking for.


Just quit Thief, but I really need more comfy clock/steampunk shit because I like big, loud machines and quasi-historical architecture/interior design/decoration.

Dishonored's blend of magitek was almost the right direction, but a bit too dystopian and (I know I just played Thief: The Dark Fucking Project) dark for my tastes, too much steel and not enough brass so to speak. Rise of Legends' or Riven's styles were more like it.


Used to play it a lot back in the day. I especially liked the Resistance addon.


I was playing Mario Kart 64, and when I retried after getting 6th place, peach was actually my "rival", or the one who was most likely to get first place, instead of Mario, and Mario placed fourth.

This is interesting because if you intentionally lose at a point where if you don't get first, you get silver cup, you can actually change it so someone who has very little points can get first. That means you can cheese the final race by making it so that the one who was supposed to try to get first, does not.

If I actually discovered this, then this is a game changer for this 21 year old game.


Persona 3 is getting easier the more I advance in the game. I have literally defeated a shadow that appears on a full moon with little to no effort and after that I have climbed up tartarus and oblitared the shadows that were blocking me the access to the subsequent floors that helped me to level up. I'm level 40 now and no shadow can stand against me. The dog has been of great help since it has mudo and agi. It's never been so easy to level up because the minimum experience the shadows from these floors give you after you beat them is 200 which is a lot.


Even in the hard difficulty Persona 3 and 4 are pretty easy if you don't fuck up your fusions, I did have some trouble with the final boss of P3 but it didn't take more than 2 or 3 tries.


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Do you guys like Casinos in videogames?

I've been playing with the slot machines in Dragon Quest V for a couple of days now, gotta get those weapons.


>if you don't fuck up your fusions
I never learnt how to fuse personas and just days ago I found that there's actually a guide in the manual but I've never read it. What I did read was Igor instructions in how to fuse personas but he doesn't say much so it was all a mistery to me.


I guess they expect you to come from previous Shin Megami Tensei games with experience fusing demons, don't remember reading any guides, just used common sense (like fusing a monster for healing, other with insta-death, other with physical damage and immunities, and so on)


SMT/Persona games are only as difficult as how much time you're willing to put into fusing. It feels hardly any different from grinding to me, except you have to put slightly more thought into it. It's the main reason those games bore me once I realized that.


So you realized that Persona and SMT games are boring the moment you learnt how to properly play them? Now that's weird. That'd make the game fun and somwehat easy, but not boring because there's still work to do so you can see how the story develops.


They became boring to me because after that point they felt like glorified versions of pokemon. Make sure you party can't get their weakness exploited while being able to exploit the enemies.

>see how the story develops

The story in these games are lackluster.


It's their own way of grinding, I guess. I don't mind grinding and I like the lore of the demons so I can spend hours in those games without really advancing the plot, so they don't bore me but I can see how they would be boring for someone else.
I specially loved messing around with demons in SMT: Strange Journey since you can generate a code for each demon and use it in subsequent playthroughs, I had a few good ones saved somewhere.


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I wonder if Togepi will evolve by just leveling up? I remember in pokemon crystal having to do some shit to make togepi evolve, but it doesn't come to mind since it's been so long.


I'm pretty sure it evolves based on how friendly it is to you. Just travel around and fight battles with it.


Just remember not to let it faint.


I'm using exp. share on togepi. There's an app on my pokewatch that says what pokemons love me the most?, Empoleon gives me two hearts when I click on him, and togepi only one. I guess it's a matter of time for him to evolve then.



Don't remember the specifics on friendship, but if you're playing DPP then you should try giving it massages and feeding it friendship raising berries if you aren't already.


Give it items, don't let it faint in battle and battle with it and it's friendship will go up. When it's maxed it will evolve the next time it levels up.

I've been doing a Sacred Gold all bug team play through over the last month or so. I just got to Kanto's poison gym and beat it. My team so far is.


The game changes some typing like Masquerain is Water/Bug so I have a team which covers most weaknesses to do neutral damage. I plan to beat Red with it since I've always wanted to do a full Bug play through.

It's been fun and I'm glad I've done it although I'm not sure if it's the best way to play the game. Even with every pokemon catchable once you get your team sorted you have no reason to deal with random battles any more. In Kanto levels don't go up very much between gyms and your movesets are already decent. The only issue I've had is Masquerain hasn't learned any water moves and doesn't have any good TM ones. It wasn't until Misty that he got a water move at all. This is a pokemon issue in general and I still had lots of options I decided against. Bug catching content gave me a scyther, a pinsir and a heracross. All 3 would of made for a strong team but I only wanted to use one so I could fit in some favourites and lesser user ones. Volbeat was the biggest change since I needed it's electric typing which is only in this rom hack not natural.

The first couple of gyms were real slogs. Flying gym and bug types do not mix well. Aerial ace trashed me over and over and I had to heavily rely on Butterfree being over leveled to beat it. It one hit killed or it died was the flying gym in a nutshell.

Later gyms have been a challenge. I have to switch in and out and I'm often left with only 2 alive by the end of it and had to use revives and full restores to get there. Money isn't an issue (I think it may have glitched and given me 500 full heals but I may of misclicked so I don't know) but I'm choosing not to just spam them all day but have real battles.

I would recommend a single type play through for the challenge but maybe pick something like Water which has more access so you might be tempted to switch it up more than I have with Bug. Bug lacks a lot of late game options and legendaries you want to hunt.


IN that link you posted it says that two hearts means maximum friendship. I've only got two gym badges so I'm nowhere near that massage place.

Maybe some day I will play Sacred Gold, after beating Platinum I'm thinking of going for Black and after that Black version 2.


Black is really bad. Every town has plot that stops you progressing for five minutes. It's where Pokemon put story before gameplay and it suffers for it.

If you're going through all generations then pick the third edition and then the remake of that edition and play those. Don't forget the Gamecube games if your pc can emulate them.


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I couldn't take a stroll with togepi, apparently this pokemon is not consider cute, nevertheless, I gave her a bitter poffin that I made because apparently he likes that taste and it made him very happy, then I battled and it leveled up at level 30 I think. ON a similar note, does anyone remember how to make a Kadabra evolve? I think it wasn't possible by traditional methods.


You have to trade kadabra for it to evolve.


Monster Hunter World: I have gotten better but still suck so damn much… Large, agressive monsters like Diablos or Nergigante are particularily bothersome to me, and that's an understatement… also I'm kinda ashamed of relying on the vitality mantle and my palico so much


There's no shame in using the tools a game gives you.


Diablos isn't so bad if you use sonic bombs when he digs (doesn't work when enraged) and have earplugs. Otherwise, the lance/gunalance and chargeblade are the best weapons against it.


I haven't tried these weapons yet, they look pretty intimidating for a beginner, and I am already having a hard time with the great sword


The great sword is a great weapon, but you have to learn the ins and outs of the monster before you're using it at its full potential. The charge blade is difficult too since it arguably has the most complex moveset and pulling off guard points will take some practice of its own. The lance is a lot more forgiving when it comes to counters and is pretty safe since it attacks fast and its shield will block its most dangerous attacks. Gunlance is a slower lance that focuses more on big bursts of damage and partbreaking, so in hindsight not really good against it (unless you want to break its horns).

tl;dr lance isn't that hard to figure out and is a good counter to diablos.

Nergigante? I'm not really sure. My best bet against it was using the dual blades and just focusing on breaking its spikes before they turned black. If he does the flying dive attack, do the dive dodge (dodge when running away from the monster) if you didn't know already.


can I trade it and then trade it back?


In general yeah, but if you mean with NPCs they won't trade them back to you.


What's the best dungeon crawler?


I don't know about best, but the pokemon mystery dungeon games are alright. The King's Field series is also solid from what I've played of it. And there's always Ultima Underworld.


at which point Batman Arkham Asylum gets good? I'm trying to find Gordon and I don't find it so fun. I don't like that all the guards have the same model, and this also happns with the enemmies. WHy is that? Fuckin' bastards couldn't they have worked a bit more???


it gets fun when you drop it and start playing arkham city instead


I liked exploring, finding secrets and solving the Riddler's puzzles but it is pretty repetitive.
It's pretty much the same on a larger map.


Steam is cleaning up their act, while also allowing AO games.

There are some concerns but for now things are looking good.


So Gabe is embracing all the shovelware garbage flooding Steam? Not surprising.


i remember seeing this guy's videos linked before, always enjoyed them, also haven't used steam in a few months so that's interesting news


Oh boy, another crab crying about sjws who represents themselves with anime characters parroting the same shit from other crabs crying about sjws who in turn are pointing out the obvious. How insightful.


>while also allowing AO games
Tell me why this is a good thing. Cause why would you want what you fap to to show up in your library? And who pays for porn anyway? Is there some online porn game that you need steam for? Wouldn't it be better to get some shitty fap VNs from DLsite or just pirate them?


Or better yet, just look up the CGs on sadpanda.


based nintendo selling literal savestates


Steam is the primary PC market at this point. Rather than having to deal with Walmart and Valve crying about GTA being marked as AO and refusing to stock it Steam will not stock it. This means games can be more true to the original intention without risking being pulled from store shelves on the PC at least.

The porn shit is whatever. Valve were already selling that with patches on official websites.

And it's not even a good save state. It starts mid-attack animation.


I can't believe they're still milking people for these games. Also not doing a good job selling me on the new controllers - this gameplay is so bad, it looks like he's fighting the controller all the time to get anything done.


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where exactly do I need to touch Miku so she gets happy or playful?


Did you try her penis?


I can't move the camera to touch her down there. So no.


Literally the opposite, they are directly attacking the scams and shovelware. That is the cleaning up their act part I was talking about.
There is a lot more to AO games then porn. I am against censorship and want to play the uncut verson of what the maker intended.
If that means extreme violence or a nipple then that is what I signed up for and should have the right to play as a adult. I mean look at what they had to do to manhunt 2 to get a M rating for example. Or how hatred was banned until they got backlash from people who actually pay for games rather then outsiders who don't spend money on the platform to begin with.
Now creators can just focus on their vision no matter how controversial or "edgy" it might be rather then worry about the chilling effect of a AO meaning they will never reach a audience or be profitable.


Currently playing the newest tomb raider. I like that Lara gets dirty, but it is ridiculously inconcistent. She would be clean one second, fall into a mud puddle and gets caked with mud. The person next do her does the same thing and comes out clean.

Then like 5 minutes later Lara is mysteriously 100% clean. What the fuck, man. There is also no in between, she is either caked in mud from head to toe or is sparkling clean.


Most games are still gonna evade that AO rating like the plague cause it torpedoes any chance at the game being multiplat due to physical stores still virtually embargoing it. Not to mention that AO doesn't even get assigned for exposed nipple or gore anymore. Even hatred didn't get an AO rating AFAIK, people just attacked it for being offensive. The rating system didn't come into play.


Last I checked the pc version is rated AO.


Can you show me where you found that? Cause I googled it before I posted to make sure but couldn't find anything.


Just googled it now and it is indeed rated AO.



I like how Lara looks older in this game. In the alst Tomb Raider she looked like some young college kid, now she looks like a succubus in her mid to late 20s. A lot of games don't get aging of adult characters right, but they seem to be right on track with Lara.


It is on the first page.
For example metacritic list the esrb rating of it.
Work on your good skills mate.



Have you tried patting her head? Have you tried rubbing her cheeks? Have you tried groping her breasts? Have you tried molesting her?



Head patting works.

average wizard btw



> Cause I googled it before I posted to make sure but couldn't find anything.

Stop lying. This was the first result I got.


What game is this? I know it's miku but name the game


Hatsune Miku Project Diva F.


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here are some pictures i took


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part 2


Still playing shadow of the tomb raider. I really like how they toned down the survival bits of the last game and focused a bit more on exploration. Then again my save game says I am only about 30% complete so there may just be another bullshit ultra open area waiting for me in the future. I do tend to like tomb raider games a lot early on. The end of the games focus heavily on combat, which I really hate. I hope this game allows me to stealth my way through until the end.



Tomb raider virgin

-focused on "exploration" because he can't find a reason to survive
-Doesn't like combat because can't he can't look monsters in the eyes
-Tries to sneak around monsters because he's even afraid of people

Tomb raider CHAD

-Heads face on into monsters because he isn't afraid of anything
-actively looks for monsters
-strolls gallantly through the tombs, ready to fuck up monsters


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